HomeMy WebLinkAboutRocky Mountain Power Year 2 of 5(lD Mar2023 - NoAdvRfnd) Account #:65287146 001 Service lD #:788482960 004 Monthly NB ctc..11481 Request #: 7028684 Contract #: GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACT ({000 KVA oR LESS) between ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER and BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DIST #93 This General Service Contract ("Contract"), dated March 17,2023, is between Rocky Mountain Power, an unincorporated division of PacifiCorp ("Company'), and BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DIST #93 ('Customer''), for electric service for Customer's school operation at or near 4928 E 1"tST, ldaho Falls, ldaho. Company's filed tariffs (the "Electric Service Schedules" and the "Electric Servrce Regulations") and the rules of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), as they may be amended from time to time, regulate this Contract and are incorporated in this Contract. ln the event of any conflict between this Contract and the Electric Service Schedules or the Electric Service Regulations, such schedule and rules shall control. They are available for review at Customer's request. 1. Delivery of Power. Company will provrde 1201240 voll, single-phase electric service to the Customer facilities. 2. Contract Demand. The demand in kVA that Customer requires to meet ils load requirement and Company agrees to supply and have available for delivery to Customer, shall be 66 kVA (diversified, based on Customer's submitted load prior to the signing of this Contract)(the 'Contract Demand"). After 36 months of service the Company may reduce Contract Demand to the maximum recorded and billed demand in the previous 36 months. The reduction in Contract Demand shall become effective thirty (30) days after the Company provides notice. Wthin fifteen ('15) days of Cusiomer's written request for capacity above the Contract Demand, Company shall advise Customer in writing whether the additional power and energy is currently available, or if not currently available, initiate the processes to determine the costs to make it available. 3. Extension Costs. Company agrees io invest $5,113.79 (the "Extension Allowance") to fund a portion of the cost of the improvements (the "lmprovements") as per tariff. Customer agrees to pay Company the estimated construction costs in excess of the Extension Allowance ("Customer Advance") in the amount of $4,590.21, of which the Customer has paid $0.00 for engineering, design, or other advance payment for Company's facilities. The balance due is $4,590.21. + qt'*Y**a 1of 5 qo'loy Customer provided trenching, conduit, vault and/or righlof-way ("TCVR"), when provided for Company lines and equipment, may be subject to refund as calculated using Company standard cosis. As per tariff the refund will be determined proportionate to each customeis Contract Demand to the total demand for the calculated cost of shared facilities. This extension has no potential TCVR refunds. Contract Minimum Billing. Customer agrees to pay a contract minimum billing (the "Contract Minimum Billing") during the first sixty (60) months beginning from the date Company is ready to supply service. The billing shall be the greater of: (1) the Customer's monthly bill; or, (2) $74.88 (the monthly facilities charge) plus eighty percent (80o/o) of the Customer's monthly bill. Billings will be based on Rate Schedule No. 23 and superseding schedules. Effective. This Contract will expire unless Customer signs and returns an original of this Contract along with any required payment to Company within ninety (90) days of the Contract date shown on page 1 of this Contract. 6. Contract Minimum Billing Te]m and Termination. This Conkact becomes binding when both Company and Customer have signed it and will remain in effect for five (5) years following the date when Company is ready to supply service (the "Term") Following execution of Contract but prior to completion of installation of Company's lmprovements, Customer may terminate Contract by notitying Company of their intent to not take service. lf Customer is not ready to receive service from Company within one-hundred fifty (150) days of the date Customer signs this Contract, then Company may terminate this Contracl. Upon Customer or Company termination of Contract, Customer shall pay Company costs incurred for design, permitting, surveying, cancelation orders, lmprovements installed and other associated Contract costs. Customer's Advance, if any, will be applied to costs incurred, and Customer will promptly pay Company any costs in excess of the Advance upon receipt of notice. lf the Advance exceeds the costs incurred, Company will promptly refund the portion of the Advance in excess of costs