HomeMy WebLinkAboutBYDC MOU 2017-18Memorondum of Underslonding Between Bonnevi e school District #93. Bonnevi e youih Deveropmenl council(BYDC) ond High counkv Resource conservorion & Deveropmenr lsvDcili;orSponsor) Puroose: The purpose of rhis Memorondum is to form o portnership ro colecr rocor dorofor lhe ldoho Heotlhy youlh Survey. The ldoho Heotihy youih Survey.odminislered by rhe ldoho office of Drug poricy (oDpl, is to gorher tunentinformolion on rdoho youth to promote copociry ro prevenr risk focrors forbehoviorol heofh issues. currenlry, rhe rdoho Heorthy youth survey is ihe onryslondordized roor ovoirobre lo communiries ro idenrify perceplions, opinions,otlitudes, ond behoviors omong youth ol the locol levet. Although stole-wide doio sources ore ovoiloble, for some behoviorol heolthilems, in order for rocol communiries, schools, ond non-profils to obloin grontfunds from slole or federor sources, rhose orgonizolions need lo iuslify tdrgetedoctions in lheir reoch. oDp odministers mulliple gronl opportunities io tolotcommunilies including the Subslonce Abuse prevenlion Block Gronl ond lheslrotegic Preveniion Fromework Slote lncenlive Gronl. ByDC receives bolh ollhese gronls. The ldoho Office of Drug Policy ond ByDC sees the importonce of giving communilies lhe tools they need to do lheir jobs weil wilh limiied reiourles. Byporlnering on lhis survey we con hove o win-win obloining locol dolo to drive' locol decisions. while loking odvonloge of implemenling L slole funded surveylo gother imporlonl informolion ond provide onolysis of lhol dolo. our dolo(Bonneville County) will olso contribule to slo.le-wide dolo improving lheprevention syslem. Bonneville School Dislricl #93 oorees lo:. Porlicipote in the ldoho Heolthy youlh Survey in the foil of 2017 ond subsequenl yeors.o Surveying o significont number of 6rh. 8rrr. lOrh ond l2rr,groders to be delermined by ODP, BYDC 4!D the schoot district.. Regisler lhe District by September 15, 2017 AND lnclude ByDC on ODp's regislroiion form tor the survey, so thol BYDC moy olso shore communily- level doto resulls, but not individuol Dislricl doto.. Money moy be spenl on subslonce obuse prevenlion. menlol heollh prevenlion. bullying prevenlion, ond/or sofely issues wilhin lhe school dislricl os needed. lgrliciOgle in o photo-Op ond joint press reteose onnouncing theporhership ,o gother dolo. lf for some reoson the school districl decides lo not porticipole in lhesurvey, monies provided to lhe Diskict by ByDC for lhis purpose wiil bereiurned lo ByDC. r To not shore individuor schoor disirizl ..esuE, but onry counry-wide surveyresulls. O Help coOrdinOle clnd roc∥∥clte lhe survey os needed by the schOOI dis,“ct・ Poy the school districl o one-time donolion of 96,000.00 to porlicipoleond shore doto reloled lo ldoho Heollhy youlh Survey, ond lhe olherilems lisled in this ogreemenl under the ichools distriiis seclion.Porlicipole in o photo-op ond joinl press releose onnouncing lheporlnership lo gother dolo. CONTRAC■NC AUTHOR:TIES 曇仁J■■ R[V:EWED BΥ ldaho Healthy youth Survey Registration Form Survey administration: October 2, 2017_l,lovember 3, 2017onlineregistrationisavaitableatJiirr,,,,t,. ,.,,,i.,,j ;,. ;: "';1,,;,lr,,rrri1y.711r_1111.,r11y1,y,/ tr Yes, our district would like to participate in the 2017 survey. Enter the date betwe en lo/o2/77 and r!/o3/77 you woutd rike to adminrster the rdaho Hearthy youth survey. you mayreschedule or edit the number of surveys needed, lf necessary: Please desiSnate the slngle point of contact for your district. This person will receive the surveys and will be contacted byH:rTn::,rr roriq/s contractor for survevcommunic.tioiJno lirtrraion. prease rist adaition.ilo,,t .t(9 on Contact Name: 6th Gttde Es Grade Date of Survey Administration: Number of Surve\A r'Gnd●u!'Grade7- / -.l2ott 7 -/ - l2ol7 L -l - lzot7 t -l -Vzott Title: Telephone: ( ) - Email: School Name: Mailing Address: City:State:Zip: Shipplng address (no pO boxes): City:State:Zip I understand the district contact named above is responsibre for ensuring that survey administration rnltbl instructions are dlstrlbuted as needed to schools in ihe drsfio ,nJiir, ,arrnistration protocors are folowed. _ r hereby girre cons€nt for the information gathered from the rdaho Hearthy youth survey in my district to be l;:iI"1trJ"":i:XT[!], to' .orn* or stare reportins or a, ."q,eiied by c.edrbt. ,.;";;;;i"; ;;ilro.r* I undeBtand that data pertalning to lndividual districts or schools will Nor be identified or reponed in isolationtn any resurthS repon or project wrthout prior consent. r ,na""Lni tr,.t r ,*, .onr"nii.-ii" oio.'"i ,.aPollcy to analyre and provide a district report that yrill oNLv o" ,r,.i"i ,ni r' ,pecified persons within a distrtct. trNq I would i{oT like to receive a district report. oYes, r wourd rike to receive a district report that wifl oNLy be shared with the contact(s) risted berow: Contact Name:■tle: Telephone f 〕 _ EmJL khool Name: Superintendent Slgnature Superintendent Email tr No, our distrlct would t{oT like to participate ln the 2017 survey. Please submit online or return this form before September j.5, 201.7 to:Stephanie pustejovsky Senior Research Analyst Govemor's Office of Drug policv 304 N 8d' St. sTE 455 Boise, ldaho 83720 Phone: (208)854-3046 Emallr@y Onlinere'istrationisayailableattrt_tp:rblri,v.,lti{)r..(tritr.i,t.,t,,,t,.,;r/i,-l,lt,,l..rlll)/y!,utlr ,Lriyr,y/ Addltonal cofitacts: Contact Name: Ma∥lng Address: 4- SSt:t ii湘