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Special MeefingfWork Session of the Board of Trustees
Hiliview Elementary Media Center
February 26, 2014
11:30 AM
|. Call toOrder
Chairperson Winchester called the meeting to order o\11,7nm.
|i Roll CaU
Those Board members in attendance were Chairperson Annette Winchester, Vice-chairperson Kip Nelson, Treasurer Amy Landers, Trustee Brian
McBride, arid Trustee Jeff Bird. Others in attendance were Deputy Superintendent Ma*mo McConnell, Director of Operations Todd Hicks, Director of
School Improvement and Technology Scott Woolstenhulme, Director of Plant Facility/Purchasing Roger Hill, Director of Human Resources Shalene
French, Chief Financial/Operations OfficerApril Burton, Director Of Curriculum and Instruction Michaelena Hix, Energy Specialist Don TraUntvein, Director
o( Safe Schools John Pymm. and Board Clerk Valerie Messick
||i We|oominoofDe|nnawo and Visitors
s|isaSaffle introduced Nora Dee Jensen m the Board. She has been here for 4s years. Great teacher and says she is going to retire this year. She says
she is teaching "grand-students" and continues to have a positive impact on those who she has in her classroom. Others attending were Tammy
McCammon, Ronette Sorensen, Heather Christensen, Karla Harris, and Renee Cook
|V, Approve thvAuondv
Chairperson Winchester asked for o Motion m Approve the Agenda
mmTmw: Jeff Bird made the motion mapprove the agenda. Brian McBride seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Motion
V. Consent Calendar
A� Trip Requests
1� TCHS FIRST Robotics Team to travel to Salt Lake City, Utah to participate in the Utah Robotics Regional Competition March 12m March 15.
z. Smo STEM Project presentation Austin Texas March 2.2014 March 4.014
B. Alternate Route toGraduation
Chairperson Winchester asked if any Board member would like to remove any itern from the Consent Calendar to the regular agenda. Hearing none she
then asked i/ there would beo motion with regard to the Consent Calendar.
mVTNM: Amy Landers made the motion m approve the Consent Calendar. Kip Nelson seconded, The vote was oio favor with o opposed and O
abstentions. Motion passed
vL School Improvement Plans Scott Wo |manhu|me
Chairperson Winchester asked Mr. Non|omnhu|mempresent the Turnaround Plan and Wise Plan for Telford. M,. Wnv|vmnhu|ma stated that last month
the Board approved plans for Most ur Our schools. Mr, Pymm, principal at Telford, presented the improvement plan. Telford has received a I- Star Rating
m the past. This iv not deserved. Telford iv productive and .mkinggreat efforts m help students progress. Mr. Pymm will begin mqo|a, walk tkmu0ho.
Inservice will be based on these visits. They will continue to use behavior intervention as they have now, They are currently working with Grad Pointwith
the Students. Kathy Joyner works with students and provides interventions as needed. Our latest round of STAR testing shows all but one Of Our 91h grade
Students performing above average proficiency and growth. New placements dramatically impact STAR testing data. Mr, Pymm has a great respect for the
folks a\ Telford. Dr. S|mokoU talked to the state people who were aiTelford for the review and told them that alternative schools can't hn compared with
regular schools. With the Current rating system, the alternative schools throughout the State have suffered because o| the transient nature u(their
Population, The measuring stick needs to be with the individual growth of students to determine how we are doing. We have come a long way with Telford
in terms ofacademics. We are always concerned with the transition back into the regular school environment. Mr. Pymm has focused on instruction. Ho
has credibility because he has come from the high school level. The teachers are supportive of the school and the District. Telford's teachers have jumped
through a lot of hoops to be highly qualified and certified and they are committed to stay at the school. Once the kids feel good about themselves and are
ready m transition, they encounter another set ofproblems. We are focusing on developing common assessments, academic rigor, and curriculUrn SO it is
the same in each classroom. There is a good thing about being a I Star school, we can apply for a substantial grant that will allow us to do some
innovative things m make a difference for the kids atTelford.
