HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-14-2016 Minutes Public HearingL L E JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO, 93 ':5'&1 10th .5'LICCe.SS IV,- De gY12 " 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401 (208) 525-4400 Fax (208) 529-0104 ci www.d93schools.org Dr. Charles J. Shackett, Superintendent Marjean McConnell, Deputy Superintendent Scott Woolstenhulme, Assistant Superintendent Public Hearing September 14, 2016 4;00 PM District Board Room I. Call to Order Chairman McBride called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. He welcomed District Administration and the Founders of River Valley Charter School to the Hearing and reminded those who wished to speak during Public Input to sign in, chose one spokesperson, and give any written materials to the Board Clerk. Those in attendance were Superintendent Dr. Charles Shackett, Deputy Superintendent Marjean McConnell, Assistant Superintendent Scott Woolstenhulme, Chief Financial/Operations Officer Guy Wangsgard, Director of Curriculum & Instruction Michaelena Hix, Director of Maintenance & Operations John Pymm, Director of Safe Schools & Technology Gordon Howard, Community Relations and Communications Phil �ampbell, Director of Elementary:Special Education and Federal Programs Rex Miller, Director of Second ary:�pecia] Education and Federal Programs Julian Duffey, Hillcrest High School Principal Doug McLaren, Bon*'lie High School Principal Heath Jackson, River Valley Chart School Founders Brent Whiting, Joan Payne, Travis Jensen, Kris Stephens, and Chalae Maughan, and Board Clerk Mary Hansen. Il, Roll Call Brian McBride present Paul Jenkins present Amy Landers present Jeff Bird present Greg Calder present III. Adopt Aaenda Chairman McBride asked for a motion to approve the agenda. MOTION: Amy Landers made the motion to approve the Agenda, Greg Calder seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Motion was carried. IV. Public Hearina Chairman McBride explained that the Hearing today will be to discuss the provisions of the River Valley Charter School (RVCS) and the findings of the District Administration Review Team as it pertains to RVCS petition. He stated that no decision will be made at this Hearing. The Board will make its decision at the Regular Meeting to be held tonight at 7:00 p.m. in the District Board room. A. District 93 Administration Presentation of Charter Petition Findings Discussion of the timeline, assignments and review findings for the River Valley Charter School Petition was led by Deputy Superintendent Marjean McConnell and Assistant Superintendent Scott Woolstenhulme, The district review committee members used the Petition Evaluation Rubric, provided by the State Public Charter School Commission, to calculate their findings for each tab section of the petition. Areas of concern were indicated on the rubric for further discussion. RVCS Founders stated their interest in forming a charter was to provide a project -based learning program as an alternative academic choice for students who struggle with traditional instruction. Their school would include grades 6-12. District review team suggested RVCS to Board of Trustees Brian McBride 'i Paul Jenkins Amy Landers Jeff Bird ,' Greg Calder define curriculum, course selection, gifted and talented programs, ELL programs, Special Education budget, parental involvement, governance structure, school counselors, termination, etc. V. Public Input Other than the petition discussion, there was no other public input. Brent Whiting expressed his appreciation for the time and effort the district administrative review team spent on their behalf. Chairman McBride restated that the decision from the board will be decided on at tonight's regular meeting. VI. Adiournment Chairman McBride asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:29 p.m. MOTION: Paul Jenkins made the motion to adjourn. Jeff Bird seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Motion was carried. APPROVED: `Chairman ATTESTED:/V- Clerk Data' Ti Vision and Mission Statement of the proposed charterschool. 1. Clear, focused and compelling purpose for the school 3 -Meets Marjean 2. Focus on educational outputs 3 -Meets Marjean Legal status of the charter school: including Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the non-profit corporation. Electorate petitions and validation of signatures. 1. Legal status of the school is clearly explained. 3 -Meets Marjean 2. Articles of incorporation & bylaws are included as appendix. 3 -Meets Marjean 3. Elector petition & proof of elector qualifications. 3 -Meets Marjean 4. Documentation of application for non-profit status. 3 -Meets Marjean Written Proposal Strengths: Concerns and Questions: Meeting and/or Interview Strengths: Concerns and Questions: Legal Status is included in Tab 2 of the petitio 3 -Meets Marjean 3 -Meets • • • • • • • - Information regarding the proposed operation and potential effects of the public Lala Ler school. 1. Clearly 2. Potential effects of the school address the impact of the school on local and neighboring school districts, as well as the community. 1 -Does not meet 1 -Does not meet Describe the proposed location of the school. Also provide the specific attendance area of the attendance area uses boundaries other than school district or county boundaries the attendance area and a map showing the boundary. 1. Proposed location located witnin aistrict bounaanes. Attendance area is clearly 2 -Partially meets 3 -Meets Scott ITab 2 does not contain this information Scott Tab 2 does not contain this information The street address appears to be within district boundaries, but the building matching the address is currently in use as a welding shop. If this is an accurate address significant improvements would be necessary prior to use as a school. There does not appear to be Scott any play ground or grass for student use. Attendance area is defined as D93 Scott boundaries with open enrollment ou iin a ana aescr bea. Descry a the proposed operation and potential effects'of the school including facilities to be utilized by the public charter school. 1. A description of the school facility is provided and includes Detail is sufficient detail 1 -Does not meet Scott insufficient 2. The school budget reflects reasonable costs associated with the development and operation of the school 1 -Does not meet Scott Tab 2 does not contain budget information The address listed for the location of the school is currently being used as a welding shop. Significant modifications would be necessary to prepare the site as an appropriate location for students. If in fact the site is another of the many buildings in this general location it would still lack any area for student play or outside recess. population. There is no mention of emergency lighting, fire alarm system, or 3. The location for the school is appropriate based on need and the other safety systems such as single point targeted student population. 