HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-12-2024 Minutes Executive Session Regular Meeting Budget HearingDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401  (208) 525-4400  Fax (208) 557-6800  www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees  Paul Jenkins  Carissa Coats  Randy Smith  Mindy Clayton  Richard Hess Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Executive Session/Regular Meeting/Budget Hearing June 12, 2024 The Public business will begin at 7:00 p.m. District Office 3497 N Ammon Rd Idaho Falls, ID 83401 I. Chairman Jenkins welcomed those in attendance to the meeting at 6:01 p.m. II. Roll Call Carissa Coats present Randy Smith present Mindy Clayton not present – arrived at 6:15 p.m. Richard Hess present Paul Jenkins present III. Personnel Hires or Terminations on the Consent Agenda that Need to be Discussed in the Executive Session. – not needed IV. Approve Executive Session Agenda (Action Item) Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve the Executive Session agenda. Randy Smith seconded. Motion carried. V. Executive Session (Action Item) Chairman Jenkins stated that the Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, or public school student; (j) To consider labor contract matters authorized under section 74-206A (1)(a) and (b), Idaho code The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. Motion: Carissa Coats moved to enter Executive Session. Randy Smith seconded. Roll Call: Carissa Coats yes Randy Smith yes Mindy Clayton not present (arrived at 6:15) Richard Hess yes Paul Jenkins yes The Board entered Executive Session at 6:04 p.m. A. Planning and Personnel Recommendations 1. Complaints and Litigations Case 24-02 2. Superintendent Contract Discussion a. Extension of Contract b. Compensation and Benefits VI. Close Executive Session (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to close Executive Session. Carissa Coats seconded. Motion carried at 6:42 p.m. 2 VII. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Jenkins VIII. The Invocation was given by Ty Salsbery IX. Chairman Jenkins called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. X. Roll Call Carissa Coats present Randy Smith present Mindy Clayton present Richard Hess present Paul Jenkins present XI. Board Opening Business A. Chairman Jenkins welcomed any delegates and visitors in attendance to the meeting. He also reminded those who would like to participate in any of the public inputs to sign the participation form at the board room entrance. B. Amend/Approve the Agenda (Action Item) Motion: Carissa Coats moved to approve the agenda. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. C. Student / Staff Recognition TRHS - Idaho Spirit of Sport Award Recipient - Jace Bundy Travis Hobson introduced Jace Bundy to the Board. Jace is the first Thunder Ridge recipient of the Idaho High School Sports Association award Spirit of Sport Award. Jace overcame some pretty dibilitating challenges to beat the odds of competing in sports. Jace never gave up and attended practices and work really hard to make it back to the wrestling mat. Even though he didn’t wrestle, he made an impact on the mat for his teammates. Mr. Hobson stated that sometime’s it’s the student who needs sports; however, in this case it was the sport who needed Jace. If we could we could put Jace’s spirit and heart into all of our athletes, we’d be state champions every year. Jace embodies the purpose of the award by exemplifying character, respect, and integrity. D. Consent Agenda Public Input – There was no one to participate in the Consent Agenda public input. E. Public Input: Chairman Jenkins stated that Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, Public Input shall be held to a maximum of one (1) hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting unless on the agenda but may direct the Superintendent to report such items at a subsequent meeting. He opened the floor for public input. There was no one in attendance to participate in public input F. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item) Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Randy Smith seconded. Motion carried. 1. Minutes of Previous Meetings Regular / Executive Session - 05-08-2024 Draft Work Meeting / Executive Session - 05-15-2024 Draft Special Meeting / Executive Session - 05-31-2024 Draft 2. Financial a. Accounts Payable 11,927,930.99 b. Contracts ICRMP 2024 Renewal InTouch New Software Agreement Rescind iSpeak Therapy, LLC Contract Contractual Agreement with TC & K Services LLC 3 Contractual Agreement with Presence Contractual Agreement with Kathleen Hansen Contractual Agreement with Just 4 Kids Health c. Surplus Items Transportation - Bus 17 - Surplus Bridgewater Elementary - Books - Surplus Ammon Elementary - Books - Surplus Hillview Elementary - Books - Surplus 3. Employees a. Alternative Authorizations b. Conditional Employment c. Leave Requests Employee BO2024 Employee AB2024 (2) Employee AJ2024 (2) Employee BQ2024 Employee V2024 (3) Employee BR2024 Employee BS2024 Employee BT2024 Employee BU202 d. Release of Contract Employee BN2024 e. Resignations and Terminations f. Stipends g. Summer Hires h. Transfers 4. Students a. Club Requests TRHS Pixel Engineers 5. School Support Organizations Summit Hills PTO HHS Knightline Booster Club XII. Items Moved From the Consent Agenda – not needed XIII. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations A. Planning and Personnel Public Input – not needed B. Bonneville High School Principal Recommendation Announcement Superintendent Woolstenhulme announced Justin Jolley as Bonneville High School Principal. Mr. Jolley is currently one of the assistant principals at Bonneville. Mr. Levi Owen offered his resignation, and the Executive Team asked Mr. Jolley to take the role as principal. Mr. Jolley will bring a lot of enthusiasm and excitement to Bonneville. Mr. Jolley will also bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the school. Mr. Jolley is looking forward to being the principal and he has a deep passion for education and working and helping students achieve their potential. Along with Mr. Jolley, Kristen McDaniel was named as an assistant principal at Bonneville. Ms. McDaniel is currently an assistant principal at Hillcrest High School. She loved working at Hillcrest and enjoyed learning from their great staff and administration. She is ready for the change and challenge of taking on a new role at Bonneville High School. Superintendent Woosltenhulme expressed his full confidence in both of these changes at Bonneville . C. Willow Creek Material Testing Bid Approval (Action Item) Motion: Carissa Coats moved to accept the low bidder Atlas to perform the material testing for Willow Creek Elementary. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. D. Wheelchair Lift Proposal for Rocky Mountain Middle School (Action Item) 4 Motion: Carissa Coats moved to approve the wheelchair lift proposal for Rocky Mountain Middle School. Randy Smith seconded. Motion carried. XIV. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations A. FY25 Budget Hearing 1. FY25 Budget Hearing Public Input Shawn Bronson – Mr. Bronson did not have any public comment, he asked the Board if he could ask questions about the budget if needed. The Board agreed to the request. 2. FY2025 Budget Approval (Action Item) Executive Director of Finance and Operations. Mr. Wangsgard reviewed a few key points from the budget with the Board. Some of the highlights were as followed: Revenue • State revenue will increase by almost $2,000,000 next year, with most of this funding earmarked for salaries and benefits: • Funding for teacher salaries will increase by approximately 5% • Funding for administrative and classified staff will increase by approximately 3% • We expect further decline in student enrollment (from 13,800 students to 13,258 students) next year with lower kindergarten enrollment and an estimated 150 students transferring to Elevate Academy • This means that while we have more funds to increase salaries for staff, we will have less funding to pay for the number of positions we have. • The allocation for employee insurance decreased due to decrease in cost for the state employee insurance costs Expenditures • We held our employee insurance costs level by switching from the statewide school pool policy with Blue Cross to Pacific Source • The cost for teacher salaries will increase by 5% and 2% for classified and administrative staff. • Our premiums for property and liability insurance will increase by 50% due to market conditions and claims. Fund Balance • Because we were conservative with our expenditures for ESSER funds and with a supplemental allocation from the state this year, we will be able to balance our budget next year by spending down our fund balance by $4 million to cover the shortfall in funding from the shift from being funded based on enrollment to attendance. After Mr. Wangsgard’s presentation. And there were no questions, or comments from Mr. Bronson, he asked the Board to approve the FY2025 budget. Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve the FY2025 budget as presented by Mr. Wangsgard for Bonneville Joint School District 93. Randy Smith seconded. Motion carried. B. Supplemental Levy Guy Wangsgard, briefly discussed possible supplemental levy options. The Board has two election cycles to be on the ballot. November, and May. The Board and Mr. Wangsgard discussed the possibility of having a split ballot. One question asking for the renewal of 5.8 million. And one question asking for an increase. By law the district needs to show how the money is to be allocated. Line item by line item. The Board asked to discuss these options more in depth at a work meeting, possibly a special meeting since the deadline for the November election is in early September. The Board clerk noted this request. XV. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations A. Learning and Instruction Public Input Kristen Woods – Ms. Woods expressed deep concern with reducing the GATE program to two instructors and shrinking the time to ½ a day. She was not only there expressing her concerns, but she was representing at least a dozen of parents as well. She emphasized the importance of GATE and compared it with specialized education for gifted students. Just like special needs students, GATE students needs the extra consideration with their education. She strongly encouraged the Board to reconsider and not reduce the GATE program to ½ a day and to hire a third teacher for the program. 