incurred. However, if Company has completed installation of lmprovements and does not terminate Contract, Customer shall be responsible for paying the Contract lvlinimum Billing for the full Term irrespective of Customer taking, not taking, or terminating seryice. Customer Obligations. Customer agrees to: a) Provide legal rights-of-way to Company, at no cost to Company, using Company's standard forms. This includes rights-of-way on Customer's property and/or third party property and any permits, fees, etc. requlred to cross public lands; b) Prepare the route to Company's specifications; c) lnstall all Customer provided trench, conduit, equipment foundations, or excavations for equipment foundations within the legal raghts-of-ways; d) Repair, or pay for the repair of, any damage to Company's facilities except damage caused by the negligence of Company; and, 7. 2of5 8. 9. e) Comply with all of Company's tariffs, procedures, specifications and requirements. Special Provisions: None Underground Facilities. lf service is provided by an underground line extension, Customer will provide, or Company will provide at Customer's expense: all trenching and backfilling, imported backfill material, conduit and duct, and furnish and install all equipment foundations, as designed by Company. Company may abandon in place any underground cables installed under this Contract that are no longer useful to Company. Customer warrants that all Ct stomer provided trench and excavations for equipment foundations, and Customer installed conduit and equipment foundations are installed within legal rights-of-way, and conform to the specificatrons in Company's Electflc Service Requirements Manual, and other specifications as otherwise provided by Company. ln the event Customer fails to comply with the foregoing, Customer shall be liable for the cost to Company for relocating the facilities within a legal righlof-way, acquiring righlof-way for Company facilities, repair or replacement of improperly installed conduit or foundations, and paying costs for damages that may arise to any third party as a result of Company facilities being located outside of a legal right-of-way. The provisions of this paragraph 9 shall survive the termination of this Contract. Design, Construction, Ownership and Operation. Company shall design, construct, install, and operate the lmprovements in accordance with Company's standards. Company will own the lmprovements, together with Company's existing electric utility facilities that serve or will serve Customer. Construction of the lmprovements shall not begin until (1) both Company and Customer have executed (signed) this Contract, and (2) all other requirements prior to construction have been fulfilled, such as permits, payments received, inspection, etc. Any delays by the Customer concerning site preparation and right-of-way acquisition or trenching, inspection, permits, etc. may correspondingly delay completion of the lmprovements. Company warrants that its work in constructing and maintaining the lmprovements shall be consistent with prudent utility practices. COMPANY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARMNTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND SIMILAR WARRANTIES. Company's liability for breach of warranty, defects in the lmprovements, or installation of the lmprovemenls shall be limited to repair or replacement of any non-operating or defective portion of the lmprovements or Company's other electric utility facilities. Under no circumstances shall Company be liable for other economic losses, including but not limited to consequential damages. Company shall not be subject to any liability or damages for inability to provide service to the extent that such failure shall be due to causes beyond the reasonable control of either Company or Customer. No other party, including Customer, shall have the right to operate or maintain Company's electric utility facilities or the lmprovements. Customer shall not have physical access to Companv's electric utility facilities or the lmprovements and shall engage in no activitres on or related to Company's electric utility facilities or the lmprovements. 't0. 