2 -Partially meets Scott access or surveillance. 4. The school has presented a reasonable and appropriate timeline for Tab 2 does not contain a timeline for completion of the school facility 1 -Does not meet Scott proposed completion of the facility The application states that the facility will meet the necessary codes, but no assurances are specifically provided. Describe the proposed operation and potential effects of the school including the manner in which administrative services of the school are to be provided. 1. Administrative services are clearly addressed and appropriate for the school size. 1 -Does not meet 2. Costs of administrative services included in budget and are adequate for school size. Describe the potential civil liability effects upon the school and its chartering entity. 1. Potential civil liability effects on the school and authorizer are clearly addressed. Scott 2 -Partially meets John Public charter schools shall secure insurance for liability and property loss. Petition includes a Omissions insurance is not 1. The school has provided a complete list of the types of insurance for which the school will contract and the coverage meets applicable insurance requirements. 2 -Partially meets John 2. The school budget reflects reasonable assumptions for insurance coverage. 3 -Meets Guy Evaluator Comments and Questions ProposalWritten Strengths: Administrative services for a high school are not clearly defined (number of principals, secretaries/registrars, counselors, SROs, custodial, librarian, book keeper, are not defined) General liability, property,errors and ommissions are all addrressed in the application, as well as the intention to hold harmless the authorizer, however there is only a vague reference to limits and no mention of deductibles etc... The list of insurance coverage does include the appropriate or required policies, and a promise to provide a list of all other types and amounts, however details regarding limits, deductibles, and amounts is absent from the application. Concerns and Questions: What is the proposed facility? How many square feet? How many classrooms? How many restrooms? PE facilities? Office facilities? Theater/ music facilities? Safety plan? Play Grou Meeting and/or Interview Strengths: Concerns and Questions: 2 -Partially meets Scott 2 -Partially meets Tab 3: Educational Program and School GoalsRanking Reviewed by Comment Descriibe what is means to be an "educated person" in the 21st century. 1. Description of "educated person" included and tied to school's educational philosophy and instructional model. 3 -Meets Michaelena Describe the school's educational program and goals. Include how each of the education thoroughness standards as defined in Idaho Code Section 33-1612 shall be fulfilled. 1. Description of educational program directly relates to the vision and mission of the school. 3 -Meets Michaelena Includes brief description of instructional 2. Description of educational program includes instructional practices and character education curriculum, practices and curriculum. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena but lacks explanation of academic curriclum Describe how the goals will be measured and the related data that will be collected. Note: The school's goals can relate to any aspect of the operation of the school, implementation of the educational program, or student expectations. 1. The school has an appropriate and manageable number of SMART goals that Specified goals are not specific, measurable, reflect high expectations. 1 -Does not meet Scott or timebound. 2. There is alignment of goals with the mission and vision of the school. 3 -Meets Scott 3. The stated objectives and strategies are aligned to the goals, and the selected objectives and strategies are tied to research Objectives and strategies do not provide and proven to be effective. 2 -Partially meets Scott supporting research base. 4. The data collection plan is Data collection plan does not provide included for both academic sufficient detail on how the data will be and nonacademic goals. 2 -Partially meets Scott collected. 5. The school has clearly described a plan to monitor progress toward meeting the goals of the school and the plan includes a description of how the school will make modifications based on Insufficient plan to monitor progress on data. 2 -Partially meets Scott goals. 6. The school has clearly described a plan to annually report results Tab 3 does not include a plan to annually of goals to all stakeholders and authorizer. 1 -Does not meet Scott report results of goals and authorizer Describe how each of the education thoroughness standards as defined in Idaho Code Section 33-1612 1. The petition explains how all eight of the education thoroughness standards will be fulfilled. Thoroughness standards are included but 2 -Partially meets Scott it is not clear how they will be fulfilled. mment 2. Methods for fulfilling the Some objectives appear to be actual thoroughness standards are methods, but others are clearly not. Specific tied to the vision, mission, methods that clearly show how the and goals of the school. 2-Partially meets Scott thoroughness should be included. Explain how learning best occurs. 1. Explanation of how learning best occurs is included and relates to the vision, mission and educational program of the school. 3 -Meets Michaelena The school identifies quality instruction that is research -based and has been effective in meeting the 1. Instructional practices support the educational philosophy, are clearly articulated and demonstrate an effective school framework for the targeted student population. 2 -Partially meets Michaelena 2. The school's proposed instructional practices support and are aligned with the schools mission. 2 -Partially meets Michaelena 3. The school describes how instruction will be differentiated based on identified student needs. 2 -Partially meets Michaelena 4. Research on the instructional practices is included in the appendices. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena The school is proposing to use a clearly defined, research -based curriculum with the potential to raise the that is aligned to district and state standards. 