HomeMy WebLinkAboutMoreton P & L Renewal 2016-17-?! JOINT SCHOOT DIS?RICT NO. 93 ''L.,raing ToA.tn.t - A.htzvinA Etc.ll.n.." 3497 Nonh Ammon Road, ldaho Falls, Idaho, 83401 0 (208) 525-4400 O Fax (208) 529-0104 O www.d93schools.org Dr. Charles J. Shackett, Superintendent Marjean Mcconnell, Deputy Superintendent Scott Woolstenhulme, Assistant Superintendent To: Board of Trustees From: April Burton, Chief Financial Operations/Officer Re: Approval of 2016-2017 Property and Liability Insurance I am requesting the Board approve Moreton & Company/ICRMP as the agent/carrier of property and liability insurance for 2016-2017 . The premium for 2016-2017 is $276,1 58, an increase of $7,849 over the 2015-2016 premium. Moreton & Company is an ISBA recommended affiliate. Moreton & Company has been the Districts agent lor at least 20 years. Attached is the plan coverage summary. Copies of the policy will be available in July. Board of Trustees 0 Brian McBride O Paul .,enkins 0 Amy Landers 0 .leff Eird 0 Greg Calder Bonneville loint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Empioyer ISBA INSURANCE PIAN COVERAGE SUMMARY JULY i, 20i6 ro )UlY 1,2011 Property limit of indemnification is 9500,000,000 per otturrence. Iimit for all property coverages and all limits of indemnifi(ation combined for all public education members (ollectively. INSURING AGREEMTiITs UMtT 0f tNDEMittfl(ATt0t{COVTRAGT BA5I5 DEDUCTIBI.T 1. Buildings, Stru(tures & Propeny, Mobile tquipmentand Automobile physicalDamage: ProfessionalFees 51,000,000 Per rovered occunence Ihe fi6t $2,500 ofany loss is applicable to Section V, lnsuring Agreements 1 and 2, ex(eptinq flood and earthquake losses. Fine Arts s500,000 Per covered ocrunenre or in the aggregate for multiple orcurrences in one poliryyear [andscape ltems 525,000 Per covered occunenre 0rdinan(e Defi(ien(y s5,000,000 Per tovered otcunence Preservation of Property $25,000 Per covered orcunenre Newly Arquired Property s10,000,000 Per covered occunente Property ln (0urse of(onstru(tion $1,000,000 Per tovered occunence Property lnlransit s1,000,000 Per rovered orrunence 5ervice Animals Water/5ewer Ba(kup 51,000,000 Perrovered orcunence or in the aggregate for multiple oc(urrences in one poliq year Earth Movement $50,000,000 Pertovered orcunence and/or in the annual aggregate all publi( eduration members combined in one policy year [arth Movement:Thefrst 525,000 of any loss. Ilood Type A"*550,000,000 Perrovered ocrunence and/or in the annual aggregate all publi( education members (ombined in one poli(y year **Flood Type A:The fnt 525,000 of any loss. tlood Type B**.$s,000,000 0perational Di5ruption Expense s2,s00,000 Per covered occunenre or in the aggregatefor multiple 0((urren(es in one polky year Data Restoration Related t0 0pera- tional Diyuption [xpense s250,000 Per rovered occunence or in the aggr€qatefor multiple 0((urren(es in on€ policyyear Valuable Papers and Records $1,000,000 Per covered occunenre or in the aggregate for multiple 0((urrences in 0ne policy year Oata Restoration R€lated toValu- able Papers and Records s500,000 Per rovered orrurrence or in the aggregate for multiple o((urren(es in one poli(y year 525,000 Per covered occunente. Per tovered orcurrenre and/or in the annual aggregate all publi( €du(ati0n m€mbers (ombined in one policyyear ".*floodType B:The first 5500,000 perbuilding and first 5500,000 per (ontents. MACHIN ERY BREAI(DOWN I NSU RAN(E Property limit of indemnification is S100,(M,000 per o((urren(e. l-imitfol all pl0perty coverages and alllimits 0f indemnifi(ation combined forall public education members collectively. CRIME INSURANCE 1. PropertyDamage off Premise Prope(y Damage 5100,000 Per covered otcunence. Data orMedia (Propeny)$1,000,000 Data or l\4edia (Bus.lncome & fxtra Ixpense) 55,000,000 Ammonia (ontamination sr,000,000 (onsequentialLoss 51,000,000 Hazardous Substan(e 5s00,000 Water Damaoe 52,500,000 Iungus sr 5,000 2. [xpediting Expenses 52,500,000 Per rovered orcunence 3. Business lnrome and [xtra Expense 51,000,000 Perrovered orrunence. 4. Pedshable Goods/Spoilage Damage $1,000,000 5. Servi(e lnteJruption s2,500,000 Pertovered orrunente and 24 hour waiting period. 6. Newly Arquired Premises s5,000,000 Per covered orrunence. 7. 