HomeMy WebLinkAboutBonnevilleDist#93Coop14_1COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT
SFY 1-5 and SFY 16
The Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (IDVR) and School District No. 93 enter into
this agreement solely to facilitate the transition of students with disabilities from K -[2 public
education into adult lif'c. This transition to adult life may involve any or all of the following goal
oriented activities: post - secondary education, training and job placement, direct placement into
appropriate employment (to include supported employment if required), advocacy and any other
3etivities that are relevant to the student and within the scope of the IDVR mission and role.
Transition planning and services are a required component of Individual Flans under the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA).
To this end the parties to this agreement will work together to:
A. Assist the student with disabilities to make informed choices regarding their adult living
goals. I'hc student's parents or guardians will be included in this planning process.
13. Ensure compliance with the relevant transition planning and provision of services
processes as required by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act,
F.L. 105 -17.
C. F,nstu-c that all transitioning students with disabilities benefit from an assessment of their
ability to benefit from vocational rehabilitation services as allowed for by the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as Amended by P.[.:, 1[75 -22[7,
D. Use the provisions of IDF.IA and the Rehabilitation Act and Amendments in tandem to
benefit individual students with disabilities; by developing a cooperative, team approach
to transition that is seamless rather than fragmented.
Hanvrsed 3 2 1?
A. IDVIl and Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 Agree:
i . This agreement recognizes that the parties are entering into a relationship which
emphasi7.es Z Multi-disciplinary tcam bascd approach to transition and vocational
rehabilitation. A multi - disciplinary [earn includes the VR Counselor, students,
parent/guardian, and school based staff. This will allow for flexibility yet will
also recogrtixc that those services which are distinctive to the credential~ of a
specific staff will be performed by'that staff.
2. That those obligations specifically assigned to the parties to this agreement by
Law, regulation or rule will nett be violated in the discharge of this cooperative
That they will collaborate in the development of the transitionirg studcrt's 3. i
Individual Edrication Pian (IF.P) and the development of any relevant Ind1viduaI
Plan of F,mpioymcrit (IPF.). Approval of the ILP is vested with Bonneville Joint
School District No.93. the student. and his/her parents or guardian. Approval of
the WE is vested solely with IDVR, the student, and his/her parents or guardian.
4. That the determination of the student's eligibility for Vocational Rehabilitation
servvices rests exclusively with IDVR.
5. That they will share student information necessary. (Sec Scction IV regarding
confidentiality of student information).
6. That they do not illegally discriminate in employment, eligibility for services or
type of service provision based solely upon considerations of race, color, creed,
age, sex, or disabling condition. They further agree that they do not contract or
otherwise do business vv ith other parties or entities that do.
7. That each party will individually keep such records as required by Lays,,
regulation or rule. Said records will he open to official audits required by State
or Federal Law.
B. Bonneville Joint School District Igo. 93 Agrees:
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Rieo.wd 3 711!2
I. To transfer to IDVR certifiable non - Federal nionies in the amount of sixteen
thousand eight hundred (,S 16,800) for SFY 15, and the same amount in SFY 16
upon receipt of appropriate billing, of certifiable non - federal monies which
IDVR Will use to match available federal rrronics appropriated under the
Rehabilitation Act. These monies will be used expressly for allowable cost
incurred by IDVR in the furtherance of this cooperative agreement. (Please see
attachment #1 incorporated by reference for clarification of breakdown of monies,
per school or school district) Written verification will accompany payment
indicating that no portion of the payrnent is from federal funds and has not been
used to match anv other federal grants.
?. To provide Confidential office space, office furniture, telephone service, and fax
(copier) suitable for staff (one vocational Counselor and one vocational assistant)
assir7�ied by IDVR at no additional cost to IDVR, School District will be
responsible to extend telccommunication access From the demarcation point
inside the school to the IDVR office location.
3. IDVR will be responsible for The tcleeommun [cat ior7 access C01111ectivity to the
closest demarcation point in the school building,.
4. That if the school district desires to relocate the Vocational Rehabilitation Office,
the district agrees to pay the cost of moving expenses. IDVR requires a
minimum 30 -day lead -time to move the computer line.
5. To refer transitioning students with disabilities To IDVR within two years of
exiting high school (or earlier i f appropriate) so that I D V R may become involved
in the Individual Education plan (IF.P) team, the determination of the required
transition services, assistance in the IF,P development, assessment of eligibility
for Vocational Rehabilitation services, and the development of relevanT
Individual Plans) for Employment (IPF).
6. To inviTe The VR counselor to participate in the 1FY development team for all
referred students.
7. To provide in- service training to the assigned VR Counselor regarding the
school's responsibilities under IDEIA.
8. To provide services mandated by IDF.IA and other enabling legislation,
regulations, or rules, without impacting IDVR case scrvicc doliars (i.e. the
District will act as the first resource for services required by Law and pertinent
Pace 3
R,!Osed 3: 2012
miles and/or regulations governing Special Education and other education
services for K -12 students with disabilities) to provide a free and appropriate
education (FADE).
