HomeMy WebLinkAboutSilver Star Communications 2015-16TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS TELECoMIVIUNICATIoN SERVICES AGREEMENT (thls "Agreement") is made this 8'n day of4piL-, 201 5 by and between Silver Star Communications, a dba of Millennium Netlvorks, LLC a Wyoming company("Silver Stai') and Bonneville Joinl School districl 93 ('Customef'). RECITALS A. Silver Star Communications owns and operates a fiber network in ldaho and Wyoming, together with such associated facilities, equipment or services, including but not limited to switches and electronic equipment, necessary or convenient for the purpose of transporting telecommunications traffic, and for other purposes. B. Customer desires to use ce(ain Silver Slar Communications Services, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the terms, covenants and conditions set forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Scooe of Aoreement. Silver Star agrees to provide, and Customer agrees to purchase from Silver Star, the telecommunication services described in Exhibit A ("Telecommunications Services"), which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. 1.1 Service and Price Chanoes. Unless otherwise specified in Exhibit A, Silver Slar Communications reserves the right to cancel or change any service offering or alter the prices for individual Telecommunication Services upon 90 days written notice to Customer. 1.2 Additional Services. With Silver Star Communications' concurrence, Customer may order additional or different Telecommunicalion Services, and each such change or addition will be memorialized in a revised Exhibit A. Each revision of Exhibit A will be incorporated in this Agreement in the same manner as the original Exhibit A. 1.3 Other Providers. Customer acknowledges and agrees that certain Telecommunication Services, or components thereof, may be offered by Silver Star Communications' affiliates, underlying service providers, subcontractors or vendors. 1.4 Non-Exclusive. This Agreement is non-exclusive and shall not prevent or prohibit either Party From entering into similar agreements for similar services with third parties. 2. Compensation. 2.1 Pavment of Comoensatlon. Unless otherwise provided in Exhibit A, Customer shall pay to Silver Star Communications, in advance, the nonrecuning amounts set forth on Exhibit A upon execution of this Agreement, and shall continue to pay applicable monthly recurring payments thereafter as long as the Agreement is in effect. 22 Pavment Schedule 221 S∥ver Star Communicatons w∥lfon″ard an involce to Customer on or before the first ('1"t) day of the month for Telecommunication Services to be provided during the following month after the invoice is foMarded. 2.3 Customer shall pay the invoice within thirty (30) days of receipti provided, however, that the compensation shall be paid by Customer, regardless whether an invoice is received, on or before the first (1sr) day of the month for which Silver Star Communications is to provide the Telecommunication Services. 2.4 Default Pavments. lf Customer defaults in the payment of any sum due hereunder, then such unpaid amount shall bear interest at the rate of four percent (40lo) over the prime rate as published in the Wall Street Journal Western Editlon on the date of such default from the date due to the date of payment. ln addition, if Customer defaults in the payment of any sum due hereunder, Customer shall pay to Sllver Star Communications a late charge equal to five percent (5%) of the overdue amount. The parties hereby agree that such late charge represents a fair and reasonable estimate of the costs Silver Star Communications will incur by reason of late payment of Customer. Acceptance of such late charge by Silver Star Communications shall in no event constitute a waiver of Cuslomer's default with respect to such overdue amount, nor prevent Silver Star Communications from exercising any of the other rights and remedies granled hereunder, 3. Mutual Coooeration. Each partywill cooperate with the other, and takeall actions necessary and appropriate for the connection of Cuslomer's network with the Telecommunication Services provided by Silver Star Communications. Each party will take such measures as may be reasonably necessary to inform the other party in advance of any changes in its network or practices that may aFfect the other party's network or services. 4. Term of Aoreement. The term of this Agreement shall be defined in Exhibit A and shall commence on the date the Agreement is executed by the Parties. ln addition, Silver Star Communications may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without notice, if it reasonably concludes that Customer's use of the Telecommunication Services is unlaMul or threatens the integrity and functionality of Silver Star Communications' network. 5. Continuitv of Service. Sllver Star Communications shall use its best efforts to service and maintain the Telecommunication Services in conformity with the operations and procedures set forth in its tariffs, operating manuals and any other specificalions or maintenance requirements as may be in accordance with industry standards. 5.1 lnterruoted Service. Silver Star Communications shall notify Customer of any anticipated or planned service interruption and Customer will cooperate with Silver Star Communications to take appropliate actions to restore service availability. 6. Limitation of Liabilitv. lf the Telecommunication Services are unavailable for ten (10) conseculive hours during any calendar day and such unavailability results from the failure of equipment or facililies of Silver Star Communications, Silver Star Communications will credit a prorated amount to Customer's account in an amount equal to the charges which would have been charged by Silver Star Communications to Customer during the period when services or access is unavailable. This credit shall constitute lhe sole available remedy for any Silver Slar Communications enors, interruptions or defects in the ordering processing, provisioning or transmission of services. In no event shall Silver Star Communicalions be liable to any person or entity for any indirect, consequential, special, incidenlal actual or punitive damages, or for any lost profits of any kind or nature, arising out of the performance of this Agreement. 