HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-12-2014 Minutes_Regular_Meeting'
a4s7 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 834O1 p08 525-4400 Fax (208) 529-0104 www.d93schools.org
o�c^^m,)' .om'n.`^r|l,vepv'ru.pp:mrox~ /
Regular Meeting
February 12,2O14
7:00 PM
i Call mOrder
Chairperson Winchester called the meeting m order m/:01pm.
K Roll CaU
Those Board members in attendance were Chairperson Nelson, Treasurer Amy Landers, Trustee Brian
McBride, and Trustee Jeff Bird. Others in allendance were Deputy Superintendent Marjean McConnell, Director of Operations Todd Hicks, Director of
School Improvement and Technology |me. Community Relations Liaison Wendy Numan.oi of Plant Facility/Purchasing Roger Hill,
Director of Human Resources Shalene French, Principal Jason Lords, Chief Financial/Operations Officer April Burton, Director of Curriculum and
Instruction Michaelena Hix, Energy Specialist Don Trauntvein, Transportation Supervisor Karen Judy, Director of Elementary Special Education and the
Federal Programs Rex Miller, Director of Secondary Special Education and Federal Programs Julian Duffey, Principal Craig Miller, Computer Technician
Creighton Harris, Principal Ken Marlow, and Board Clerk Valerie Messick
111, Wmlcominq ofDelecrates and Visitors
Chairperson Winchester welcomed scouts asked them to identify themselves. They chose not to speak in front of the crowd that was there. Others in
allendance were Heidi Nelson, Spencer Nelson, Zack Nelson, Heather Duffey, Stephanie Gifford, Mrvick Friess, Jared Staker, Karmi Bodily, Mike Jarvis,
Jenny Anderson, Mike Anderson, Brad McKinsey, Becky Foster, Nonalee Turner, Greg Glover, Terry Turner, Steve DeMitrOPOL110S, Mickle Demitropoulos,
Joshua Scott, Elizabeth Scott, Trevor Pratt, Connie Hutchens, Natalie BUrtenshaw, John Burtenshaw, Kristen Judy, Sane Holden, Boyd Southwick, Heidi
Southwick, Sheri Brasier, Andy Hegsted, Jodie Huber, Jordan Huber Amanda Mickelsen, Heidi Roth, Holly Giglio, Jim Kiny, Sherrie Kiny, Randy Trane,
Renee Cook, Heather Weber, Amy Hales, Gene Minner, Diana Minner, Karen Anderson, Tyler Mills, Kelly Hoopes
IV. 8mend/Aoorove the Aaencla
Chairperson Winchester asked for a Motion mApprove the Agenda
MOTION Landers made the motion mapprove the agenda. Brian McBride seconded, The vote was 5mfavor with 0opposed and 0 abstentions.
Motion passed,
V. Consent Calendar
A. Minutes ofnmviousmeetinn
1. Special Meeting 01-08-2014
_ R—"'—_ng_ 5_4
3. Special Meeting 01-29-2014
B. AccnuntsPavaNv
c� Coniu| Construction Pmientsnenvx
D. CundkionalEmolo,ment
mami Allen
Hi|himw Elementary School
Playground Asst
Colton omen
Special Services Department
Robin Dv,terhmf
Transportation Department
Bus Driver
Brandy Garcia
Special Services Department
Stephanie Goodwin
Hi||vi*w Elementary School
Playground Asst
oomieuo Hanson
Rocky Mountain Middle School
Title One Para
Tina Johnson
Food Service Department
Part-Time Cook
Jamb Landon
Special Services Department
Anna|ono Maddox
Food Service Department
Part-Time Cook
Christine McCracken
Telford Academy
Classroom Aide
Amanda Miller
Falls Valley Elementary
ESL Para
Courtney monm
Discovery Elementary
Playground Asst
Farrah Ghomard
Summit Hills Elementary
Playground Asst
Kendra Staggs
Food Service Department
Part-Time Cook
Cnmu| Taylor
Falls Valley Elementary
Playground Asst
Jay Van Leuven
Custodial Department
Diantha Walling
Iona Elementary School
Special EdPara
Meukow Welker
Rocky Mountain Middle School
Computer Lab Para
F"''i �'u|''s.0 I ",,.o"».`vyo^*//r n, ,n,|n.` ""I,'u".|^ �. /�'/ ��o.v.u` /"vv^'!
