HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-2024 Minutes Executive Session Regular Board MeetingDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401  (208) 525-4400  Fax (208) 557-6800  www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees  Paul Jenkins  Carissa Coats  Randy Smith  Mindy Clayton  Richard Hess Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Regular Meeting Wednesday, December 11, 2024, An Executive Session will begin at 6:00 p.m. Public portion of meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. District Office 3497 N Ammon Rd Idaho Falls, ID 83401 I. Welcome Chairman Jenkins welcomed everyone to the meeting at 6:02 p.m. II. Roll Call Mindy Clayton: Present Carissa Coats: Present Richard Hess: Present via Zoom Paul Jenkins: Present Randy Smith: Present via Zoom III. Call to Order IV. Amend the Executive Session Agenda (Action Item) A Board Member MOVES THAT THE BOARD PURSUANT TO IDAHO CODE §74-204(4)(a) AMEND THE AGENDA FOR THIS MEETING AS FOLLOWS: To add: Employee Q-2025 to the Executive Session Agenda under Employee Recommendations. This information was received today and is time-sensitive. Motion: To amend the agenda. This motion, made by Carissa Coats and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. V. Approve the Amended Agenda (Action Item) Motion: To approve the amended agenda. This motion, made by Carissa Coats and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. VI. Executive Session (Action Item) The Board will enter into an Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74 -206(1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. Motion: To enter Executive Session. This motion, made by Carissa Coats and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. Roll Call Vote Carissa Coats yes Randy Smith yes Mindy Clayton yes Richard Hess yes Paul Jenkins yes The Board entered Executive Session at 6:06 p.m. VI.A. Employee Recommendations Employee H-2023 The Executive Team discussed Employee H-2023 with the Board. VI.A.1. Employee Q-2025 The Executive Team discussed Employee Q-2025 with the Board. VI.A.2. Leave Requests Employee O-2025 Employee P-2025 The Executive Team discussed Employee O-2025 and Employee P-2025 with the Board. VII. Close Executive Session (Action Item) Motion: To close Executive Session. This motion, made by Randy Smith and seconded by Richard Hess, Passed. The Board closed the Executive Session at 6:39 p.m. VIII. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Trustee Coats. IX. Invocation The invocation was offered by Jason Lords. X. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. XI. Roll Call Mindy Clayton: Present Carissa Coats: Present Richard Hess: Present via Zoom Paul Jenkins: Present Randy Smith: Present via Zoom XII. Board Opening Business XII.A. Welcoming of Delegates and Visitors Trustee Coats welcomed any visitors to the meeting and invited those who would like to participate in any of the public input sections to sign the sheet at the back of the room. XII.B. Amend/Approve the Agenda (Action Item) Motion: To approve the agenda. This motion, made by Mindy Clayton and seconded by Randy Smith, Passed. XII.C. Public Input: Pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings, The Board will accept public input on any item listed on tonight's agenda. State law prohibits comments on matters not on the agenda. Public input will be heard at the start of each agenda section and before any action is taken. Please limit comments to three minutes to allow everyone who desires the opportunity to participate. The Board will listen but will not engage in discussion, though members may ask clarifying questions. Consent Agenda Public Input No one was signed up for public input. XII.D. Approve Consent Agenda (Action Item) Motion: To approve the Consent Agenda. This motion, made by Mindy Clayton and seconded by Randy Smith, Passed. XII.D.1. Minutes of Previous Meetings Amended Executive / Regular Board Meeting - 11-13-2024 XII.D.2. Financial XII.D.2.a. Accounts Payable $10,590,696.47 XII.D.2.b. Contracts Amended Children's Adventure Center Agreement Contract with VCBO XII.D.2.c. Surplus Items Cloverdale Elementary - Books - Surplus Fairview Elementary - Books - Surplus Maintenance - Vehicle - Surplus XII.D.3. Employees XII.D.3.a. Conditional Employment XII.D.3.b. Leave Requests Employee O-2025 Employee P-2025 XII.D.3.c. Release of Contract XII.D.3.d. Resignations and Terminations XII.D.3.e. Retirements XII.D.3.f. Stipends XII.D.3.g. Transfers XII.D.4. Internships/Student Teachers XII.D.5. Students XII.D.5.a. Early Graduation Requests XII.D.5.b. Club Requests HHS Interact Club XII.D.5.c. Trip Requests BHS Debate to ISU Debate Tournament - Pocatello, Idaho - 01-10-2025 to 01-11-2025 BHS Debate to Rim to Rim Competition - Twin Falls, Idaho - 12-13-2024 to 12-14-2024 TRHS Choir to tour Boise-Meridian Area - Boise, Idaho - 04-03-2025 to 04-05-2025 TRHS Ballroom to Skyridge Competition - Lehi, Utah - 02-14-2025 TRHS Ballroom to Synergy Competition - Ogden, Utah - 01-11-2025 to 01-12-2025 HHS Baseball to Bucks Bags Tournament - Boise, Idaho - 03-20-2025 to 03-22-2025 XII.D.6. School Support Organizations BHS Bonneville Cheer Booster Club XIII. Items Moved From the Consent Agenda (Action Item) – not needed XIV. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations XIV.A. Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations Public Input No one signed up for Planning and Personnel Reports and Recommendations public input. XIV.B. RFQ CMGC for Renovation Projects Recommendation (Action Item) Motion: To approve the firms as ranked and authorize the district to negotiate terms for a fee and contract with Headwaters Construction as presented. This motion, made by Randy Smith and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. XIV.C. Mechanical Engineering Firm for HVAC Projects for D93 Facilities (Action Item) Motion: To approve the firms as ranked and authorize the district to negotiate terms for a fee and contract with IMEG as presented. This motion, made by Mindy Clayton and seconded by Richard Hess, Passed. XIV.D. Recommendation for Employee H-2023 (Action Item) No action was taken. XV. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations XV.A. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations Public Input No one signed up for Superintendent Reports and Recommendations public input. XV.B. Proposed Policy 5240 Professional Conduct for Final Adoption (Action Item) Motion: To approve Policy 5240 Professional Conduct with the suggested changes for final adoption. This motion, made by Randy Smith and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. XV.C. Proposed Policy 2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom for Final Adoption (Action Item) Motion: To approve Policy 2340 Controversial Issues and Academic Freedom for final adoption. This motion, made by Mindy Clayton and seconded by Randy Smith, Passed. XV.D. Proposed Policy 2180 Flag Displays for Final Adoption (Action Item) Motion: To approve Policy 2180 Flag Displays for final adoption. This motion, made by Randy Smith and seconded by Richard Hess, Passed. XVI. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations XVI.A. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations Public Input No one signed up for Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations public input. XVI.B. 2620P Grading and Progress Reports for Final Adoption (Action Item) Motion: To approve 2620P Grading and Progress Reports for final adoption. This motion, made by Richard Hess and seconded by Randy Smith, Passed. XVI.C. Proposed Policy 3010 Open Enrollment for Final Adoption (Action Item) Motion: To approve Policy 3010 Open Enrollment for final adoption. This motion, made by Mindy Clayton and seconded by Randy Smith, Passed. XVI.D. Curriculum Committee Recommendations XVI.D.1. The Shadow Hero (Action Item) Motion: To approve the Curriculum's recommendation of Shadow Hero as supplemental curriculum for high school English. This motion, made by Randy Smith and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. XVI.D.2. Ghostopolis (Action Item) Motion: Motion: To approve the Curriculum's recommendation of Ghostopolis as supplemental curriculum for high school English. This motion, made by Randy Smith and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. XVI.D.3. Play: The Saga of the Golden Horseshoe (Action Item) Motion: To approve the Curriculum's recommendation of the play The Saga of the Golden Horseshoe as supplemental curriculum for high school English. This motion, made by Randy Smith and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. XVI.D.4. Play: All My Sons (Action Item) Motion: To approve the Curriculum's recommendation of the play All My Sons for high school drama. This motion, made by Randy Smith and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. XVI.D.5. Play: Anne of Green Gables (Action Item) Motion: To approve the Curriculum's recommendation of the play Anne of Green Gables for high school drama. This motion, made by Randy Smith and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. XVII. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations XVII.A. Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations Public Input No one signed up for Finance and Operations Reports and Recommendations public input. XVII.B. Proposed Policy 8415 Child Nutrition Meal Charges for Final Adoption (Action Item) Motion: Motion: To approve Policy 8415 Child Nutrition Meal Charges for final adoption. This motion, made by Richard Hess and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed. XVIII. Board Closing Business XVIII.A. 2025 Board Retreat The Board and Superintendent Woolstenhulme discussed having the Board's Annual meeting in June at the Scoville Center. XVIII.B. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings (Action Item) A Board member requested a construction update at the next Board meeting. XVIII.C. Adjournment (Action Item) Motion: To adjourn the meeting. This motion, made by Mindy Clayton and seconded by Randy Smith, Passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.