HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnonymous Alerts 04-01-15 thru 03-31-18AN口 NYM口 U5° AlEFITS roporl rluCrnt irrurr quickly March 25, 2015 John Pymm Health and Safety Eonneville Joint SD No. 93 3497 N. Ammon Road ldaho Falls, lD 83401 Dear Mr. Pymm, Attached please find your cost proposal for Anonymous Alertso student and staff mobile reporting service. 0ur service is fully hosted in our secure network with nothing for you to install or maintain. Recent developments include these new clients, news coverage and awards: . featu]ed lnternationally on the BBC World l{ews. U.S. coast Guard (anonymous safety alerts). Pinella3 County Schools (Ftl 117,000 nudents and 164 s(hools. Leander lSD (TXl35,000 nudents and 38 schools. Harlandale lSIl 17,000 students and 30 schools. Huntsyille City S.hoots 2f,000 studenB. iPad management app launched for school principals/administrators et(.. launching annual scholarship fund for the best student produced antibullying uideo. Awarded Top 100 Products ofthe Year award from DA Magazine Please visit our Youlu be page: wwr,!r.voutube.com/anonvmousalerts We look fomard to partnering with your school district. My direct number is 9'14-450'7784. Sincerely, E.it Co.at llaadqu.rtcrt While Plains, NY 1914 220.8326 1,888,291,2090 Cholaa Partnara Coopar.tiva hlto://www.(hoiceorrtners oro/vendors/K1 2Alerls Contract #'1 3/0680G-25 <t{g?..2- T. Gregory Bender President ffi AN口 NYM口 u SO hfiSmnmhqrrlffitALERTS Bonneyitle Joint SD llo. 93 - Anonymous Alertso Student Reporting System Eullylng statc laws and pollcy <ompliante lPhonc,lPad and Androld/Googlc Apps lor lnddent neport Submlsslons . Students download apps for free, activate and send reports . Students can atlach a pholoora cyber bullying screen shotordat dialoguescreen. HonGd Wabsila. Hosted school branded Anonymous Alerts6 website forstudenls to send reporls, you link to the site from your district, s(hools and parent and student resources se(tions. Schoo:recelvc cmall rnd/olTcxt.to.Ccll message conlaining the anonymous submissions. Submitter receives a Unlquc code can be used to call into the school or lrack the incident. tlew! Admlnlstrator bad(crd lPhone,lPad.nd Google app6 for use in reviewing incidents, note taking,2,way dialogue lnddcnt Photo/S(rccnshot Upload - Ability Ior a student to upload a photo from a computer, iPad, iPhone or any about an incidenl and location. Communlotr dkedly wlth students through private 2 way anonymous messages Computer lP addr.ss tra*lng by request only for erd an anonymous submlsslon to other statf members for action. l{ote taklng alea for incident reponing, follow'up and ardiving. Papedess emall bully newslctters for staff dGvelopment Push emall lcports tally all incidents for the distrid, specity distrid leaders to receive ureekly reports Student & Parent M8rkGtlng- Customized posters, Website banners, bus sli(kers, Press Releases, rn classroom training. AdmlnlnratoE (Unllmlted)ot thc Syncm receives instant reports from students or parents. Robust leportlng . 12 ways lo search and (ustomize reports including Pie Charts, 0pen/closed cases, credible/non.credible in(ident and push emails lo administrators. :NSTANT LANGUAGE TRANSLAT10NS ]lew lPad/lPhone lnddenl Uanagcment App - Manage incidents, notes, foruards and replies to students from your iPad. l{ewOn dcmand vldGo tralning for:rhool offldals. Send push em€rgcnq notlfictlons to studcnts on thclr Sma phoncs, lPads and TablGts SERVICETER∥(∥∥ed each vel『 AGREEMEilI rrR S A[D COIpmOilS Ihrs Agreement is made on March 27, 2015, (the'Effective Date')by and between Message Logir, lnc. d/b/a Anonymous Alenso (the'Service Providef)whose address is 245 Main srreet, Suite 450, White Plains, NY 10601 and Bonneville JointSD N0.93 (lhe'Client')whose address is 3497 N.Ammon Road,ldaho Falls,lD, 83401.The parties hereby aqree