The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to define the
agreernent between the Idaho School Boards Association (hereinafter ISBA) and
Bonneville Joint School District (hereinafter d istrict/charter). This MOU applies
only for the Big 5 Pacl<age identified in this document, and any subsequent
trainings or worl<shops to be delivered from ISBA to the district/charter as a part
of the Big 5 pacl<ages, and does not relate to an1, 616",- service, benefit, or progranr
offererl by 1SBA to its menrbership districts/c harters.
SPtrCIFIC TRAINING: Big 5 Workshop Pacl<ase C \4ix-N-lr4atch includes:
Pick ant,cornbination of 6 total registrations for:
Earlt, Bircl Worlcshop (Convention)
Night Orvl Worl<shop (Convention)
Da), on the Hill Workshop
Picl< 8 hours of training tinre frorn the Big 5list:
Superintenclent Eva lua tion
Strategic Planr-ring
4 hours of follow-up consultations
General Information:
. Ut)on corlnrunication u,ith ISBA, the clistrict/chalter shali identify to 1SBA
the f ollowing:
o The subject matter sought to be addressed in trainingi
o The nurnber of participants in the tr-aining sessioni and
o The desired length of the training; and
o The time/date for training to be delivered.
Prior to the commencement of any training activity, preferably upon
scheduling, the district/charter shall advise ISBA as to the time they wish
to spend on the training session.
o Upon notification of the time and subject matter of training,
ISBA will provide to the dis trict/charter an estimation of the
amount of hours that will be associated with the training
session. Those hours will then be deducted from the allotted
package hours.
o If, during the period of the training session, the district/charter
decides to exceed the agreed upon training period, such hours
will then be deducted from the allottecl package hours.
. Upon receiving a verbal agreement fronr the district/charter as to which Big
5 Pacl<age thel,rvish to purchase, ISBA shall provide the district/c harter
with a signed copy of this MOU.
' ISBA u'ill Inaintain a recorcl oI the tr-aining sessiorrs that have been clelivered
to the clistric t/c Itarter for a period of (3) years.
Costs and ExDenses:
, Tl-re charge by ISBA for cleliverl, of all training associatecl with a Bis 5
Pacl<age jnclucles the follou,ing activities:
o P21,p1sn1 for the Big 5 pacliage is clue 30 davs after-the
ir.rvoice clate.
o Actual delivery of the training to the dis trict/charter.
o Ha n douts/ma terials for the clelivery of training.
. Ant, travel e\penses associatecl ra;ith travel to conclucI a rr-aining sessjon for
the district/charter will be in addition to the amount paid for the Big 5
PacJiage. TraveJ expenses include:
1. Travel - either via actual cost of airfare or mileage at a rate of .56
per mile, whichet,er is most cost effective.
2. Hotel - actual cost of lodging should such be necessar), in
association with the training activity.
3. IVieals - actual costs of meals during travel and delivery of training,
to a maximum of $51.75 per day for a full day and/or overnight
4. Any other related expenses. If such additional expenses are
incurred they will be itemized and detailed.
' Should the district/cha rter cancel a scheduled training session less than five
(5) days prior to the scheduled training date, a fifty dollar ($S0.00)
cancellation fee will apply in adclition to any charged cancellation fees
associated with airfare travel, hotel reservations and/or rental car
. The Big 5 Worksl-rop pacl<age is non-refundable.
In wlrNESS wHDREAS, the partics hercto have execLrrecl this N4oU as of the clate
listecl below:
On behalf ofISBA: