HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-10-2024 Minutes Amended Regular Meeting Amended Executive SessionDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401  (208) 525-4400  Fax (208) 557-6800  www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees  Paul Jenkins  Carissa Coats  Randy Smith  Mindy Clayton  Richard Hess Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Amended Regular Meeting/Amended Executive Session April 10, 2024 The public business will begin at 7:00 p.m. District Office 3497 N Ammon Rd. Idaho Falls, ID 83401 I. Chairman Jenkins welcomed everyone to the meeting at 6:01 p.m. II. Roll Call Carissa Coats present Randy Smith present Mindy Clayton present Richard Hess present Paul Jenkins present III. Amend the Executive Session Agenda (Action Item) Chairman Jenkins stated that a Board Member moved that the Board pursuant to Idaho Code §74-204(4)(a) Amend the Agenda for this meeting as follows: To update Student 24-K as an action item under Student Recommendations To add Employee BD2024 as an action item under Planning and Personnel This was brought to our attention today and is time-sensitive Motion: Carissa Coats moved to amend the agenda as presented. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. IV. Approve the Amended Executive Session Agenda (Action Item) Motion: Carissa Coats moved to approve the amended agenda. Randy Smith seconded. Motion carried. V. Executive Session (Action Item) Chairman Jenkins stated that the Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. Roll Call Vote Carissa Coats yes Randy Smith yes Mindy Clayton yes Richard Hess yes Paul Jenkins yes A. Student Recommendations 1. Student 24-J 2. Student 24-K (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to approve the recommendation of conditionally readmitting Student 24-K to same school without an expulsion. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. 2 B. Planning and Personnel Recommendations Heath Jackson, Executive Director of Planning and Personnel discussed the following leave without pay, release of contract and reduction in force programs and new hire recommendations with the Board. No action was taken on these items. They are on the consent agenda for approval. 1. Leave Without Pay Employee AM2024 (2) Employee AZ2024 Employee BA2024 Employee BB2024 2. Release of Contract Employee AY2024 3. Category 2 Non Reemploy Contracts Employee BC2024 Employee BD2024 4. Reduction in Force Program Recommendations 5. New Hire Recommendations Thunder Ridge High School Principal Recommendation Hillcrest High School Girls Basketball Coach Recommendation Hillcrest High School Wrestling Coach Recommendation Bonneville High School Boys Basketball Coach Recommendation 6. Litigations - Dr. Woolstenhulme updated the Board on Case-24-03 Case 24-03 7. Complaints – Dr. Woolstenhulme updated the Board on the public complaints the district has received. 24-02 Public Complaints VI. Close Executive Session (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to close Executive Session. Carissa Coats seconded. Motion Carried at 7:20 p.m. VII. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Jenkins VIII. The invocation was offered by Ty Salsbery IX. Chairman Jenkins called the meeting to order at 7:26 p.m. X. Roll Call Carissa Coats present Randy Smith present Mindy Clayton present Richard Hess present Paul Jenkins present XI. Board Opening Business A. Chairman Jenkins welcomed any delegates and visitors to meeting and reminded those in attendance who would like to participate in public input to sign the sheet. B. Amend/Approve the Agenda (Action Item) Motion: Carissa Coats moved to approve the agenda. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. C. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item) A board member requested that item 3.i more specifically Hillcrest Girls Basketball Coach be moved to the regular agenda for further discussion. Motion: Carissa Coats moved to approve the consent agenda. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. 3 1. Minutes of Previous Meetings Amended Regular/Executive Session - 03-13-2024 Amended Work Meeting - 03-27-2024 2. Financial a. Accounts Payable $11,051,527.66 b. Contracts Sports Medicine Services Agreement with Mountain View Hospital Time Clock Plus Ammon Elementary Roof Supplies and Materials c. Surplus Items Child Nutrition - Old Kitchen Supplies Child Nutrition - Delivery Van Child Nutrition - Lunch Trays d. Bus Bid - Special Needs Bus 3. Employees a. Alternative Authorizations b. Category 1 Rehires c. Conditional Employment d. Leave Requests AM2024 (2) AZ2024 BA2024 BB2024 e. Release of Contract f. Resignations and Terminations g. Retirements h. Stipends i. Transfers 4. Students a. Early Graduation Requests b. Club Requests HHS Military Leadership Club BCMS eSports Team c. Trip Requests HHS - Debate and Speech to State Speech - Twin Falls, Idaho - 04-12-2024 to 04-13-2024 TRHS - Business Professionals of America to National BPA Leadership Conference - Chicago, IL - 05-09- 2024 to 05-15-2024 TRHS Speech and Debate to NSDA - Des Moines, Iowa - 06-15-2024 to 06-22-2024 5. School Support Organizations Thunder Ridge Softball Boosters, Inc Thunder Ridge Baseball Boosters, Inc XII. Items Moved From the Consent Agenda Hillcrest High School Girls Basketbal Coach was moved from the consent agenda as an action item for further discussion. Chairman Jenkins invited Ty Salsbery, Principal at Hillcrest High School to address the Board. Mr. Salsbery began by thanking everyone for the opportunity to speak, then proceeded to outline the hiring process at Hillcrest for positions such as coaches or teachers. He described the screening process, including reference checks, and mentioned the committee formed to conduct interviews. Mr. Salsbery announced that Ryan Taylor was recommended to the board as the next girls basketball coach. When asked about Taylor's background, Mr. Salsbery noted his eight-year tenure as an assistant on the boys basketball team, highlighting his contributions to the team's success. Although Taylor hasn't been a head coach 4 before, his extensive coaching experience and familiarity with Hillcrest culture were deemed sufficient qualifications for the role. Finally, Mr. Salsbery acknowledged that many successful head coaches start without prior head coaching experience, expressing confidence in Taylor's readiness for the position. Chairman Jenkins asked for a motion from the Board. Motion: Randy Smith moved to accept the recommendation of Ryan Taylor as the Hillcrest Girls Basketball Coach. Seconded by Richard Hess. Motion carried. XIII. Student Council Reports Bonneville Online High School Olivia Cervantes, the Bonneville Online High School Student Council President, introduced herself along with other council members: Joy Conor, Natalie Judy (the Secretary and Treasurer), Michael Leby (Vice President), Madison Purcel (Media Specialist), and Robert Doyan (Activity Committee). They formed the council on September 19, 2023. Their first major activity was a Halloween Carnival and Haunted Hallway fundraiser, followed by a Christmas Spirit Week with various themed days and activities like a Hasty Baker tournament. For Valentine's Day, they organized a "Blow a Kiss" event and a cookie decorating session. They also held a Citywide Easter egg hunt in collaboration with the Hope Squad, gaining recognition from local news channels. Future plans include Teacher Appreciation Week, Hope Week, and assistance with graduation preparations. The council received praise for their media coverage and school spirit from the board. Thunder Ridge High School The student body president, Isaac Potter, outlined the start of the year, which began with a leadership conference in Logan, Utah at Utah State. This conference was instrumental in bonding the new student council members and learning key leadership skills. They also attended a leadership day and a football game. One highlight of the year was the homecoming truck smash fundraiser, where students could hit a truck before a game. Another major event was the Adoptive Family Program, where they raised funds to support families in need during Christmas. They also attended a National Conference in Washington DC, presented leadership skills, and hosted regionals. They initiated traditions like the Battle for the Bolt and implemented creative fundraisers like selling Pantheon shirts and organizing a giveaway. Other classes also shared their achievements and plans, such as the senior class president discussing events like Senior Sunrise and future plans like prom royalty. The junior class vice president talked about their initiatives like date auctions and supporting the Honor Society's fundraiser. Sophomore and freshman class presidents discussed their contributions, including service projects, fundraisers, and future plans like supporting senior athletes and spreading positivity. The student activity leader, Max Hall, highlighted future goals like attending leadership conferences, continuing traditions, and organizing events like the Adopt A Family Program and Pantheon shirt sales. Overall, they expressed gratitude to the board for their support in running the district smoothly and providing the opportunities for students. XIV. Public Input: Chaimran Jenkins stated that Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask ge rmane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting unless on the agenda but may direct the Superintendent to report such items at a subsequent meeting. He opened the floor for public input. Katie Fritz, Ammon Idaho – Ms. Fritz greeted the audience and mentioned sending a letter earlier to the Board. She proceeded to summarize her thoughts on recent approved cuts, acknowledging administrator recommendations discussed in executive session. However, noting that the cuts were not on the agenda for voting, she expressed hope for public input into the decision, particularly concerning the impact on elective subjects like music, art, and drama. Ms. Fritz highlighted the struggles children face, emphasizing the importance of these subjects as coping mechanisms and outlets for expression. The speaker urged prioritizing these subjects in the reduction process, advocating for promoting and retaining these classes despite funding challenges. She called for creative solutions to ensure a well-rounded education, emphasizing the moral obligation to prioritize children's needs over politics or budget constraints. Finally, Ms. Fritz appealed for community unity in advocating for resources to ensure every child has access to the transformative power of the arts, thanking the audience for their time. Chairman Jenkins asked Superintendent Woolstenhulme to address Ms. Fritz concern. Superintendent Woolstenhulme expressed gratitude for the earlier conversation and noted the thorough discussion in the executive session, which caused the main meeting to start late. He emphasized the difficulty of making budget reductions, especially when 90% of the budget goes to employee salaries and benefits. The board had been deliberate in making recommendations, and the direction from the board was to draw down on the fund balance for a year to maintain positions. While he acknowledged the importance of supporting the arts, they also recognized the budget constraints. The executive 5 director had worked tirelessly to evaluate where reductions could be made, with approximately 18 positions reduced, primarily through resignations or retirements. However, some positions still needed to be eliminated due to enrollment- based funding shifting to attendance-based funding and a decrease in enrollment. Superintendent Woolstenhulme highlighted the upcoming challenges, including further enrollment declines, and emphasized the need for proactive planning to safeguard the budget. Superintendent Woolstenhulme expressed gratitude to the principals for their diligent work in making difficult decisions and implementing recommendations. He acknowledged the efforts of principals who carry the weight of implementing decisions and having crucial conversations. XV. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations A. Thunder Ridge High School Principal Recommendation (Action Item) Heath Jackson, Executive Director of Planning and Personnel stated that Mr. McLaren had accepted the superintendent job in the Shelley School District as Superintendent after seven years at Thunder Ridge High School, where he had contributed to creating a lasting legacy. Thirteen candidates applied for the position, and after screening, the committee selected three candidates for interviews. One candidate withdrew the night before the interviews, leaving three. The committee, which included teachers, counselors, assistant principals, the athletic director, and community parents, interviewed the candidates. From these interviews, two top candidates were chosen for a second interview, which took place with the involvement Superintendent Woolstenhulme and the Executive Team. Tonight, the recommendation was made to appoint Trent Dabell as the new principal at Thunder Ridge High School. Mr. Dabell had joined the school district in 2008 as a special education teacher and had since progressed through various roles, including assistant principal. He had been with Thunder Ridge since its inception and was highly regarded for his dedication and progress within the district. Chairman Jenkins asked for a motion from the Board. Trustee Randy Smith recused himself from the vote, due to Mr. Dabell being a family member. Motion: Mindy Clayton moved to approve the recommendation of Trent Dabell to be Principal at Thunder Ridge High School. Carissa Coats seconded. Motion carried. Chairman Jenkins then asked Mr. Dabell to address the Board. Mr. Dabell expressed gratitude to Chairman Jenkins, the board members, and Dr. Woolstenhulme for their support and unanimous vote. Reflecting on his journey from assistant principal to principal, he pledged to protect the school community and assured the students of his support. Mr. Dabell’s connection to Thunder Ridge dated back to its inception, and he expressed love for the school district, having been involved for over a decade. He emphasized his commitment to Thunder Ridge's success and expressed appreciation for the trust placed in him by school officials. Trent also acknowledged the support of his family, highlighting their unwavering backing throughout his career. Employee AY2024 - Release of Contract (Action Item) Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve a release of contract for Employee AY2024. Randy Smith seconded. Motion carried. B. Recommendation to not Reemploy Employee BD2024 (Category 2 Contract) (Action Item) Motion: Carissa Coats moved to accept the resignation letter of Employee BD2024. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. C. Proposed Policy 3385 Extra Curricular Athletic Participation Public Review (Action Item) Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve Proposed Policy 3385 Extra Curricular Athletic Participation for public review. Randy Smith seconded. Motion carried. D. Construction Projects Update John Pymm, Director of Maintenance and Facilities updated Chairman Jenkins and the board members on various construction projects. He reported progress with the cafeteria at Ammon Elementary, including excavation and the installation of electrical lines, with Headwaters Construction introducing themselves to students at Ammon Elementary generating excitement. However, delays were encountered due to issues with power lines and a city easement. Additionally, He discussed plans for roof renovations at Ammon Elementary and the transportation building. Regarding Willow Creek Elementary, he mentioned awaiting state review and coordination with county projects to potentially save costs and streamline efforts. The speaker expressed optimism about meeting construction timelines and anticipated sharing visual updates in the future. 6 E. Asphalt Seal Coat Bid Recommendation (Action Item) Mr. Pymm mentioned that they had put out bids for asphalt seal coat work for the year and received bids from two companies, with Kingler Asphalt being the lowest bidder for each project at various schools. Mr. Pymm recommended awarding the bid to Kingler Asphalt. The number of schools involved varied, with approximately five elementary schools and the driving range at Bonneville being included this year. Due to budget constraints, the seal coat work was now being done every five years instead of every four years. Motion: Carissa Coats moved to accept Klingler Asphalt as the lowest bidder for the asphalt seal coat projects throughout the district. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. XVI. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations A. Student Transportation Spot Inspection Report Chairman Jenkins invited Guy Wangsgard, Executive Director of Finanace and Operations to report to the Board. Mr. Wangsgard expressed pleasure in reviewing the recent spot inspection conducted by the State Department of Education on their transportation department, which occurs approximately every three years. He mentioned Pam Cripss, the transportation supervisor, who has been with the department for many years, highlighting her loyalty and institutional knowledge. The inspection covered personnel, financi al, and bus records, with most aspects found to be in compliance. However, due to a shortage of drivers, mechanics were also driving, posing challenges in keeping up with inspections. Despite some identified areas needing improvement, the inspection team commended the district's efforts in managing an efficient and safe student transportation program. Mr. Wangsgard thanked Ms. Cripps and her department for their hard work. B. City of Ammon Bus Use Agreement (Action Item) Motion: Carissa Coats moved to approve the City of Ammon Bus Use Agreement as presented. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. C. Law Enforcement Services Agreement (Action Item) Mr. Wangsgard stated that every year, a proposed School Resource Officer (SRO) contract is presented to the board for approval. The district has a long-standing contract with Bonneville County for SRO services. This year, there is a change as an additional SRO is being added, with the plan to share this person with Elevate Academy. Negotiations for this separate agreement with Elevate Academy will follow the approval of the main agreement. Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve the Law Enforcement Services Agreement as presented. Randy Smith seconded. Motion carried. XVII. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations A. Staff Engagement Survey Report Chairman Jenkins invited Superintendent Woolstenhulme to present the staff engagement survey report. Superintendent Woolstenhulme stated that during this time of the year, the district conducted engagement surveys, which have been a practice for several years. The surveys cover staff, parent, and student engagement. The current surveys were for staff and parent engagement. Over 1,100 responses were received out of approximately 1,600 recipients, indicating a high response rate. Results showed positive feedback on the superintendent's performance and communication efforts, with some areas identified for improvement. A net promoter score was introduced this year, indicating a generally positive perception of working in the district. At the school level, feedback on collaboration, support from supervisors, and perceived impact on student learning varied. Adjustments to the Monday schedule were discussed, with a preference for second and fourth Mondays among staff. Overall, the surveys provided valuable insights for the district to address and improve upon various aspects of engagement and operations. B. FY 2025 District Calendar (Action Item) Superintendent Woolstenhulme discussed the possibility of adopting a different calendar for the next year, specifically switching collaboration days for elementary teachers from the first, third, and fifth Mondays to the second and fourth Mondays. This change wouldn't affect instructional hours but would provide more consistency in the schedule. It was noted that the calendar typically stays consistent for about two to three years before adjustments are made due to holiday shifts. The preference for second and fourth Mondays was based on feedback from principals and staff. 7 Ultimately, it was recommended to switch to second and fourth Mondays for collaboration days next year, while retaining the first Friday after kids return from a break as a collaboration day. Motion: Carissa Coats moved to approve the FY2025 District Calendar as presented. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. C. Proposed Policy 4110 Public Complaint and Grievance for Public Review (Action Item) Superintendent Woolstenhulme explained that policy U4110 underwent a retitle to signify its universal application to staff, parents, and students. It was streamlined into a single document combining both policy and procedure. Feedback from Abby French, of the law firm Nelson Hall, Perry and Tucker, was incorporated into the revisions. The updated policy is now ready for public review. Motion: Randy Smith moved to approve Proposed Policy 4110 Public Complaint and Grievance for public review. Carissa Coats seconded. Motion carried. D. Deletion of Proposed Policy 4110 Public Complaint and Grievance for Public Review (Action Item) No motion – not ready for deletion E. TRHS Student Travel Request for FCCLA to Boise, Idaho Changes (Action Item) No motion needed, the original trip request was board approved. However, changes to this trip were approved by Superintendent Woolstenhulme. XVIII. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations A. Proposed Policy 2565 Chaperones for Final Adoption (Action Item) Jason Lords, Executive Director of Learning and Instruction explained that the chaperone policy and the volunteer policy were being reviewed, and it was discovered that the requirement for volunteers to fill out an indemnification form was unnecessary. Upon consultation with the district attorneys and Chad Ranstrom, it was confirmed that volunteers would be covered under the district's insurance while acting within the scope of their volunteer duties. As a result, the requirement for the indemnification form was removed from the policy, with a note added regarding the potential need for signatures in certain situations. Since this was a minor change, Mr. Lords asked the board approve Proposed Policy 2565 Chaperones for final adoption. Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve Proposed Policy 2565 Chaperones for final adoption. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. XIX. Board Closing Business A. Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings • School Resource Office Report • Bonneville Orchestra Trip • Engagement Survey B. Adjournment (Action Item) Motion: Carissa Coats moved to adjourn the meeting. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m. APPROVED: ______________________________________ Chairman ATTESTED: _______________________________________ Clerk DATE: ___________________________________