1. The curriculum framework is presented and aligned with Instructional practices are insufficiently addressed. Does not effectively connect the proposed instructional practices with the school's mission. Insufficiently describes how instruction will be differentiated. Appendices do not include research on instructional practices. the school's stated mission Curriculum framework is not provided in Tab and goals. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena 3. 2. There is sufficient evidence that the chosen curriculum is aligned with state and district standards. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena Chosen curriculum is not provided in Tab 3. 3. A plan for a fully aligned curriculum is presented and provides the appropriate level of detail for the objectives, content and skills for each subject and for all grades the school will serve. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena Curriculum plan is not provided in Tab 3. ,Tab 3: Educational'Program and School Goalse. e. .. ' . mment 4. High school credit requirements and course descriptions are included and High school credit requirements and course clearly articulated. 1-Does not meet Michaelena descriptions are not provided in Tab 3. 5. Course offerings reflect an organized, cohesive curricular design. 6. Research on the chosen curriculum is included in the appendices. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena 1 -Does not meet Michaelena The school's organizational structure places a priority on implementing the chosen curriculum with fidelity 1. The school calendar and schedule both demonstrate compliance with statutory requirements for student contact hours, and are sufficient to ensure a viable curriculum. 1 -Does not meet Marjean 2. A description of the organizational structure of the school demonstrates enough support to fully implement the curriculum. 1 -Does not meet Marjean Describe the manner by which special education services will be provided to students who are eligible for Disabilities Education Act, including disciplinary 1. The school has a plan in place to meet all legal Course offerings are not provided in Tab 3. Appendices do not include research on chosen curriculum. School calendar and schedule are not provided in Tab 3. Organizational structure of the school is not included in Tab 3. requirements to identify Strategies for tiers of RTI have not been students with special needs, identified. Unable to locate if RVCS to include IDEA, FAPE, and understands the full responsibility to provide IEPs. Intervention strategies FAPE even for students expelled from their for the 3 tiers used in RTI programs. (Response to Intervention) Discipline procedures in Appendix L are not in are identified. 2 -Partially meets Julian compliance. 2. The school has a plan in place to identify and meet the needs of any Special Ed Evaluation team description is not complete. students who enroll at the Detailed description of curriculum is not school. 2 -Partially meets Julian provided. 3. The school has provided a plan to provide adequate staff to meet the needs of all students that includes a Plan is compliant though there are concerns licensed Special Ed teacher. 3 -Meets Julian about budget 4. The school identifies the need for ongoing monitoring this student group. 3 -Meets Julian monitoring through annual IEP process Unknown, the state average for special education students is 12%. Bonneville school district averages 10%. RVCS identifies that they expect to serve 25% of their population under IEPs. In 2013 our average additional expenditure per special eduction student was 5000.00. Based on projected enrollment the school at 25% special needs gives a population of 61 year one, 84 year two, and 103 year three. At D93 funding level that would be $305,000, $420,000, and $515,000 respectively. Given that number and the need for individualization of each plan the budget may not be sufficient to support such a large number of students with special needs. There are a number of variables regarding the individual needs of students (severity, academic need, related services 5. The budget reflects needed), but even reducing the funding allocation for resources, needs of the students by 50% or reducing the staffing, and training needed projected enrollment of student with to serve the needs of special disabilities still places an apparently uplanned populations. 2 -Partially meets Julian burden on the school budget. Unknown, the state average for special 6. Transportation plans for education students is 12%. Bonneville school special needs students is district averages 10%. RVCS identifies that addressed and appropriately they expect to serve 25% of their population budgeted for, even if under IEPs. Given that number and the need transportation is not for individualization of each plan the budget provided for general student may not be sufficient to support such a large population. 2 -Partially meets Julian number of students with special needs. 7. Research on interventions and chosen materials is Appendices do not include research on included in the appendices. 1 -Does not meet interventions and chosen materials. Describe the school's plan for working with parents who have students who are dually enrolled. Include the manner by which eligible students from the public charter school shall be allowed to participate in dual enrollment in non -charter schools within the same district as the public charter school, as provided for in Idaho Code Section 33-203(7). EdUcational,Frogram••Goals 1. Plans for working with parents of detailed and include communication with Plans for working with parents are not the non -charter school. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena included in Tab 3. 2. The student handbook includes the policy for dual enrollment clearly stated for parents to review. Not included in Tab 3, but is included in Appendix L. However the policy only vaguely describes the process to participate in dual 2 -Partially meets Michaelena enrollment. Describe the manner in which gifted and talented students will be served. 1. The school has a plan in place to identify and meet the needs of any Gifted and Talented students who enroll at the school. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena Tab 3 does not include a plan for GATE. 2. The school identifies the need for ongoing monitoring GT students 1 -Does not meet Michaelena Tab 3 does not include a plan for GATE. 3. The budget reflects allocation for resources, staffing, and training needed to serve the needs of GT Allocation for GT program is not specifically students. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena identified in the budget. Describe the manner in which Limited English Proficiency services will be provided. 1. The school has a plan in place to identify and meet the needs of any English Language Learners students who enroll at the school. 1 -Does not meet Julian Tab 3 does not include a plan for ELL students 2. The school identifies the need for ongoing monitoring LEP/ELL students. 1 -Does not meet Julian Tab 3 does not include a plan for ELL students 3. The budget reflects allocation for resources, staffing, and training needed to serve the needs of LEP/ELL LEP expenses are not specifically identified in students. 1 -Does not meet Julian the budget. Written Proposal Strengths: Tab 3: Educational Program and School Goals Ranking Reviewed by Comment Concerns and Questions: The 504 section of the document is not compliant with current guidelines. Meeting and/or Interview Strengths: Concerns and Questions: 2 -Partially meets Scott 1 -Does not meet Michaelena 1 -Does not meet Marjean 2 -Partially meets Julian 2 -Partially meets Tab 4: Measurable Standards, Accreditation and Accountability Ranking Reviewed by Comments Identify measureable student educational standards that describe the extent to which all students of skills and knowledge specified as goals in achievement. 1. The school has an appropriate and manageable number of measurable standards that reflect high expectations. 2 -Partially meets Michaelena Specific standards are not listed. Standards are vague and 2. There is alignment of standards with the mission and vision of the do not clearly tie to the school. 2 -Partially meets Michaelena school's mission. 3. The stated objectives and strategies are aligned to the standards, and the selected objectives and strategies are tied to research and Objectives and strategies are not identied in proven to be effective. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena Tab 4. 4. The measurable standards The measurable standards are appropriate for the vaguely relate to the target target population. 2 -Partially meets Michaelena population 5. The measurable standards meet the local school 90% attendance qualifier is below the state district and state standards. 2 -Partially meets Michaelena standard for all students. 6. The methods for measuring all students' progress for The methods to assess each students' each standard are progress are vague. No specific assessments explained. 2 -Partially meets Michaelena or methods are included in Tab 4. 7. A Student Information System (SIS) and data capabilities are described or the process for selecting them is described. The SIS and data will be used in conjunction with identified assessments that will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Tab 4 does not describe the process for academic program. 1 -Does not meet Scott selecting a SIS. 8. Research to support the school's evaluation process is included in the No apparent appendix for research appendices. 1 -Does not meet Michaelena supporting the evaluation process. ents 9. The school has clearly described a plan to monitor progress toward meeting the standards of the school and the plan includes a description of how the No plan to monitor progress toward meeting school will make standards are included. Some references to modifications based on the WISE tool, etc. are out of date with data. 1-Does not meet Michaelena current procedures. 10. The school has clearly described a plan to annually report standards to all stakeholders and authorizer. Tab 4 does not include a plan to report annual results to stakeholders and 1 -Does not meet Michaelena authorizer. Describe how the school's students will be tested with the same standardized tests as other Idaho 1. A preliminary list of assessments is provided. The assessment plan includes an anticipated schedule of frequency, and a plan to select additional assessments. The plan includes provisions for literacy State summative assessments are identified, testing, interventions, but proposal does not include plans for formative assessments, literacy assessments, formative assessments, and summative or end of course assessments. IELA has assessments. 2 -Partially meets Scott changed to WIDA. 2. Assessments will be chosen with curriculum, The assessment plan is not clear; it does not instruction, standards include alignment of internal assessments to and legal requirements 1 -Does not meet Scott state standards. 3. A plan is clearly defined for taking corrective action, with examples of Tab 4 does not identify a plan for taking interventions 1 -Does not meet Scott corrective action 4. Research on effectiveness of the selected assessments Research is not provided to and interventions is provided in the substantiate the selected appendices. 1 -Does not meet Scott assessments. Comments 5. The petition reflects a clear understanding of the testing requirements and impact to the instructional program and staff. 2 -Partially meets Scott 6. The budget reflects the cost of assessment and monitoring programs. $10/ student budget may be sufficient for either assessment or monitoring, but likely 2 -Partially meets Scott not both. Describe the plan for the middle level credit and advancement requirements. 1. The middle level credit plan is described in detail and aligns with the state requirements. 1 -Does not meet Scott This information is not included in Tab 4 2. The middle level credit requirements align with the mission, vision, goals, and educational program of the school. 1 -Does not meet Scott This information is not included in Tab 4 3. The plan addresses issues of student retention on class size and enrollment issues. 1 -Does not meet Scott This information is not included in Tab 4 4. The middle level credit requirements are included in the student handbook for Middle level credit review by parents and requirements are briefly students. 2 -Partially meets Scott described in the handbook Describe how the school will ensure that it shall be accredited as provided by rule of the Idaho State Board of Education. Note: If the school does not contain grades 9-12, skip this section. 1. The school demonstrates an understanding of the accreditation process. 3 -Meets I Marjean The school demonstrates a clear understanding of accountability laws, both state and federal, and has an outline of a plan if ever identified as an "in need of improvement" school. 1. The school demonstrates an understanding of state reporting and accountability. 