Chairperson Winchester asked i/ any Board Member had any questions for Mr. Wn |omnhu|mon,m,.pymm.HeahnQovnv'ohethonaskedi(thommmu|d
beo motion with regard w the Telford Improvement Plans,
MOTION: Amy Landers made the motion to accept the Telford Plans as presented. Jeff Bird seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0
abstentions, Motion passed
VIL Items for Discussion
& PolicvAUoohonProcedures MarjemnMcConoa||
Chairperson Winchester asked Deputy Superintendent McConnell to discuss Policy Adoption Procedures, Mrs. McConnell stated that during negotiations
we wanted to keep management in the Board's hands. We have tried to establish a system for the BEA to review policy. When the BEA holds their
meetings. the policy is already in 30-day review and they haven't had time to review it, Policy in initial review typically only goes to the Board. Mrs.
McConnell requested that all policy revisions be Submitted for initial review and that those also be submitted to the BEA for review, Then we can get input
froin them before the policy is submitted for 30-day review. The current practice of submitting to 30-day after the Board has reviewed policy is notenough
time to work together. This Would give us a better process to get BEA input, The Board Would still make the final decision on the policy language. Itwill
make the process one month longer, Having the ability to talk about the policy and having BEA involvement will keep policy where it belongs and not in the
Master Agreement. We will go through 3000 Students and 2000 Instruction soon, 5000 Personnel will affect them and we want to have their input. So the
Board will approve policies for initial review, then vote for 30-day review, and then final adoption. Mrs, Messick Will Update the policy so it reflects this
change for the next regular ineeting, The more the teachers are aware of the policies the better,
Chairperson Winchester asked if any Board Member had any questions for Mrs, McConnell. Hearing none, she then moved on to the Updated Alternate
Route to Graduation Plan
B. Undamd Alternate Route to Graduation Plan GcouWuolomnhulmn
Chairperson Winchester asked Mr. Womstenhulmtodiscuss the updated Alternate Route mGraduation Plan, Mr, Woolstmnhulm reviewed the purpose
m the Alternate Route m Graduation, Kmm provide a route for students that are not able m pass parts of the |8ATA copy of the updated plan distributed
to Board members, The other tests that demonstrate proficiency amthoACTSA7STAR.etc. We want mgive every student every opportunity possible
m qualify for graduation. There i,a change io the first step. Mrs. Jennie Likes, counselor at Lincoln, is asking to include the COMPASS test. We have
documentation that shows its correlation m|SAT. Wv will also include the AoCUPLACsR test's sentence skills, reading, and math ao well ao the Compays
mudinUand ma�.wo will 'mnn|n�these »oomn�Nmesame level aowmuNbewquimd� pass Ne|�J. We�umoo|�opxko they did pass and
allow the other tests for the parts they didn't pass. Some parts we will be replacing with a Course or the senior paper, We are expecting a score of 75% or
higher. The final step m demonstrate competency ioif they have kept their GPA and attendance Lip. The benchmark isn't for college or career ready. It only
correlates m passing |SAJ scores. When asked how many students use the K te route m graduation, Mr. Woolstenhulme responded that th
about 5-10 from Bonneville and Hillcrest, There will be a higher number at Lincoln. The State Board put in the requirement to pass the ISAT to graduate.
Every district has an alternate graduation plan. This plan has a more academic focus. There was a question regarding how this plan compares with other
district's plans. Mr. Woolstenhulme hasn't looked at neighboring districts plans, He feels this plan is much better than the state plan, There was a question
regarding whether the options are listed in order of how they can be used. They were initially listed in alphabetical order. We will have to revise the plan to
match tip with SBAC in the future The ISAT is a low proficiency mark. Correlation to the SBAC will probably require a higher score on the alternate plan,
Chairperson Winchester asked if any Board Member had any questions for Mr. WoolstenhulmuHearing none, she then asked for e motion wapprove the
updated Alternate Ruutew Graduation Plan.
MOTION: Kip Nelson made the motion to approve the updated Alternate Route m Graduation Plan as presented. Brian McBride Seconded. The vote was
sm favor U opposed 0abstentions
C� Marketinn and Events Coordimmpmition—Shal*neFmnc`'Aprilown
Chairperson Winchester asked Dr. French and Mrs. Burton to discuss the Marketing and Events Coordinator position. We believe that we are not using Our
facilities to capacity and that we Could use these to add revenues into the District. There was a question regarding whether there iso staff member over
these facilities. There are staff members m the schools who act ao schedulers, They are not going out and seeking people to come in and use the facilities.