Resionations and Terminations
H0no* High School
Bonneville High School
Special EUPara
Bonneville High School
Assistant Football Coach
Summit Hills Elementary
Title One Para
Bonneville High School
Head Tennis Coach
Transportation Department
Woodland Hills Elementary
Playground Asst
Gendoreok Middle School
Special EdPara
Playground Asst
Custodial Department
Discovery Elementary
Fast ForWordPara
Iona Elementary
Special GJPara
Food Service Department
Special Services Department
Telford Academy
Classroom Aide
p Retirements
Maintenance Department Maintenance Personnel
H0rew High School Teacher
Bonneville High School Special Ed Pam
Transportation Department Bus Driver
s� Transfers
Special ed Para a/ Bonneville High School
Special Eu Para mGandu*o Middle School
Resource Room Teacher a| Tiebreaker Elementary
Resource Room Teacher a| Falls Valley Elementary
Part-Time Cook e/UounElementary
Part-Time Cook otRocky Mountain Middle School
Fast FurWhm Para at Iona Elementary
Media Para m Iona Elementary
Counseling Secretary ot Bonneville High School
School and Industry Liaison a/ Technical Careers High School
Title One Para m Iona Elementary School
Fast FnrWhm Para a| Iona Elementary
Autism Para v/ Falls Valley Elementary
8|/PC8 Para et Falls Valley Elementary
Custodian a/Hi||vimwElementary
Head Custodian at Falls Valley Elementary
PGR Para mt8ondnremk Middle School
P8R Para at Summit Hills Elementary
H. Alternative Graduation
Lincoln High School
|. Waiver of Graduation R*ouimmon/
1 Emomeocy Closure
February 0.2014
Inclement Weather
K. Pm000ed8ti000UAo,ivomenm
Bonneville High School Head Freshman
Softball Coach
Bonneville High School Head Tennis
Bonneville High School JV Head Softball Coach
Bonneville High School Varsity Assistant Softball Coach
Rocky Mountain Middle School |SAroonminam,
L ninR^mnmu
1� oHS Business Professional ofAmericamtrav |maoisvto participate ioaPw State Competition March Om March 8.2O14
2. oH8FHL«to travel m Boise m attend State F*u\ Conference Feb 1om Feb 15.2014
o. BHS and HHS Music Departments to travel to Boise to participate in Idaho Music Educators In-Service Conference and Idaho All-State Honor
Groups for Students April 16m April |9.20|4
1. BH8 Band utravel to San Diego California m participate in Performance and Clinic in a Heritage Festival April um April 6.2D14
n. BH8 Ballroom Dance Team m travel mGaKLakeCity.UtahmpartioipateioBaNvmxCvmpetiUonandoSpecia|wvrkshopwithapmfessiooa|
February 14m February 18.2O14
O, BHS Student Council to travel Boise to participate in the State Student Council Conference February 27 to March 1, 2014
7. HHS Track m travel to Meridian m participate inu track meet April 18to April 19.2O14
8, 8M8 Choir w travel m Farmington, Utah w spend the day a\ Lagoon May 27m May 27.01x
Chairperson Winchester asked Uany Board member would like mremove any item from the Consent Calendar mthe regular agenda.
Chairperson Winchester then asked if there would boe motion with regard m the Consent Calendar,
MOTION: Jeff Bird made the motion mapprove the Consent Calendar, Kip Nelson seconded. The vote was 5infavor with Oopposed and Uabstentions.
Motion passed,
VI. Fpblic Input
Policy o1mm£pbdic Inputw0 provide oo opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron m raise issues of interest. The
Board will receive Such input without comment, except k germane qvestion of those speaking. Comments should he limited m three CD minutes, The
Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting, but may direct the Superintendent to consider such an item at a subsequent meeting.
Chairperson Winchester asked K there would hv anyone who would like to speak to the Board during Public Input regarding any item not pertaining to the
proposed bond. She asked those who would like to participate to state their name and address for the record. Hearing and seeing no one who wanted to
participate, she closed public input and moved on to New Business.
Ni Old Business
Proposed Policv for Final Adoption (second madina)
1. 5140BP1 Probation ofGmndfa*omd Continuing Contract Personnel Pmmdunm
2. 514OF7 Notice of Probation Continuing Contract Status Professional Employee
x. nr2O.22on.4190 Volunteer Assistance
n72OP.22oop.419OP Volunteer Assistance Procedures
o728R.c2S5F2.410Vp3 Volunteer Information Sheet
5r2OF2.22S5F2.4l90p2 Volunteer Confidentiality
Chairperson Winchester asked Mrs. McConnell m present the policy for final adoption to the Board. Mm. McConnell stated that the Board io receiving one
policy, two procedures, and three forms for final adoption. They have gone through the required 3O-day review. |f approved, these will bo placed oothe
Districts web-page in the online policy manual and a list sent to the schools and PTO presidents informing them that the documents have been approved
and are available for review, These are all Current policy, d .andfonns/kathamhoeomviowouendupdandmioclodoinfonnnUnnhwmtxu
|Sea Update Service and m reflect current practice. Mrs. McConnell recommended that the Board adopt these io final reading.