as follows: SGirlcca (llcanlng tho'. scryl(Gs lndl(,d rhh r ae5" m.il on Cost Plopotal ('Prldng Proposal or Odar torm")to thls Agreament undcl modules). Client may specity one or more Admininrato6 through the Admin Console who will have the righls to access Admrn Account(s) and to administer the Client UserAccounts. Clientalso acknowledges and agrees that Service Provider will need to a((ess the Client's contentfortesting and o peratio nal p u rposes from time lo time. SeNice Provider reseryes the right to modify/updateichange/ its softwaIe, te(hni(al proedures, hardware, graphi(al interlaces or other systems danges from time lo time and/orsoftware without nolice lo the Client. lnhi.l Scfllce Tom. Ihe lNlllAt SERVICE TERM for this agreement is from April 1,2015 to March 31, 2016 {12 mos.). Iotal Sen lceT.rm. IheToTALStRvlCETERMislor36mos.ofservrceandbeginsAprill,20l5toMarch3l,20lS. PavmGntSdedule. A fil5t payment of $ 4,998.00 is due NET 36 days flom signing date ofthis Agreement. Purchase Order. Please issue Message logix, lnc. d/b/a K12 Alerts'a Purchase 0rdeI upon simultaneous signing of this agreement. Servl(s Adlvatlon and Us6. Seruice will be activated oncelhe signed Agreementand Purchase 0rderare received from theClient. Pavments.nd late Charges. PaymentsaredueNet30daysfromsiqninqdate. Alatepaymentlee(alatecharge)ol'l%shallbebilledtotheclienttoranyinvoice lhatis 30 days pastdue to Service Provrder. Renewal/Temlnatlor!. Upon expiration of an initial service TERM, this agreement shall automatically renew on a yearly basis. CLd nay l.nfnai2 irlr trasnoi t slbo nolkt b Lftta tloddcr rt L.d iin4 (90) dryt Flor h dtt alld d llle almil hm. Client or service provider may lerminate this Agreement tor Cause. Cause shall mean a breach by the other party of any material provision of this Agreement, provided lhat wrillen nolice of the breach has been given to the breaching party, and the brea(h has not been (ured within fifleen (15)days after delivery of such nolrce. [ach yearthere rs a 5% annualsottware in(rease fee afterthe first full 12 monlhs of serui(e for new features, enhancements and data warehousing llon-Dlsdosure of Confidentlrl lnlormatlon. ThepartiesagreenotlouselheConfidentiallnformationdisclosedroeachotherforitsownuseorforanypurpose except to (arry out the relatronship beMeen the panies. The parties will not disclose the Confidential lnformation to third parties or lo its employees except employees, busines adviso6 and consultants who are required to have the information or authorized users of the system in order lo carry out the (ontemplated business, and then only after such persons are advised of the confidential natureofsuch information. The padres agree that they will take all reasonable steps to protect the secrery of a nd avoid disclosure or use ol Confidential lnformation in orto prevent itfrom falling into the publicdomain or the possessron o[ u0authorized persons. TheCompanyfrom time totime mayobtarna(cessto cedain (onfidentialstudent records from the Clieniwhile providing the Servi(e to theClieni. Company agreesto marntain allsuch records in confidence and to refrain lrom disclosing to others, eitherbefore,oraftertermination ofCompaoy's relationship with the Chent such conlidential student records, unless lhe disclosure of such (onfrdential student records is requesled pursuant to law or the requrrement of a Court or gove rn m e ntal au thoriry. Both Company and C[ent will maintain TERPA compliance with the use oflhe service. Pllvacv. Client agrees lo comply wilh the Privaq Pohcy as stated on the K12 Alerts6 Web site localed at www.ll2alerts.