9. To provide the 1DVR Counselor with any and all medical, psychological,
educational and social history records that the district may hold on the strident
with a disability, in order to assist the VR Counselor to make an appropriate
determination of eligibility for VR and to determine appropriate Vocational
Rehabilitation sci-viccs to be provided within the requirements of the Family
Education Rights an Privacy Act (FERPA).
C. 1DVR Agrees:
1. To use District - donated funds and State General Account monies to match
Federal Vocational Rehabilitation monies sufficient to serve the population
addressed by this cooperative agreement.
2. 10 provide a VR Counselor and a vocational assistant to serve only the students
with disabilities referred by Bonneville Joint School District No.93.
3. That the VR Counselor will consult With educators coned -ping possible referral
of students, and when students should be referred to 1DVR. The VR Counselor
will provide e5ritten recommendations, if requested, for use in developing the
4. That. the VR Counselor may attend lEP team meetings and activities for each
referred student upon timely invitation by the appropriate school personnel.
5. That the VR Counselor will accept referrals, determine eligibility and,
collaboratively with the student's [Ell team. develop appropriate IPFs for those
students found eligible for VR services, Eligibility determination for VR is
vested solely with 1DVR. The scope of Vocational Rehabilitation services will
be determined evith the members of the interdisciplinary team.
G. 10 provide 1DVR services to eligible transitioning students. IDVR requires a
search for comparable benclits (e.g. Medicaid, SSl) and the completion of a
Financial Needs Assessment for client Financial participation prior to
expenditures of 1DVR funds. 1F one or more 1DVR services is also identified by
the student's 1F.P team as necessary for the student to receive a free appropriate
public education (TAPE), then IDVR is released from the pursuit of,
parentallclicnt finaricial obligation in accordance with 1DF.lA.
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Res ised 3 2013
7. TO mStUlCt the 1DVR staff to work closely with the student's classroom
teacher(-,) to erisure appropriate coordination between the classroom activity and
the Vocational Rehabilitation services being provided. In this process the VR
Counselor will provide in- service training to relevant District personnel on all
aspects of the Vocational Rehabilitation System.
8. All state plan requirements, including a slate's Order of Selection, will apply to
all services provided under the cooperative agreement.
The parties agree to resolve disputes that arise in the provision of vocational rehabilitation
services to student-,, and to ensure that services are not disrupted by using the following process
to resolve such interagency disputes:
a All attempts should he made to resolve disputes regarding transition services and fiscaI issues
at the level closest to the student.
• Whesi the dispute is between agencies, the Off icer or individual in charge of Special
F.clucation and 1DVR Regional Manager will meet and resolve the issue.
a If not resolved, then the dispute will be referred to the Administration offices of the school
district and the 1DVR Field Services Chief for final resolution.
Because the Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 and the 1DVR staffs will be jointly working
with the student to develop appropriate transition plans, they may be required to exchange student
information on an almost daily basis. This agreement will allow for the exchange of information
in the best interest of coordinated student transition services. All students will he informed of the
relationships of the parties to this agreement at the time of referral. They or their parent or
guard Mn w111 be asked to sign a release of information form at that time. Signing of the Corm will
allow 1DVR and the Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 to exchange information.
F.ach party to the agreement may not share information secured under the terms of this abreemertt
with other non - parties to this agreement unless specifically required by l.avv or under separate
written release by the student or his/her parent or guardian.
Remised 3 2012
The terms of this agreement are in effect July 1, 2013. This agrecrnent will be on -going for each
next two state fiscal year beginning July 1 and continuing through June 30'E' of 2016. The
agreement may be terminated at any time duc to failure of either the Idaho State Legislature or
the Congress of the United Slates to appropriate such sums as may he required to successfully
discharge the teams of this agreement. If termination of the agrecincni is needed, a 30 -day notice
is required, regardless of which part i lis terminating.
Lr neIIan Datdministramr, IDVR
Joh o1, e
Region 6, Manager, 1DVR
(0 -S -y4.
4L - 11 e s 1611zll
Dr. Charles Shae cit at
School District 9 93
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Revised 3.20 12
Attachment 41
1DVR & School Districts 59, 91, 93, 251, 252 Cooperative Project
Matching Funds SFY Distribution
SFY 15:
~Bonneville County Dist 93
Idaho I ails School Dist 91
1f firth School Dist 59
Rigby School Dist 251
Ririe School Dist 252
SFY 16:
(grades 9"-12")
_ $6.552
$ 16,800
$1024 -
—Bonneville County Dist 93
Idaho Falls School Dist 91
Fifth School Dist 59
Rigby School Dist 251
Ririe Sehool Dist 252
•1'O AL S —
100% ... -
8134 -
Pagc 7
Revised 3 2012