2 -Partially meets Rex 2. The school has described a plan to meet state performance measures (achievement, growth, growth gaps, and postsecondary/ workforce if HS). 2 -Partially meets Rex 3. The school has clearly described a plan to meet Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). 2 -Partially meets Rex 4. The petition outlines a school improvement plan that demonstrates a clear understanding of the impact of being identified as "in need of improvement." 2 -Partially meets Rex 5. The budget reflects allocation for resources, staffing, and training needed Budget line items are identified but not to serve the needs of special sufficient to adquately address the costs of populations. 2 -Partially meets Guy serving the needs of special populations. Written Proposal Strengths: Concerns and Questions: Assessment plan needs to address expectations for LEA assessments that identifies both summative and formative evaluation. Meeting and/or Interview Strengths: i i i i Ranking1 comments Concerns and Questions: 1 -Does not meet Scott 2 -Partially meets Michaelena 2 -Partially meets Guy 3 -Meets Marjean 2 -Partially meets .ed by Comments Describe the governance structure of the school, including but not limited to, the person or entity that school. The board has a wide range of experienced board members with the capacity to oversee a successful 1. Board membership reflects diverse experiences and skills (such as education, management, financial planning, law, and community outreach). 3 -Meets Marjean 2. A plan is in place to recruit board members with identified skill Application does not contain a plan to recruit sets. 1 -Does not meet Marjean board members. 3. Board member resumes are included in the petition. 3 -Meets Marjen Application does not include a statement 4. All board members will sign a Board Member Agreement. 1 -Does not meet Marjean about Board Member Agreements. There is a clear description of the initial transition to an official board, elections, removal, term limits, the decision process, and roles and powers of the board vs. the school's administrator. Adequate structures are in place to provide rigorous oversight and support. Note: this information may be included in the petition, Articles of Incorporation, or Bylaws. 1. There is a clear explanation of the initial transition to an official board. 3 -Meets Marjean 2. There is a clear explanation of the board election process, decision making process, or the board membership terms. 3 -Meets Marjean Legal Compliance with Open Meetings and Public Records laws, conflicts of interest, and grievance 1. There is a complete explanation of how the school plans to comply with Open Meetings Laws (agendas posted 24 hours in Tab 5 does not contain an explanation of how advance, quorums, executive session procedures, board meeting the school plans to comply with Open frequency and focus, etc.). 1 -Does not meet Marjean Meetings Laws. Responsibilities of the administrator are defined, but the Board's responsibilities, 1. Governance structure explanation of the school is clearly procedures, etc. are omitted from this explained. 2 -Partially meets Marjean section. 2. The explanation of the structure is supported by an organizational Supporting documents detailing the charter and the bylaws. 1 -Does not meet Marjean governance structure are not provided. Responsibilities of the administrator are 3. There is a clear description of the separation between the roles defined, but the Board's responsibilities, and responsibilities of the board and the roles and responsibilities of procedures, etc. are omitted from this the school's administrator. 2 -Partially meets Marjean section. 4. Legal accountability is defined, comprehensive and aligned with11-Does Tab 5 does not include a definition of the state laws. not meet Marjean school's legal accountability. The board has a wide range of experienced board members with the capacity to oversee a successful 1. Board membership reflects diverse experiences and skills (such as education, management, financial planning, law, and community outreach). 3 -Meets Marjean 2. A plan is in place to recruit board members with identified skill Application does not contain a plan to recruit sets. 1 -Does not meet Marjean board members. 3. Board member resumes are included in the petition. 3 -Meets Marjen Application does not include a statement 4. All board members will sign a Board Member Agreement. 1 -Does not meet Marjean about Board Member Agreements. There is a clear description of the initial transition to an official board, elections, removal, term limits, the decision process, and roles and powers of the board vs. the school's administrator. Adequate structures are in place to provide rigorous oversight and support. Note: this information may be included in the petition, Articles of Incorporation, or Bylaws. 1. There is a clear explanation of the initial transition to an official board. 3 -Meets Marjean 2. There is a clear explanation of the board election process, decision making process, or the board membership terms. 3 -Meets Marjean Legal Compliance with Open Meetings and Public Records laws, conflicts of interest, and grievance 1. There is a complete explanation of how the school plans to comply with Open Meetings Laws (agendas posted 24 hours in Tab 5 does not contain an explanation of how advance, quorums, executive session procedures, board meeting the school plans to comply with Open frequency and focus, etc.). 1 -Does not meet Marjean Meetings Laws. 1. 1YI.'ih.ulli�IY•. a1Yl Vl Y'11i11 III 0 J14UMYUL ' � .'W ' ornments Wil 2. There is a complete explanation of how the school plans to comply with Public Records Laws (meeting minutes, Tab 5 does not contain an explanation of how accessibility of school the school plans to comply with Public business documents, etc.). 1-Does not meet Marjean Records laws. 3. Conflict of Interest and complaint policies are included as attachments. 1 -Does not meet Marjean There is an ongoing and comprehensive plan for annual board trainings and evaluations that include 1. A comprehensive plan is in place for board training and continuous improvement that includes certification through the online board modules for all new board members. 1 -Does not meet Marjean 2. An annual self-evaluation of board function and effectiveness is in place. 1 -Does not meet Marjean 3. There is money in the budget and time allotted in the calendar to ensure board training for all new board members. 1 -Does not meet Marjean Describe the process to be followed by the school to ensure parental involvement. 