HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorwin Press, Inc. Agreement⊂ORWIN A SAGE Companγ AGREEMENT FOR CONSUTTING SERVICES This Agreement for Consulting Services ("Agreement") is entered into this 12th day of August 2016 (the "Effective Date"), by and between Corwin Press, lnc., a SAGE Publications, lnc. company, with offices at 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, California 91320 ("Corwin") and Bonneville School District with offices at 3497 N. Ammon Rd., ldaho Falls, lD 83401 ("Custome/') 1. Services. Customer desires to contract with Corwin for the furnishing of services related to the Custome/s professional learning needs (the "Services"); and Corwin desires to provide such Services to the Customer as further described in the Proposal attached hereto as Exhibit A. 2. Term and Termination. The term of this Agreement will commence on August 12, 2016 and will remain in effect for one year or until corwin has completed the services described in Exhibit A. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon sixty (60) calendar days'advance written notice. ln the event of termination by Customer, Corwin shall be paid any fees then due and expenses incurred as of the effective date of termination including, without limitation, speakers' fees and costs, Corwin's non- refundable travel costs, and non-refundable venue deposits. Said amounts will be paid by Customer to corwin within ten (10) days of the termination date. 3. Comoensation. Corwin will be paid at the rates outlined in Exhibit A and Customer will pay Corwin within thirty (30) days of receipt of invoice. 4. Warranties. Corwin represents and warrants (i) that it will perform the Services using qualified personnel and in accordance with applicable industry standards; and (ii) that it will comply with any and all applicable rules, laws and regulations, court or administrative orders or decrees of any federal, provincial, Iocal or other governmental unit which has iurisdiction in such circumstance. 5. lndemnification. Each party will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the other party, its affiliates, and their officers, directors, employees and agents from and against all obliSations of any nature whatsoever (including all reasonable attorneys'fees) resulting from a party's failure to perform in accordance with any of the terms of this Agreement. 5. Force Maieure. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, in the event that the performance of any obligation under this Agreement by Corwin is prevented due to acts of God or any other cause beyond its reasonable control (including the unavailability of a speaker for an event), Corwin shall not be responsible to the Customer for failure or delay in performance of its obligations under this Agreement. Moreover, in the eventa speaker becomes unavailable to attend a speaking event, Corwin may, at its sole discretion, substitute the speaker and/or reschedule the speaking event. 7. Notices. All notices required or permitted hereunder will be in writing and will be sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the party to whom such notice is directed, at its address as set forth above, or to such other address as such party will have designated by notice hereunder. Notices will be deemed given on the date received. 8. Ownershio/Rights. Corwin will own or hold the necessary rights to any materials or other work product created, developed or distributed by corwin (or the assigned speakers) under this Agreement including, without limitation, any event handouts or materials (collectively, "Materials"). No rights to any of the Materials shall be conveyed to Customer; provided, however, that Customer shall be permitted to use the Materials solely in connection with the speaking event provided by Corwin hereunder. Moreover, in no event shall customer be permitted to: (a) alter, reproduce, distribute or otherwise use any Materials provided by corwin under this Agreement, in whole or in pac in any manner whatsoever; or (b) photograph, audio tape, video tape, or otherwise record or broadcast an event, presentation or any of the Services provided by corwin under this Agreement, in whole or in part, in any manner whatsoever. 9 Subcontractins. Corwin may engage subcontractors to perform the Services including, without limitation, speakers to deliver presentations at a speaking event. 10. Additional Services. Customer agrees that any interest for additional Services relating to Custome/s professional learning needs will be directed to and contracted with Corwin. For the avoidance of doubt, such Customer interest will not be directed to any Corwin speaker, trainer, or consultant. 11. Miscellaneous. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Corwin and Customer, and supersedes all prior agreements, representations and understandings of the parties whether written or oral, No amendment, supplement, or modification of this Agreement will be effective unless executed in writing by both corwin and customer. ln the event of a conflict between a termofthis Agreement and a term of ExhibitA, theterm of this Agreement will control. Additionally, in the event ofa conflict between a term of this Agreement and any ancillary Customer document, form or agreement, the term of this Agreement will control. The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this Agreement will not affect the other provisions, and this Agreement will be construed in all respects as if anyinvalid or unenforceable provision were omitted. This Agreement shall be governed bythelawsof U.S. Rev. 12-09-15 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7EF48D56-E95B-4C04-901B-70751813395F the State of California without regard to conflicts of laws. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, will be settled by arbitration in Ventura County, California and administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its then-existing Commercial Arbitration Rules. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which will be deemed the original, all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument. A faxed copyor other electronic copy will be deemed as an original. Accepted and agreed to by: Corwin Dave West Executive Director, Sales Date: Exhibit A: see attached Proposal u S Rev 12‐09‐15 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7EF48D56-E95B-4C04-901B-70751813395F Jan Achterhof 8/15/2016 CORWIN A SACE Company Learning intentions and Success Criteria Presented to:Bonnevi:ie Schoo:District Revised 8ノ 1216 PART l: lntroduction Corwin is pleased to present Bonneville School District with an opportunity to develop a long- term professional development plan which embodies our core mission and vision - to help educators make the greatest impact. We believe that Corwin's research and evidence-based offerings provide Bonneville School District with the comprehensive learning experience in teacher clarity you are seeking to support and complement your district's high-performance schools planning for the 20'16-17 school year. Corwin is excited to co-design the next phase of learning that supports the implementation of key strategies with a keen focus on student achievement through effective practice. By targeting the highest performing influences that move the dial in academic achievement, the diskict will be able to "reset" the language of learning and reinvigorate their educators and students through the lens of Teacher Clarity. These efforts will continue to build throughout the year, and will set a perfect backdrop that will allow Bonneville School District to focus on feedback efforts . Building Teacher Clarity through Learning lntentions and Success Criteria lmplementation Corwin has planned series of Learning lntentions and Success Criterra implementation and support days that will assist district educators to gain a deeper understanding around teacher clarity which in turn will help them better articulate to their students what they want them to learn and be able to accomplish within a unit of study. Clarity around learning intentions and success criteria is imperative for educators to know how well all students in their classroom are progressing, as well as knowing where they need to go to next. Without this clarity surrounding their learning goals, which provide the sharp focus for both instruction and assessment, teachers cannot achieve the maximum possible impact on student learning. Teacher clarity, which has a .75 effect size (ES) based on the findings of professor John Hattie's research of over 800 meta-analyses of what educator practices work best, supports and makes other academic influences on student achievement possible, such as:o Assessment-capable Learners (1.44 Es): This tops the effect size list, equaling more than three years of academic growth within one school year. students who have clarity need to answer three key questions: "Where am I going? How am I going? \Nhere to next?" . Response to lntervention (1.07 ES): RTI is listed in the top five of professor Hattie,s influences. Clarity of learning intentions is essential to developing a ptan to help students close their learning gaps. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7EF48D56-E95B-4C04-901B-70751813395F . Claggroom Oiscussion (.82 ES): Listed in the top ten effect sizes, purposeful classroom discussions depend on students and teachers having clarity about the learning focus.. Meaningful Feedback (.75 ES): This effect has proven to nearly double the speed of student leaming. Vvhen feedback is delivered effectively, it directly correlates to clear learning outcomes. When teachers are certain about their Learring lnbnrons-what they want students to know and be able to do in a unit of study and in speciflc daily lessons-they can intentionally design assessments, plan instruction, and select appropriate curriculum materials directly aligned to those learning intentions. They provide c/arity lot lhe "Wherc are we going?" element of teaching and learning. Succoar Criteria, specific descriptors of how students will achieve the learning intentions, provide teachers and students with a detailed "roadmap to the destination' that focuses instruction and motivates students to engage in the learning. The success criteria prcvide claity for the 'How are we going?" element of teaching and learning. Learning progressions, or instructional scaffolds that students need to achieve the learning intention, provide the "\ rhere to next?' element of teaching and leaming. By participating in these highly engaging and hands-on Learning lntentions and Success Criterra implementation days, participants will be able to work collaboratively with