HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-09-2014 Minutes Regular Meeting3497 North Arnnon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401 (208) 52S-4400 Fax (208) 529-0104 www.d93schools.org
Regular Meeting
April 9, 2014
7:00 PM
i Call mOrder
Chairperson Winchester called the meeting to order a|r:00pm.
u Roll Cal!
Those Board members in attendance were Chairperson Annette Winchester, Vice-chairperson Kip Nelson, Treasurer Amy Landers, Trustee Brian McBride, and
Trustee Jeff Bird. Others in attendance were, Deputy Superintendent Marjean McConnell, Director of School Improvement and Technology Scott Woolstenhulme,
Director of Human Resources Shalene French, Chief Financial/Operations Officer April Burton, Community Relations Liaison Wendy Norman, Principal Doug
McLaren, Director of Secondary Special Education and Federal Programs Julian Duffey, Director of Operations Todd Hicks, Director of Plant Facility/Purchasing
Roger Hill, Energy Education Specialist Don Trauntvein, Food Services Supervisor Heather Plain, Transportation Manager Karen Judy, Principal Jason Lords,
Director of Safe Schools John Pymm and Board Clerk Valerie Messick
111, WolcommofoelevatenmndVisimm
Chairperson Winchester welcomed the following Rodd Rapp, Tom HunaukocBarb Croft, and Craig Lords
IV. Approve the Aqenda
Chairperson Winchester asked for aMotion to approve the agenda
MOTION: Amy Landers made the motion m approve the agenda. Jeff Bird seconded. The vote was nin favor with 0 opposed and O abstentions. Motion passed.
V. Consent Calendar
X Minutes of Previous Moet!nQs
1. Executive Session 0x-05a014
z. Special Meeting O8-0o-2O14
3. Public Information Meeting 03'05-2014
4. Executive Session o3'12-2014
5� Regular Meeting 034z-2014
6� Executive Session 03-27-2V14
r� Work Session O3'2r-2014
B. Accounts Payable
C. oxniW Construction pmivounnnon
D. Bonneville Hioh School Exterior Stair xeDucemnmBid
E. Conditional Employment
Playground Assistan
3/10/20 14
Falls Valley Elementary
Custodial Department
Part-Time Custodian
Food Service Department
Part-Time Cook
Y I)TIN!�'
mnrnm( High School
Food Service Department
3497 North Arnnon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401 (208) 52S-4400 Fax (208) 529-0104 www.d93schools.org
Regular Meeting
April 9, 2014
7:00 PM
i Call mOrder
Chairperson Winchester called the meeting to order a|r:00pm.
u Roll Cal!
Those Board members in attendance were Chairperson Annette Winchester, Vice-chairperson Kip Nelson, Treasurer Amy Landers, Trustee Brian McBride, and
Trustee Jeff Bird. Others in attendance were, Deputy Superintendent Marjean McConnell, Director of School Improvement and Technology Scott Woolstenhulme,
Director of Human Resources Shalene French, Chief Financial/Operations Officer April Burton, Community Relations Liaison Wendy Norman, Principal Doug
McLaren, Director of Secondary Special Education and Federal Programs Julian Duffey, Director of Operations Todd Hicks, Director of Plant Facility/Purchasing
Roger Hill, Energy Education Specialist Don Trauntvein, Food Services Supervisor Heather Plain, Transportation Manager Karen Judy, Principal Jason Lords,
Director of Safe Schools John Pymm and Board Clerk Valerie Messick
111, WolcommofoelevatenmndVisimm
Chairperson Winchester welcomed the following Rodd Rapp, Tom HunaukocBarb Croft, and Craig Lords
IV. Approve the Aqenda
Chairperson Winchester asked for aMotion to approve the agenda
MOTION: Amy Landers made the motion m approve the agenda. Jeff Bird seconded. The vote was nin favor with 0 opposed and O abstentions. Motion passed.
