HomeMy WebLinkAboutVictor Four Labor Relations Apr 15 - Oct 16-17-2015 14:00 FROM:RnNDY BOHnNNON - Ib.v4@sI.nct - an.nc Mail y-la. F,rtrt l' L5tiE orrrCf I fu,r,ry - TO:12005290104 htgs/us-mg205.mail.yahm.com/nedlcunch'l-ponnc.r.:bc&.rand- I 1... ¨器 .847J陀 57 FAX 253_047.0257 … 253.2.501 S… … b・ Shlb口 面 8003224061 ……27o2112d SL E T●―,WA9H“351 ooNTrAcr nm Ex?trlYEt, RELATIo S SEXY!(ts 'Iliit drtrct i! ![ l8re larrar Rendy Bolumtr (vicu a frbE tdriorE) ad tlc Eocrrlllc Joi Scbol Dirtict 463 . Rudy Eohuon rbrtl b cor.ttd rith lb Esdua of hbr told.E ld oollcait bSfriE dlh 8ilrrv01 ldErLr Ar..Br flr +crilfc drnls od th rc b uAict ttrcro dtlia full bc fafrrlrcd ddl h. atlid ro tho qrwr of tlc cqrfllE t rid UE Dicicl rd ury irlu& h, !.r b linir.d b: f . Moairy uftf fu burt rnd dninhto tqodin5 prffir md m ftnf rcpddosl 1 n-**r.g a pricit6l i4 tu caotidEr 3- PitFiry @.dl anl curc mgds: rl. Arrilia ia rb rrolutirn of cricvE c &r tdrrd hh Etrb FSho!' s.Tb Dial6 lhdl nni$ ardr cbi.l Ednltr u{ r&rhirtrirc appr rr ory b rlquind i! &vcloDina fur od hfmrtiott rquircd in dr prrprratim tu qmiaior. Fc rb pabd to April l,ml5, ftoosb t rIEi 3l,2ol7ur Dicicr tll rtrCpmrof 'I,fi!-t o Apil l,2015, o6b.r l,2015, Aptil t,2016dOaob 1.2016. Tb ryfinnr rhll E odc to: Vit d a r.rbr nlldc RndYBohna 2fllll l9d 3L L Troer WA 9!aa5. Ncilb lhb ffiE c uy icn* h:ria rbrll tc r.ri6Gd to riy onic pary. Thir cots u uioar cdnrgtbtotsl rgrcu bctrEqt thc naady Botuao d t|r Diri4 No oodifiraion to it dnll lc clftaiv- nolcsr trarGd b witiq! ad crecutcd by bd pnicr Thir catd rhdl lr cftEriv. !. ofAFil 1.2015, ad shdl oaiur ia 6nl fqe end cftct 出 上賓I払 ,狐