HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacific Mobile Structures Sales AgreementSales agreement #Q030585 Dalei 314122 Company: Bonneville Joint School District #93 3497 N Ammon Rd ldaho Falls, lD 8340'l John Pymm 208-569-0'1 18 Proiect Description: 28'x64' Site: Black Canyon Middle School 4949 E First St PACIFiC TTT.EIIESfiHNflTEI*I Kenna Draper Cell: Direct: 208.362.6090 TIPS Contract # 210202 ldaho Falls, lD 8340'l John Pymm 208-569-0118 Doubte Classroom - Dry (added stai0 TIPS $70,945.56 $128,466.25 $0.00 $4,668.37 $o.oo $5,128.54 $3,416.20 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $16,557.43 $3,246.14 $2,128.00 $1,555.85 $66,929.77 $12'l,'194.58 $o.oo $4,404.12 $0.00 $5,128.54 $170.81 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,620.22 $3,062.40 $2,128.00 $1,555.85 mods (Enlarge Building, add doors, : New 24x60 Modular Building wr' Buildout (see :4030 HS vinyl frame with blind credit C5136.78) ransportation (Mfg to site w/ pilots & permits) Steel Pier Foundation - lncluded with building cost PS: Block & Level ( Approx. 36" above grade) : Tie-down - Provide & lnstall (all surfaces except Engineering - Building/Foundation - lncluded w/ building Performance & Payment Bonds-NA lnternal TIPS Fee - (No Charge tc, Customer) lnternal PM Burden Fee - (No Charge to Customer) PS: ADA Aluminum switch-back ramp with landing TIPS: Additional landing (per SF) - Galv-Alum TMP over SF install labor cost for ramps and/or steps TIPS: Add step access to landing - Up to 13-100 13-100 '13-100 02-140 02-140 05-130 05-130 05-140 05-140 Sub Total Sales Tax $223,439.68 EXEMPT Total Due $223,439.68 The quotation is good for 30 days and is limited to availability of stock on hand. Please schedule as soon as possible to secure your plli"'ii""o ,iJrir,Jrii-r-.:.-#itnirr! o"ro* tq1qr.tor"r. nrmld b"lo* "grees to the conditions outlined in Pacific Mobile s Terms and Date Conditions. DescriptionItem No.Qtv Price Tax Total 'I 1 1 1 94 1 20 1 'l 1 1 I 1 1 1 1_ 7. 8. 11. ADDITIOI{AL TERIIS AND CONOITIONS AGEEEUEII The essence of the conrract sel forth on the rac€ pase orthis Agreement is$at Paciric Mobile Slructures, Inc. ("Selbr) agrees lo prcvide and deliverthe FIir,"a |noUi-t"lmoauUr ouilding(s)and related equipment (Propertyriand, in exchange, Buyer wil fumlllhe specined payment terms Sellerand Buyers signatures acknowledge the following terms and condilons have b€en reviewed and are also part of ihis Agr*ment EAIUEILEMICIMi Buyer agrees to indicate in wnmg (under the paymenl terms on th€ face page of this Agr€emenl) if Buyer's purchase is subiect to financing. e-6;;;-rees tlat."p,"""nting inlad taith or wilhout a reasonable basis that financing is fonhcoming from a third-parly is deemed a breach of lhis Agreemeni and will subject Buyer to the defautt d;use remedies set forth below. lf Euyer makes a good taith and reasonable representalion bul b un.ble to ultimately obtain third-parly financing suftcient to satsfy the paymant terms. Buyer agrees that Sellerhas lhe op6on to extend reasonable fin€ncing terms and Buyerwi be obligaied io enler into a retait instathenr contract and sign a securily agGement or other agreement as may be rquired for sellerto linance Buyels purchas€. OEFAULT ANO REUEDTES Buyer is in matedat default and breaches this contract if Buyen (1 ) fails or rcfuses to limely make the agEed upon paymentsi or, (2) d€lays rhe Seleis drtive'] or s€Ntces over 30 daysior(3) otheMis€fails to setisfy the Agreemenllerms and condnions. lf Buyer defaults, Seller may cancellhis contractiand/or repossess its pmpertyi and/or retain a portion ofany paymenis alEady made by Buyer, sufficienlto adequately compensate Sell€r for expens€s orlosses c€used by Buyelsdefault I Seit€r has canceled the conlrac-t, or Buyer has committed a material breach, lhen Buyer ca nnot ihereafier claim to be canceling the conlract and be entitted to a return otany payments atready made by Buyer unlil Seller has had a reasonaHe opportunity lo accountforand deductany damages (including c.sts incured up io the time of cancelation) owed from any payments akeady made by Buyer. lf Buyer has not made any paymenls or made payments lhat are insofiicieni to 6ver ell tosses, Se erwil take other cottecton action (including legal). ll reposs€ssion is necessary, Buyerwillbe liablefor allrepossession costs. SIIEC9 DIIIQIS Buyer/Owner is aware thai the delivery site must be dry, compacted level and accessible lor industry standard msneuvering by normal rnouitarnoauur m"r to*. tfthe site's condition reasonably prevents delivery. ihen lhe extra costs for eq uipment, labor and down trme to remedy lhe siluation are lhe Buyer/Owner's responsibility andwill be