Chairperson Winchester asked if the Board had any questions for Mrs. McConnell. Hearing none, she then asked if there would be a motion regarding the
policy presented for final adoption,
MOTION: Brian McBride made the motion to approve the policy presented for final adoption and to be placed on the website in the online policy manual,
Amy Landers seconded, The vote was nin favor with 0 opposed and 0abstentions, Motion passed.
v||i New Business
Proposed Pol|mfor 30-dav Review (first readina) MarjeanMcConnaU
o1S5 Superintendent Evaluation
V1unp Superintendent Evaluation Form
Chairperson Winchester asked Mrs. McConnell to present the policy for 30-day Review.to the Board, Mrs. McConnell stated that the Board is receiving one
policy and one form to be approved for 30-day review. If approved these will be place on the District's web-page for 30-day review and a list sent to the
schools and PTO presidents informing them that the documents are available for review. This is an existing policy that has been updated pursuant to the
ISBA Policy Update Service ant to reflect evaluation requirements set forth in statutory language requiring that at least 33% of the evaluation shall be
based on multiple objective measures of growth in student achievement, It mirrors the evaluation procedure for District Administrators in that it requires
evaluation of strengths, areas of improvement, acknowledgement of exceptional effort, and provides an opportunity for self-evaluation, It requires a written
surnmative evaluation to be shared with the Superintendent prior to the end of February each year. The forin is new and uses information from McRel and
Marzano evaluation models.
Chairperson Winchester asked if the Board had any questions for Mrs, McConnell. Mr. Nelson wondered if we need to Put something in the policy that
requires the evaluation muctaken care min executive session mJ that is covered in other asked if
there were other questions. Hearing none, she then asked if there would uoa motion regarding mapmicypresented for 30-dayreview.
MOTION: Kip Nelson made the motion m approve the policy and form presented for 30-day review mbo placed vn the weuoim. Brian McBride seconded,
The vote was sin favor with 0 opposed and Vabstentions. Motion passed.
Chairperson Winchester then asked for any agenda items to be added to any upcoming meeting.
|X Call for Anonda Items for UnonmiooMnotioos
A. Middle School Visits — Friday February 21, 2014 — Saratoga Springs, Utah; Draper, Utah; and Kaysville, Utah
B. |SaA Day nn the Hill Monday February x4.uo14' Tuesday February u5.2M4'Boise
C. Special Meeting/Work Session Wednesday, February z0.,o14'HiUviow Elementary Media Center 11:30 om. 2:30 p.m.
D. Public Information Meeting — Wednesday, March 5,2U14-8*nVvrem Middle School Cafeteria —7i0pm.
E. Regular Meeting Wednesday, March |o'am4 7:00 p.m.
F. Regular Meeting Wednesday, April 9,m14 7:00 p.m.
X public Information Meetino ReeardinQ the Bond Election Deputy Superintendent MarjemMcConnell
Chairperson Winchester welcom guests and asked Mrs. McConnell to present the information regarding the proposed Bond Election. Mrs. McConnell
presented a short video and a PowerPoint regarding information surrounding the Districfs proposed bond. She explained the costs associated with
opening two new schools that are required to house the number of secondary students in the District. She then stated that the District is asking for a $92
million bond to be paid over 30 years for the purpose of building a new high school and new middle school, to construct transportation facilities, purchase
buses, expand Technical Careers High School, renovate existing schools and facilities, make safety, security, technology, and instructional resource
upgrades, and purchase land for future school facilities. Mrs. McConnell discussed increasing District enrollment and declining state funding for education
as reasons why we need the bond. She also explained that property taxes are controlled by the county assessor but, this bond will increase property taxes
Mrs, McConnell introduced Heidi Southwick who is chairing the Advocates for Education Committee.
Mrs. Burton stated that we pay down our debt as soon as possible so we will pay less interest. We have an emergency levy built in to our debt structure so
there is no additional impact to the tax payer. Mrs, McConnell stated that Rocky Mountain Middle School and Sandcreek Middle School were at capacity so
we moved the 6th grade back to the elementary schools. The preschool was in the annex but, we needed space for middle school students so we moved
the preschool to the elementary schools. Our middle schools are again at capacity. We created the eCenter at Lincoln High School that is open from 7:00
a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Bonneville Online allows students to take classes at home online. The Technical Careers High School has over 300 students taking a
class. They have the opportunity to take core classes at TCHS that are related to the area of study. This school has taken a little pressure off high schools.