1. The school demonstrates parent and community involvement in the concept for the school and the development of the school. 1 -Does not meet Rex 2. A clear plan is provided to ensure parental involvement in the governance of the school. 2 -Partially meets Rex 3. The school has clearly described the volunteer requirements and opportunities at the school. 1 -Does not meet Rex Neither a conflict of interest policy, nor a complaint policy is included as an attachment. No plan for board member training is evident in Tab 5. No plan for evaluating the board is evident in Tab 5. There is no evidence that funding or time are allocated to ensure board member training in Tab 5 or Appendices G -H. Not evident in Tab 5 Not evident in Tab 5; Parents may be involved but it is not ensured. Some volunteer opportunities are described, but it is not evident that volunteers play a significant role at the school. Describe the manner in which an annual audit of financial and programmatic operations of the public charter school will be conducted. 1. An independent financial audit will be conducted by a qualified CPA, with a statement included that the school will address any concerns. 12 -Partially meets Guy No evidence that concerns will be addressed 2. An independent programmatic audit will be conducted by the Idaho Charter School Network (ICSN) or other independent group with a statement included that the school will address any concerns. 1 -Does not meet Guy No mention is made of a programmatic audit 3. The school demonstrates a clear understanding of and compliance with the Financial Transparency requirements. 3 -Meets Guy 4. The school demonstrates an understanding of the requirements of the annual reporting to the authorizer. 3 -Meets Guy 5. The budget reflects the costs for the financial and programmatic audits. Written Proposal Strengths: Concerns and Questions: Meeting and/or Interview Strengths: Concerns and Questions: 2 -Partially meets Marjean 2 -Partially meets Guy 1 -Does not meet Rex .. Describe the qualifications to be met by individuals employed by the school. Instructional staff must be certified teachers pursuant to the rule of the State Board of Education. 1. Qualifications for teachers Specific course offerings are not identified, so are described. All teachers qualifications for teaching positions are will be certified. 2 -Partially meets Scott vague. Application states that all teachers will be 2. All teachers will be Highly highly qualified. No monitoring or tracking Qualified 3 -Meets Scott processes are described. 3. The administrator's qualifications are described, and a plan to hire the No process for hiring the administrator is administrator is described 2 -Partially meets Scott described. Include a provision that ensures all teachers and administrators will be on a written contract as certificate being held by such 1. The petition states all teachers and administrators will be on state approved contracts and that it is conditional upon the valid certification. 3 -Meets Scott Describe the transfer rights of any employee choosing to work in a charter school that is approved by this employee to return to any non -charter 1. Transfer rights of employees are clearly explained. Petition states that contracts are 'conditioned' on certification. No plan for tracking is identified. 3 -Meets Scott No transfer rights outside of RVCS Include a provision that ensures that the staff of the public charter school shall be considered a separate 1. The petition specifically states that staff will be a separate unit for collective bargaining. 3 -Meets Scott Include a provision that ensures all staff members will be enrolled in and covered by all of the following: Unemployment Insurance, Federal Social Security, Health Petition states RVCS will be a separate unit for collective bargaining. Some benefits are clearly identified, but others are vague. No mention of vision or 1. The required employee dental insurance; no mention of spouse or benefits are clearly family benefits; no mention of proposed outlined. 2 -Partially meets Scott carriers. 2. The budget reflects the All benefits are included in the budget, costs of all benefits. 3 -Meets Guy however the budget may not be sufficient. Describe the plan for evaluating teachers. Include the measures that will be used, the frequency of underperforming. 1. There is a clear process for evaluating teacher effectiveness and this will be tied to student academic performance. 1 -Does not meet Scott 2. The frequency of evaluations is included and follows Board Rules. 1 -Does not meet Scott 3. The plan for working with underperforming teachers is clearly detailed. 1 -Does not meet Scott 4. The evaluation plan includes clear links to implementing the curriculum with fidelity (through professional development and expected collaboration) and high expectations. 1 -Does not meet Scott Describe the plan to meet all of the requirements of IDAPA — Local District Evaluation Policy. 1. A detailed plan for meeting the requirements for the Local District Evaluation Policy is included. 2. The budget includes line items for the cost associated with evaluations; included related professional development. 1 -Does not meet Scott 1 -Does not meet Scott Describe the plan for evaluating administrators. Include the frequency of the evaluation, research the evaluation conducting the evaluations. 1. The plan for administrator Tab 6 does not include a plan for evaluating teachers. Tab 6 does not include a plan for evaluating teachers. Tab 6 does not include a plan for evaluating teachers. Tab 6 does not include a plan for evaluating teachers. Tab 6 does not include a plan for evaluating teachers. Tab 6 does not include a plan for evaluating teachers. evaluations is research Tab 6 does not include a plan for evaluating based and detailed. 1 -Does not meet Scott teachers. 2. The frequency of the evaluation and person responsible is included in Tab 6 does not include a plan for evaluating the plan 1 -Does not meet Scott teachers. Include a provision that ensures all employees of the school undergo a criminal history check. 1. Requirements and process for background checks is clearly explained. 2 -Partially meets Scott The school provides professional development that is based on evaluated teacher needs, that is aligned goals, and addresses any shortcomings in student Process is only briefly explained. Needs clarity on who, when, where, and how fingerprints will be collected and submitted. 1. Professional Development and programmatic changes will be determined based on thorough data -analysis, and a list of initial trainings Tab 6 does n of include a professional is provided. 