7. Warranties. 7.1The Parties. Each Party represents and warrants it is, and will remain, duly organized, validly existrng, and in good standing under the laws of the place of its origin, and possesses all the authority necessary to enter into and perform its obligations under lhis Agreement. 7.2 Silver Star. Silver Star Communications represents and warrants that: (a) its on-Net Service is designed, installed, provided, and maintained in compliance with applicable legal requirements; and (b) it possesses, and will maintain, all licenses, approvals, registrations and certifications required by regulators or other third parties to furnish its Services to Customer. 7.3 Customer. Customer represents and warrants that: (a) services it fumishes to its End Users are designed, installed, provided, and maintained in compliance w(h applicable legal requirements and those established in this Agreement; (b) all Custom Silver Star communications traffic handled by Silver Star communications is compliant with applicable legal requirements and those established in this Agreementi and (c) it possesses, and will maintain, all licenses, approvals, registrations and certifications required by regulators or other lhird parties to furnish its services 7 .4 Exclusion of Other Wananties. THE WARMNTIES SET FORTH lN SECTIONS ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARMNTIES, WRITTEN OR OML, STATUTORY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE WARMNTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, NON-INTERFERENCE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. L Relationshio of the Parties. This Agreement does not constitute either party as an agent, legal representative, joint venturer, partner, franchisee or employee of lhe other party for any purpose. Each party shall be an independent contractor and is in no way authorized to make a contract, agreement, warranty, or representation on behalf of the other or to create any obligation, express or rmplied, on b€half of the other. The parties agree that this Agreement does not constitute a fiduciary relationship between Silver Star Communications and Customer. 9. Confidentialitv. Unless required by law, the parties shall not disclose, duplicate or copy, or make use of this Agreement and any exhibits for any purpose other that the performance of this Agreement, and shall treat as confidential and proprietary the terms and conditions of his Agreement and all information supplied or disclosed to each other in connection with this Agreement. 10. Assionment. Either parly may assign its rights and/or obligations under this Agreement, or any portion thereof, upon the written notice to the other party. Any assignee must become obligated to the terms of this Agreement prior to said assignment. 11 Notice. Any notice under this Agreement shatt be in writing and shall be delivered in person or by public or private courier service (including U.S. Postal Service Express Mall and Federal Express) or certilied mail or by facsimile. Anynotice given by certified mail shall besent with return receipt requested. Any notice given by facsimile shalt be verified by a facsimile conflrmation. All notices shall be addressed to the parties at the Following addresses or at such other addresses as the parties may from time to time direct in writing: lf to Customer: Bonnev∥le」oint School Dist「ict 93 3497 N Ammon Road ldaho Fa∥s idaho 83401 lf lo Silver Star Communications: Silver Star Communications Attn: Legal & Regulatory Administrator P.O. Box 226 Freedom, WY 83120 Facsimile: 307 -883-257 5 Any notice shall be deemed to have been given on (a) actual day of delivery or refusal to accept delivery, (b) the day of mailing by registered or certified mail, or (c) the day facsimile transmission is verified. 12 Defaun 12.1 Events of Default. The occurrence of any one or more of the following events shall constitute a default under this Agreement: 12.1.1 FailUIe by Customer to make any payment or other compensation payable by Customer to Silver Star Communications when due under the terms of this Agreement; or 12.1.2 F alluIe by either party in performing any other term, covenant, or condition of this Agreement upon the expiration of thirty (30) days from receipt of written notice from the other party, or the inaccuracy in any material respect of any represenlation or warranty made by either party to the other. 12.2 Defaultinq Partv's Riqht to Cure. The party failing to perform shall nol be deemed to be in default if such party, prior to the expiralion of said thirty (30) days, has cured such failure as set forth in the notice of default. With respect to any non-monelary default that cannot reasonably be cured within thirty (30) days, the default shall not be deemed to be uncured if the defaulting party commences cure within thirty (30) days for so long as the defaulting party is diligently prosecuting the cure thereof. 12.3 Non-defaultino Partv's Rioht to Perform. lf the defaulting party fails to pay any sum of money required to be paid by such party to a person or entity other than the non- defaultlng pa(y or fails to perform any other act to be performed by such defaulting party hereunder, and such failure continues for thirty (30) days after notice thereof by the non-defaulting party, the non-defaulting party may, but shall not be obligated so to do, and without waiving oi releasing the defaulting party from any of its obligations, make any such payment or perform iny such other act on the defaulting party's part to be made or performed as provided in thii Agreement. 13. Soecific performance. Each party agrees that the other party would beirreparably damaged if any of the provisions of this Agreement are not performed in accordance with their specific terms and that monetary damages would not provide an adequate remedy in such event. Accordingly, it is agreed that, in addition to any other remedy lo which the non- breaching paiy may be entitled, at law or in equity, the non-breaching party shall be entitled to injunctive relief to prevent breaches of the provisions of this Agreement and specifically to enforce the terms and provisions hereof. 14. Remedies. ln the event of a default by either party, which is not corrected within the time frames specified herein, lhe non{efaulting party shall be entitled to all rights and remedies available at law or in equity, including, without limitalion, specific performance of the terms of this Agreement against the defaulting parly. 15. Force Maieure. With the exception of payment of fees and charges due under this Agreement, a party shall be excused from performance, if its performance is prevented by acls or events beyond the party's reasonable control, including but not limited to, severe weather and storms; earthquakes or other natural occulrences; strikes or other labor unrest; nuclear or other civil or military emergencies; or acts of legislative, judicial, executive, or administrative authoritles. 16. Severabilrtv. lf any provisions of this Agreement shall be determined to be void by any court of competent jurisdiction, then such determlnation shall nol affect any other provision of this Lease and all such other provisions shall remain in full force and etfect and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 17. lndemnification. Each parly lo this Agreement hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the other party with respect to any third-party claims, lawsuits, damages or court actions arising from performance under this Agreement to the extent that the indemnifying party is liable or responsible for said third-party claims, losses, damages, or court actions. Whenever any claim shall arise for indemnification hereunder, the party entitled to indemnification shall promptly notify the other party of the claim and, when known, the facts constituting the basis for such a claim. ln the event that one party to this Agreemenl disputes the other party's right to indemnification hereunder, the party disputing indemniflcation shall promptly notify the other party of the factual basis for disputing indemnification. lndemnification shall include, but is not limited to, costs and attorney fees. 18. Governino Law. lt is agreed that this Agreement shall be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of ldaho. 19. Successors and Assiqns. This Agreement and all terms and conditions hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of all authorized heirs, successors in interest or assignees of either party hereto. 20. Entire Aoreement. This Agreement, together with all exhibits, notices, appendices and any jointly executed written supplements hereto, represent the enlire agreement contemplated by the parties hereto. lt is understood and agreed by the parties that there are no verbal promises or implied promises, agreements, stipulations or other representations of any kind or characler pertaining to the Telecommunic€tion Services between them other than as set forth herein. 21. Written Modification. No modification, release, discharge, or waiver of any provisions hereof shall be of any force, effect or value unless in writing signed by both parties or their duly authorized agent or attorney. 22. Waiver. No covenant, term or condition contained in this Agreement nor the breach thereof shall be deemed waived, except by written consent of the party against whom the waiver is claimed, and any waiver of the breach of any covenant, term or condition shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other covenanl, term or condition herein. Acceptance by a party of any performance by another party after the time lhe same shall have become due, or failure to insist upon performance, shall not constitute a waiver by the first party of the breach or default of any such covenant, term or condition unless otherwise expressly agreed to by the first party in wflting. 23. Counteroarts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and upon every party having executed a counterpart, each signed copy shall have the same force and effect as an original document and as if the parties to the counterparts had signed the same document. 24. Attorneys' Fees. ln the event of any controversy, claim or action being filed or inslituted between the parties hereto to enforce or interpret the terms and conditions of this Lease, or arising from the breach of any provision thereoF, the prevailing party will be entitled to receive from the other party all costs, damages and expenses, including reasonable attorneys'fees, through all levels of action, incurred by the prevailing party, whether or not such controversy or claim is litigated or prosecuted to Judgment. The prevailtng party will be that party who is awarded judgment as a resull of trial or arbitration, or who receives a payment of money or other concession or agreement from the other pa(y in settlement of claims asserted by that party. 25. Caotions. The captions inserted in this Agreement are for convenience only and do nol define, limit or otherwise describe the scope or intent of this Lease o[ any provision hereof nor affect the interprelalion of this Agreemenl. 26. Time of Essence. Time is hereby expressly declared to be of the essence of each and every covenant, term, condition and provision of this Agreemenl. 27 . Additional Acts. The parties hereto agree to execute and deliver any documents or instruments and to take any and all actions reasonably necessary to carry out any agreement, term or condltion of this Agreement, whenever the occasion may arise and roquest for such action shall be made. The parties have executed this Agreement on the date first above written. Customer: 町 Name: S.ntt Wnolstenhl rlme Its: ASSiStant Superinre^.tant Silver Star Communications: 町‐ん/ガ ヽに で Namo 彫`を ノ″浄″(c hs ρ.rに Vο `。(tt/ぃ EXHIB:TA (SEE ATTACHED QOUTE SSCQ1619)