HomeMy WebLinkAboutReyna ChryslerOocuSign Envelope lD: D8C0B0F7-0738-4887-A78B-45349D143801 BONNn rpr scl{ool DlsIRlcr fl93 Coffiactual AgE€mEm wlth Re€na Chrlrder THIS AGREEMENT entered lnto on March 31, 2OZ, beh,t/a€n Bonnevllle school Dlstrlct #93, hereby known as the Distrlct, havlng a prlndpal place of buslness at 3497 N. Ammon Road, ldaho Falls, ldaho, and Reana Chrysler, hereby known as the Contracton. The followlng servlce[s) requested: Orlsntedon and Mob ity Dates of ssrvice: beelnning AEust I 20Zi! thtouth June 30, 2@4 Hours of servlce: $51.50 per hour/sfldent sesslon contractor requircments attached hereto are made a part of thls mntract. The parties agree that the Contractor Is solely resPonslble for all casts and expenses lncuned ln connecfion wlth the performance of those servlces descrlbed ln thls agrtement unless noted abore. 1. The Contractor agrees to provlde related seruices in accordance wfth the rules and regUladons estabtlshed by the ldaho State Board of Education as Prcn lded ln Sec$on 33'3003, ldaho Code, as amended for qceF,tlonal studems lMng ln thls dlstricl 2. The Contractor agrees to provtde educadon and/or related servlces for ldenttfled student(s) tndudlng; a, The approprlate stafr and overstght to lmplement lEPs for each student as determlned by the school IEP team; b, Servlces to the stud€nts accordlng to the school dlstrlds school calendar, e,cludlng emergency sdtool dooures or when a student ls absent. 3. The Contractor further a$ees to prorrlde the Distslct the followlng: a. Servlces as authorlzed ln the student's IEP/SM; b, Other seMces such as consultadons and meedngs; c. Assunnce that all work wlll be perbrmed ln accordance whh the hlghest professlonal standards; d, A copy of the service provide/s Staff Quallfications shorving professional credentlals fur the distrlst's ffles; e. Veriffcation all employees who come Into contact with the student have been subject to a crlrnlnal bad<ground check as requked by ldaho Code 3!l-1!10 and have been determlned to not have a crlminal hlstory incooslstent wlth worklng with chlldren, f, Dally complation of the District's report as a means of wrltten documentatlon for servlce days, dmes and results of servlces provlded for each studen! as perthe lEP. g. Submls6lon of bllllnB to Speclal Servlcs for serulcas provlded wlthln 30 days of the date of the serulce ptovlded. Mdftlonal hours wlll be compensated at the same rate, ptlvlded that the addiEonal houn, over and abow those stated, haue recetued prlor wrltten approual ofthe Dlrecbr ofSpeclal Servlces. AII lnvolces strould be numbered and dated showln8 ths dstes and hours of servica prwlded for eddt studenL h. Gerdficate of l-lablllty lnsuranEe. Bonnwille tL School Distrlct - Service Prodder AgreemeutPage 1 DocuSign Envelope lD: DEC0B0F7-0738-4887-A788-45349D14380'1 i. Proof of worker's Compensation coverage. lf the student is no longer receiving services from the Contractor for any reason, the Contractor shall lnform the Dlstrlct, and the obli8ation of the District to pay for services wlll cease as of the last day of service provlded. The Contractor and the District agree to comply with all pertinent statutes ofthe State of ldaho and such rules and reSulations as the State Board of Educatlon may leSally prescrlbe, which are by reference incorporated in and made a part of this Contract as though set forth herein. The oistrict assures that health-related services or program placement will begin after having conducted an IEP team meeting to develop an lEP, The contractor, at the District's discretlon, may request or attend subsequent IEP team meetlngs to revise the student's lDP, but a District representative must participate in all such meetings. The Dlstrlct wlll pay the Contractor based on submlsslon of an invoice with documentatlon as descrlbed in 3.9. The District will provide documentation necessary for the Contractor to carry out the portion of the IEP that falls under Contractor responsibility. The District may terminate this Agreement immediately if the District determlnes that the Contractor has wlllfully vlolated any statutory requirement or Sovernment regulation or the seMces related to thls ASreement are modified or terminated for a student. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon providing 30 days written notice to the other party, 10. The Contractor shall be solely liable for any losses or damages resulting from performance of any of the servlces covered by this Agreement. Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the District from any liability, includin8, but not limlted to, cost, expenses, and attorney fees, resulting from ContGctor's performance of the services provlded under this Agreement. Proof of liability insurance with Bonnevllle School District il93 listed as an 'tdditional insured" shall be submltted to the District wlthin ten (10) days of the date of thls ASreement. The contftlctor agrees that as an independent contractor it ls not eligible for distrlct benefits of any kind. The contractor also agrees to malntain liabillty insurance in the mlnimum amount of S!.,@0,000.fr) and worker's compensation coverage for lts employees. lf the contractor does not have workert compensation, the contrector will pay S .55 for every 5 100 billed. This wlll be deducted in the invoice. lN W|TNESS WHEREOi, the parties hereto have caused thls iflstrument to be executed ln their names by their proper ofrcials puBuant to approval of their respective boards on this 13th day ofJuly. 2021, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Eonnevillelr. School Dirtrict f93 Bonneville JL School District - Service Provider AgreementPage 2 DocuSign Envelope lD: D8C080F7-0738-4887-A788-45349D143801 M\ Bqnorrllrs Jt: school Dl5trl6*93 Address Bonnevllle fL Sclrool DisiHct - Sendce hovlder Agreem.ntn g"i