1 -Does not meet Scott development plan. 2. Time is allotted in the calendar and schedule for ongoing PD, data -analysis Tab 6 does n of include a professional and collaborative planning. 1 -Does not meet Scott development plan. 3. The budget reflects funding estimates to support professional development Professional development is included in the plans. 2 -Partially meets Guy budget but appears to be insufficient. Written Proposal Strengths: Concerns and Questions: This tab does not contain the required elements for teacher evaluations, administrator evaluations, or professional development. Meeting and/or Interview Strengths: Concerns and Questions: i Reviewed by Comments 1 -Does not meet Scott 1 -Does not meet Ranking� Reviewed by lComments Describe admissions procedures; include a provision for over-enrollment and equitable selection operation. Include the enrollment capacity 1. The admissions procedures are clearly explained and include general timelines for the process. 3 -Meets Scott 2. The school has an overenrollment process that is in full compliance with state statute. 3 -Meets Scott 3. The school has provided a clear description of the enrollment process including criteria for enrollment decisions, withdrawals, and transfers. 2 -Partially meets Scott 4. The equitable selection (lottery) process includes only groups that are allowed in state law. The preferences groups are explained. 3 -Meets Scott 5. The enrollment capacity of the charter school is outlined for the first year and includes the total school capacity as well as grade level capacity. 3 -Meets Scott Describe how waiting lists will be developed and renewed annually. 1. The process for developing waiting lists is clearly outlined. 3 -Meets Scott 2. The process for renewing the waiting list is clearly described 3 -Meets Scott Describe the public school attendance alternative for students residing within the school district who 1. Public school alternatives are included and specific schools in the area are mentioned by name. 3 -Meets Scott Doug Nelson should review Withdrawals and transfers are not addressed Doug Nelson should review No explanation for capacity Waiting list is described for whole school, not by grade level Tabl- 40-missionsDisciplii4, Student Policies Describe the process by which citizens residing in the compact and contiguous attendance area of the charter school will be made aware of enrollment opportunities. 1. Process for making citizens aware of the enrollment opportunities are clearly defined and include specific timelines required by state law. Several methods for informing the public are included. 3 -Meets Scott 2. The school has engaged in specific strategies for communicating with at -risk families and families who might not be aware of the No specific strategies to communicate with school. 1 -Does not meet Scott at -risk families. Describe the school's plan for denial of attendance to any student who is or has been: An habitual truant, Incorrigible, Deemed by the board of trustees to be disruptive of school discipline or instructional effectiveness, Detrimental to the health and safety of the other students, or Expelled from any other school district or state. 1. The petition outlines the plan for denial of attendance for all of the reasons listed and is included in the student handbook. 3 -Meets Gordon Describe the school's disciplinary procedures, including the procedure by which students may be 1. The school's discipline procedures are clearly out lined. The school's climate is designed to minimize discipline issues, and include preventative actions for suspension and expulsion. 2 -Partially meets Gordon No re -enrollment procedures are outlined Describe the school's policy for contacting law enforcement and student's parents, legal guardians or custodian regarding a student reasonably suspected of using or being under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance. Include the plan for making the policy available to each student, parent, guardian or custodian. _• •• • 1 • •- '•i ew '• I. The policy for contacting law enforcement and parents realistic and implementable. The policy will be accessible for all patrons. 3-Meets Gordon Describe the procedures the school will follow to ensure the health and safety of students and staff. 1. The school climate is designed to ensure the health and safety of the students and staff. Specific procedures are detailed in the petition. 3 -Meets Gordon Describe the school's policy for a suicide prevention plan. 1. The petition includes the school's policy and plan for suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. Key staff roles are identified in the plan. 2 -Partially meets Gordon A preventionplan was not included Describe the school's policy for Internet access and use and provisions for parental permission related to student Internet use. 1. A realistic and enforceable policy regarding Internet access is described. Parent permission is addressed in the policy. Tab 7 does not include a policy for Internet access and use or provisins for parental 1 -Does not meet Scott permissions related to student Internet use. Include a student handbook that describes the school rules. Also include the procedure for ensuring a student's parent or guardian has access to the handbook. 1. A copy of the student handbook is included with the petition. The procedure for access to the handbook Student handbook was included, lacked is explained. 3 -Meets Gordon detail in some areas Written Proposal Strengths: Concerns and Questions: Meeting and/or Interview Strengths: Concerns and Questions: 2 -Partially meets Scott 2 -Partially meets A detailed business plan including: Business description 1. A clear well thought out business description is included and addresses the non-profit corporation and public school aspects of the business. 3 -Meets Guy A detailed business plan including: Marketing plan 1. A comprehensive marketing plan is included. 3 -Meets I Guy A detailed business plan including: Resumes of the directors of the nonprofit corporation and current board. Note: Information regarding board makeup is addressed in the Governance section. 1. Resumes are included the board of directors of the non-profit and the current board members. Not all of the non-profit board members' 2 -Partially meets Marjean resumes are included (Andrew Whitford) A detailed business plan including: School's financial plan, Start-up budget with assumptions form First year month -by -month cash flow form. based on valid assumptions, and enable the school's mission to be realized. The plan to develop financial policies or existing policies 1. Financial oversight plans or intent of policies are described are deficient or out of in the narrative, and show proper fiscal oversight. 