3of5 (lD Ma2023 - NoAdvRfnd) Account #:65287 146 00'l Service lD #:788482960 004 Monthly NB CiC: 11481 Request #: 7028684 Contract #: 1. GENERAL SERVICE CONTRACT (1000 KvA oR LESS) between ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER and BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DIST #93 This General Service Contract ("Contract"), dated March 17,2023, is between Rocky Mountain Power, an unincorporated division of PacifiCorp ("Company"), and BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DIST #93 ("Customer''), for electric service for Customer's school operation at or near 4928 E 1"' ST, ldaho Falls, ldaho. Company's filed tariffs (the "Electric Service Schedules" and the "Electric Service Regulations") and the rules of the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission"), as they may be amended from time to time, regulate this Contract and are incorporated in this Contract. ln the event of any conflict between this Contract and the Electric Service Schedules or the Electric Service Regulations, such schedule and rules shall control. They are available for review at Customer's request. Delivery of Power. Company will provide 1201240 voll, single-phase electric service to the Customer facilities. Contract Demand. The demand in kVA that Customer requires to meet its load requirement and Company agrees to supply and have available for delivery to Customer, shall be 66 kVA (diversified, based on Customer's submitted load prior to the signing of this Contract)(the "Contract Demand"). After 36 months of service the Company may reduce Contract Demand to the maximum recorded and billed demand in the previous 36 months. The reduction in Contract Demand shall become effective thirty (30) days after the Company provtdes notice. Within fifteen (15) days of Customer's wriiten request for capacity above the Contract Demand, Company shall advise Customer in writing whether the additional power and energy is currently available, or if not currently available, initiate the processes to determine the costs to make it available. Extension Costs. Company agrees to invest $5,113.79 (the "Extension Allowance") to fund a portion of the cost of the improvements (the "lmprovements") as per tariff. Customer agrees to pay Company the estimated construction costs in excess of the Extension Allowance ("Customer Advance") in the amount of $4,590.21, of which the Customer has paid $0.00 for engineering, design, or other advance payment for Company's facilities. The balance due is $4,590.21. 3. + qU*Y'$rP 1of 5 qo'loy 1'1.Payments. All bills shall be paid by the date specified on the bill, and late charges shall be imposed upon any delinquent amounts. Company reserves the right to require customer payments be sent by wire or ACH with remittance detail. lf Customer disputes any portion of Customer's bill, Customer shall pay the total bill and shall designate the disputed portion. Company shall decide the dispute within sixty (60) days after Customer's notice of dispute Any refund Company determines Customer is due shall bear interest at the rate then specified by the Commission or, if no rate is specified, the then effective prime rate as quoted in The Wall Street Journal. Company may request deposits from Customer to the extent permitted under the applicable Electric Service Regulations and the applicable Eleclric Service Schedule. ln the event of a default by Customer in any of its obligations, Company may exercise any or all of its rights and remedies with respect to any such deposits. Furnishing lnformation and Deposits. Customer represents that all information it has furnished or shall furnish to Company in connection with this Contract shall be accurate and complete in all material respects. Company will base its decision with respecl to credit, deposits, allowances or any other material matter on information furnished under this section by Customer. Should such information be inaccurate or incomplete, Company shall have the.ight to revoke or modify this Contract and/or its decision to reflect the determination Company would have made had Company received accurate and complete information. Company may request deposits for the purpose of guaranteeing payment ofelectric service bills, as permitted underthe Company's ldaho Electric Service Regulation No.9. Governing Law; Venue. All provisions of this Contract and the rights and obligations ofthe partaes hereto shall in all cases be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of ldaho applicable to contracts executed in and to be wholly performed in ldaho by persons domiciled in the State of ldaho. Each party hereto agrees that any suit, action or proceeding in connection with this Contract may only be brought before the Commission, the Federal courts located within the State of ldaho, or state courts of the State of ldaho, and each party hereby consents to the excluslve jurisdiction of such forums (and of the appellate courts therefrom) in any such suit, action or proceeding. Assignment. The obligations under this Contract are obligations at all times of Customer, and may not be assigned without Company's consent except in connection with a sale, assignment, lease or transfer of Customer's anterest in Customer's facility. Any such assignment also shall be subject to (i) such successor's qualification as a customer under Company's policies and the Electric Service Regulations, the applicable Electric Service Schedule, and (ii) such successor being bound by this Contract and assuming the obligation of Customer from the date of assignment, which may be evidenced by written agreement of such successor or other means acceptable to Company. Company may condition this assignment by the posting by the successor of a deposit as permitted under the applicable Electric Service Regulations and the applicable Electric Service Schedule. Company may at any time assign its rights and delegate its obligations undet this Contract to any: affiliate; successor in interest; corporation; or any olher business entity ,12. 