We currently have 21 modular classrooms at the high schools. There are continued challenges with the infrastructure. There is a crowding problem in the
hallways, rest rooms, and other commons areas. The modular classrooms are temporary buildings. We need a permanent solution. We believe that a new
high school and middle school is the best solution to help with our average growth of 400 students per year. Which translates into almost an elementary
per year. The first elementary students at Woodland Hills and Rimrock are now going to middle school. The incoming freshman classes are larger than the
graduating senior classes. Intermountain Demographics completed a study in 2011 projecting 15,000 students by 2021. We use this information as well as
looking at use patterns, and the number of classrooms we have in brick and mortar school when we make our decisions to build, When we complete an
elementary school, it is full. We don't want to have empty classrooms. We will need a new elementary in the future as welL Our middle schools currently at
capacity. We are beyond capacity at the high schools.
The Board and administration have discussed alternatives. Trailers could be used but they are expensive and have no bathroom facilities so portable
toilets would be needed. We would need to get exceptions from the city and county to add those facilities. We could modify or eliminate the current high
school schedule. That would reduce the number of classes students would be able to take per year. We have looked at split sessions. That would require a
change of grade configurations. We would need to put 91h and 8th in the morning session at the middle schools and 7th grade and 6u, grade in the afternoon
session at the same school. We considered year -round school. Our buildings are not air conditioned. We would need to upgrade them if we chose that
alternative. On March 11th our patrons will be asked to approve a bond for $92 million to build a new high school, middle school, new transportation
facilities, renovate existing facilities, upgrade technology, safety, instructional, and media center resources, and purchase land for future facilities. After the
bond is passed, the architects will draw the plans and then the project will go to bid. It will be about 1 -1 Y2 years before bids go out. As a result, we can't
say how much the schools will cost. We can only estimate. Once we build the schools, we will then move transportation and renovate the current high
schools. The Board will determine additional projects if there is money left to complete them. The projected increase to taxes will be $10.25 for every
$100,000 taxable market value. We are putting the bond on a 30 -year term to help minimize the tax increase to our patrons. We have 80 acres of land off
V street where we plan to build both schools. There is a utilization plan that the architects have drawn up to make sure everything will fit on the parcel. We
have hired an energy person to help change our use habits in the District. We have saved $2 million and seen a 31.8 %n drop in utilities. The Technical
Careers High School is planning to use bus barn for an agricultural education center and diesel mechanics. We also have access to a classroom and a
greenhouse cooperative with EITC that are not currently being used.
Chairperson Winchester thanked Mrs. McConnell and Mrs. Burton for presenting the information and asked those who would like to comment orwho have
questions to come to the microphones and to write their name and address on the sheets provided as well as to state such for the record. She asked those
speaking to keep their comments under 3 minutes and if someone has spoken the same point of view to not speak to the same subject so everyone who
wants to speak has a chance.
Name Address Comment
Bond is as much as all the others we have passed. Wondering where the money will go exactly. Asked the
district for an itemized list of just exactly what we are going to spend on what of this $92 million. No such
itemization exits. That is strange because we as taxpayers are being asked to spend $92 million and we
don't have a list of where the money is going. Husband doesn't award anything until he has the price down
Stephanie Gifford 4699 East Sunnyside Road to the bolt of what you are going to pay for. Wonders how District 93 will pay for implementation of
common core. Does curriculum and technology have to do with curriculum materials for common core?
Teacher training, data collectors, and technology for the new SBAC tests will all be a big cost. We have
heard nothing about how our District is going to pay for all this. Will this be part of the bond? Request that
YOU put out a more detailed itemized list of the costs because this is huge amount of money.
What about the option of two new middle schools instead of a high school and turn what we have into
Kristen Judy 1137 N 551h E unior highs. That would drastically cut down the cost. Has that been considered and if not will it be?
0uldn't moving 61h and Th into middle school and 8th and 91h into the junior high make a difference? There
are other schools that have the grades configured in that way.
Mrs. McConnell responded that it was considered and was one of the options on the survey. When you go two middle schools, you move the 91h grade out of the high
school. It would be a short term solution. It doesn't pull enough students out of the high school for it to be a long term solution. Chairperson Winchester stated that our
District is great at doing what is best for kids. Moving 91h grade out of high school is a step back ward for our kids. We are not ready to make that adjustment at this point.
You are taking those ninth graders out of the academic environment that they need to be in as a high school student. Research shows that 91h grade needs to be in the high
school. When we considered making Rocky Mountain and Sandcreek part of the high schools, we realized the problems with moving the students back and forth between
the buildings. Madison does not have the 9h grade in the same building and the principal spends a lot of time with the 9th grade students. He stated that 9h graders don't
belong with 8th graders. We as a District have felt the same way and we didn't want to make that change.
