HomeMy WebLinkAboutFoster GrandparentsFoster Grandparcnts Share Today. Shape Tomorrow. Mコ ⅣIORANDIIM OF UNDERSTANDING be呻 、en Foster Grandparents ofSE Idaho P.O. Box4oo Blacldoot, ID 89221 Bonneville School DistrictAND S4gTN.AmmonRoad Idaho Falls, ID 88401 The terms and conditions herein are effective during the normal schoo'l year 2014-15. Foster Grandparents of SE Idaho extends equal opportunity to all individuals interested in volunteering and currently volunteering as a foster grandparent without regard for race, religion, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, handicaps or veteran status. A. FOSTER GRANDPARENTS OF SE IDAHO will: r) Recruit, interview, orient and refer grandparent volunteers to the volunteer station and/or retain current volunteers for as long as possible. Each grandparent will serve a minimum of 16 hours each week. z) Foster Grandparent volunteers may be removed from the volunteer station for the following reasons: [a] Request for removal or transfer by volunteer station, [b] Request for transfer from the volunteer station by the grandparent volunteer, [c] Failure of the volunteer station to comply with the Corporation for National and Community Service guidelines. Conduct background checks on new grandparent volunteers. Furnish adequate accident and liability insurance coverage. Provide hand-outs and information to the grandparent volunteers in monthly in-service trainings. Recognize and celebrate the service of the grandparent volunteers throughout the year. Provide reimbursement for the travel ofup to ten (ro) Foster Grandparent volunteers, paid directly to them. Provide stipend for up to ten (ro) Foster Grandparent volunteers, paid directly to them. Retain full responsibility for the management and fiscal operations of Foster Grandparents of South East Idaho. ro) Handle any volunteer grievances that may arise. u) Provide the volunteer station with a Volunteer Station Handbook, as well as any forms needing completion by volunteer station staff throughout the year. ・B. ‐BONNEVILLE SCH00L DISTRICrル ■ll: 1)Assure adequate health and safeサ prのiSiOns for the protection ofthe grandparent volunteer(S). ThiS indudes pro、■ding each volunteerゃ ゃith apprOpriate seating i.e.an adult― slze chalr versus a chnd_slze chalr 2)Identiサ and Select chndren thatぃ ill benett the greatest iom the sen・ ice ofthe grandparellt volunteer(S) 3)Proide serlice space for the grandparellt volunteer(s) 4)Furnish one meal a day to ea(力 grandparent volunteer,free of charge,WhO is sel■ing that day. A grandparentlnay choose notto eat meals provlded by the stauOn 5)Be reSponsible for the day―to‐day Supervlsion ofeach grandparent■olunteer and ensure that volunteers are not given tasks that are contrary to their role.AT NO TIME WVILL VOLIЛ ∬EERS BE LEFrノ ■ONEヽ V■TH A CHILD OR CHILDREN OR BE PLACEDIN A SUPERVISORY ROLE 6)Indude granmentvolunteer(s),whenc区 型possわ le.in ttarmeetittand train」駆 sesslons 7)C011eCt,Validate and submit grandparent volunteer ume sheet(s)lⅣ the nrd dal ofeach mOnth. 8)ColleCt,Validate and submit an month. 9)Repo■aw acddentto the Fotter GrandParent Program and assist the grandparellt v01unteerin completing an´にcident Report.CAll Accident Report form can be located in the Station Handbook or obtained iom the Foster Grandparellt Program omce) 10)COmplete and■ralidate any papenvorlcthat is requestedけ the Foster Grandparellt Program omce in a timely manner as certain papenvork is a federal requirement. C. Volunteer stations covered by this Memorandum indude:Ammon,Bridgewater,Fail・ l・ iew, and all other elementaly schools I17itllin the district that Fnight receive a Foster GrandParent ■olunteer dul・ ing the current schoolン ear FOSTER GRANDPARENTS OF SEID Title:Proiect Director mα D■eL/′二ρ ´∂o/げ Please returrt the executed Mernorandurn to the address ott Poge t, fax to zo8-782-zog4 or e-tnsilto Lori at lori@fmsei.cotn. ThoinkYou! SCH00L DISTRICT F(DST■ 雉・5警 ・ GrandmaSusan GrandmaAfton IN‐KIND CONTRIBUTION FORM Foster GrandParents of SE Idaho,P.0.Box 400,Blackfoot,ID 83221 Contributor Information Name of business or individual: If business, name of prima4z contact: Address: Telephone:E inall: Contributed Goods or Services (A) Descrtption of goods or services contrilruted: (B) Ddte(s) of contribution: (C) Real or estimated aalue of contlbution: $ Actual Valuc ____Apprals』 ____Falr Markct other If other, please explain: /D/ Did this contribution If so, please explain: COme」″つm αnyJセ deral sOurcesP Yes No Signature:Date: オカ★彙■■★★t*■力★★■力☆★力★★☆贅*キ ヤ**オ ★力★★十大★大カカ大力!★キキ■キ★大苦☆★十士丼★★ォキ★キキ★★キ■キ★去丼大力★☆米大力士来キ十キ■力■来力丼 THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND SUPPORT OF THE FOSTER GRANDPARENT PROGRAM!!! Plcase mail to addrcss above,ftt t0 208 782-2094 or e―malHOfo最 psei com