V. Consent Calendar
X Minutes of Previous Moet!nQs
1. Executive Session 0x-05a014
z. Special Meeting O8-0o-2O14
3. Public Information Meeting 03'05-2014
4. Executive Session o3'12-2014
5� Regular Meeting 034z-2014
6� Executive Session 03-27-2V14
r� Work Session O3'2r-2014
B. Accounts Payable
C. oxniW Construction pmivounnnon
D. Bonneville Hioh School Exterior Stair xeDucemnmBid
E. Conditional Employment
Playground Assistan
3/10/20 14
Falls Valley Elementary
Title One Para
Custodial Department
Part-Time Custodian
Food Service Department
Part-Time Cook
mnrnm( High School
Food Service Department
Food Service Department
Iona Elementary
Part-Time Title One pam
Custodial Department
Bonneville High School
Special EdPara
Falls Valley Elementary
Overflow Paraprofessional
Custodial Department
Paq-Time Cuomdimn
F, neoicinahnnn and
Ammon Elementary
Bridgewater Elementary
ESL Para
Bonneville High School
Boys Basketball uamilyHoad
Fairview Elementary
Food Service Department
Part-Time Cook
Lincoln High School
Falls Valley Elementary
Transportation Department
Bus Driver
Playground Assistant
Custodial Department
Part-Time Custodian
Iona Elementary School
ESL Para
Telford Academy
Classroom Aide
Bonneville High School
Ballroom Dance Advisor 00/2014
Food Service Department
Food Service Asst Supervisor 3/2012014
G, Retirements
Falls Valley Elementary
Transportation Department
Bus Driver
Fairview Elementary
Hi|mmut High School
Nora Dee
Rocky Mountain Middle School
Resource Room Teacher
Falls Valley Elementary
H. Transfers
FastFvhmvrd at Cloverdale Elementary
Elem Media Aide o/ Cloverdale Elementary
Overflow pumm Falls Valley Elementary
Title One pomo\ Falls Valley Elementary
ESL Tracker at Falls Valley Elementary
ESL Tracker a| Bonneville High School
e| Professional n/ Rocky Mountain Middle School
B| Professional a/ Discovery Elementary
Hi||omvt High School
Lincoln High School
i Alternative GmuuaUonReauom^
Lincoln High School Students
J. Ratifv Consent wEXDUIsion without Hearinoand Aamement for Re-Admission
K, Telford ReQoommChanqeBanks
L Bond Election and Canvass Results
M. Proposed S8nondAusionmenu
N. Trio Rearrests
1� Bonneville HOS«w travel m Boise for State *oSA Competition April 8.zU14to April 12.3014
2. RMmS and SMS National History Day Group w travel m College of Idaho in Caldwell April 11'zO14m April 12.2014
Effective Date
Chairperson Winchester asked if any Board member would like to remove any item from tire Consent Calendar to the regular agenda, Hearing none, she then
asked if there would be a motion with regard to the Consent Calendar.
MOTION: Brian McBride made the motion wapprove the Consent Calendar. Amy Landers seconded. The vote was oin favor with 0opposed and 0 abstentions.
Motion passed.
VI, Eublic Input
Policy #1550 Public Inpu will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board
will receive Such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking, Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes, The Board will
take no action relative to any items during the meeting, but may direct the Superintendent to consider Such an item at a subsequent meeting.
Chairperson Winchester asked if there would be anyone who would like to speak hthe Board during Public Input. She asked those who Would like to participate to
state their name and address for the record and to keep their comments Linder 3 minutes.
Renee Cook 2789 North Barnes Wav — Her son was at Rocky Mountain Middle School in August of 2012, The first year was rough. She didn't know what was
wrong but he was not being educated, At the end of the school year, Rex Miller and Julian Duffey were hired as administrators of Special Services, Because here
son is in the secondary setting she has only worked with Mr. Duffey. She spoke to him in June. He listened to her concerns and asked for the opportunity to
improve on the situation, In August, Mr. Lords, the principal, shared evidence of why her son wasn't learning in the environment. To correct the Situation, the
teacher was removed from the classroom and a permanent substitute was employed. Mr, Lords was open and honest regarding the candidates he had interviewed
for the position. He felt they would not be a good fit. Mr. Lords was feeling pressure to hire a cerfified teacher for the position. Mrs. Cook had issue with this
because she didn't want another non-verbal student to go through what her son had gone through. He now has a new teacher. Mr. Lords was honest and open but
felt pressure to put a certified teacher in the classroom. He continued with a permanent substitute, Mr. Duffey and Mr. Lords listened to her plea to keep the
permanent substitute. In October, a student teacher transferred to Rocky Mountain Middle School to finish her student teaching in Mrs. Cook's son's classroom.
She was a perfect fit and the District hired her in January when her student teaching was complete. The teacher has completed the required assessments that
weren't done the previous year. Her son had regressed academically about 2 % years. She now receives feedback about her son's academic standing. The
Current teacher communicates the good, the bad, and the ugly, The District also had a sensory room built for the classroom. Her son is once again progressing
academically and he loves school. She thanked the Rocky Mountain staff and Julian Duffey for turning a situation around and involving the parents to do it. She
also thanked tire District for creating the administrative positions in Special Services
She also stated that for people living in the Iona school boundaries, there will be a meeting to discuss issues of overcrowding, It is a Community meeting to come
up with conclusions and a solution that will work for all of us. Chairperson Winchester thanked Mrs. Cook and asked her to mention her PTO meeting for tomorrow
night for patrons in the Iona Elementary boundaries, They will discuss issues of overcrowding at Iona Elementary and how to solve the issues with the bond, It is a
community meeting to try to bring about more support and coming up with conclusions and helping the District come up with a bond that will work for all, She is
hoping that other schools will hold the same type of meeting with their representatives.
Amanda Van Orden 3285 East Edwards Drive She stated that she has no problem voicing her concerns, She wants to also let the Board know of the success of
this year. She is grateful for Julian Duffey and his communication with the parents, He invited her in before the school year started just to meet her. She had the
OppOrtUnity to participate in the interview process with Julian and Rex, They had a great meeting. In her family's personal life, they have had a traumatic year.
With everything that occurred, the one thing that was consistent was school in her son's life. It was a safe place for him where he was loved and cared for amongst
the trial, Her son has a wonderful aide, She has been a remarkable asset for his progression and learning. This is the first year since they have moved here that
her son has progressed forward not digressed, He is doing things that she didn't think he was capable of doing because his aide works with him and pushes him,
She is consistent with him, She is kind of hard on him sometimes but she knows he is capable. He loves school, His aide is an excellent Communicator and tells
all, the good, bad, and ugly. The environment is a place of comfort and a place that the kids can feel good about going to now. Rex Miller and Julian Duffey are
awesome, She doesn't expect changes to happen overnight and is grateful for the efforts and improvements that have been made. She is looking forward to
progress for her son and toward being a part of it, She appreciates what has been done.
Steven MUrohvn344 East Lincoln — He has afriend that made comment that needs mbe looked at, "Watch your pennies and Your dollars 0now."Look at little
things that the Board is paying for. When he first started with a company he could by a lunch if
we don't have the money to do that, If he is not an overnight stay, they don't buy his lunch or dinner. You need to look at the pennies that are being spent. Lots of
people he talked to, voted no on the bond because they didn't know what was going on, These are older people that don't have the internet. They vote every time.
Some commented that they used to get information every three months sent out by the District. They knew what was going on. Now there is a bond. You want
more money but they don't know what it is for so they voted no. Chairperson Winchester stated the District stopped sending the paper information out because it
became too expensive, Mr. Murphy believes that lots of people voted no because they didn't have information, You may want to look at something to send five or
six options that You are considering so people could see them and look at them and provide feedback, You need to figure out some way so that everybody gets
the information. Then you would get enough people to pass the bond,
Randy Traoo Wind River Drive —He saw tape from one n/ your meetings k orso ago. He wanted to get thi | ighte eu out. He talked mSuperintendent
Shackett the day after the first meeting he had with hirn about helping find some ground for this school if this one didn't work where it is. He told Superintendent
Shackeft about a piece on 1,t Street and he was told that it was too far away. After the Sandcreek meeting, Mr. Trane talked to Dr. Shackeft and offered three or
four pieces. But with the parameters that the Board has, there aren't many options. There are 30 or 40 pieces of ground that could be purchased that he believes
would be a better location, It sounds like you are set on putting it in that location because you are out buying more property near that location, It then doesn't
matter about the other locations, That is your choice to do. He doesn't believe the voters will approve that. There are other pieces of property available, but they
are not within a half mile or quarter of a mile of the piece you are proposing. He told the Board he would help them but there is no point in him or anyone else
going Out and finding ground if you are going to keep it in that piece and buying another 40 acres next to that piece. He would appreciate it in the meetings if you
wouldn't say that the gentleman who said he would help has not brought one piece to us, That is just not correct. He has proposed pieces and they don't work
under the DistricVs parameters, He spoke directly to Mrs. Landers stating that he would like to straighten out some information he heard on the tape. The piece of
ground on Carolyn that he said he helped someone find was for another developer. He did not buy Or develop that piece of ground. He did not build those houses.