Name Address Comment
Thanked the school board for all the work they do. She is in favor of and understand the needs of a new
high school. Direct comments to revenues. Things there is a hard sell going on here. We talk about the
need for expenditures and ignore the need for revenues. Property taxes that we are funding our bonds and
schools through are self- adjusting. Periods of growth then property taxes go up. The media implies that
the increase of 400 students per year requires us to spend more money. But, we collect more money. So
there is an amount of money for every kid to use facilities. Maybe $300 is her best guess. There is an
amount that comes to the District when that family moves into the District. She hopes that it would be the
same $300 amount. When you have revenues based on percent not a fixed amount then those revenues
Karen Anderson 755 Tiebreaker automatically go up and you can't ever spend more than 100% of your income. The only way she will
support a school bond is when District lives within percentage that they are given. New growth pays for
itself. The problem you get into is if you don't have the growth pay for itself. If all the existing residents
have to add more money when new people move in then you put yourself in position to resist. We need to
manage the $300 per kid and make sure we stay within that budget. We need to make sure that the
facilities don't cost more than what we are collecting with our new growth. Sometimes we have periods of
high growth and we have a bubble where it is hard to catch up. So you could sell her on a bubble where
we need to raise rates now and then have them go back down in three years. It will be hard for the school
board to sell her on increase that is above the 6 % you get from our income because we can never spend
more than 100% of our income. So asking for more than 100% of revenue is frustrating.
Name Address Comment
Important to note that we don't have a vote on common core but we get to vote wthis. Common core in
the state will cost $18O million. District 93 will share some these costs. Wants to see a breakdown inthis
bond of what the technology is regarding online material, obmks. etc, She wants to see the books her
Becky Foster 29O8G Stafford Drive children are using. We don't have Music teachers or PE teachers but we have hired data collectors. It is
very important m see the breakdown, She knows some of the money has toho going m get ready for the
GBAC. Asked i/ the District iowilling too \thomqueotedinfonnaVonoynnthowmboite.8h*mmndomdi(
there would he changes to the curriculum mmeet the GBAC. Requested a more straight forward break
Mm, McConnell stated that we can put up what we know now and once the architects get the drawings done and we know what the schools and transportation costs will ho
we can put those costs up as well. As far as the curriculum is concerned we do not plan to change to meet the SBAC, We feel we are ready for that. Curriculum committees
have been nngoing,
Questions with presentation. You are projecting linear growth but stated that you are building elementaries
at capacity. Why? |na couple o/ years, the projected growth will require new elementary schools. Building
new schools will cost more than adding on to current schools. The second question is Will You build the
new high school at current capacity which seems to be the trend of the District or will you build that school
with additional capacity so that four or five years from now You are not asking us to build another one?
Next concern is what happens to the money in existing bonds? Will it be retired? Don't see anything in the
presentation that shows where that goes. You are simply asking for $92 million to build new schools, Final
concern, heard that 91h street will turn in to a major access to the new high school. The drawing only shows
a single access. Don't You need more than one access to a school? Concerned that there may be 200 —
300 cars going in and out of the school. Are there other property options for building the high school? LeCs
put the entrance somewhere else, We don't want to go through the subdivision.
Roger Hill stated that the county will mandate two entrances for fire reasons, The architects put the preliminary plan together to show that the buildings and fields will fit on
the property. We haven't got into just how they will be situated. 91h North Could be an entrance but probably not the main entrance for students going in and out of that area.
It could be for buses or maintenance people, We bought the property for a V Street entrance. When the bond is passed, we'll start working with the county. There will
probably be traffic studies done to see which would be best, We will rely on them regarding the entrances, Mrs. McConnell stated that the new high school will be a 1500
student high school and we project that it will be Sufficient through 2026. It will be built with wide hallways so we can build on if necessary.
