HomeMy WebLinkAboutISBA Insurance Plan ICRMP 2022 Renewal Annual PremiumBonnerille Joint School District #93 2022 Pteneutal Annual Premium:s386,226. All coverage will be provided by ICRMP. ICP&P uses a composite rating model that does not accommodate detailed premium breakdowns. For purposes of your Tort I-e*ry,50% of the premium is allocated to liabiliq'. Thanli 1'ou for your continuing membership of the ISBA Iosurance Plan. c44tu Please authorize us to issue the Jtrly 1, 2022 policies by signing/dating this form and reruming it to us via email vicki@moreton.com ,*^,* 4fur/z'{2;az.- t'^,. t/' I i.-'*2- SBtLlol a..nr .t-irll.n ISBA lnsurance Plan Coverage Summary July 1, 2022toJuly 1,2023 Sedion V limit of indemnifiotion is 5500,00,000 po occunence and this limit h for all property covenges and all limits ofindemnification rombined for all public eduotion memben collectively. tnsuring Agreements ,**'i[o" cor'erage Basis Deduaible t. Euildingr, Strurtutet& Prop€rty, tiobile tquiPm€nt erd Artomobil€ Physi(.l0amag.: SuSLimits o.imPrcparationtr€r&trpenies $100,000 Percovetedoccurrente. :|!,Ijllz;|?1fffflflflflt Debd,Rem.rar ,:l,t$ffi,1iJ[ll percoveredotcurence. i:tr*'J:};fj;#:;,,;1,1" rarrhquake 162,500,000 **1;fl1fiXilfii1'J::llfl'il;lfiil;o11fi::arrPubti( ta'thquake:Thrnrn525'ooop€r Employe€/Volunteer Property 950,0@ Pera(ident. S ! .000.m0 P€r (oyered o((urrence and/or in the aggregat€ for multipl€ oc(umn(es ln this policy year. g,2,im,.m .'?J:H,tr1$1ff;H,fliIl',1ffi11iffifr;If" lffimlm#ffi, i62.5m.0m P.r Coycr.d- o(umnc andhr in thr Annual AggEg.t! all Publk *fl00d Typ! 2:It€ firn t25,000 Eduotion m€mle's daimr ombhed in thir poliqrear. p€I o((Umnc. tn dyenlntty omined ttems 52,500,000 Per cowred occunenc ani/oli?rtfi,iJrr;,ytt "t "nt* tin!Ars tlood Type 1' Rood lyp! 2.' ln(nar€d (0n of(onnrudion J10000,000 lardrcapo ltemr Per (o-ye€d o(amn(e, Ps oYered o(omn(e.!25,0m NavlyAquired PmFny tl0,0m,000n20dart Peroveted x<umnce. op€EtionalDirruption beeni€ $tm0,000 Per (overcd o(ofien(€ and lndudes rubllmiB u lin€d under ieading. ' oata B€norrtlon . [m ftp€nse . hpediting bryense . learehold lnterett PmfeJrional t€et Pmpertylnlnndt 51,000,000 Prote(lon & PreJorvatiofl ofPmperty $250,000 5eryi(e Animak $25,000 t50,000 P€r (overd o(urmc€ and lnduded In 5t0m,0m limit tl,0mr00 Per (0yercd o(uren(€ and lffluhd ln $5,0O,0m fimit t500,0m Per ovend occurmce and lnduded ln l5,0m,m fimh S1,0m,000 hrowred ocomn(€and Induded in 55,0O,0S limit $1,0m,000 P€r coY€rEd ortumn(e. Prop€rtJ lfl (oure of(onnrudion S5,0m,000 Per corered o<ommc Pet (oYered o((umn(€. Per @YeEd o(omn(e. Per covered o(currcn(e. t nmanned Ainrdft (0mnet) $50,000 Per overed orrumn(€. Valuall€ hpsi and Re@rd: 5I,00,000 Per toy€ad o<cumn(€. . oau figtoation R€lated tothl0ible (rm ffn Prr (over.d o((urcn(e and/or h the aggregafe tor muhlgle hpe6 and R€(ofi o((umn@s i0tih poliq yrat Auromobir.