HomeMy WebLinkAboutMcLaughlin Young Employee Services May 2017THIS AGREEMENT, made this Znd day of May; 2017 by and between Bonneville joint School District #93, hereafte - referred to as "Company" and McLaughlin You g Employee' Services, Inc., a North Carolina for-profit corporation, hereinafter referred to as "MYES," to provide services according to the following terms and conditions: 1. Services to be Provided. MYES shall provide Employee Assistance Program services to the Company,', accordance with Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2. Term., C mmencing on the Ist day of September, 2017, this Agreement shall continue in force is and effect, until termination by either party as specified in this Agreement. 1 Service Fee.: Company agrees to pay MYES in accordance with the fee schedule incorporated in Exhibit A, attached hereto. The service fee shall be paid in accordance with Exhibit A, and if not paid when due the service fee shall accrue interest at the rate of 1.5 percent per month or portion thereof. MYES reserves the right to amend the Fee Scha4ule in Exhibit A by informing the Company f the fee increase by letter at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the new Fee Schedule, In the event the Company elects not to accept the new Fee Schedule, it shall notify MYES in writing of its election prior to the commencement date of the new Fee Schedule, in which case this Agreement shall automatically terminate within 9q days following receipt of that notice by MYES, and during that 90 day period the Company shall pay MYES. based on the prior fee schedule. If the service fee is not paid when due, MYES may elect to pursue collection and/or legal action in which case the Company shall be responsible for the pay m,ent of MYES' collection costs; court costs; and reasonable attorney fees. 4. R rticfiaant Information: Company and MYES agree, that any confidential participant information shall not be disclosed by MYES or Company without the consent or authorization of the participant unless required by State or Federal law. 1 S. Facilities ; Unless otherwise indicated in this paragraph,'; MYES shall provide or cause to be provided the physical facilities necessary for the services to be provided. Company shall provide the following facilities (if none, insert "None"): None W confiders program disclose approval participa program 02017 McLau; (704)529-1428 j[arma_f_LQ_n: Company understands that tt I and proprietary to MYES, and agrees to pro - service Company may acquire in the course of c iy such information to any person or organi `MYES. Company shall also use its best efforts t ig in MYES programs shall not disclose, and shall Young Employee Services I MYES program information is the confidentiality of any MYES ing with MYES. Company shall not ion, without the express written isbre that its employees or agents intain the confidentiality of, MYES 7. Tnsua ance: MYES agrees to maintain professional and general liability insurance covering services provided by MMES under this Agreement, and sWl provide Company proof of such insurance coverage upon Company's request. In the event Company is providing facilities under paragraph 5 of this Agreement, Company agrees to maintain general liability insurance covering those faci ities,' and shall provide MYES proof of such insurance coverageupon MYES' request. 8. Terminaltion and Notice for EAP 3 rvice : This Agreement may be terminated by either party for cause in the event of a breach of the terms of this Agreement by the other party which is not corrected within 45 days following written notice thereof. This Agreement may also be terminate d without cause at any time following the first year, of the Agreement by either parity by providing the other party ninety (90) days advance written notice. In the event the Company elects to terminate this Agreement without cause, it may also elect to pay a quarterly lump sum payment to MYES (in addition to any other payments due MYES) instead of requiring MYES to provide the final 90 days of services. For purposes of this..Agreement, notice shall be deemed effective hen deposited in the mail by certified or registered mail to the following parties: MYES: Moira LoCascio, CEO ; McLaughlin Young Employee Services 5925 Carnegie Blvd, Suite 350 Charlotte, NC 28209 Company: Scott Woolstenhul e, Assistant Superintendent Bonneville Joint School District #93 3497 N. Ammon Rd. Idaho Falls, ID 83401 9. Miscellaneous F'rovi i &os: a. This Agreement maybe executed in several counterparts each of which shall be deemed an original and which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. b, All paragraph and exhibit headings are inserted far convenience only.. c. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties and shall be amended only by written instrument signed by both partiesz d. This instrument shall be governed by and interpreted under North Carolina law. e. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties,their successors, and assigns. McLaughlin Young Employee Services 5925 Carnegie Blvd, Suite 350 Charlotte, NC 28209 By :!1' 0 Moira LoCascio CEO B Scott,Woolsten u me,. ssistant Superintendent 02017 McLauglilin Young Employee Services 2 (704)529 -1428 EXHIBIT A EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM McLaughlin Young Employee Services" EAP has the following components; 1. Implementation: To ensure compatibility with corporate ctdture and other strategies, the MYES Employee: Assistance Program includes initial and annual consultation with appropriate managers within the client corporation. 