He was part of the first class at Hillcrest High School. The halls have always been too small and they have
always been crowded. Has a question on the tax structure. Of the $150.00 per year, how much is it per
$1,000 we are already paying? You keep saying you didn't raise the taxes, but that is not the case. What
You did was instead of saying we will pay less taxes in three years, you moved it to 20 years. That is a tax
Layne Elkington 1195 Bone Road increase, The last bonds for $97 million since 2005, you keep saying you didn't raise our taxes. You have
raised our taxes because you haven't been paying them off so we have less tax burden. The taxes were
moved out and we pay the same amount over more years, The extension is a tax increase, Is the
agriculture program to be a full FFA program? DO You need help with the ranching deparfinent? Craig
Miller would need help. Mr. Elkington still feels that we don't need a new high school, We can do another
Mrs, Burton stated that right you are paying 15 per year. DoK Will Vn Lip *1u3per year for $10\0N taxable value property, AowohmmbeenpassinAhonuothym
has been an extension, Cmk Miller stated that the Agriculture Program Would hva requirement mhea full FFAprogram
Not so concerned h
$200 million dollars by the time you add 30 years of interest. We get $35 million back from the state from
the bond equalization fund. Over 15 years you would save $38 million and over a 10 year term we would
save $62 million in interest. That is 2/3 of the bond. He has a problem with the 30 year note, It is a
nebulous bond. Concerned that there are items that are 5 — 10 year items Such as technology and
anaoStuumuo 00nos. Lincoln nu textbooks. The taxpayers will "e paying for these over ^v years and they will uu thrown away mno,'
years because they are Out uated. We will be paying for 25 years after their use. Ho stated that the life of
a school bus is will be less than 30 years. These items should be in a 5 or 10 year bond and not have us
pay interest for 3O years. Madison High School, 23e square feet, cost $3/ million three years ago. This
bond i,expensive, We will all be dead and Our kids will be paying for it. He Would love a new school. LeCs
reconsider and not finance it for 30 years and pay $0z million dollars extra in interest vo top n/o10year
Thanked the Board for the explanation. She ioin full support ofe better solution. She will have kids iothe
junior high in a year and wants it to be a positive experience for them, She has a hard time understanding
wily small community like Idaho Falls ties two school districts on the payroll. Why are we coming upwith
a solution on our own? She understands that part ofitispolitical. She understands that a lot oy the growth
Bhmpyo»vrtli# 3111w. Oscar Avenue i, here. The city should unify ana whole, this budget crisis won't likely get better. She doesn't understand
what is entailed in the payroll but, it seems like this Would bve permanent solution that could stream more
money in. How can we readdress it if it ties been addressed? How can all of Idaho Falls work together to
create more money for all n( these schools? Wouldn't having anentire city m pay the bond debt homore
Mm. McConnell stated that the two districts had x consolidation study performed h Outside company about five years ago, The State actually paid for this study. The
study .oh�mdthat i\wouN cost about mo additional million dnUammmmbino the dimhuo.Th�ovmpa�dm Nampa and Boise, They |oo�datNapeym||n and �|!Nat|t
=asntmore economical w combine. Combining the debt structures of the two Districts io problematic in that District g3 built new e|omonmhoo and Our middle schools and
high schools are very well kept. Ao District 8| starts m rebuild schools, District 83 patrons would keep our present debt and then have m pay the additional costs for any
new debt of the consolidated district. District 93 would keep the debt we currently have. If we consolidate, any new bonds would add on to the existing debt. Both Districts
would keep their current debt then new debt would spread over everyone,
Nxmo Address Cmnmum
One of the option on the survey was to use 8andcmnmW Rocky Mountain as part of the high schools,
She is aware of a very successful district in Texas that has a freshman center, It is part of the high school.
Our Current middle schools are close by. Was that an option that was looked at? Likes the idea of keeping
the 9th graders separated and likes the idea of a bigger high school. You can get the community to rally
Nata|ieBo0ew 5235E.Redon aQ�� "'""="="^'""'="="''w*v*m°/^m/ov/. nv one vaomm pay mrthe n next door. /n*m
' io not oo much opportunity ina smaller school. There is not Opportunity for AP classes mother
extracurricular opportunities, Would like to see us expand current schools and make them bigger and
better rather than spreading our resources so thin and spreading the debt Out. Concerned that at
Woodland Hills, the second year there were already trailers there. YOU will get more community support if
you make the schools bigger and better.
Grew up in Utah and it seems like there is a lot of duplication this district and in Idaho Falls. In Utah there
were five communities served by one district and they remain as one district today, That is close to
580,000 people and probably 15m20 high schools and 3u-40 elementary schools Linder one division.
W^ have 2 athletic directors for one school district, We had one and ho handled it/ow fine. K just seems
like we have a lot of duplication that we Could Cut back and save money. Has a question regarding
location, If you don't live by where the proposed school will be built, it isn't a concern. But he lives close to
where the school will be built. Not so concerned that we need a school but is concerned about the location,
Who made the decision to buy a piece of ground that is landlocked instead of placing it on a main road?
Doesn't understand why you would b landlocked i Of ground and fo md through
subdivisions to get to the high school, He believes 400 — 500 cars a day to be on the roads. You will need
RondyTmna two entries according o" the County. You only "have one right now and wants m know v anyone would live
mnuNorth. You will force people not hp able m sell their homes, Nvnnowi|l buy a house on that street.
The houses in the new subdivision will ho1O% 15% of their value, Amazed that the District iu allowing o
second entry through the subdivision. Asked how many entries Bonneville High school has? You can't get
in and out of Bonneville with four entries. You have to wait 10-15 minutes for the cars. With the new school
you are talking about one main entry and running through osubdivision. Who will stop students from going
down 91h North? It just doesn't make any sense. He believes the property can be sold and he will find
another piece of ground that seems mwork for everybody with oocommission. Maybe with the $82million
you could buy one of the houses on first street knock it down and create an exit to 1st Street. So it doesn't
run through a subdivision. There is a location on 45th that you could run an entry into, Please don't run that
through the subdivision. kio unfair w those people. We have really great students and if You told them not
m drive |n the subdivision they just wouldn't Unthat.
Where b the video that You showed? |u there a link on the xeudm?|/ will ho posted on the website.|fne
Modmmphouo x102N. Bryan Lane u» have to move m split sessions what will the cost ooto that? Will v* need additional staff? It seems
expensive, Don't you get on many full time employees based onenrollment? Since enrollment isn't
changing how does that break down into teachers?
Mrs, McConnell explained that we Would need one staff for the morning and then an afternoon staff. We would also need a separate administrative staff, We want to offer
9th graders some access i( they need upper level classes ot the high school, None of the options come without cost. Trailers, air conditioning buildings for year round, etc.
Wo watch our FTe very closely, We won't get more money but would need more teachers for split session. We would take some teachers from the high schools and some
front the middle schools and elementary schools and spread folks out to teach students the best. Wo really haven't spent a lot o[ time looking out how xw could accomplish
Back yard is against the proposed high school property. What types of barriers will ho|n place mkeep
Students from coining to his back yard? How will Students be controlled if there is an extracurricular
Jim King 4840Windhm,rDrive activity? Concerned about the barrier mlack thereof, What kind nf barriers will bo there to protect his
property from students and noise? Concerned about the amount of traffic going through there, We would
appreciate communication sooner rather than latter on these matters.
Mrs. McConnell stated that she doesn't have the answer tonight. The architects will be working on those things, We want m know what your concerns are ou they can bo
addressed i[possible.
Thank the school board and You take a lot of heat and don't get paid for it. Hoiopm'rvucaxon.His
concern ionot whether wo need new school but ot what cost, What metric did you use mget $92 million?
Is $92 million the maximum you could ask for? It seems like you are just shooting for the moon and looking
at costs later. It seems strange that we wouldn't have architectural drawings in place so we know exactly
what we are actually buying, Would feel more comfortable if the bond was for $56.7 million as opposed the
Jnhnovxnnshaw s1831''Street Maximum »[$9z million. That would show that you have given thought about what itiv actually going m
cost rather than going for the most that we can. Second concerti is about how the bond is funueo.A
disproportionate portion of the bond will be paid for by property owners, especially land owners.
Understands that wm are bound by law aoto what we can actually bond. Ne Could build schools with
donations o, affecting property taxes, Salmon has tried m pass their bond 8 times. Idaho Falls passed un
the first try, Why not get some Superintendents together m get alternative Sources of funding? Make the
bond based on actual numbers,
Mrs. McConnell stated that we started looking at our needs of a high school, middle school, and an elementary. As we started looking at the contingencies tbo|we need m
have for a middle school and high school, we don't have enough money with our debt capacity to build an elementary school right now. So, then we looked at what wmcan
continue todom create secondary capacity. That is why we looked at the current transportation complex and being able to use that for the TCHS. Wo didn't choose that
number and back out, We looked at significant needs in the District and what Gan we accomplish with the money that we have available,
Name Address Comment
Her cornments are directed to everyone out there. There are work sessions least rnonthly. She has
attended at least 75% of them. She has seen the thought processes go on and spoken at these work
sessions you can see the direction and where the Board is coming from and the framework of how they
Renee Cook 2789 Barnes Wa developed moved "'^0"". She ° very aware that school districts across
' Idaho are getting less money each year and expected to do more with it, Our problem isn't so much with
our Board and the way they spend money. Our problem is the state of Idaho and we need to speak to the
legislators about that. It is time for the State of Idaho to Support education and because they don't support
education, iiiu time for our mmmunity to support education.
Commend you for the presentation and for the way YOU seem m have managed Your fiduciary obligations,
Thinks about what he call evaluate because he can possibly know all the things the Board has gone
through, What is the matrix did YOU Use to evaluate how YOU spend money on per student and per
classroom basis relative to what wm did five nr tell years ago. Those things would Ae favorable. Establish
BhanMionoo 52 Place �ra|mnfp*oP|*in/howmmuoi��atwepmupvo�gmonoyioovwoommyinma'�nDour�u�a�
— obligations. That simple process can generate more confidence. We don't have time to figure out all the
details and you don't have time to communicate all that. Establish that you have made good decisions
relative to other people in the state year after year. Once that is established it will go a long way to
establish confidence. Again what rnatrix do you use to evaluate your performance and please share with
us and help uounderstand
Never lived anywhere where there are so many schools. Kids went to an elementary with five or six
classes per grade. The area they livoinwaumrgorthuo|Wo.Toayhadtwmmidd|enmuu|o.whutioNn
Katie Ellis 51V1s.Ti|dyLane thinking of building small school where YOU need m build no many schools? Wouldn't a bigger school ho
cheaper rather than building a new elementary every two years? Cache valley has three high schools in
the same geographic area as Idaho Falls, Rigby and Shelley. That area has five high schools to our seven.
Building a bigger school would be more expensive initially but over the long term it Would be cheaper.
Mrs. McConnell stated that we have tried to keep elementary schools at 500 — 600 and we want to keep them as neighborhood schools so they fit in the neighborhood and
serve those elementary kids in those neighborhoods, Mrs, Burton stated that we will put a document on the website with frequently asked questions. We are listening to
Your questions and concerns and will address them, Please start looking at the website so you can make a decision based on the facts. Based on how we have evaluated
things as a district and why we have done things the way we have, We will continue adding information until March 1 It'.
Wasn't Bonneville High School made wLm built onto? May want wup the size of the new high school from
1500 based on numbers of grade school kids coming through, Lives off 11t street and is greatly concerned.
We need better communication with Bonneville County, The intersection at V Street and Crowley was
never made m handle the amount of traffic that will he there. She called the County and district and asked i(
they were communicating, We need to talk to each other — It will affect us all. YOU have suicide comer
CindaHammvud 42V Clary Avenue there. Concerned with the amount of traffic we have now. She sits in a line all the way back to Hitt Road.
Adding o mix of high school students m the existing traffic isconcerning. Wish there would bee little more
elementary schools wm have been building, The kids are growing up, Allow developers to apartments on
10 acres increases our numbers, Wo need houses instead ofapartments. Ne need a little bit better
accounting here. What are you doing with our money? It is my money that will help supporl my grandkids.
Supports this. It is a very good thing. Teaching here is difficult regarding the numbers. What will happen m
Tyler Mills County Line sports with the new school? Will all three schools be 4A? Will Hillcrest and Bonneville still share Thunder
Stadium? Will coaching stipends bn the same for all the schools?
Mrs. McConnell replied that coaching stipends are part of the negotiated contract, That will not change with building * school but may change with negotiations. The new
school will have a football field and those sorts of things. In sharing Thunder Stadium we will look at whether we can play that many games on that field, WeooaDistrict are
looking at what would we need to do at the Stadium for those activities, It is anticipated that all three schools will be at 4A. We will have facilities where the kids will play
hn!hoU. Wo don't know for sure how that will play out. They are in the works.
Chairperson Winchester thanked those who commented. She asked if any Board Member had anything madd. Hearing none, she thanked those in
attendance for coming. We will take all the input and consider it. wo will try m answer ao many of these questions ouxm call oo our nobsite. Chairperson
Winchester asked if there were other questions or comments,
Hearing none, she stated that the Board needs Nenter into pursuant mIdaho Code Section 67-2345(1)(b)mconsider the evaluation, dismissal or
disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. The
Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law.
Mrs. McConnell thanked everyone again for coming and stated that this ism way mfocus on patrons concerns. We appreciate Your concern and for coming
tonight. Ne will hold one more public information meeting oil March 5.2014atSaodze k Middle School Cafeteria a|7:00om. You are welcome hattend
that meeting onwell.
XI. Executive Session
Chairperson Winchester then asked if there would boa motion wmove into Executive Session m8:52mn,
MOTION: Jeff Bird made the motion to move into Executive Session for the purpose stated. Amy Landers seconded. The Roll Call Vote was:
Jeff Bird —Yes
Amy Landers - Yes
Brian McBride - Yes
Kip Nelson - Yes
Annette Winchester - Yes
The Board then recessed into the Conference Room at Rocky Mountain Middle School to hold the Executive Session,
Chairperson Winchester asked for a motion to move back into open session at 9:38 p.m,
MOTION: Jeff Bird made the motion to move back into open session. Amy Landers seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions
Motion passed,
X11. Motions from Executive Session
Chairperson Winchester asked if there Would be any motions from executive session.
MOTION: Brian McBride made the motion to remove Employee A14 from probation, Amy Landers seconded, The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and
0 abstentions Motion passed.
X111. Adiournment
Chairperson Winchester then asked for a motion to adjourn at 9:39 p.m.
MOTION: Amy Landers made the motion to adjourn. Jeff Bird seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions Motion passed,
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Chair erson