13. 14. 4of5 in conjunction with a merger, consolidation or other business reorganization to which Company is a party. {5. Remedies; Waiver. Either party may exercise any or all of its rights and remedies under this Contract, the applicable Electric Service Regulations, the applicable Electric Service Schedule and under any applicable laws, rules and regulations. No provision of this Contract, the Electric Service Regulations, or the applicable Electric Service Schedule shall be deemed to have been waived unless such waiver is expressly stated in writing and signed by the waiving party. 16. Attorneys' Fees. lf any suit or action arising out of or related to this Contract is brought by any party, the prevailing party or parties shall be entitled to recover the costs and fees (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees, the fees and costs of experts and consultants, copying, courier and telecommunication costs, and deposition costs and all other costs of discovery) incurred by such party or parties in such suit or action, including, without limitation, any post-trial or appellate proceeding, or in the collection or enforcement of any judgment or award entered or made in such suit or action. 17. Waiver of Jury Trial. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO WAIVES ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT OF LITIGATION DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY ARISING OUT OF, UNDER OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS CONTRACT. EACH PARTY FURTHER WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO CONSOLIDATE ANY ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL HAS BEEN WAIVED WITH ANY OTHER ACTION IN WHICH A JURY TRIAL CANNOT BE OR HAS NOT BEEN WAIVED. 18. Entire Agreement. This Contract contains the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject matter, and replaces and supersedes in their entirety all prior agreements between the parties related to the same subject matter. This Contract mav be modified onlv bv a subsequent written amendment or aqreement executed bv both parties. BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DIST #93 ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ByBy TITLENAME (type or prinl legrbly) signalule Justin Cherrv t{A[iE (type or pltnt legibly) Manaoer TITLE DATE 5 of 5 OATE Customer's Mailing Address for Executed Contract ADORESS ldaho Falls. ld 83401 CITY, STATE, ZIP EMAIL ADDRESS Rocky Mountain Powels Mailing Address for Executed Contract 852 E 1400 EMAIL ADDRESS ATTENTION OF 3497 N Ammon Rd Shelley, ld 83274 CITY STATE ZIP 1of 5 SND I4 SNDI4 t34280 t2.5 LL 3#4t0-AL 6" Mobile class rooms install 75 kva xfmr, install 2 runs of 410 ugtx and CT metering =t? t34t8t I o''c<R \i..- ,34r0r\\ )u;D.h_.-fA 7pe'6u^z install elbow fault indicator and !/0 ug primary cable to xfmr 135t80 25'A10A0 t I 5 )i.a)ggo)1q 25 C.,t000.t t7 E (/ {i oZt) Foreman Emp #Job Start Date .+=YPaclHCoRP v a aERXSHTFEUTHAWAYENERGYCOMPANY S cc# il48 t wo#/ REQ# 007028684 Map String 03 t02038.0 Job Comp Date Customer: BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DIST #93 Address: 4928 E IST ST, IDAHO FALLS, lD Circuit SNDI4 PostJobs trRQII tr Pa<tad n EST ID# Pt t844 Print Date 3il612023 Scale 1in=82' ROCKY MOUNTAIN HSIYE*"" 852 East 1400 North Shelley,ldaho 83274 Date: March 17,2021 Dear BONNEVILLE SCHOOL, DIST #93, Attn Don Trauntvein Enclosed is your contract for providing service to mobile classrooms. Please sign and retum it to the Shelley Office. Your request for service will be scheduled and prioritized based upon when we receive the signed contract. Please carefully review the enclosed contract and note that the contract will expire unless you: a) Sign and retum the contract along with any required payment, recorded ea^sement, or other information to the Company within 90 days of the contract date shown on page I of the contract, and b) Are ready to receive service within 150 days ofthe contract date. Ifyou have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Ned Bennett Estimating Department Ph.208-357-2610 Pax208-357-7935 ned.bennett@rockymountainpower. net