2. Orientation: MYES' EAP will provide supervisor and employee orientations on our website (www.my oup.com). 3. Prami''Services: MMES will have available a variety of professionals trained to deal with personal problems such as: Alcohol abuse and alcoholism 0 Emotional problems ?rug abuse and addiction 0 Stress due to legal concerns Marital /Partner relationships Financial difficulties ® Child /Family relationships Career challenges MYES wil assign counselors to employees and their dependents. If an employee or dependent has a reasonable objection to a particular counselor, MMES will make a reasonable effort to reassign the individual to another counselor, providing additional counselors are available. Services consist of: ® A 24-hour telephone service is provided and listed on all promotional materials distributed to employees or displayed at the workplace. Response to all calls or requests for assistance Assessment of the caller's concern, the type of assistance necessary, the nature and scope of the problem, and the prudent course of action. The EAP counselor helps the mployee define the problem or issue and develop an immediate course of action toward resolution. f Short-term counseling provided by MYES employees or third -party providers, up to 6 sessions per problem, is provided for those employees with problems which do not require long -term therapy. If the employee requires long -term therapy, or following 6 sessions, a referral may be made for follow -up care which is-not covered under this Agreement. Referral to an appropriate specialized care facility or community resource for the treatment of the employee's problem. Follow-up is provided through systematic monitoring so as to provide continuing support and additional counsel if necessary. 02017 McLaughlin Young .Employee Services i (744 )529 -14281 a ® YES. agrees to provide one consultant fore. up to three consecutive hours of on -site ritical Incident Stress Debriefing per year. 'There will be a cancellation fee for CISDs r�ancelled within 24 hours of the scheduled onsite services. There will be an additional Fee for additional consultants and for bilingual consultants. c Work-Life Services including. Legal and Financial S 'ervices and access to extensive web - based resources, information and assessment tools. Individual case management and client advocacy services for alcohol, drug abuse and mental health problems to assure quality and continuity of care at reasonable cost, Quarterly utilization reports. Provider Network: In order to provide quality and convenient service to Company employees in areas Where MYES does not have a regional office, it will use specially selected independent affiliates for assessment and counseling services. These counselors will provide all of the above elements of the MYES EAP. Affiliates will report directly to the MYES managers who will administer the entire program and provide the appropriate reports to the Company. Counseling Services: Crisis management services are available at all times, 24- hours a day. Counseling sessions are available Monday through Friday, except on the following holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Dy, Thanksgiving, the Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. If a holiday falls on Saturday, itwill be observed on Friday. If a holiday falls on Sunday, it will be observed on Monday. Promotional Material: MYES provides generic brochures and business cards regarding EAP services for distribution to eligible employees at the onset of the program and on an annual basis as requested. If personalized printed material is requested' MYES will provide a master copy of the text, but printing will be the responsibility of the Company, Any changes to the text must have the approval of MYES. Travel E cpeses: It is the Company's responsibility to pay for all travel expenses incurred by MYES associated with on -site services including, but not limited to, trainings, orientations, CISD`s and healthh fairs . Services under this Agreement do not include any services for which MYES and its employees are not licensed, accredited, or credentialed to provide, or 'otherwise prohibited by law from performing. Fee Schedule: The fee schedule is based on a capitation rate of $1.62 per employee per month. The total number of full -time .and part -time employees coveted by the program as of May 2, 2017 is 1,011; ence the total annual fee will be $19,653.84. The Company will pay MYES in advance on a mo thly basis within. 30 days of receipt of invoice, commencing with the beginning of the program] .Should the number of employees to be covered by this Agreement change by more than 5% it is the responsibility of the Company to notify MYES upon receipt of invoice. The monthly fee will be adjusted to reflect the revised number of covered employees. Should the Company fail to notify MYES of an increase of more than 5% in the number of covered employees, MYES shall be entitled to a retroactive increase in fees. 02017 McLaughlin Young Employee Services (704)529 -1428'