0rdinan(e or Law $s,000,000 Per rovered octurrenre 8. [rrors and 0missions 510,000,000 Per (overed claim Ihe first $2,500 ofany loss in this se(tion. INsUR I}'IG AGR ETITIEiITS UMtT 0t ll{DIi,lillrl(ATl0il (ovERA6t BASts DtDU(Tt8tt l. Imployee Dishonesty $500,000 Per tovered orcunence. The frst 52,500 ofany loss in this s€dion. 2.l-o$ Inside Premises 5500,000 Per covered ocrunence l. loss 0utside Premises ss00,000 Per rovered occunenre It{SU8It{G AGREEMTNTS Lli.llT 0t INDtMMIt(ATt0 (ovtRAGt BASTS DEDU(IIBII Per rovered octunenre. lndemnification limit in the Aggregate for policy period specified for a liability <overage (ombined is gr 0,000,000. Defense cost limit in the aggregate for policy period specified <ombined is 95,000,000. GENERAL LIABILITY AUTO LIABILITY ERRORS & OMISSIONS CLAIMS MADE CHEMICAT SPRAYING ACTIVITIES IIABILITY INSURANCE II{5U RING AG RETM Tt,IT5 INDtMItttcATt0it uMtT t0R CoVtRED (IAli,ts DEtElrsE (osl UIr4tT f()R (OVERED (I.AIMS COVTRAGE 8A5IS 1. General l-iability 52,000,000 53,000,000 Per covered orrurrenre. 2. Sexual Molestation 0rAbuse tiability- (LAlMS MADE (0VEBAG[- see Retroadive Dare $2,000,000 s3,000,000 3. tdu(ator's Liability- (l-AlM5 MADt (oVERAGE- see Rerroa(ive Dare 52,000,000 51,000,000 INSUBING AGRIEMINTS INDtM Itt(ATt0I'r r.Il,rT fO& (OVERED CI.AIMS DEtE St (0ST umtl r0[ (ovERtD q.Attts (OVERAGT BASIS l. Automobil€ Liability 51,000,000 53,000,000 Per covered a(cident. 2. Automobile Mediral Payments 55,000 5o [arh person $100,000 Iach a((ident. 3. Uninsured / Underinsured Motorists 5100,000 53,000,000 Each person 5300,000 [ach accident. ITISUR II,IG AGRE EMTNIS IN DE M N If I(AT IO II I.IMIT toR (0vERtD (l.AtM5 DEItt{5t (05T Lltr,llT fOR (OVERED (TAIM5 (OVERAGE BA5IS 1. [rrors and omissions (LAlMS MADE (oVERAGI- 5ee Retroadive Date 52,000,000 s3,000,000 Per covered rlaim 2. Employee Benefit Liability (LAlM5 MA0t (0V[RAG[- see Retroa(ive Date 52,000,000 53,000,000 Per covered rlaim 3. Employment Pradi(es Liability (LAlM5 MADI (oVtRAGt- see Retroadive Date 52,000,000 51,000,000 Per covered clalm 1. (hemi(al Spraying A(tivities t-iability (I-AIM5 MADT (OVTRAGE $500,000 5s00,000 Per (overed (laim and/or in the aggregate for multiple daims. Per (overed Claim. Per (overed 0aim. II.ISURI116 AG REEMTI,I15 MIT DETEI,ISE (OST LIMIT (ovrBAGt BASrs SPE(IAt ENDORSEMENTS Ihis isaovelage summary, nota legal(ontrad. Thi5 summary is providedt0 help you undetJtand yourinsurance program.lt provide5 only a genera I der(ription event ofa los5. Specimen copies ofall poljde5 are available for review priorto the building ofcoverage. INSURING 46RTTMEIiITS r NDIM t{rH(ATtol,l UMtT t0R (ovtRtD 0.A[r,ls DtftNSt (0sT UMtT TOR (OVERED CtAIMS (OVtRAGE BASIS Dedudible l.Arcidental Disrharge of Pollutants Indorsement #l 550,000 Not appli(able Per covered ocrunence and/or in the aggregate for multiple claims. lhe first $2,500 ofany loss for Endorsement #1 2.Nuclear, (hemical or Biological Endorsement #2 5500,000 5500,000 3.lnjunctive Relief Indorsement #3 5o s50,000 Per rovered ocrunenre and in the aggregatefor multipl€ daims. 4.Ierrorism lnsurance Physical Damage/[oss Endorsement #4 5s0,000,000 Not appli(able ln the aggregate annually for all l(RMP M€mbers (olledively. The fiBt 510,000 ofany loss for Indorsement #4 5. Attorney Consultation Reimbursement Amendatory Indorsement #5 5r,500 Not appli(able Per claim $50,000 ln the annual aggregate for all claims combined. 6. Cyber Liability Indo]sement#6 CI.AIMS MADT (OVTRAGE Retroadive Date: July 1,2015 $1,000,000 lnrluded in limit of indemnif(ation Per (overed (laim and 54,000,000 in the aggregate for multiple daims. The frst $2,500 ofany loJs for Indorsement #6 7. Student Pradi(um Liability tndorsement #7 5r,000,000 lncluded in limit of indemnif(ation Per (overed Claim and 52,000,000 in the aggregate for multiple claims. 8. Parti(ipating Provision tSBA Dividend Indorsement #8 5o 5o Per policy period 9. Terrorism tiability Indo]sement #9 5500,000 Per (overed 0crurrenre and in the aggregat€ for multiple claims." 10. Asbestos Remediation Indorsement #10 lnduded in Building Valueas listed in S(hedule ofValues 5o Per(overed o((urrenre The lirst $2,500 ofany loss for Endorsement f10 11. A(tive 5hooter [ndorsement #'l l 52s0,000 Not applkable Per(overed (laim and in th€ aggregate for multiple (laims Per rovered occunence. $500,000