We see this as a way to bring in a revenue stream to offset playground equipment costs, pay to play, etc. so more kids can participate.
Sornekdeas for the person Would bem create acamp and then charge money for area kids and Our kids Could participate mareduced rate. We have sent
alot of club volleyball to Utah. Could we not beehost for something like that as well efor basketball? For the Technical Careers High School car show,
we could promote K and maybe bring in vendors. Maybe we could sponsor car races in the parking lots with firned runs. People pay to use the parking lot,
but there is no one selling anything. We could make some money with these events. Maybe we could promote the use of the baseball fields but, we Would
need m take care m them correctly, The staff are protective m the auditoriums. The Board is seeing the amount that m being cut for students and there in
concern about creating another position m this time. Maybe wo Could give Our Current people o stipend. These people are currently being for their time
but they are not promoting these activities. Mrs. Landers asked what the proposed salary for the position Would be, |tio proposed ao$44.oO0 for e pad-
time poniiioo,Thniotentivto start now and then in January 201si/ the program b not self-sustaining ii will bv cut. The hope b that hy June 205.itwould
be fully sustaining through the revenues generated, This will be an exempt position and is not a 20 hour job per se. It Would be a benefited position. The
person Would ho working the hours ao needed to accomplish the goal,
Mm, Landers has had multiple calls regarding this d position and had additional questions, Is there any commission connected with the position?
No that is not anticipated, We are looking for a proposal. There have been discussions with the candidate but there has been no discussion of commission.
We anticipate that the revenue stream will cover all costs, There is no plan in writing to see how the person plans to get to the revenue stream. Mr.
McBride wondered if new positions should be presented and voted on before the interview process. There was a question about what was listed aothe
qualifications and when the position was posted. It was posted in January and there were five interviews. There was a question about who made up the
interviewing committee. Dr. French, Mrs. McConnell, and Mr. Trauntvein narrowed it to two candidates. Dr. Shackett interviewed the finalists and offered
the position pending board approval. TbemwmoaqueotiunmgardinDmhatmoU*Neoaodidawthomnotnomctke.Both8na|iamhooboonpmmming
events previously. The ideas, initial plan, and vision nf where this Could go and revenues that could be brought in will be presented to the Board during the
regular meeting. One o( the finalists took o job somewhere else in the same field. When the person was offered the position, was there unity among the
committee? Yes wm believed that either candidate would boacceptable for this position. There was m question regarding whether the candidate has
accepted the position. Yes, pending Board approval. There was discussion regarding whether the candidate met all expectations of the former and current
job. This question was deemed a personnel issue and should be discussed in executive session, There was a discussion regarding when the position is to
start. Hopefully it will begin after the March 12�, Board Meeting, How would this position affect the person's current position? This is a part time position
and should not be a problem.
There was a question regarding whether it is protocol for the District to create a position and bring it to the Board for approval afterward. We will post arid
interview for an existing position and tile last step is the Board. Mrs. McConnell stated that it has been the past practice to discuss with Dr, Shackett new
positions and to determine whether there is a need, to create the new position, and not bring it to the Board in the beginning. Adding a step to have the
Board approve the position is not something we have done in the past. She is not Sure of the conversations with the Board regarding this position. Mrs.
Landers feels that any new position needs to come to the Board first before it is created. She feels that we need a policy with regard to this practice, Dr.
French stated that this is not a contracted position. It is very goal directed with a lot of checks along the way. Mr. WoolstenhUlrne stated that we need to be
careful with that type of policy.
we are continually creating positions as we have growth, The concern is with brand new positions. The Board doesn't want to run or micromanage the
District, The Board wasn't made aware before this position was advertised, The communication wasn't there, Uit were in policy, it would help the
mmmoniwtion issue and any issues with the candidates Mr, McBride stated that the process is backwards. Heiu concerned about paying more money
out when we are going for a $92 million bond. There was concern that the Board didn't know about this position but, the patrons knew. Mr. Nelson doesn't
like it when the patrons say we just rubber stamp the administrative recommendation, Mrs, Burton stated that they are available now meducate the Board
nn the position and hope m make n recommendation a{ the next meeting. Mrs. Landers requested that the administration create a policy and bring iihtile
March 12*meeting.
