HomeMy WebLinkAboutCelebrations Speech of Idaho, LLCBONNEVIUE SCHOOT DISTRICT !'3 Conttactual Agreement with Cetebratlons Soeech of ldaho. LLC. THIS AGREEMENT entered lnto between Bonneville School Distrlct #93, hereby known as the Dlstrlct, having a principal place of business at 3497 N' Ammon Road, ldaho Falls, ldaho, and Celgbl E@1Sp113![ of ldaho. LLC., hereby known as the Contractot The followlng service(s) requested: Slsglb-aottlilsulSs Dates of servlce: beglnnln8 AuEust 1, 2023 through ,unero,z0z4 Hours of service: at th€ rate of $75'00 per hour for speedr patholoSy Contractor requltements attached hereto are made a part of this contract. The parties agree that the contractor is solely responsible for all costs and expenses lncurred in connection wlth the performance of those servlces descrlbed ln this agreement unless noted above. 1. The Contractor agrees to provlde special education and/or related services In accordance wlth the following state and federal laws and regulations: ldaho Code; ldaho State Board of Educatlon Regulations pertaining to special education; ldaho Special Educatlon Manual; the lndividuals wlth oisablllties Education AcU Part 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations Sections 300.300-300.349 and 300.400-300.56; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Ac! Part 104 ofthe Code of Federal Reguladons; and the Famlly Educational Rlghts and Privacy Act. These regula6ons lnclude. but are not llmited tq provisions relating to:' a- FAPE b. Least Restrlctive Envlronment (LRE) c. Personnelwho meet appropriate standards d. lndlvldualized Education Programs (lEPs) e. ParentparticiPation f. Proceduralsafeguards g. Protection ln evaluatlon procedures h. Confldentiality of informatlon i, Nondiscrlmination on the basls of handlcap 2. The Contractor agrees to provide education and/or related servlces for identifled student(s) including: a. The appropriate staff and oversi8ht to implement lEPs for each student as determlned by the school IEP team; b. Servlces to the students accordingto the school distrlct's current school calendar (attached), excludlng emertency school closures or when a student is absent. 3. The Contractor further agrees to provlde the Dlstrlct the followlng: . a. Services as authorized ln the student's IEP/504; b. Other services as approved by the Distrl6 such as consultatlons, RTI meetings, lnluries, meetings with familles and/or teachers and evaluations for students not on lEps; Bonneville JL School District - Service Provider AgreementPage 1 c. Assurance that all work will be performed in accordance wlth the hlghest professional standards; d. A copy of the service provlder's Staff Quallfications showing professional credentials for the districtt files; e' Verification all employees who come lnto contact with the student have been subJect to a criminal background check as requlred by ldaho Code 33-130 and have been determined to not have a crrminal hrstory inconsistent wrth working with ch[dren.i Daily completlon of the District's report as a means of written documentaflon for service days, times and results of servlces provided for each studen! as per the lEp.g. Submission of billing to speclal servlces for services provlded wlthln 30 days of the date of the service provided. Addrtronar hourc wifl be comp.nsated at the same rate, provided that the addrtlonal hours, over and above those stated, have received prror written approval ofthe Dlrector of Federal Protrams. Alt lnvolces should be numbered and dated showing the dates and hours of service provided for each student. h. Certiflcate of Liability tnsurance. i. Proof of Worker's Compensation coveEge. J. ongoing progress r€ports used to monitor each student,s progress toward lEp goals and objectives. k. Verification the contractor personnel responsible for providing special education and related services meet the hlghest entry-level state standards for the approprlate occupation category. 4. lf the student is no longer receivlng services from the contractor for any reason, the contractor shall lnform the District, and the obllgation of the Dlstrict to pay for services will cease as of the last day of service provlded. 5. The Contractor and the District agree to comply with all pertinent statutes of the State of ldaho and such rules and regulations as the state Board of Education may legally prescribe, whlch are by reference incorporated ln and made a part of this contract as though set forth hereln. 5. The Dlstrlct assures that health-related servlces or program placement will begln after having conducted an IEP team meeting to develop an lEp. The contractor, at the Dlstrlct,s discretion, may request or attend subsequent lEp team meetings to revise the student,s IDB but a District representative must particlpate in all such meetings. 7. The Oistrict wlll pay the Contractor based on submission of an Involce with documentation as described In 3.9. and pay the involce wlthln 30 days of lts receipt. 8. The Dlstrlct will provide doeumentaHon necessary for the contractor to carry out the portion of the IEP that falls under Contractor responslbllity. 9. The District may terminate this Agreement lmmedlately lf the Distrlct determlnes that the contractor has willfully violated any statutory requlrement or government regulation or the services related to thls Agreement are modified or terminated for a student. Either party may termlnate this Agreement wlthout cause upon provldlng o0 days wrltten notice to the other party. 10. The contractor shall be solely llable for any losses or damages resulting from performance of any of the services covered by thls Agreement. contractor shall lndemnlfy and hold harmless the District from any lrabrlrty, including, but not llmited tq cos! expenses, and attorney fees, Bonneville ft School District - Service provider Agreementpage 2 resulting from Contractor's performance of the servlces provlded under this Agreement. proof of liablllty insurance with Bonneville school Distrlct ,,93 listed as an "additional insured" shall be submitted to the Dlstrict wlthln ten (10) days of the date of rhls Agreement, 11. The Contrastor and District agree that they will meet and review thls contract annually. The contractor agrees that as an lndependent contractor it ls not eligible for distrlct benefits of any kind. The contractor also agrees to maiotaln llabllity insurance in the mlnlmum amount of 91,000,000,00 and worker's compensation coverage for its employees. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this lnstrument to be executed In thelr names by their proper offlclals pursuant to approval of their respective boards on thls 12th day of April, 2023. ASency Name "TTAclLO Bonnevllle Jr, SchoolDlstrlEt S93 d izu Address Bonneville It. School Disrrict - Service Provider AgreementPage 3 I I I I I I I i