HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-22-2025 Minutes Work Meeting and Executive SessionDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent
3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401 (208) 525-4400 Fax (208) 557-6800 www.d93schools.org
Board of Trustees Paul Jenkins Carissa Coats Randy Smith Mindy Clayton Richard Hess
Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Work Meeting/Executive Session
Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 11:30 am
PLC Building
3442 E Iona Rd
Idaho Falls, ID 83401
I. Call to Order
Chairman Jenkins called the meeting to order at 11:30 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Carissa Coats present
Randy Smith present via Zoom
Mindy Clayton present
Richard Hess present
Paul Jenkins present
III. Opening Board Business
III.A. Approve/Amend Agenda (Action Item)
Motion: To approve the agenda. This motion, made by Richard Hess and seconded by Carissa Coats, Passed.
III.B. Welcome Visitors and Delegations
Chairman Jenkins welcomed those in attendance to the meeting. And thanked them for coming.
IV. Superintendent Reports and Recommendations
IV.A. Target River Communications
Brian Epperson from TargetRiver Communications presented to the board ways his company could support the
district’s communication strategies. He discussed his experience working with school systems across the country
and emphasized the importance of building trust and confidence among stakeholders, particularly non -parent
community members. Epperson highlighted the need to promote positive stories happening in the district to win
over community support for various goals, such as passing bonds, attracting st aff, or retaining students. He
explained how TargetRiver could help the district reach underrepresented groups through targeted campaigns,
including using digital platforms, social media, and localized messaging. He addressed questions from board
members about crafting effective content, measuring campaign success, and engaging with community members
who may have outdated or inaccurate perceptions of the district. Epperson proposed a 60 –75-day campaign as an
initial engagement, costing approximately $20,065, to deliver over 864,000 impressions targeting district
residents. The campaign would complement the district’s existing communication efforts while creating reusable
assets and providing data-driven insights. The board discussed the potential timing and focus of the campaign,
with some members expressing interest in long-term engagement to build sustained trust and support within the
IV.B. Elevate Academy Performance Certificate Review Process
Superintendent Woolstenhulme explained the district's responsibilities as the authorizer for Elevate Academy. He
outlined two primary oversight areas: the school’s academic performance and its financial compliance. These
responsibilities are established in the performance certificate, which includes measures like student academic
proficiency, growth, college and career readiness, and financial stewardship. Woolstenhulme noted that, while the
district has limited prior experience as a charter authorizer, plans are being made to meet these obligations. Guy
Wangsgard, Executive Director of Finance and Operations, from the district, will oversee financial compliance,
while a contracted expert will likely be engaged to evaluate academic performance and provide de tailed reports to
the board. He emphasized that if concerns arise, the district must notify Elevate Academy and allow them the
opportunity to address the issues before considering further action. By state law, the district will remain the
school’s authorizer for five years, provided performance criteria are met.
V. Learning and Instruction Reports and Recommendations
V.A. Thunder Ridge Wrestling Overnight Travel Change Request (Action Item)
Superintendent Woolstenhulme recommended the board approve a change in travel plans for the Thunder Ridge
High School wrestling team. Initially, the team had planned to attend a tournament in Reno, as outlined in their
annual overnight travel request submitted last summer. However, the destination was changed to Lander, WY.
While the overall travel distance was not significantly different, the change in destination was notable enough to
warrant board review and approval. Woolstenhulme suggested the board ap prove this updated travel plan.
Motion: To approve the Thunder Ridge HS Wrestling team overnight travel, change request as presented. This
motion, made by Carissa Coats and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed.
V.B. Religious Activity at School Proposed Policy for Public Review (Action Item)
The Board, district legal counsel, and executive team discussed updates to Policy 2350: Student Religious
Activity at School, focusing on compliance with recent Supreme Court rulings and balancing free speech with
district oversight. Superintendent Woolstenhulme and legal counsel Abby highlighted challenges in regulating
student speech during events like graduation, particularly concerning religious content.
Key points included:
• The district's responsibility to remain neutral on religious matters while ensuring content aligns
with professional standards and does not make others uncomfortable.
• Legal concerns over liability for student speech if the district exercises control over its content.
• Suggestions for using disclaimers to clarify that student speeches do not represent district
• The importance of setting clear expectations and reviewing student speeches in advance, with
principals playing a key role in this process.
The Board requested continued collaboration with legal counsel and high school principals to refine the policy
and address the complexities of regulating speech while protecting student rights. Final language will be brought
back for public review at the February 12th Regular Board Meeting. No action was taken on this item.
V.C. LITE Program/Alternative School
Corey Telford, Principal at Bonneville Online High School, proposed transitioning the existing LITE program
into an Alternative Online School for students facing challenges such as anxiety, depression, or other risk factors.
The program, initially created for expelled students, has grown significantly, now serving about 75 students, with
increasing enrollment from middle school students. The proposed school would retain an online structure while
offering personalized instruction tailored to individual needs . It would be classified as an alternative school,
allowing access to enhanced state funding with a 12:1 student-teacher ratio instead of the current 18:1. The
additional funding would support hiring a dedicated middle school teacher to better serve younge r students, who
currently struggle in mixed-age environments. The Board and administration supported the proposal, recognizing
its potential to provide vital support for at-risk students and fill gaps in current services. The school would be
established as a 6th-12th grade school with a distinct name and state school ID. Next steps include submitting an
application to the state and considering facility and staffing needs for long -term success.