Dr. French reiterated that every candidate extended a position is pending Board approval, There was concern that the Board will be perceived as
disingenuous m the person and the situation puts the Board ioa tough position. Mr. Nelson wondered K the creation of this position would eliminate the
stipends that are already in place, The people are given a stipend because of the management position and this position would not illuminate any ofthose
Positions. Much of the scheduling falls to these individuals. This position doesn't replace the responsibility m manage our facilities. || Would bring additional
people in and the current manager Would still do the same thing. We will have to coordinate with each school to schedule the events. Schools have the first
priority io their facilities, There was equestion regarding whether this position was discussed with the current managers and whether they were given a
chance w apply. |\ was not presented tothem, Mrs. Landers wondered if the Board would ha asked w approve the candidate n, the position e/ the next
meeting, The Board could approve the person in the position. It would be placed on tile consent agenda for March 121h Regular Meeting. The intent is to
get the person approved for tile position. Mrs. Landers feels that the Board needs to address the position first. We don't want to get into micromanaging.
We will not place the candidate on consent calendar at the next meeting but we will address the position and the policy at the next meeting. In the next
month vr two, wo will move m the candidate. Mrs. McConnell asked the Board to please talk to the administration if they have questions regarding the
operation o/ the District. Mr. Wwo|otenhu|ma stated that the Board has statutory authority to hire and fire people. The Board needs either statutory authority
or policy to govern their actions, It was decided that Dr. Shackett needs to be part of this conversation at an upcoming work session
Chairperson Winchester asked Mrs. Messick to notice an Executive Session at 6:00 on March 5th and a Special Meeting in conjunction with tile Information
Meeting scheduled at 7:00 p.m. to discuss and possibly act on this new position and proposed property purchases,
Chairperson Winchester asked if any Board Member had additional questions for Dr. French or Mrs. Burton. Hearing none, she then moved oil to the Bond
D Bondoisc"sion - Apwemm
Chairperson Winchester asked Mrs. Burton mdiscuss the proposed Bond. Mrs. Burton discussed the FAQs. The first few questions will be the new posting
vn the nobsite.Me are adding information about the costs of Rigby and Madison on the nnbsKnNe have had questions about the additional We
have Put together a list of projects that the bond money Could be used for, Mr. McBride asked if the list was in priority order. He asked if it is possible to
change the bond amount at this point. The question on the ballot states Lip to $92 million and Lip to 30 years. He stated that we could maybe eliminate
some of the opposition if we don't ask for the maXiInUm. The idea that we are asking for whatever we can get is being disseminated. The resolution arid
ballot have been printed. We can't change the ballot at this point, We could decide not to sell all $92 million dollars depending on market conditions at that
time. We have included non-conSUrnable items oil the list, We have included an eight classroom addition to Woodland Hills and Iona and took those off
the plant facilities budget. We have Pulled textbooks from bond and placed thern in plant facilities, We are looking at what is lasting and durable. Network
infrastructure has also been included, We will move some of the more consumable items into plant facilities. That budget is $2.8 million each yearbutwe
have $7 million in requests. The plant facilities levy is voted oil every 10 years. Mrs. Hix has requested $1 million over a three year period forCUrricuIUM if
we put that in plant facility. Textbook companies have increased costs, You now get a printed copy and an online copy. We spent $123,000 last year for
textbooks for our increased enrollment, The social studies texts for the high schools are 1990 editions.