&Mobire:quipment 5r,000,000 ,f;jimffifiH###HJ*?H;trJt WalerA!$,er Eadop $1,0m,m0 P€r (orcEd o(umn(e ;a Section Vl limit of indemnification per occurrence is li(ed bel0w. tnsuring Agreements ,*"lilli$o" Cotr'erage Easis Deduaible 1. trnplort 0,Htm6t, 55fl),0m Pg ovuld o(nrrmc and h th. aggngat ftr dl diins.nnually 2. Los ldd. ffi l5m,m ftr overld ocurfic atd ln h! agglqat! for Jl dahB arlualt !.lrcs outide PEmb.! 55m,m0 &r cove(d o((umna and in lt€ aggregate fur dldaiflr arnually IIe firn 52,500 ofan, hr!.Ty#mr*n*r' i50,000 frffi*,T.ffifr."n0rb*€eds5{o,0orrh.assrusaie rnthi'sodion- 5. tutslhr tilot rylond ttmo Prowndocatmnce O:currence riability rruuring Agreernenrs lndemnification umit For f,tffiSt,|#[ coierdge Basis Auto Liabllltr section vlll l. tutorn06L lbUlit, tr,m,000 $,000,m Pcrovuld oarrncn(e. 2.lutomdlc llcrtketpryncnrs $tffi tlotAppliou. hd pcnon' srm,om tlot Al,liou' * *r. !. Unl$und / undcr lmurld llobtlsB 5m'000,ruJm tndud€dln.bove aTffi General Llablllt}ts Sectlon lX t,C.ncnllLb{it, 52,0m,m0 13,000,0m Per @n.!d ocum re - ...- r,-.-l - -r.;l -\ : t:- iL'l \ s€crron & rnsudng Ag,eements lndemiiricatioiaimit For trffiStt';}| coeage Basrs Enors & Omissions Li.bility- sectlon lx (Uru .dr (!utf.g. l. fnor and 0mlslom 52,m,0m __ $,m,m P€r(ow.d d.im. Employee BenefiB Liabillty- Section X o.lmr l$.dc CoItr.gc L Empbyee B.nelltr Uabllily t2,0m,000 51,0([,0m Per(oyereddrim. Employment Practices Llability - Section xl &tnt dlcoUlngc t. tmplolmmt Pndlnr tl.blllty 12,0m,0m S3,m,m0 Percownddaim. Serual MolestatlorvAbu3e Liability - Section Xll &!ns.dlomgr . _ l.!.xual.ll0l.n ti!n/ bur.llrbilit, 54m,000 _ S3,m,0m kr(o nddatm. Educator3 Llability- Sectlon xlll O.itltt d!6no9. '1. Edu6ro/r Li.biliq t 0m,0q, s!,000,m0 tu(owlddaim. ChemicalSpnlng Activiti$ Uability- Sectbn XV Odtt5t &6nagc hr onrcd dalm and/or ln dre l. (hemlol Spnring Adiviti.t Li.tilit, $5m,0m $500,00 aggregat! frr muftipl. datmr 2 Coverage Limits Aggregate Deductible Privicy 0r s€(udty Ey€nt liability and fupe e 5U8-ulltTS Privaq or 5€(ll rity Event tiability ln(luded lnduded Ih€fiIn 525,000 ot any loss Priva(y Respons€ [xpenJes negulatory Procedingr and Penaltiet PO{SS Ario!!menti fledroni( Equ ip ment, Electronic s250,000 Dah, and l,l€two lnlenuplion (oJtt Waiting HouR Period Cyter [rtortion beenses and Moni€t $0.000 fhb h a (orenge rummrr!, llot a hgal (onlt.