HomeMy WebLinkAboutSTRATA 2015-16A P\ot l,;tto!,At 5rru/rrl f,)nPoFtl'r)^i -(^t--9. A-/ a,oa +hr €7""^) uF Mr. John Pymm Maintenance & Facilities Bonnevllle School District #93 2461 No(h 25h East ldaho Falls, ldaho 83401 Phone: (208) 569-01 18 Email: pymmj@d93.k12.id.us RE: PROPOSAL AHERA Program lnitial Assessment Bonneville School District #93 ldaho Falls. ldaho Dear Mr. Pymm: Strata, A professional Services Corporation (STRATA) has prepared this proposal to provide nsnestoi- ftaiarO Emergency Response ni:t (nHfiA) Program lnitial Assessment services for the B;;;;;1" Schoot Distric-t #95 tes-Dgsl schools located in ld;ho Falls, ldaho our understanding of the ;;J".t';.d; ii Lasea on our Gtephone discussion with you on February 5, 2016, and our meeting on March 4, 2016. SCOPE OF SERVICES Pursuanttoyourrequest,STRATAwillassessthecurrenlstatusoftheBSD93AHERA program, including reviewing available asbestos-related documents (hard copies and/or eleclronic "";i";; ii pi"riJ",il to detertine the re_inspection and management ptan scope of work required to bring BSD93 in compliance with the AHERA regulation' Future additional scope of work not included in this proposal may include 3-year.re-inspections ltor tnose scnooG with sufhcient records to support a re-inspection); initial inspections including sampling activities (for those schools with inadequate records); and deveLopment of a district-wide AiEnl" Ntrnrg"ment ptan (AMP) incorporating the BSD93 buildings. STRATA understands the AHERA progrim lnitial Assessment will include revlew of available documenls fot 15 Elementary Schools, 4 itliddte Schools, and 5 High Schoo/s. We understand tiles for multiple schools may be missing'or incomplete between the lb92 3-year re-inspection to present day. STRATA anticipates p"i"orin"f will review available documents at the BSD93 Maintenance & Facilities oflice to keep documents on-site (as opposed to removing documents from the office)' At the completion of this AHERA Program lnitial Assessmenl, STRATA will provide a summary offindings for each school campus in a letter, including a proposed scope ofwork and associated costs ,"qrir"dto bring the campus into compliance. lt is our understanding the BSD93 may want to take a staged approach to future proposed work, to better control costs for the district Sampling is not presently proposed for this portion of the project. Future rc-inspection activities will be timited td observation oiACM, suspect ACM, or presumed ACM (PACM) to provide condition ,"."""."ni rn0 identifying ACMS that may be subject to disturbance. lt is likely the need for collection of bulk samples of suspectACM will be required during re-inspection activities March 10,2016 F∥el lFP16019 1652 VVoodruFf Park,ldaho Fa∥s,ldaho 83401 PhOne 208 523 8781 Fax 208 881 0672 -stratageotech com BonneⅧe Sc翻 悶ξ牌馨Wi:笥 盲i辮 F∥e:lFP16049 Page 2 LIMITAT10NS ]lil』:iま 11!]il諾 喬iih評 :輌 |∫II首 :|[lili:itβ l」 ettT』雪呈霧覧|」:進 ξt鳴 き'pl:::星 Fl cation of its contents to lndividuais beyond the )yrightlaws in the state ofldaho 魃 胤 輔 :謝 l掘 蘊 蝙 鞭 北 襦 羅 scope ofthese services These services do not include deterrnining response actions,development of coSt estimates for asbestOS O「lead paint removal,Or preparation Of an operations and maintenance plan SCHEDULE Services Ⅷ∥be initiated upon receipt Ofthe wntten notice to proceed and the documentS reView訛#ぜ 機肝:鰤 訛yw£朧ぽ嵐i等 ギwi」l旱 鐸#|!恐 1墾 懇碁,聯 and recommendations, and, as such, wi∥ take p personnelrnay haVe provided FEE STRATAぃ “ ∥provide the AHERA Program lnlial Assessment services on a lme and materlals :::闘 盤:寵 軍'y%∬訊遇I』:::∬冨譜肝鳳ギ:∬鴇離∬:日 ∫¶t距 Ⅷ 墨構響獣淵歳h酬 雪ilttft『柵lfT柵 」『壌繰eⅧ%肥 es AUTHORIZAT:ON 帥db講 諾躍品∥l:悧 器」∫朧1き 3晶 嘱稲乳∬鑓稀]1讐 i肥 ll笛:肥 謝 節謂淵Ъ瞥朧Tttr電 服llttjil麟 視l椰 織 紺 :』は 、General COndi」ons cannot be excluded from the ov冊まr躙 轟信織1離 瀾i穐『肺桜榊SttF詐 lW舗 翻発unless specinca∥y stated in wnting You have the accepting this propOsal Please read a∥sections care仙 ∥ STRATA,A Professional Services Corporation CENERAL CONDrr10NS FOR ENⅥRONMENTAL CONSuLT!NO SERVICES 利Ю祠劇いmttrm∝対口倣"sa躊 鵬 [澪 馨 躙 驚淵 柵 朧 鳳 群 揚 ξ牌螺 rAこ は-09・ ―Ш― 椰 欝 i酬 躙 鱚 酬 腑 柵 … 昭的tt∞旺轟aa囲 睡 鼈頸 醐驚壌岬sb∝ “ Щdm―dI・― 朧 淵颯 朧 藉 調 硼 調器酬:駆 鱚 臨 躙 躙 郷 出棚