2 -Partially meets Guy compliance. 2. An evaluation process is described for evaluating expenditures against needs and mission alignment, and making changes based on this analysis. 1 -Does not meet Guy There is no process for 3. The school provides a clear description of the spending decision evaluating hierarchy at the school, and a general description of the process. 1 -Does not meet Guy expenditures. 4. The budget is set up according to the basic IFARMS format. 3 -Meets Guy Some expenditures are unclear 5. Job qualifications and responsibilities for the business services Tab 8 does not contain job qualifications for office are listed in the narrative. 1 -Does not meet Guy the business services 6. A 3 -year balanced budget is included. 3 -Meets Guy Not included in Tab 8. Appendix G includes basic assumptions but little information as to w hat the assumptions are 7. Budget narrative explains basic assumptions, how those were based on. It cannot be determined from reliable sources, and what budget changes will be determined if the budget made if actual enrollment does not meet projections. 2 -Partially meets Guy balances. .. .. 8. Spending priorities align with the school's mission, curriculum, and plan for growth, and the budget clearly reflects the A limited budget narrative school plan described. 2-Partiaiiy meets Guy explanation is provided. The school has developed an inconsistent plan that includes plans to pursue 9. The school has developed a fundraising plan and strategies that some fundraising to meet identify specific grantors, fundraising groups and areas of support. 2 -Partially meets Guy their growth needs. 10. Projected growth is adequate to meet long range plans for the chosen school model, staffing and facility needs. 3 -Meets Guy Describe the school's proposal for transportation services. Note: The budget should reflect estimated 1. The school has provided a clear description of whether and how The school has provided a partial description student transportation needs will be provided or student needs will of whether and how student transportation be addressed. 2 -Partially meets Scott needs will be addressed. student food service needs will be provided or student needs will be The plan to address the transportation needs 2. The plan to address the transportation needs of students takes of students partially takes low-income low low-income low achieving students into consideration. 1 -Does not meet Scott achieving students into consideration. 3. The school budget reflects reasonable costs associated with Methods for determining eligibility are not implementing the schools plan to address student transportation Estimated transporation cost only covers 13 needs. 1 -Does not meet Scott miles per day (6.5 miles per session) Describe the school's proposal for a school lunch program, including how a determination of eligibility Written Proposal Strengths: The school has provided a partial description of whether and how student food service 1. The school has provided a clear description of whether and how needs will be addressed. Lacks sufficient student food service needs will be provided or student needs will be details to clearly show how the child nutrition addressed. 2 -Partially meets Scott program will be administered. 2. The plan to address the food service needs of students takes low- income low achieving students into consideration. Methods for Methods for determining eligibility are not determining eligibility are realistic and implementable. 2 -Partially meets Scott included. 3. The school budget reflects reasonable costs associated with The $15,000 estimated budget is not implementing the schools plan to address student food service sufficient to implement the plan to address needs. 1 -Does not meet Scott student food service needs. Written Proposal Strengths: Tab 8: Business plan, Transportation, School Lunch Ranking Reviewed by Comments Concerns and Questions: Meeting and/or Interview Strengths: Concerns and Questions: 2 -Partially meets Guy 2 -Partially meets Scott 2 -Partially meets Describe any potential or current business arrangements or partnerships with other schools, includes curriculum, special 1. A list of services that will be contracted out is listed. For key partnerships, a description of services to be provided is included. 2. Partnerships discussed in the petition with community organizations are included. Agreements and/or letters of support are provided. Limited information is provided as to what 2 -Partially meets Scott services will be purchased or contracted. [1] Petition states that no community 2 -Partially meets Scott partnerships are planned. Describe the school's plan for termination of the charter by the board of directors, to include: Identification of who is responsible for dissolution of the charter school; A description of how payment to creditors will be handled; A procedure for transferring all records of students with notice to parents of how to request a transfer of student records to a specific school; and A plan for the disposal of the public charter school's assets, including those purchased with Federal funds. A procedure for transferring personnel records to the employees. 1. Plan for termination is detailed and includes who is responsible for the dissolution. 3 -Meets Marjean 2. Payment for creditors is addressed and includes a list of priorities for payment — if Payment for creditors is generally addressed, allowed by law. 2 -Partially meets Marjean but priorities are not given. 3. Final financial audit No mention of th efinal financial audit is requirements are addressed 1 -Does not meet Marjean included. 4. Termination plans address long-term storage of records Lacks sufficient detail to explain how all to meet applicable laws. 2 -Partially meets Marjean records will be stored. 5. Student record notification and transfer is clearly addressed. 3 -Meets Marjean No clear process is established at the state 6. Plan for transferring level for this issue. You may consider placing personnel records is clearly files in sealed envelopes if they need to addressed. 3 -Meets Marjean return to employees. 7. Disposal of assets follow state and federal guidelines 3 -Meets Marjean Written Proposal Strengths: Concerns and Questions: Meeting and/or Interview Strengths: Concerns and Questions: