HomeMy WebLinkAboutHoneywell Building Solutions 2014-15SERVICE AGREEMENT Pracct Nam●I BOnncv∥lC SCh001 Distict 93 mザ Numb∝墨難"“ Agrccnncnt N umbcr: Honeywe∥Building SOlutions 2371 South PrcsidCnts Drivc West Valley City,Utah 84120 Service Location Name: Variolls 10Cations Service Location Address: ldaho Fo∥s,ldaho n coPy Bonneville School District 3497 North Ammon Rond ldaho Falls.Idaho 83401 鞘 1#器 l騨 髯雌 ∥ 器∬譜 昇冊 謂躙 押 NMい い騰W畝 )n~mcm贖 “ th S6 11t10 00 1n o■■ Y10⊃|」 Dalc:Datc: Ccneral lermS and COndltions 1擢 ス =1鯉 ,11∥∬I,1嘗 胤濡7騎 l;111,11ド 11ヽ1ボ 翼iltil∬ll肌:距 111■淵1■11椛 舗:卜 i『:Fむ :;Ittlttitで u“。mer“Q from no m"her min s,1い 100り 出出犠片i∥路 選出 ,1器 酬濯:lt肌『∥∥朧 よ罵:ぜ 出tれ 場∥『h∥轟醸譲ご為■温瑞語ぶ[= ハmsNc OuT OF OR AS A RESULT OF BREACli OF CONTRACT,WARRA「IFy,TclRI『1針 Y3∬晶早Yk酬 【認し1,:lL:‐.MOLD,MOSTURE,い IK10R JR OU OllS PROV:DED HEREUNDER811ヽl躍轟 :ミ `澪 ぷギ XL麟 1謎 粘 もF卜 bttiFお ヽ IIiFJi〔0そ 1麟 EouPMENT MATERい S,OR ANY G∞llS PROⅥDED HEREUNDER … wHETl:ER 3,' NOTWIT STANDtNc aNyrHtNc ro r|| E coNTRARy ltEBIIN' IF A IORT|ON OF r|lE SERVTC_Es INVOLVES THE INSTALL TION AND/OR MAINTf,NIN'E OA SYSTEMS sncUxtry aNrroR THE Df,TECT|ON Or ^ND/OR;;;ui.Ii;N Oinrii oi ross rssocr'lrto wlrtl l-lRf. HoNEYWf,LI- S TOTAI- LL{EIL|TY ARlslNc olrr oF oR as a Ra ;;i;;;;;'iilnnD;" iiiircntunenr sx,nt.t, xor Excf,ED rHf, aMot'Nr o'. rtrls aGREtMENT' TED WIT∥ T OFITS wl L .xrc.dcd by. pd,od .qurt b rh.,t* r", ry.--.r *"n"irlyl"J ii"*y*.rl .irr u -,rr.r ,, EN€ iom cuso'- s lwMbl. co'rs. oY6h.2d -d Dro6r us'ns nomsuchd'lav lキ 1。「,粘 |よ 翠1離 i器 1■J:I∫憲 11よ∫躍 出 ギ」∥:温 :lllI晰 ■il∬許乱:L響 出 ∥li=尾 監 fr里 :」』r"。 熊 r hC"gい o●om●uc Ш n3'。●h nup“叫 いにpL●∞"ed 103 1● `卜 ●oo,。1■1,al aw,,O ofd`π “ scs m any su●卜 Su l ∥ontぃ ″01W口 I Pay su●h award ∥O noソ ″。l Wllnol hoW,ver bcに sPO"blC mi any“ “ l●臓 nl嘔 de w■houl i,w,11で ,●o nSC'1 l0.4TIlIsARI|CLEsTATEslloNEYWELL,sToTALt,lABILIIY NDcUsToMER.ssor,ERf,MEDyl.oRAl{YACIUALoRALLEGEDINI.RINGEMENToFANTPA,I.ENTtrY miniir,rrnntn rno pnovtDED sY lloNEYwEr,l- HEREUNDEE … m。6,1,th`1■`, ∥ARDWARE 11∬餐1識 :獅 1鱗 キを笙甜 ∥麟聾Ii椰 ∫It:蝋 椰 撚 11悧『:需 器 悧 胤拙鵠 『 調 器器IP出 器 :胤 器 瑞 H器 湾mHlmllll■乱寛慇 壮 T11lⅢl11暇 買墨 ∥Jll:7Ⅷ晰鵬 1鳳 u凱 淵胤濯鵬権蹄 淵1用 器胤脱認鮒 器 ●‐●■●^●H●●‐‐1卜 ,●。1●ホ1●law i“oγ `oua haVin■ lurt"iolbn heml Anyoo●:roversy oi cl`mi "**i." ^"_r,*,4..a..t bvrhc lrbirror( qrtlb' finrl' lndj'dsm mv b"nrcEd upon n rn r4ordo4 s t riBploFlglandlh.p'gca.!halEllb.or.n^glnrUpon,gM|@.bov.b'lloEy*.ll.ndcU,oETh€lts.nd@nd(bBe{Pl6lyhmtredblh.poli[uh.'@f,'mlud'nsHoD co.d on,ru,.ha,h6.io.m,$"***.*,',.-.Jiil*-6..4i!qi*r:l:llir:::"::g:=:].:f:;:lltf*tlfi]fJ::,1liJ:;T A']add rdr' d'ITdnrr'ftd ::請燿111器 r]冒ょ∬H蠍 洲路罰lt昴 iお 澪昴1苗 縞iI:ご 話1記 lt嗣 :1。なゎoo“Li…,Msu nO Lapmfmyr‐●“ng∝d“ I{. MISCELLANEOUS t4.t rh* Asrdmnr rcp..snG rhe.nrE Agcftnl b.rrdn cuslomr and Horcy*ell forrh. wo dsib.d hcr.in ud suDc6.nd allprior mEorurions. EprcstaLirN or AsrdfnB b'rran rh' iiii "e*;";;i b.;*"d"i o"!;bv*"tcn msrurcnt rsmd hv both P'dies l:l.J This Agrerunr is Sov.med bv th' h* ol th' Stdc *h'r' rhc *ork 's to be p€rforEil t a,5 curof dy mr sisn irs nshr or d.t.gar. ds .br,Bir ionr un t6 rhis Asr*mnr, ,n *hor. or rn pd, *thour rh. prbr vn!!f @nmr of llof,ecll. Hoev*.ll mv eign irs risht ro rc'vc -t5.-cov.E8 cE sy$cnlr.6 ttun8cd * hCuslod's reprcs'tr'rv' 騰l」∫∫「組織乳 =響 1愕 i肥 ∥∥[r∥潔喘比町1踏 ∬1::鮮 冊為庶 、:器 器器素ドr)饉 dに い8Cmms tt dh岬 ヽetⅢ′“undO市 ,Ar∝耐 出|:品 ∬悔凝:』薔1:器51∥瑞■lど ギニ∬朧:罵 t驚「 口'Ⅲ Flex Temoerature Control Services t.l Scope - HONEyWELL will maintain and inspect the temperature control system components and related below: List of Covered Equipment: Qu8ntity Description Model Number Location Vanous Pn€umatic Components Honeyrvell Various Preventative Msintenance - Each preventative maintenance call will be: schcdulcd by a computcr‐gencrated scrvicc report dctailing thc tasks to perrorn,the ski11 lcvcls requircd,and thc―――――― Flex Automation Ser宙 ces 1l ScOpe―HONEYヽ VELL wil〕maintain and inspcctthc building automation hardwarc and sonware listcd bclow: tools software above for arc will allow scheduled, equipment bc billed at Time-and- List of Cov€red EquiPment: Ouantiけ Description Model Number LocatioD Various DDC components Honeyrvell Various Product DescriptiooSoftwa re Product Number 1,2 Prev€ntative M&intenance - Each inspection call will be: n1"r,"arl"o uv " computer-scheduled service ieport 4etailing the tasks to perform, the skill levels required, and th€ ,'"'i- j"r,rri#r,i"n rcquired to inspect the syitems for optimum system performance, both from a hardware ncrsneclive. Tvoical activitres include: Checking soflware schedules against occupancy schedules . Inspectin'g hardware operator --machine interface and field panels for proper operation' . Review false alarm activity . Review trend logs ' Random sampliig oftemperature sensors to identify need to calibrate I Customer Planned - based on I l0 hours per year' List of Covered Software: 13 Coverage―This Agrccmcnt includ,Sa∥labor and lving cxpenscs to pcrfonn thc inspcction scⅣiccs desc∥ Performance Review―A rcvicw ofthe Scrviccs proVidcd within this Agrccment w∥l be pcrfolll[ed by HON1.4 PerFormance ReVlew―A rCVICw ol lilじ OCIVlし Cb 171 υ■luし u wl`1,1中 ●,中 0′ヽ3●Vψ・・・‐●|● ―‐ぼ―‐‐~‐‐‐~――′ ― an annual basisifrequcstcd by CUSTOMER HONEYヽ VELL and CUSTOMER will discuss work perfol∥lcd sincc answcr qucstions pcraining to ScⅣicc dc∥vcry,and idcntify opportunitics to furhcr improvc perfolillancc ofthc Equi 15 Honeywe∥ServiccPortal―HONEYWELL will providc customcr acccss tO an lntcmct‐based application thc CUSTOMER to sccurCly submit non―cmergcncy scrvicc requcsts onlinc, vicw status of a∥ scrvicc cans, 1珊 辮網鰍憾鸞鸞醐舗椰欄孵 Flex Securi"Svstem Ser宙 ces l l Scope―HONEYヽ VELL wi∥maintain and inspcctthc building automatlon hardware and sonware listcd bclow: tools software furnish a above lor included in a prefened basis, with will allow scheduled. equipment ELL on rcvlcw, List of Covered EquiPment: QTY Description Model Number Location List of Covered Software: F∫IIξ 出駆輩温1°尾:I簡 甘1∥累∬常Cs撮 ::1∫響蹄∥IS写 盤』鴛冊湘i∬t肝 じ∬電咄r:視 よ円SI面 舗 鼈 輔鸞[糀 miTpCrOpe面 Flex Mechanical Maintenance Services 1.l SCOpe‐HONEYヽ VELL win,maintain&inspectthe mcchanical systcms,componcnts,and Equipment listed List of Covered EquiPment: Ounntiけ Description Model Number Locatio]l Various Mechanical EquiPment Various Various 12 Preventa●ve Maintenance―Each prcvcnta“vc m1ltcnlncc,JI W∥1": □scheduled by a computcr‐gencratcd scwicc rcpor deta∥ing thc tasks to pcrform,thc skill lcvcls rcqullcd,and u-nd in.trrm"ntuiion rcquircd to inspect the systemi. Upon completion ofeach service call, a summary ofthe tasks pr*U"a-," CUSfOVbn. tf repui, requirernents on covered Equipment arc identified during the service call, a plan will be discussed with CUSTOMER' El Customcr Planncd - Based on 220- hours per year' 1.3 COVerage ―ThiS Agrccmcnt includcs a∥ labor and living cxpcnses to pcrrorm thc inspcction scrviccs maintenancc dCSCHbed abovc Forthc Equipmcnt Usual mechanical maintcnancc matchals,such as lubricants,contact ;;""rp;;i";;lt "ie includert in this Agreement Unless otherwise.st*!lll":1'j^111"T:110-:i]^"lP:i^",1"':口o●“円,中 ,“―|‐・。…‐…――「::じ h as air tt■crs,rcfngei ant, water trcatmcnt chcmicals, tcmpcrattlre controls, orscrvicc, and othCr matcrial`| ● _` ,0___^__^_^ ^^―:^^ :_ _^_ :_^H rbu Ⅵし、a lu………―……… ;a薇 ,Irc nit hdidcd i hs Agrcr lcnt ir cmcrgcncy scwicc is rcquircd,matc百 als rcquircd for Equipmcnt rcl∥1●●し:'01●:OЧ Ⅲ''‐‐・01 -■-1´‐ ~~‐ EBI Services HoncywcI Will provide sonwarc and hardwarc enhanccment and support for Customcr's EnterpHsc Building intcg system,which consists of HoncywcI Sccuity Managcr,HOncywe∥Building Managcr,Honcywc∥Lirc Sarcty Managcr, Digital Vidco Managcr,Honcywc∥Assct Locator,and Honcywc∥Encrgy Managcr Thc scⅣiccs arc morc spcciflca∥ Scope: below. List of Covered Software List of Covered Hardware So■ware Enhancement and SupDOrt For sonware included in the List oF Covered SOnwarc and oHgina∥y instancd by Honeywcll,Honcywc∥Will,on a (a)CValuatc thc condLion ofthc sOnwarc,(b)apply any available updatcs and upgradcs that arc applicablc to thc¨~ ●● 1,ヽ 1●L_`L^ _ _^`L^^___^ :^ ‐1. ^^^1:^月 `^ヽ