address€d bv change order. scHEDULE: DELAYS: TNCREASE tN pRtCE AND/OR TIME: STORAGE Delivery and any setup work will begin and b€ subslantially completed on the dates set forth on tt"tace pag. ol thi" "gr"ementand/or in an addendum modfying the dates. However, delays mayoccurduelo unforeseen circumstance beyond Seller's control, omissjo;s. Excusabte detays do not subject Seller to penatties ordamages. ln reasonable instanc€s, Sellermay modily the Contract price to reflect addilional incurred expenses and/or modify the Schedute to account for delays. lfBuyer delays delivery, a pro-rated montnly storage fee at a rale of $0.20 per square foot of each nmrwillbe assessed. tf sp6ce is unavaatabte, Buysr must either Aanspo( to an altemalive site or Sellerwilldo so unilaterally and pass tha expense to Buyer g4lgEs se er may add to or deduct trom the amounl of work covered by lhis Agreement, and any changes so made in ihe amount of work involved, or any other pans of this Agreemenr, stratt be by a written change order hereto setting forlh in detailthe changes involved and lne value lhereofwhich shall be muluElly agreed upon b€tween the Seller and the Buyer IAXES Buyer shal be solety responsibte forfiting the appropriate f€deral, state and local tax forms, and paying all such ta-xes or fees, including sales hxes, estimated taiei ano employment taxes, due with respect to Euvels purchase lnderthis Agreement IULESlD3lS[gEreiS ownershiptite ro the Prop€rty shallpass to Buyerwhen lhe purchase pdce is paid in full. However, Buyerassumes and bearslhe risk of pr.p"'ly t.ss |tte rnom""t tre Prop€rty is delivered to the Buyels site. lt is Buyeis responsibility lo arrange wilh Euyels insuance r€presentalive adequate a nd timely insurance coverage. Buyerwaives any daims against Seller relaling b nskor loss afterdelivery, even it Buye/s inslrance as notyet efiective. The sole exceplron to ihe above as that any loss caused by Sette/s operations during delivery and/or any agreed upon setup will b€ covered to the extenl itfalls within Seller's CGL insuranc€ policy [{DEiti||Ty. tt{suRAi{cE at{D wArvER oF suBRoGATlOl{ Buyer/Owner shall b€ responsible for obtaining and maintaining its own liability snd property insuranc6. Sdt"rrc""tactor rgr*" t" defend, indemnify and hold harmless Euyer/Owner from daimsfor bodily injury and property damage csused by Sellels neoligence. However, this indemnilic€tio; is contingent upon Setlels CGL insu rer providing coverage and is limited to lhe amounts paid by Selle/s CGL insurer. Buyer/Owner agrees to defend, indemnify and hotd hamtess Selter/Contractor and ats Subcontractors from daimsfor bodily injury and property damage caused by the negligence of Buye/Ownerand ils agenis. Buyer/Owner and Seller/Contractor wairc all non-truste€ rights against each olher for damages caused by risks covered by insurance. EAEEA!!!E!! U!94lt!jE_ell-r9!r:4!_8." Buyer is nol relying on any written, oral, implied or olher representations. statements or waranties by seller or any of otherwise, wath respect to the unitbeing purchased. its cunent condition, or its litness or suilabilrty for any particular use orpurpose. gEeuIEESglUlg! The parries shal first endeavor to s€tle disputes lhrough informal direct discussions. lf unsucc€ssful, any party may seNe a wntten Notice 6iail;;frr"" th"t expt;ins the dispute in derairand provides allsupporlrng eviden€iand appoints a senior representative to negotiate the Dispute on its behalf. Bu;er mu-st serve such Nolice to Se er's corporate offic€. lf unsuccesslul, lhe parlEs may seek non-binding mediation. Lasty, eilherpady may submitthe Dispute to lhe Americafl Arbilration Association for arbitranon ATTORNEY FEES: COLLECTTO FEES: L|M|TATIOI{ OF LIABILITY Seller/Contractor is enti[ed to recover r€asonable pre-iudgment and post iudgment interesl and fficUrredifBuyer/owneldelaUltsonpayments,Exceptlorcollectionarbitrationorlitigatjonactions.remediesshallbe limiled to direct out of pocket costs, unless noted otheMise herein. any;et-up. Buyer/Owner shallbe solelv liable and rcsponsible for anv ssfetv violation ordefciencv' GEIE&\! ThisAgreement (a) contains the enlire Agrcement belween the parties snd suF€rsedes any and all other documents or informEiion exchanged: (b) shall nol Gi-g n"d or tr"n-"t .rea in any manner by the Buyei wilhout the prior written con sent of the Seller/Conlraclori (c) may be modified only in a writjnq signed bv both [r," i"irri"io ,"i"t o-n tt" p.rformance oiany psrt(s) ol lhis Asreerrent, orto exercise any rights, shallnot be conslrued as a wa]ver or relinquish ment of such term. covenantor condition or right and, (0 if any partoiihis Agreement, its Addendum or other related