5 B. Reduce Elementary GATE Program 4th - 6th to 1/2 Day (Action Item) Jason Lords, Executive Director of Learning and Instruction proposed to eliminate one teaching position from the program due to decreases in state funding caused by the return to attendance based funding. A teacher from the GATE program is transfering to a new position. Thus, the district saw this as a great opportunity to eliminate the position. Due to funding. Following public input from parents of students in the program, and recognizing the importance of GATE in our promise to design success for every student, the Board voted to use additional money from the district’s fund balance to delay this cut to the program. However, the Board also recognized that the district will need to increase revenue to be able to continue a full-day program after next year. This brings more meaning to the upcoming supplemental levy .The Board considered Mr. Lords and Ms. Woods requests and agreed to hire a replacement instructor and keep the GATE program and schedule as is. Motion: Randy Smith moved to not reduce the GATE schedule and to hire a third instructor for the program. Richard Hess seconded. Motion carried. C. Curriculum Committee Recommendations 1. Women's America: Refocusing the Past (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to approve the Curriculum Committee’s recommendation of Women’s America: Refocusing the Past as supplemetal curriculum for Dual Credit US History. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. 2. Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America's Independence (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to approve the Curriculum Committee’s recommendation of Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence as supplemetal curriculum for Dual Credit US History. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. 3. No Small Courage: A History of Women in the United States (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to approve the Curriculum Committee’s recommendation of No Small Courage: A History of Women in the United States as supplemetal curriculum for Dual Credit US History. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. 4. America's Women: 400 Years of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates, and Heroines (Action Item) Motion: Randy Smith moved to approve the Curriculum Committee’s recommendation America’s Women: 400 Years of Dolls, Drudges, Helpmates, and Heroines as supplemetal curriculum for Dual Credit US History. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. XVI. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations A. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations Public Input – not needed B. Continuous Improvement Plan Superintendent Woolstenhulme reviewed the continuous improvement plan with the Board. Emphasizing the importance of the Pyramid of Succes and the 4 key cornerstones of the district. He Highlighted some important data for the Board. • 74% of kindergarten students reached grade-level reading, our highest percentage since 2019 • 85% of 3rd grade students were reading grade-level texts continuing, an increase of 16% since 2021 • 92% of our graduates earned college credit while in high school • 70% of our graduates earned 9 or more college credits while in high school • graduation rate for the Class of 2023 was 90%, 10% higher than the state average, and the highest we have had since the introduction of the new federal definition of graduation adopted in 2012. C. Communications Report Phil Campbell, School Communications presented the Board with a video of how communications is helping reach people in the communities as well as parents. Not only by video and Facebook, but also by a weekly newsletter for parents and patrons and a newly created podcast. 6 XVII. Board Closing Business A. ISBA Resolution (Action Item) Motion: The Board moved to approve the ISBA Resolution – Recesss Time & Instructional Hours as presented, and to authorize the district administration to submit the resolution to the ISBA. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. B. PLC Conference - July 7th - 11th The Board discussed the final arrangements and details of the PLC conference in Salt Lake City in July. C. Superintendent Contract (Action Item) Motion: Richard Hess moved to approve the Superintendent’s Contract as discussed. Carissa Coats seconded. Motion carried. D. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings (Action Item) – There were no requests submitted to the Board Clerk from the public for agenda items. The Board and Superintendent Woolstenhulme requested the following items for upcoming meetings: • Supplemental Levy – Special Meeting • July – Board to consider/approve InFocus E. Adjournment (Action Item) Motion: Carissa Coats moved to adjourn the meeting. Mindy Clayton seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.