(t. This tummary it provided to h€lp you underst.nd your insuran(e program. lt pr0yides only a gpneral der(iption of ofa l0$ specim€n (0pier 0fallp0li(iet aIe available (or review prior to the buildirg 0f (oYerage. lnduded : .. -.., lnsuring Agreements 1. A(identa I 0 i5charge of Pollutanlt Amendatory Endorement Coverage Basis and,/or Aggregat€ Per coYered o((urr€n(e and/or in the aggJegate for mulriple da im5. Lknit of lndemnification 5 r 10,000 Defense Cost Limit Notappli(able J500,000 Per (oveEd o(0mn(€ and Jubj€c Deductible Thefrrst t2,500olanylorj for Indor5ement ,1, Thefirn t2,500 ofany lors for[ndomment,9. The frst t2,500 ol any lor5 for[ndor!€ment t]1. 2. l{udear, ft emiol or Eiological Amendalory Eodorsement 55m,000 to afln ual aggregate. P€r (ovend dalm. ln the aggr€gitet0 t50,000 tur mu[ipl€ dalmr ard rubied to t100,000 annualaggregat€. 4.tttunE6nsuhiorfldmbun€m€dA,nendarDryh&rs€m€0t ,'rlffi ilotappll(abl€ llrtfi,ilr*t#ngiTffi:: to annual aggrqat!. _ 3. lniundive Reli€f Ammdatory E0do6€ment (TAIMS MADt COVTRIGT Retroadive Date: luly l, 2002 5. Students ln PndiomPlognm Endornmeal 6. lsBAfanidpating Pmviron [ndorszmert 7. Icrrodsm llability Amendatory Endorment E. Asbertos R€mrdiation Amendatory tndorseme 9, Adive Arsailanl An€ndatory [ndonement 10. [quipm€ni Brcakdonn fndon€mml 1. Spoilage 2,srrvie lniorruption 3. Budn$J lflterruption 4,8urlnlrr ln(om€ afld E ra Egens€ 5. Expediting Exp€nr€ 6. Hazadour 5ubrtan(€ 7. Ammonia Contaminrtion E, El€dronk Data and Mrdii 9. ([( Relrigerantt 10. (omputer Iquipment lndud€d in hr @vertd o(omtt. and51,000,m0 limito{ 12,000,000 in $e aggogte lor lndamninGflon multipl€o((urcn(rt l0 !9t ap{i(ibl€ - P.r poli(y p€riod-, P€, (ovsad o(umnc and/or inSim,mo t500,m th€aggngate tu mullidr d.imt rubj€d to annual aggr€gate. lnduded in Euldm thlur rffij;ilil;fi;il tlotappli(.ble Percoveredotcurnnre S25().mO ilotaDoliGble ftr (ur€nd orunm(e and,/or in the aggregrle fu muhipl€ o(ornnG s5m,m0 s2,s00,000 s5.m0,m0 9r,m0,00 s500.0m 5r,000,000 s500,m0 s1,m0,0m trm,000 $,0o,ooo llotapplicble forendonement Per rovered octu rcn<p for earh limit and rublimit ar lirted.Ihh Endorsemenf, limit of ind€m- nifiGtion k S100.m0,000 per orumneffiallmadinery breakdown (ov!Gg$ and alllimitt ot indemnifi Gtion (ombin€d for all publi( €duotion m€mbert (olledively. 11, Title lX lndependent lnvenigator Amrndator! [nd06ement P€r (oveEd Oim and $2tm in $€ mnual aggrlgite for multiple daimr $2,500 fhh lr I (ov.r.ge tumm.ry, ll0t. l.grl (ontn(t. Thit summaly h proyid€d to help you undertand ,our inrurin(e program. lt pr0yides only a g€nerat des(ription of ofa l0rr. spe(imen (opier ofall poltier are ayailatle for reyiety prior i0li€ building of (oyerage. 4 5o