documenls are found to be unenforceable. lhe remaining pa{s shallstill be an fultforce and effect. This Agrcement mry be execuled and delivered via facsimile or other elecironic means. with the same effect aslhe original 15. EgB.llrsEgjalEg$lE Notific.Uon ot a$lgnment of Rights , Relinqullhed Prop.rty You are her€by notified that Pacific Mobile sttuctures, lnc. has assisned to- F-""if" ir.bit" St "tr*" E,,"hange, LLC, as its q;altied intermediary, its rights, but nol its obligations, underlhis sale agre€ment with you for pumos€s ol efecting a Oefenea fite-ftna excnange und;r sectbn 103t ot th€ tntemat Reyenu€ Code of 1986, as amended, and the applic€ble regulations. This nolic€ is inEnded to complv with Ue requremsnts ot Treasury Regulalion SglRn 1 1031(kfl(gX4Xv)' rn Acceptance, tnitias (L) COPYRIGHT O 2016, PACIFIC I\JIOBILE STRUCTURES, INC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 6. 12. Bonneville School District 28'x64' Double Classroom - Dry (added stair) Pacific Mobile Structures, Inc (PMSI) rlPs contract # 210202 PACIFiC Bonneville School District PMSI is pleased to offer the following pricing in conjunction with our TIPS contract requirements' SCOPE OF WORK: Pricing is based on site being flat, level, and truck accessible. Ground compaction to be no less lhan 2000 PSF' All work is based on being performed concurrent with on'going school activities. All plumbing connections from bottom of floor ioist to serviGe connection are bY the customer. All electrical connections to the panel are by the customer. Low voltage systems are not included' All local permits that are required by local inspection agencies are the responsibility of the customer. Foundation is proposed as an above grade mobile pier and pad system with earth tiedown anchors and vinyl skirting. Oeviations from the stated conditions above and ,lor unusual site conditions will require revieYv for additional cost and/or special requirements. Ramp length on proposal is based on a typical installation on flat, level building pad. Minor adiustments may be required during installation due to site conditions and will be addressed via change order' Building pads with a slope of greater than 12" or greater than 30" to finish floor may incur additional costs. Prices quoted do not include sales tax. Payment terms will be based on a PMSI schedule of values. Progress payments will be billed accordingly. All building costs will be invoiced on the factory completion date as agreed upon between the client and PMSI (see below). Prices shown on proposal reflect the 2% TIPS member discount. 208-3626090 kenna.draper@pacificmobile 31412022 Page 1 Bonnevilte School District 28'x64'Double Glassroom - Dry (added stair) Pacific Mobile Structures, lnc (PMSI) PACIFIC TIPS Contract # 210202 DescriPtion TIPS Pricing Building 24x60 Mobile Office 4030 HS vinyl frame with blind Building Transport & lnstall Price per unit for up to 300 miles from the factory lnstall building onto foundation - 24'x60' Building Size Labor & materials - Each Seismic Tiedown Transport & lnstall Ramp ADA Aluminum switch-back ramp with landing - (2)6xB landings, 4x36 ramp, 42" tall guardrails Additional landing (per SF) - Galv-Alum TMP over 30" design Add step access to landing - Up to 4-steps SF install labor cost for ramps and/or steps Ramp TIPS Pricing Means Pricing Enlarge Building to 28'x64' and Add Client Requested Changes Means Pricing Descdption Total Estimate Totals Amount Takeoff Quantity 1.00 ea (6.00) ea 2.00 flr 'l .00 ea 20.00 ea 1.00 ea 48.00 sft 1.00 ea 304.00 sft Contract Price Grand Total Amount Totals 223.439.68 126,331.36 856.13 2,202.06 5,128.54 170.81 15,620.22 63.80 1,555.85 7.00 126,331 .36 (5,136.78) 't21,194.58 4,404.12 5,128.54 3,416.20 12,948.86 15,620.22 3,062.40 1,555.85 2,128.00 22,366.47 156,509.91 66,929.77 66,929.77 208-362 -6090 kenna.draper@pacificmobite 3t4t2022 Page 2 This dawing is ttE propety ol pacifq Mobile Slwtues, lN. ard my not be duplialed without apprcval. Actual tealures my vary d@ to available inwnloty. EEIIIUBET O Outrigger Chassis w/hitch O Comm. Carpet W4" vinyl base O Vinyl wrapped interior wall covering O 8'suspended ceiling O 2x4 troffer lights O Endwall HVAC w/ducted supply Plenum wall ducted return O LP SmartPanel siding Grey siding / Blue trim O Horizontal sliding windows TECEND { eaneteox ilporchLight OThemostat 3 DuplexOutlet St-igtrtSwitctt :Pem. lnterio.wll .*Temp. lnteriorEll KEmptydatabox 28'.)( 64' MOBILE CLASSROOM w M/.PACIFICMOBILE.COM / 800-2256539 Dra*by Deann This dnwing is the p@pefty of Pacific Mobile Structurcs, lnc. and may not be duplicated without apprcval. Actual featurcs may vary due to available inventory. Optional Skirting