Chairperson Winchester wants to show the patrons what we have done and how we are taking care the facilities. We appreciate every dirne the patrons
have approved for vum use in behalf o[ Our Students, Wo have taken good care o( the facilities, There was a question regarding wnetho,thamiouny/hin8
else that we could pull and not sell the whole $92 million, It cornes down to the amount we have in plant facilities. Wo could increase the supplemental levy
m help. Ninety percent n| Our State funding goes toward salary and benefits. The Supplemental levy helps to offset the rising costs of doing business while
continuing to meet the academic needs of students, It helps cover general operating expenses, If we look at the list, we need the high school, middle
school, and bus garage. We have been plecemealing the roof at Sandcreek Out of plant facilities. We don't want to lose Our investment in that building. We
Purchased handicapped buses last year. Purchasing 84 passenger buses will save us money in that we can take only one bus into a neighborhood instead
of two. The reason the buildings are lasting is because we use plant facilities to maintain them. You will see the quality of our buildings go down if we have
to defer money from plant facilities for other projects. We take care of things when they go wrong. We don't use duct tape to fix things anymore. We want
to finish single point entries and we can increase our smaller elementaries capacities up to 700 students with no requirement to add administration, This
will give us more time before we need another elementary school. Northwest Accreditation used to require additional administrators when a school
enrollment got to a certain number. They do not have that requirement any longer. We need a traffic loop and network infrastructure. We want to make
sure special education needs are met in the secondary schools. We also need science labs and athletic facilities in the secondary schools. We want to
make this list available today if the Board approves. The list is in the order they could be completed not necessarily as what is most important. Therewas a
question regarding whether the list Would lock us in with our patrons. We should not call it a priority list, We need to explain to the patrons that the high
school and middle school are the top priority then the Board will determine other projects after the bids come in for the schools.
The proposed debt service and a graph showing current debt service shows how the money will be spent. The $10.25 increase will roll over to pay off the
next bonds, Hillcrest is paid off. There is a graph showing the payments for a 10 year bond repayment, The proposed structure is not unique or financial
trickery. It is what normally happens with municipal bonds. As You pay off older bonds, you use that money to pay off newer debt. There was also a page
showing historical information, including when bonds will pay off and what the tax levy rate has been. It shows the portion that goes to pay off different
levies. The levy rate has dropped and is now going up. There was also information regarding the levy equalization history. The equalization money comes
from the state out of lottery revenues to offset some costs related to interest on the bond.
Chairperson Winchester asked if any Board Member had additional questions for Mrs. Burton regarding the Bond. Hearing none, she their moved on to
Board Training
VIII. Board Training
Attendance at Open Forum Meetings - Annette Winchester
Chairperson Winchester asked for two Board Members to attend each of the following Informal Open Forum Meetings at the District Office.
Wednesday February 26, 2014 — 4:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Amy Landers and Annette Winchester
Thursday February 27, 2014 — 4:00 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Amy Landers, Brian McBride, or Kip Nelson
Thursday, March 6, 2014 — 4:00p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Jeff Bird and Annette Winchester
Chairperson Winchester then asked if any Board Member Would like to add agenda items to an upcoming meeting.
Call for Aaenda Items for Uocomina Meetinas
A. Public Information Meeting — Wednesday, March 5, 2014 — Sandcreek Middle School Cafeteria — 7:00 p,rm
B, Regular Meeting - Wednesday, March 12, 2014.7:00 p.m. Amy Landers would like to add Position Approval Policy
C, Regular Meeting - Wednesday, April 9, 2014 - 7:00 p,m.
D. Work Session with BHS Student Council - Wednesday, April 23, 2014 - Bonneville High School Media Center -11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
E. Work Session with LHS Student Council - Wednesday April 30, 2014 - Lincoln High School Multipurpose Room Stage -11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
F. Work Session with HHS Student Council - Wednesday May 7, 2014 - Hillcrest High School Media Center -11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
X Executive Session
Chairperson Winchester stated that the Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(b) To consider the
evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or
public school student and Idaho Code Section 67-2345 (1)(c) To conduct deliberations concerning labor negotiations or to acquire an interest in real
property which is not owned by a public agency,
Chairperson Winchester then asked for a motion to enter into Executive Session at 2:01 p.m.
MOTION: Kip Nelson made the motion to move into Executive Session for the reasons stated, Jeff Bird seconded. The roll call vote was:
Jeff Bird yes
Amy Landers yes
Brian McBride yes
Kip Nelson yes
Annette Winchester yes
XL Move Back into Open Meetinq
Chairperson Winchester asked for a motion to move back into Open Meeting at 2:56 p.m.
MOTION: Brian McBride made the motion to move back into open session. Kip Nelson seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0
abstentions Motion passed,
XIL Motions from Executive Session
Chairperson Winchester asked if there would be any motions from Executive Session. Hearing none, she asked for a motion to adjourn at 3:00 p.m.
XIII. Adiournment