HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-08-2024 Minutes Regular Meeting Executive SessionDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401  (208) 525-4400  Fax (208) 557-6800  www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees  Paul Jenkins  Carissa Coats  Randy Smith  Mindy Clayton  Richard Hess Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Regular Meeting / Executive Session May 8, 2024 Executive Session will begin at 6:00 p.m. The Public portion of meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. District Office 3497 N Ammon Rd. Idaho Falls, ID 83401 I. Chairman Jenkins welcomed those in attendance to the Board Meeting. II. Roll Call Carissa Coats present via phone Randy Smith present Mindy Clayton present Richard Hess present Paul Jenkins present III. Items on the Consent Agenda Related to Individual Students or Personnel the Board Would Like to Discuss in Executive Session. – no items were moved from the consent agenda. IV. Approve the Executive Agenda (Action Item) Motion: Carissa Coats moved to approve the Executive Session Agenda. Richard Hess seconded. V. Executive Session (Action Item) Chairman Jenkins stated that the Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, or public school student; (j) To consider labor contract matters authorized under section 74-206A (1)(a) and (b), Idaho code The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. Motion: Randy Smith moved to enter Executive Session. Mindy Clayton seconded. Roll Call Vote Carissa Coats present via phone Randy Smith present Mindy Clayton present Richard Hess present Paul Jenkins present The Board entered Executive Session at 6:05 p.m. A. Planning and Personnel Recommendations – The following items on the agenda were discussed with the Board. 1. Leave Without Pay Employee BF2024 Employee BG2024 Employee BH2024 Employee AW2024 (2) Employee BI2024 2. Rescind Employment Employee BK2024 3. Category 2 Contract Non-Re-Employment Employee BL2024 2 4. New Hires a. Thunder Ridge High School Assistant Principal b. Thunder Ridge High School Girls Head Basketball Coach 5. Release of Contract Employee BM2024 B. Waiver of Policy 5825 Nepotism Discussion C. Superintendent Recommendations 1. Negotiations VI. Close Executive Session (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to close Executive Session. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried at 6:57 p.m. VII. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Jenkins VIII. The Invocation was led by Randy Smith IX. The meeting was Called to Order at 7:07 p.m. X. Roll Call Carissa Coats present via phone Randy Smith present Mindy Clayton present Richard Hess present Paul Jenkins present XI. Board Opening Business A. Chairman Jenkins welcomed any Delegates and Visitors and reminded those who would like to participate in public input to sign the sheet. B. Amend/Approve the Agenda (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to approve the agenda. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. C. Staff/Student Recognition Praxium - National History Day State Champions - Connor Seaver, Archimedes Corpus and, Miriam Grover Corey Telford, Principal at Bonneville Online High School stated that 22 Praxium Mastery Academy students competed at Idaho History Day at Madison Junior High. This success was a significant achievement for the school's program, which emphasizes academics. Out of these 22, four students qualified for the national level: Claire McBride, who placed second, and Connor Seaver, Archimedes Corpus, and Miriam Grover, who all took first place at state. The event highlighted the importance of citing sources, particularly in the context of National History Day. Praxium - National History Day Teacher of the Year - Jami McLing Jami McLing was selected as National History Day Teacher of the Year for her leadership in the competition at Praxium. She explained that the event was a collaborative effort among all six teachers, who taught various subjects and helped students with their research. Despite initial complaints, the students were excited and proud of their final projects, as were their teachers. It was a challenging competition, but they took great pride in their achievements that year. Jami had spearheaded the program for a while, and her outstanding work in directing and guiding the efforts of all involved earned her this national recognition. TRHS - Samuel Spencer - National Merit Scholar Winner Trent Dabell, Assistant Principal at Thunder Ridge HS recognized Sam Spencer, a senior at Thunder Ridge High School. Sam was described as a student everyone enjoyed having around and a leader at the school. He was awarded the National Merit Scholarship after taking the exam as a junior and being selected as a finalist once his application was reviewed and submitted. Sam was praised for his hard work and being one of the top students in his senior class. It was mentioned that he would likely speak at graduation. This achievement was rare, with Sam being one of only five students from the area and the only student from District 93 to be selected. The community expressed immense pride in Sam, acknowledging his potential to be a future leader. 3 TRHS - Travis Hobson - Idaho Athletic Director of the Year Trent Dabell presented Travis Hobson to the Board, announcing that Travis had been selected as the Idaho Athletic Administrators Association Athletic Director of the Year for the State of Idaho. Mr. Dabell highlighted Travis's tireless dedication to the student-athletes and those involved in activities at the school. He noted that Travis often stayed late, working hard to make the school experience worthwhile for the students, who highly praised him. The Board expressed immense pride in having Travis as part of their staff, recognizing his significant contribution and hoping he would remain with the school for a long time. They congratulated Travis on his well-deserved award. D. Public Input: Chairman Jenkins stated that pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting unless on the agenda but may direct the Superintendent to report such items at a subsequent meeting. – No one signed up to participate in public input E. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item) Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Randy Smith seconded. Motion carried. 1. Minutes of Previous Meeting Board Regular/Executive Session Meeting - 04-10-2024 - Draft Work Meeting/Executive Session - 04-24-2024 - Draft 2. Financial a. Accounts Payable $12,138,429.57 b. Contracts Wipfli Audit Engagement Contract Williamsburg Learning Curriculum Provider Agreement Mountain View and Idaho Falls Community Hospital Sports Medicine Services Agreement Contractual Agreement with Peterson Therapy Contractual Agreement with Celebrations Speech of Idaho, LLC Contractual Agreement with iSpeak Therapy, LLC Agreement with Joni Hoopes Service Provider for Special Education and or Related Services with Brian Olson Peaks to Plains Therapy Services Contractual Agreement with Panorama Green Service Provider Agreement with Angela Andrus, AA Kinetic Physical Therapy Therapy and Instructional Services Agreement with eLuma c. Surplus Items Bridgewater Elementary - Books - Surplus Transportation - Bus # 35- Surplus Transportation - Bus #27 - Surplus Maintenance - Pine Trees - Surplus 3. Employees a. Alternative Authorizations b. Category 1 Rehires c. Conditional Employment d. Leave Requests Employee BF2024 Employee BG2024 Employee BH2024 Employee AW2024 (2) Employee BI2024 e. Resignations and Terminations 4 f. Retirements g. Stipends h. Summer Hires i. Transfers 4. Students a. Early Graduation Requests b. Club Requests HHS Botany Club TRHS Military Leadership Club TRHS French Club c. Trip Requests BHS Hope Squad to Service Trip - Salt Lake City, UT - 05-20-2024 to 05-21-2024 HHS Speech and Debate Student to National Speech and Debate competition - Des Moines, IA - 06-15- 2024 to 06-22-2024 HHS Yearbook to Idaho Journalism Workshop - Boise, Id - 07-21-2024 to 07-24-2024 TRHS National Honors Society Leadership Conf - Chicago, IL - 01-30-2025 to 02-04-2025 TRHS Band and Orchestra to Lagoon, Utah Symphony Concert - 05-17-05 to 05-18-2024 TRHS eSports Competition - Boise, Id - 05-10-2024 to 05-11-2024 TRHS National Student Council Conference - Chicago, IL - 01-29-2025 to 02-04-2025 TRHS Spanish Immersion Capstone Experience - Merida and Playa del Carmen, Mexico - 03-07-2025 to 03-17-2025 TRHS FCCLA to National Competition - Seattle, WA - 06-28-2024 to 07-03-2024 HHS Football to Summer Camp - Bozeman, MT - 06-17-2024 to 06-19-2024 BHS Football to Summer Camp - Bozeman, MT - 06-17-2024 to 06-19-2024 TRHS Football to CSI Football Camp - Twin Falls, Idaho - 06-10-204 to 06-13-2024 Praxium Students to National History Day - Washington D.C. - 06-09-2024 to 06-13-2024 BHS FFCLA to Star Event - Seattle, WA - 06-29-2024 to 07-03-2024 TCHS 1 student to attend National Skills USA - Atlanta, GA - 06-24-2024 to 06-29-2024 F. School Support Organizations HHS Track and Field Boosters XII. Items Moved From the Consent Agenda (Action Item) – Not needed XIII. Student Council Report Hillcrest High School Ms. Wade the Student Council Advisor expressed pleasure at addressing the group and explained their focus for the year on refining and improving existing activities rather than adding new ones. Seven officers, both current and returning, presented their events and plans for the next year. One officer shared about a game honoring a long-time coach, which also supported a student with bone cancer. Another discussed the talent show, highlighting its impact on lesser-known students. One appreciated seeing students showcase their talents, while another talked about a multi-school volleyball event aimed at community building. The successful senior pickleball tournament was recounted, and two officers described the improved 8th-grade day with engaging activities. The board asked questions about the students' roles and experiences, with members reflecting on the strong bonds and impactful service projects within the student council. XIV. Thunder Ridge National Honor Society Ukraine Report Natalie Woods, the National Honor Society (NHS) advisor, was acknowledged for her recent trip to Ukraine. Jimmy Leslie, the NHS President, outlined various NHS projects, including blood drives and school assistance. Michelle Worley discussed the successful fundraising project for Ukraine, surpassing the goal and raising over $22,000. Then, Natalie shared her experiences from visiting Ukraine, highlighting the impact of NHS contributions. She described visiting project sites in Kiev and Prashantha, near the Russian border, and discussed providing support to an underground school. The NHS's donation helped purchase electronic boards for the school's educational efforts. Additionally, they visited families benefiting from the fundraising efforts, witnessing their gratitude. The meeting concluded with a video showcasing the impact of NHS efforts in Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of not looking away from those in need. 5 XV. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations A. SRO Report - Gordon Howard Gordon Howard, Director of Technology and Safe Schools reflected on a recent conference in Austin, Texas, where school leaders from across the US discussed school safety technology and the role of School Resource Officers (SROs). He expressed gratitude for the support of SROs in their district and highlight the importance of their role as mentors and educators. Changes in SRO assignments for the upcoming school year are discussed, along with testimonials from Deputy Mortimer about the positive impact of SROs on building relationships with students and ensuring school safety. Superintendent Woolstenhulme, emphasized the valuable support provided by SROs in various situations, such as helping locate missing students. Mr. Howard stated that monthly meetings with SROs and school administrators are also a valuable opportunity for collaboration and improvement. B. Proposed Policy 4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings for Final Adoption (Action Item) Superintendent Woolstenhulme explained to the Board that the Proposed Policy 4105 didn't have to go into effect until July 1st. But it was deemed better to be ahead of things and start to implement it. The policy addressed recent statutory changes that required school boards to provide an opportunity for public input, something the scho ol district had always done. However, it was now a statutory requirement. With that requirement, some changes were made that somewhat had an adverse impact. The statute also limited public comment to addressing only items published on the agenda, which was a change for patrons. Discussions were held with legal counsel about this, confirming that "shall" indeed meant "shall." Thus, public input needed to be limited to the items on the agenda. Additionally, an opportunity for the public to request items had to be provided. This was being included in an online forum where they could request to speak to the board, share written comments, or request items be placed on the agenda. The board was asked to approve this for final adoption. Motion: Randy Smith moved to approve proposed Policy 4150 Public Participation in Board Meetings for final adoption. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. C. Proposed Policy U-4110 General Appeals, Complaints, and Grievances for Final Adoption (Action Item) Superintendent Woolstenhulme presented a slight change to policy U 4110. The update was made as the district worked through several reports or complaints received during the year. The superintendent stated that it was helpful to work through those things and follow the policy, then see what were some ways we could help to improve that policy. The district made a few relatively minor changes, just tightening up some language to help us move those along in a timely manner. Motion: Mindy Clayton moved to approve proposed Policy U-4110 Public Complaints and Grievances for final adoption. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. XVI. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations A. Thunder Ridge Girls Head Basketball Coach (Action Item) Trent Dabell, Assistant Principal at Thunder Ridge HS quickly introduced Brian Schultz as the new assistant principal at Thunder Ridge, who was approved on the consent calendar. Mr. Dabell proudly stated that the administration at Thunder Ridge HS is excited to have him on their team, and they believed he'd do a lot of good things for our school and community. Mr. Dabell continued by stating that Thunder Ridge had opened the position for the Girls Head Basketball Coach a few weeks ago. They received 7 applicants and used a scoring criteria to determine who they wanted to interview. Then, they conducted interviews on this Monday night, so about 48 hours ago. After the interviews were over, they put together a committee to go over the applications. After deliberation with the committee, they recommended Chelsea Boyle as the new Head girls basketball coach at Thunder Ridge High School. They felt confident that Chelsea would be a great example to the young women who go into that program. One thing that really impressed the committee during her interview was that she wanted to teach standards and values and make sure t hat the girls were good representatives not only of our school but also of our community. Motion: Richard Hess moved to accept the recommendation of Chelsie Boyle as the Thunder Ridge Girls Head Basketball Coach. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. 6 Thunder Ridge Baseball Fields (Action Item) John Pymm, Director of Facilities and Maintenance reviewd The plan to donate funds for the turf infield at Thunder Ridge for the boys baseball team. Questions from the board were entertained before moving forward with the process. Equitability concerns were addressed regarding treatment of other fields and teams. The boosters had fundraised $16,000, which was matched by a grant of $13,000. The grass plot north of the main field was converted into a new softball field. Legal counsel was consulted to ensure compliance with Title IX, and it was concluded that moving forward was acceptable. The donation for the turf amounted to $184,000. Motion: Randy Smith moved to authorize the Thunder Ridge Administration to accept donation, goods services and funding to improve the Thunder Ridge Baseball field from the Thunder Ridge Baseball Booster Club. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. B. Waiver of Policy 5825 Nepotism (Action Item) Heath Jackson, Executive Director of Planning and Personnel on behalf of John Murdoch, who was on National Guard duty, requested that the board to waive or deviate from policy 5825 regarding nepotism. This policy prohibits the hiring of blood relatives by someone supervising, evaluating, or promoting them, but allows the school board to make exceptions. Mr. Murdoch, the principal at Ucon Elementary, needed a part-time elementary special education teacher. After conducting interviews, the committee recommended Julie Johnson, his sister, for the position due to her qualifications and experience. Ms. Johnson is currently working as a kindergarten reading interventionist, expressed her willingness to accept a part-time position due to family responsibilities. Since this was the only part-time special education position available in the district, Mr. Murdoch requested a deviation from the nepotism policy to hire Ms. Johnson. Measures were proposed to ensure fairness, such as assigning evaluations to someone separate from Mr. Murdoch and providing support from the Special Education Department. Motion: Mindy Clayton moved to waive Policy 5825 Nepotism to hire Julie Johnson as a part-time special education teacher at Ucon Elementary. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. C. Proposed Policy 3385 Extracurricular Athletic Participation for Final Adoption (Action Item) Heath Jackson, Executive Director of Planning and Personnel stated that over the past three months, the district has been discussing a policy related to eligibility requirements for high school activities. The policy, developed collaboratively by secondary athletic directors and principals, aims to align with the standards set by the Idaho High School Activities Association. Following a 30-day review period involving input from various stakeholders, including athletic directors, principals, and the community, the policy is now up for final adoption. Its implementation will ensure consistency across all schools within the district. Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve proposed Policy 3385 Extracurricular Athletic Participation for final adoption. Randy Smith seconded. Motion carried. XVII. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations A. Fee Hearing Guy Wangsgard, Executive Director of Finance and Operations addressed the board and explained that the board had before them several fee increase requests in accordance with state statute. Any fee proposed to increase by 5% or more necessitated a public hearing and advertisement in the newspaper. The list of proposed fee changes had been published in the newspaper for the past two weeks. Prior to the board's approval, a public hearing was required. After addressing any specific questions, the board opened the floor for public input on the matter. 1. Fee Hearing Public Input – No public input 2. Fee Increase (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to approve the proposed fee increases document as presented and posted in the Post Register. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. XVIII. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations A. Title Funding Report Rex Miller, Director of Academic Interventions and Federal Programs presented to the Board. Feeling blessed to work with incredible colleagues and students, Mr. Miller reflected on the importance of their role in the lives of vulnerable children, particularly those in special education and federal programs. Sharing a brief history rooted in a story of 7 poverty and determination, he highlighted the significance of federal programs in education, tracing back to President Lyndon B. Johnson's "War on Poverty" campaign in 1964. He discussed various federal programs like Title 1, Title 3, Title 4, and others aimed at addressing poverty and supporting English language learners. Additionally, he outlined the challenges and changes in student demographics, including increases in homeless, foster, and ESL students. Despite these challenges, he emphasized the dedication of educators and the positive impact seen in student outcomes. Finally, he expressed gratitude for the support received from the community and the collaborative efforts within the district. B. Instructional Materials / Media Resources Review Process – tabled for the Work Meeting on May 15, 2024 C. Curriculum adoption Jason Lords, Executive Director of Learning and Instruction explained the process for approving single novels or textbooks for individual courses, aiming for a more streamlined approach compared to the traditional ELA adoption process. Mr. Lords explained that when a teacher requests to teach a new book, they send out a form to ensure compliance with regulations, such as involving parents in the review process. If it's a team of teachers, the form goes to multiple parents for feedback. Once the feedback is collected, the instruction and learning team reviews the materials and assesses their appropriateness. This month, they presented two books for approval: a textbook for a virtual credit course on the Civil War, with three parents providing input on its suitability. The second book under consideration is actually a play intended for use at Hillcrest High School in the upcoming school year. When the teacher initially proposed it to Mr. McCracken, concerns arose regarding its appropriateness. Like other plays, such as "Guys and Dolls," which may be discussed at the next board meeting, this one is also an older screenplay adapted for school use. The teacher involved three parents in reviewing the play to gather feedback. Despite the challenge of obtaining the entire play before approval, a link in the packet provided access to a few scenes for assessment. Upon review, it was determined that the content was appropriate, following a process involving input from parents familiar with the play or its reputation. 1. Headin For the Weddin (Action Item) Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve the curriculum adoption of Headin for the Weddin as presented. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. 2. The American War: A History of the Civil War Era (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to approve the curriculum adoption of The American War: A History of the Civil War Era as presented. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. XIX. Board Closing Business A. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings • It was requested to move the Work Meeting to 7:00 p.m. at the PLC building on May 15th due to Board member’s schedule. B. Adjournment (Action Item) Motion: Carissa Coats moved to adjourn the meeting. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:45 p.m. APPROVED: ______________________________________ Chairman ATTESTED: _______________________________________ Clerk DATE: ___________________________________