HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ. Chad Professional Training, LLC 2015-16Presenter Agreement Date': O2l24l20ts Kevin Martln Bonnevllle County Sheriffs ffice ldaho Falls, ldaho Thls agreement ls entered lnto between the Bonnevllle School Dlstrlct 93 & J. Chad Profusslonal Tralnlng, tLC. (Jermalne Galloway). The panles agree as follows: 1, GEilERAt PURPOSE OF AGREEMET{T: To provlde drug and alcohol tralnlng as agreed. Presenter atrees to provlde requested lnformatlon in tlme frame requested. 2. TOPIC OF PRESENTATIONS & TIMES: o Drug & Alcohol Prevention TralnlnB 1: 1,5 hour tralning, Wednesday, September 30,201s o Drug & Alcohol Preventlon TrainlnS 2: addltlonal tralnlng, Thursday, October 1, 2015, Endlng before 11:45 AM 3. ATI.OCATIOI{OFFU'{D/PAYMENIS3 A $z,469.99,o,.l fee (all lncluslve) wlll be paid to J, Chad Professional Tralnlng, [LC. 4. TMVEL ARRANGEMENTSI Alltravel wlll bemadebyJ. Chad Professlonal Tralnlng. 5. PAYMENT/DEPOIiIT: A 94O0 deposlt ls requlred by May 15il', 2015. The remalnder of the payment ls requested one month prlor to the servlces belng rendered, but requlred no later than 7 days after servlces have been provlded. 6. MODIFICATIONSORTERMINATIONS: Unless othonvlse speclfled, ln wrltln& lf your organization cancels on or prlor to May 15th, 2015 your organlzatlon wlll be responslble for the payment of $!200.00 lf your organlzatlon cancels after May 15h, 2011 your organlzatlon wlll be responslble for the full payment of S2,tm0.00 Please complete thls fOrm and faxrema∥t。