their teams to create additional learning intentions, success criteria, and learning progressions for other units of study. These support days will also help to clarify any questions, provide teedback on participant work products, and offer other opportunities lor coaching and modeling. Participants will also learn, through both guided and independent practice, how toi. Better define and descibe leaming inten,bns and success cnlerra. Apply the process of creating learning intentions and success ctitetiato multiple standards within a unit of study. Deepen their understanding of how to deconstruct a learning intention into /eam,,hg progressrbrs and related success criteria. Create an action plan for introducing learning intentions and success criteria to students, collaborative grade- or course-level teams, schoolfaculty, and/or the entire district_ Optional: Co-constructing Success Criteria with Students Workshop Once Bonneville School District educators have mastered their learning intentions and success criteria and have maximum clarity of their learning goals, Corwin recommends participants attend the Co-constructing Success Citeria with S(udeats seminars. Just as it is important for teacherc to understand these concepts, it's as critically important for the students to have clarity on their learning intentions and success criteria to achieve and succeed in any unit of instruction. Through these series of implementation days, educators will learn to co-construct success criteria wlt students, so that the teacher and students develop a shared understanding of their learning progressions and goals. Success criteria provide the perfecl vehicle for embedded formative assessment, feedback, metacognition, and reflection for both the student and the teacher. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7EF48D56-E95B-4C04-901B-70751813395F Participants will learn how to: . lmplement research-based practices to significantly increase student investment and achievement in learning. Gain clarity on the depth and breadth of essential standards to systematically plan and Assess the effectiveness of instruction. Develop the criteria for success t4lth students so they may accurately answer:o Where am I going? o How am I doing? o V\here to next?. Differentiate feedback to deepen and extend learning. Embed formative assessment to accelerate learning. Engage students in assessing and monitoring their own learning lmplementation Support: . Claalroom Modeling: The facilitator can model any of the strategies and practices contained within providing teacher clarity in the classroom setting with students and the teacher (or many teachers) present. . Lesson Planning Support: The facilitator can work with a teacher and their instructional coach to model planning for lessons that support high degrees of teacher clarity through learning intentions and success criteria.. Leadership Planning and Support: The facilitator can meet with the school and/or district leadership team to plan successful implementation and monitoring of teacher clarity. . Short Burstg of Proisssional Learning: The facilitator can provide focused Professional Learning sessions that delve deeply into one strategy or practice during PLCS, department meetings, leadership team meetings, staff meetings, etc. The content mentioned in the sections above can be used for these purposes.. Support for lnstructional Coaches: The facilitator can coach the building or district instructional coach/coaches to ensure they have a solid understanding ofthe instructional model/processes and practices they are coaching.. Building Walkthrcughs: The facilitator can conduct ctassroom walkthroughs to look at the implementation of strategaes in action, and support buitding leadership as they broaden their understanding of effective practice in action. DocuSign Envelope ID: 7EF48D56-E95B-4C04-901B-70751813395F PART∥:lNVESTMENT Suggested T:rnei:ne&:nvestment Schedu:e Please note: lnvestment above includes Shipping and Handling for books and resources. Books and resources will be shipped approximately 30 days prior to engagement; please notify Corwin if books are needed sooner than that. Any appticable taxes witt be inctuded at the time of invoice; tax exempt foms shou/d be included with Po and signed contract. Resources and books will be invoiced separately from professional development sevices. This proposat for services is intended to be a workinq document and is subiect to chanqe based on client needs. Contact lnformation Brian Roy, Senior Account Manager, PD Solutions Brian. Rov@Corwin.com 805.490.9873 cell 805-410-7646 office Date Description lnvestment Sept 21St and 22nd Two Consecutive days with Larry Ainsworth Learning lntentions & Success Crit6ria Workshop Day One Workshop and Day 2 lmplementation Dayo The complete scope of work for the second day will be fleshed out in planning calls with Larry and Bonneville and will serve to be a coaching and production day.o 60 total Participants Required Resources. 60 LISC Workbooks ($25.00 each)o Shippingo Taxes lnvestment includes all advance planning, presenter fees, and all travel expenses S17,00000 Sl,50000 S6495 S9000 TOTAL iNVESTMENT S18,654.95 DocuSign Envelope ID: 7EF48D56-E95B-4C04-901B-70751813395F DocuSign Envelope ID: F4045476-A296-4314-AF9C-337F5B186DD5 Client Engagement ManagerLisa Odorico 9/7/2016