V.D. Suicide Prevention Policy Discussion
Superintendent Woolstenhulme explained the need for a suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention policy,
noting that a state law passed in 2008 required districts to adopt such a policy. The district had not done so,
leaving it out of compliance for several years. Ken Marlowe, along with social workers Lloyd Becker and Nancy
Erickson, worked on drafting the policy with assistance from legal counsel Abby and parent Laura Wallace.
Woolstenhulme highlighted that adopting the policy now is more complex due to recent laws on parental rights
and healthcare. He emphasized the importance of the Hope Squad program as a key preventative measure but
noted inconsistencies in its implementation across schools. Additional measures, such as standardized curriculum
on mental health and well-being, were also recommended.
The draft policy separates crisis team procedures from the suicide policy, focusing specifically on prevention,
intervention, and postvention related to suicide. The board supported the policy’s progress and discussed the
importance of proactive measures, consistent Hope Squad implementation, and counselor training. The policy is
expected to be ready for public review for the February 12th Regular Board Meeting.
VI. Closing Board Business
VI.A. Lobby Day Debrief
The ISBA Lobby Day was described as a meaningful experience where representatives from the district engaged
with legislators to show their commitment to public education. Although face -to-face time with legislators was
somewhat limited due to the event's focus on the Idaho Education Association, board members felt their presence
demonstrated investment in education and strengthened connections with both lawmakers and teacher groups.
Discussions included the potential impacts of school voucher programs and t he importance of preparing the
district to compete effectively for students by showcasing its strengths, such as dual -credit opportunities that
benefit students’ futures. The experience underscored the need for proactive communication and continued
advocacy for equitable funding and policies that support public schools.
VI.B. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings (Action Item)
There was a request submitted to the Board Clerk about having the benefits of vendors in school added to a future
board meeting. Dr. Woolstenhulme explained that the district could not allow vendors in schools due to strict
regulations tied to the National School Lunch Program. These rules prohibit competing food services during
school hours and for up to an hour after school, ensuring compliance with nutritional standards and wellness
policies. While the patron who raised the issue was encouraged to discus s it further with district officials, no
follow-up occurred. Woolstenhulme noted that any food sold by vendors must meet the same stringent nutritional
guidelines as the school lunch program, making such arrangements impractical and likely not a prudent us e of
board time.
A board member asked to have HOPE Squad present to the Board at a future meeting.
VI.B.1. Benefits of Having Vendors in School (Action Item)
Motion: To not add the request to discuss the benefits of vendors in schools to a future board agenda. This
motion, made by Richard Hess and seconded by Carissa Coats, Passed.
Mindy Clayton: Yea, Carissa Coats: Yea, Richard Hess: Yea, Paul Jenkins: Yea, Randy Smith: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0
VII. Corrected 2025 Board Calendar (Action Item)
The newly approved 2025 Board Meeting Calendar needed to have some changes made. Spring Break needed to be
moved from the week of March 17th to the week of March 24th. Election day on November 5th was added due to
having board members up for election and the dates for the ISBA Convention were changed from November 4
through November 7th to November 11th through November 14th. The last change was adding a Board Work
meeting on March 19th.
Motion: To approve the updated 2025 Board Meeting Calendar as presented. This motion, made by Mindy Clayton
and seconded by Carissa Coats, Passed.
VIII. HHS Culinary Arts Student Dinner Discussion
The Board discussed when to hold their annual HHS Culinary Arts Student Dinner for the Board.
IX. Executive Session (Action Item)
The Board will enter into an Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74 -206(1)(a) To consider hiring a public
officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, wherein the respective qualities of individuals are to be
evaluated in order to fill a particular vacancy or need. And (1)(b) to consider the evaluation, dismissal, or
disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member, or
individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law.
Motion: To enter Executive Session. This motion, made by Carissa Coats and seconded by Richard Hess, Passed.
Roll Call Vote:
Carissa Coats yes
Randy Smith yes
Mindy Clayton yes
Richard Hess yes
Paul Jenkins yes
The Board entered into Executive Session at 1:43 p.m.
IX.A. Student Recommendations
IX.A.1. Student 25-F (Action Item)
Motion: To accept the recommendation of conditionally readmitting Student 25 -F to same school without
expulsion. This motion, made by Richard Hess and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed.
IX.B. Cases and Litigations
IX.B.1. Case 24-05
Superintendent Woolstenhulme updated the Board on Case 24 -05.
IX.C. Elevate Academy Performance Certificate Review Process
The Board and the Executive Team discussed the Elevate Academy Performance Certificate review process.
IX.D. Superintendent Evaluation
The Board discussed the results of the Superintendent's evaluation.
X. Close Executive Session (Action Item)
Motion: To close Executive Session. This motion, made by Mindy Clayton and seconded by Richard Hess, Passed.
The Board closed the Executive Session at 2:15 p.m.
XI. Adjournment (Action Item)
Motion: To adjourn the meeting. This motion, made by Carissa Coats and seconded by Mindy Clayton, Passed.
The meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
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