(om. Service Provider reserves the right to change its Pnvacy Policyfrom lime lo time. We willpostany Privacy Polirychanges on ourPrivacy page. Iradana*s. Ihe lrademarks, logos and product and seruice names are trademarks and service marls of Service Provider. Client acknowledges that Message Logrx, ln(. is the sole owner o{ the entire right, title and interest in the trademarks and seNice marks and reserves all righh to the use of such marks. Pated or CoPtlrloltt lnftlnoemenL Nothing in thisAgreement is intended to grantany righs underany patent orcopyrightofeilherparry. lndcmnmotion. Client agrees to indemnity and hold SeNice Provider and its subsidiaries, affiliates, partners, otficers, directors, agenrs, advisors, distributors, suppliers, and employees harmless lrom any claim or demand (in(luding reasonable anorneys' fees) made by any third party due to or a sing outofcontentClientor its students submits to, posts to oI transmits through the Producls and services, Client's use ol the Produds, Client's connection lo the Products, Client's violation of the Telms, or Client's and Client's users'violahon o[ any rghts ofanother unless caused by the intentronalor negligent acts or omissions of Servi(e provider. cllent EoulD.ltlent. Client acknowledges that to access and use the Ploduct (ontent, Client must obtain and maintain, at its sole expense, equipmenr and appropriate telephone service and/or broadband coverage, induding telecommunication software, firewall hardware and its se(urity sottwarsand any other sofrware orhardware ne(essaryto operate and maintain a connedron with lhe serverto access and use productsand Services. llmlt tions on User AG(ounts. Usage 0f the Products is nrictly limited lo individuals associated with the Client. Subscribing users are prohibited from publishing or in any way communrcating their usernames and passwords to non-subscribing individuals, posting of usernames and passiords on websites, emails, newsletteri or any othertypes of electronic or prinl media is in violalron oflhis policy. toEe Malcure. seryice Provider shall not be deemed to be in delault of any provision of lhis Agreement or be |able for any delay or failure in performance due roForce Maieure, which shall include without limitation acts ol God, ea(hquake, weather conditron;, labor disputes, changes ii law,ieguiiiion o, govemrent poriq, ads or otherocculrences which are beyond seryice provide/s reasonable control. DISdAIMET OI WATTA ICS. CUENT TXPRTSSLY UNDERSIANOS AND AGREES THAI IIS UsI OT THE PRODUCTS IS AT II5 SOII RI5K. THI PRODUOs ARE PROVIDED0N AN "As ls'AND 'As AVAILABLE' BAsls. sERVlcE PR0VI0ER ExPRtsStY DlsctAlMs AtL wARRANI|Es ot ANy KtND, WHETHTR tipiiis on rr,,lpLrro, rHcLuoNc,BUT NOT LIMIIED TO IMPLIEO WARRANTIES OT MTRCHANIABILIIY AND FITNESS TOR A PARTICUI.AR PURPOST. Cllent lnltlal Acceptan(o: _ Date: ιim;tat!On of uab∥:w uNDER NO CIRCuMSlANCES SHALL EITHER PARTY OR ANY OF IIS AFF L ATES,PARIN[RS,SUPP[[RS.CONTRACTORS OR CONSULTANIS HAV[ANV L:ABILITY WHATSO[VER FOR ANV PUNITIVE.SP[CIAL.lNDIRECT.INCIDENIAL OR CONS[OU[NT AL DAMAG〔S,INCtUDING.BUT NOT LIMITED TO,10ST PROFil[OSS OF uSE,LOSS OF DATA.LOSS OF LIF[,LOST PRODU印 ON OR CONS[OU[NT AL PROP[RTY DAMAG[,COST OF CAPiTALi COST OF REPIACEMENT OFF[RINGS:OR CIAIMS RESULTING FROM CONTRACIS BEコ ″EEN TH[OTH[RPARTYANDANYTHIRDPARTY.INCtUDING CONTRACISARISING FROM ANVTHIRD PARTY PURCHASE ORDERS.UNL〔SS SucH tlABl[lTY RESutTS FROM INTENT10NAL OR GROSSLY NEGtlG[NT ACTS OR OMISS10NS OF A PARTY ORITS AGENTS M:sce::aneous.Th`Agreement shJl be mterpreted accordng to theは ws ofthe State of New York without regard to.or ap口 にa面 On Of,chOce of bw rJes or plncip es The parties hereby"revocab y walve any and a∥lghts to llal bylury in any legal proteed ng alsing out o(,。rre ated to,this Agreement Th s Agreement nduding eath Service Order accepted by Serv ce Prouder.sets fonh the enure and exdulve agreement beh″een the pan“s.superseding Jl plor or (ontemporaneous representalons,proposak,quotes,agreements or undelstand ngs(on(ern ng the sublect mater addressed herein Except as othen″ "e set io咸