For Mrs. Landers to say that Mr. Trane made money on the development and on the houses and to look at the money he made, He got a commission on the
ground because he is a reaffor. He would appreciate you getting Your facts correct, You also stated that people built houses near Hillcrest, That is correct. The
high school was there before the land was developed. We are talking about a different story. This piece of ground you are proposing to build the high school on,
the subdivision was there prior to the high school. If people want to build after the high school is built that is their option. We are talking about a totally different
Situation of going through subdivisions to build a high school. You shouldn't compare this with Carolyn Lane that we drive through a subdivision to get to
Sandcreek and Hillcrest. Every one of those houses were built after Hillcrest and after Sandcreek. That is totally different than what we are talking about here,
Dr. Shauckett requested m make e statement for the record, He did talk m Mr. Tmnoat the Sandnmokmeeting, Mr. Tmnn said ho had three pieces of land that
would fit our criteria o/ having the utilities and not being io the same position of families having issues with the location, As of yet Dr. Shackett has not received one
plot o(land. Mr. Trane countered that was because of the District's parameters. The pieces fie talked to Dr. Shackett about were too far away, Chairperson
Winchester stated that xmwant the high school in the middle ni the District where the Population is. We du not want ii located way w the South nrNorth. Mr.Tmno
stated that he did have the properties and was willing to give those properties to Dr. Shackeft for consideration, but for Dr. Soarxeumsay that Mr. Traoedidn't
bring anything w him i» not ok. Mr. Trane stated that he did bring the property on First Street. Dr. Shackett stated that he told Mr. Trane that if he would bring the
three lots that meet the criteria, Dr. Shackeft would go with him to the Board and push for them, Dr. Shackett then stated that Mr. Tmoo has not brought one piece
of land anywhere that meets the criteria. Dr. Shackett stated that he discussed the criteria with Mr. TmnoetGandorevk. Dr. ooankou has been waiting for those
pieces of land and asked Mr. Trane not to say that he has presented property. Dr. Shackett asked Mr. Trane to be honest. Mr. Tmno then stated that there aren't
many pieces that meet the criteria. Hn did have the properties, they just didn't meet the criteria. Mr. Tmno stated that he can't bring pieces that don't exist within a
half mile u/ the current property. Dr. axookonstated that Mr. Trane knew the criteria when he mentioned that he had three pieces of property, Mr. Trane doesn't
have any that meet the criteria. He then asked if the 40 acre piece the District just purchased has utilities, That piece will help create less traffic flow in the
oaighhnrhnuou, Wo are just responding m the community concerns regarding traffic, wo can put the fields and stadium there ,m there will uo less impact onthe
neighborhoods. Mr. Tranp asked if there have been environmental Studies and test holes with regard m lava. Dr. ShaoknV answered in the affirmative.
VII, New Business
ProDosed Policy for 30-dav Review (first readina) - Marjean McConnell
1 3500 Distributing Treats and Invitations at School
2. 5020 Criminal H istory-Backg round Checks
5020P Criminal History-Backg round Checks Procedures
1 5021 Employee Duty to Report Arrests or Criminal Convictions
4, 8455 Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals
Chairperson Winchester asked Mrs. McConnell to present the policy for 30-day Review to the Board. Mrs. McConnell stated that the Board is receiving four
policies and one procedure that were submitted for initial review last meeting. The BEA was given a copy when we submitted these for initial review. Policy 3500
Distributino Treats and Gilts at School is a new policy written to establish guidance for distributing treats and gifts for students at school during regular hours. We
took out reference to invitations because most schools have their own procedure. Policy 5021 Emolovee Dutv to Report Arrests or Criminal Convictions is anew
policy incorporating language taken Out Of procedure 5020P to make this requirement more easily available to those needing direction. Policy 5020, procedure
5020P, and policy 8455 have been updated to reflect current practice and statutory requirements. Mrs. McConnell requested that the policies and procedure be
placed on the website for 30-day review.
Chairperson Winchester asked if the Board had any questions for Mrs, McConnell, Amy Landers asked why you pulled reporting arrests from 5020P. We wanted it
to be more accessible, Chairperson Winchester asked if there were other questions and then asked if there would be a motion regarding the policies and
procedure presented for 30-day review.
MOTION: Jeff Bird made the motion to approve the policies and procedure for 30-day review and to be placed on the website for Such review. Kip Nelson
seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Motion passed
VIII. Old Business
Proposed Policy for Final Adoption (second readina) - Marjean McConnell
1430 and 6120 Board and Superintendent Relationship
Chairperson Winchester asked Mrs. McConnell to present the policy for final adoption to the Board. Mrs, McConnell stated that the Board is receiving one policy
for final adoption. This has gone through the required 30-day review. If approved, it will be placed on the District's web-page in the online policy manual and a list
sent to the schools and PTO presidents informing them that the document has been approved and is available for review. This all existing policy that has been
updated to include information regarding when the superintendent's evaluation will be completed, Mrs. McConnell recommended that the Board adopt this policy in
second reading,
Chairperson Winchester asked if the Board had any questions for Mrs. McConnell, Hearing none, she then asked if there Would be a motion regarding the policy
presented for final adoption.
MOTION: Kip Nelson made the motion to approve policy 1430 and 6120 as presented for final adoption and to be placed on the website in the online policy
manual. Jeff Bird seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Motion passed,
Chairperson Winchester asked if any Board Member would like to add any agenda items to an upcoming meeting. There were no requests for agenda items. She
then reminded those in attendance that an additional work session has been scheduled for next Wednesday, April 16, 2014 in the District Board Room at 11:30
a.m. This meeting will be streamed and archived.
IX Call for Acienda Items for UlDcomino Meetinas
A. Work Session Wednesday, April 16, 2014 - District Board Room -11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
B. Work Session with Bonneville Student Council - Wednesday April 23, 2014 - Bonneville High School Media Center -11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
C. Work Session with Lincoln Student Council - Wednesday, April 30, 204 - Lincoln High School Multipurpose Room Stage -11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
D. Work Session with Hillcrest Student Council - Wednesday, May 7, 2014 • Hillcrest Media Center -11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
E. Regular Meeting - Wednesday May 14, 2014 - 7:00 p.m.
F. Work Session with BOS and TCHS Student Councils -Wednesday, May 28, 2014 - District Board Room -11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
G. BHS Seniors Graduation - Tuesday, June 3, 2014
H. HHS Seniors Graduation - Wednesday, June 4, 2014
L District Picnic - Friday, June 5, 2014 - Bonneville High School Cafeteria -11:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m.
J. LHS Seniors Graduation - Thursday June 5, 2014.6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at Hillcrest
K. TCHS and BOHS Seniors Graduation - Thursday, June 5, 2014.7:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. at Rocky Mountain Middle School
X Executive Session
Chairperson Winchester stated that the Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)(b) To consider the evaluation,
dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student.
The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law.
She then asked for a motion to move into Executive Session at 7:24p.m.
MOTION: Brian McBride made the motion to move into Executive Session for the purpose stated. Amy Landers seconded. The Roll Call Vote was:
Jeff Bird — Yes
Amy Landers - Yes
Brian McBride - Yes
Kip Nelson - Yes
Annette Winchester - Yes
The Board then recessed into Executive Session in Dr. Shackett's office.
Chairperson Winchester asked for a motion to move back into open session at 8:07 p.m.
MOTION: Kip Nelson made the motion to move back into open session, Amy Landers seconded, The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions Motion
XL Motions from Executive Session
Chairperson Winchester asked if there would be any motions from executive session.
MOTION: Brian McBride made the motion to approve the termination of employee D14, Kip Nelson seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0
abstentions. Motion passed.
She then asked for a motion to adjourn at 8:09 pim
x1l. Adjournment
MOTION: Brian McBride made the motion to adjourn. Jeff Bird seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions Motion passed.
APPROVED: Chairperson
ATTESTED: . ! e rk