HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcKinsey Management Services, Inc.MCKINSEY MANACEMENT SERViCES′:NC. Deslgn - Build - ProJect & Conslructlon Monogemenl 40O Tapltlo Drlve Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 Phone l2OEf 681-6516 CONTRACT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ZU day of .-Jn uury+V , 2016, by and between McKinsey Management Service., Io", of iOO f-upit-ilEr3, la*,o Falls, ID 83401, hereinafter referred to as the "O\YNER'S REP RESENTATIVE', and Bonneville Joint School District #93, of 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, ID 83401, hereinafter called the *OIYNER". WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the mutual agreements and covenants herein set forth, it is hereby stipulated, promised and agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: I. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS The parties to this contract intend that the relation between them created by this contract is that the O\4/NER'S REPRESENTATIVE is the independent contractor of the OWNER and in no way an employee or agent of the OI4/NER. Nothing in this agreement shall constitute or be construed as a creation of parhrership orjoint venture between the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE ard the OIYNER. Further, no agent or employee of the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE shall be deemed to be the employee or agent of the OryNER. The OIINER shall have no control over the performance of this agreement by the OIINER'S REPRESENTATIVE, exceptto speciff the time and place of performance and the goals to be accomplished . OIVNER'S REPRESENTATIVE shall determine how to accomplish the goals. None of the benefits of employment provided by the OWNERIo its employees, including, but not limited to, worker's compensation and unemployment insurance, are available from the OIVNERto OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE or any of its employees or agents. The OWNER'S REPRESENTATIZE shall assume full responsibility for payment ofall federal, state, and local taxes or contributions imposed or required with respect to the OIYNER'S REPRESENTATIZE S employees engaged in the performance of the agreement. The OIINER'S REPRESENTATIIIE will solely and entirely be responsible for his acts and for the acts of the OIYNER'S REPRESENTATIVE'S agents, employees and subcontractors during the performance of this contract. T\e OIINER'S REPRESENTATIVE has ro authority to enter into contracts or agreements, or to incur any expenses, obligations, or liabilities, on behalf of OILNER. PAGE-1 MCKiNSEY MANACEMENT SERV:CES,iNC. Deslgn - Bulld - ProJecl & Conslrucllon Monogement I THE WORK OF THIS CONTRACT The OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE agrees to perform Owner's Representative services in connection with the design and construction ofthe New Bonneville Joint School District #93 High School project, as required by the Contract Documents. The work scope to be performed includes, but is not limited to, the following: e Coordination and problem resolution of design work with architects, engineers, and OWNER. o Constant monitoring of budget and schedule with updates to the OWNER. o Coordination of construction documents, bid schedule and evaluations of same, with architects, engineers , ar:,d, OllNER. o Coordination ofbuilding permits issuance. . Coordination and problem resolution of construction activities with architect, engineers, inspection agencies, general contractor, subcontractors, and' O IV N E R. o Coordination ofdesign and construction meetings on behalf of the OWNER and regularly update the OIVNER with information received at those meetings. o Coordination of project completion and tumover to OWNER. III. TIⅣIE OF COPlⅣIENCEMENT ne wsrk tO be perfo.1lled under this Contract shall conlmcncc on the date ofthis Agreement,as flrst wntten abovc,unless a difLrent date is stated below by thc O″りヽER IV. COMPENSAT10N neο ″wER agrecsto pay to thc O″ⅣER S REPRES夕 ヽ1ル 4爾 /E for the duties perfo.11led under this Agreement a fee notto exceed S385.000 v. PROGRESS PAYMENTS Invoices fot the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE'S fee shall be submitted monthly to the OlyNER. The invoices will be based on a mutually agreed upon schedule ofpayments. Payment will be made within 30 days of receipt of a properly formed invoice for services rendered. PAGE-2 MCK:NSEY MANACEMENT SERViCES,:NC. Design - Bulld - Projecl & Conslrucllon Monogemenl The acceptance ofeach monthly payment shall constitute a waiver ofall claims by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE except those previously made in writing and identified by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIZE as unsettled at the time of the Final Payment request. vI. ENUMERATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The Contract Documents, except for Modifications issued after execution of this Agreement, are enumerated as follows: o This Agreement betweenthe OWNER and OIINER'S REPRESENTATIVE. o The Agreements between the OIINER and the DESIGN PROFESSIONALS. o The Agreements between the OIYNER and lhe Clul/GC or GC. o Specifications and Drawings for the new HIGH SCHOOL project. vII. INDEMNIFICATION The OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE agrees to indemnifr and hold the OIVNER harmless from any liability, loss, claims, actions, or damages based upon or arising out ofor in any way connected wilh the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIZE S performance of the contract or by conditions created thereby. vm. TERJVIINATION fu-Q , In the event of a breach by the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE of any of the provisions ofthis contract, or in the event of inattention, incompetency, or carelessness in the performance ofany particular job or work contracted for by this contract, or in the event that the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIIIE shall conduct the work in any manner as, in the sole discretion of the Board of Trustees, shall endanger the OIINER'S ptoperty or surrounding property, the OWNER shall have the right to terminate this contract immediately. Without Cause: Either party may, in its sole discretion, terminate this agreement by giving the other party written notice thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such termination. 2. PAGE‐ MCKiNSEY MANACEMENTSERⅥCES,:NC. Design - Bulld - Prolect & Construclion Monogemenl IX. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This document shall constitute the entire agreement between the parties. Any prior understanding or representation ofany kind preceding the date of this agreement shall not be binding upon either party except to the extent incorporated in this agreement. vronrrrtiuoxs Any modification ofthis agreement or additional obligation assumed by either party in corurection with this agreement shall be binding only ifevidenced in writing signed by each party or an authorized representative ofeach party. xr. INSURANCE The OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE shall procure and maintain workers' compensation insurance as required by Idaho law, and Commercial General Liability Insurance in the sum ofnot less than $1,000,000.00. T"he OIINER shall be listed as an "additional insured" under the OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE'S insurance policies. Certificates of insurance showing required coverage to be in force shall be filed with the OIYNER upon execution of this Agreement. PACE‐ MCKINSEY MANACEMENT SERV:CES,iNC. Design‐Bυ ∥d‐PrOleCI a cons,『uc∥on Managemeni IN WITNESS WIIEREOF,the said partics have cxecuted this agreemcnt the day and year flrst wntten abovc ATTEST: OWNER BONNEViLLE JOINT SCH00L D:STR:CT#93 ATTEST: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE MCK:NSEY MANACEMENT SERViCES,:NC PAGE‐