HomeMy WebLinkAbout5140P Evaluation of Certified Educators and Pupil Personnel Certificate Holders ProceduresPERSONNEL
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Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 (9/17)
In accordance with IDAPA Rule, the evaluation system for certificated
personnel of the Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 will be administered according to
the following guidelines:
1. The Jordan Performance Appraisal System (JPAS) evaluation instrument shall be the District’s tool for evaluating an educator’s professional practice. Each indicator of the JPAS evaluation instrument is aligned to one or more of the domains and components
of the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching Second Edition. Conversely, each
domain and component of the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching Second
Edition is represented by one or more JPAS indicators of effective instruction.
2. Certificated educators shall be evaluated by their principal/designee or immediate supervisor.
3. The principal/designee, immediate supervisor, or other certified JPAS evaluator shall
review the purposes and procedures of the evaluation system with all certificated
educators at least once each contract year.
a. Each new certificated educator will receive a copy of the JPAS Domains and Indicators document.
b. Certificated educators will be given notification of the evaluation process at least
fifteen (15) working days prior to the first (1st) observation. Evaluators should notify
educators within sixty (60) working days of when their classroom observations will
4. Nothing herein shall prohibit a principal/designee or immediate supervisor from
evaluating an educator when it is deemed necessary.
Evaluation Rankings
The JPAS Evaluation System includes four (4) rankings used to differentiate performance
of educators and pupil personnel certificate holders.
1. Not effective equal to a rating of 1;
2. Minimally effective equal to a rating of 2;
3. Effective equal to a rating of 3;
4. Highly effective equal to a rating of 4.
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Evaluation Criteria
Certificated educators shall be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. Professional Practice rating.
a. Professional practice will comprise 67% of a certified educator’s comprehensive
evaluation rating.
b. The professional practice rating will be determined using the JPAS evaluation tool.
The JPAS evaluation instrument based on the following five domains of effective instruction, and the 22 components of the Danielson Framework are represented in
one or more of the domains:
i. Managing the Classroom: The educator efficiently manages student behavior,
time, and materials.
ii. Delivering Instruction: The educator effectively structures, presents, and conveys knowledge and skills and monitors student acquisition of the
knowledge and skills.
iii. Interacting with Students: The educator actively encourages all students to
participate and gives students feedback about their performance.
iv. Planning: The educator pre-plans to maximize academic learning time and to monitor and adjust instruction based on students’ needs.
v. Professional Growth and Responsibility: The educator participates in
professional development activities and fulfills duties outside of the
c. The Professional Practice rating will be determined using the following sources of data:
i. Two (2) formal classroom observations conducted using the JPAS classroom
observation instrument.
1. Each classroom observation shall be a minimum of thirty (30) minutes of
observable time (as defined in the JPAS Domains document, 2014).
2. The two (2) classroom observations shall not be conducted more than
fifteen (15) working days apart.
3. The second (2nd) observation may not be conducted on the same day as
the first (1st) observation.
ii. A portfolio of evidence documenting teacher effectiveness for the Planning and Professional Growth and Responsibility domains.
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1. An interview between the educator and the principal/designee or
immediate supervisor shall be held within five (5) working days of the second (2nd) classroom observation to review the educator’s portfolio and
complete the observation instrument.
2. Measurable Student Achievement ratings will comprise 33% of an educator’s
comprehensive evaluation rating. Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) will be the
designated preferred method of using student achievement data in evaluation ratings, as permitted by Idaho Code Section 33-1001.
a. Certified instructional staff who directly instruct students will create grade or
department-level SLOs using the following assessments. Learning Objectives will
be approved by their supervising principal.
i. Kindergarten - 3rd Grade: Idaho early literacy assessment/Idaho Reading Indicator.
ii. 4th – 6th Grade: Idaho Student Achievement Test for math and/or ELA.
iii. 7th – 8th Grade: Idaho Student Achievement Test for math or ELA for teachers
with more than one assignment in these areas.
iv. 7th – 8th Grade: End of Course Assessment for teachers who do not have more than one assignment in math or ELA.
v. 9th – 12th Grade: End of Course Assessments.
b. All other certified staff, including those with Pupil Personnel Services or
Administrative certificates will be evaluated using Learning Targets aligned to the following metrics at the school or district level depending on their assignment. School-level targets will be determined by School Leadership Teams; District-level
targets will be determined by the District Leadership Team.
i. Elementary Schools:
1. K-3rd cohort growth on statewide reading assessment; and
2. 4th - 6th grade cohort growth on Idaho Standards Achievement test in math and ELA.
ii. Middle Schools:
1. 7th - 8th grade cohort growth on Idaho Standards Achievement test in math
and ELA.
iii. High Schools:
1. Year over year growth in college readiness, including graduation rate, as
defined in District Improvement Plan; and/or
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2. Year over year growth in career readiness as defined in District
Improvement Plan.
c. Measurable student achievement will be determined based on SLOs for
the current year to the extent possible.
3. Comprehensive Evaluation Rating.
a. The Professional Practice rating (a score from 1 to 4) will multiplied by 0.67;
b. The Measurable Student Achievement rating (a score from 1 to 4) will be multiplied by 0.33; and
c. The product of the calculation in Step A and Step B will be added together to
calculate a comprehensive evaluation rating for the educator from 1 to 4. according
to the following:
Calculated Score Rating Reportable Score
< 1.5 Not effective 1
< 2.5 Minimally effective 2
< 3.5 Effective 3
>=3.5 Highly Effective 4
The principal/designee or immediate supervisor is the educator’s evaluator and has the
responsibility for:
1. Ensuring fairness, efficiency, and consistency of the evaluation process;
2. Frequently observing and evaluating an employee’s job performance;
3. Holding meetings with each educator to discuss job performance;
4. Completing Performance Evaluation Forms as required;
5. Distributing proper forms in a timely manner;
6. Ensuring completed forms are submitted by a specified date;
7. Reviewing forms for completeness;
8. Identifying discrepancies; and
9. Ensuring proper safeguard and filing of completed forms.
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Communication of Evaluation Results
1. Within five (5) working days after completing the interview, data collected from the two (2) observations and the interview shall be submitted to the Bonneville Joint School
District No.93 Human Resource (HR) Department to be electronically scored.
2. The HR Department will produce and return an individualized JPAS Feedback Report
to the principal/designee or immediate supervisor.
3. Within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the JPAS Feedback Report, the principal/designee or immediate supervisor shall hold a professional development
meeting with the educator to review such Report to address the following:
a. Progress on the educator’s goals identified in his/her Individual Professional
Learning Plan (IPLP)
b. Setting new professional learning goals to be included on the current year’s IPLP.
c. Identifying professional development activities and resources to assist educators in
completing their IPLPs.
d. For educators whose total score on the JPAS Feedback Report is in the “Not
effective” or “Minimally Effective” range, creating a plan for improvement with a
corresponding timeline to demonstrate acceptable levels of improvement shall be prepared on the JPAS Feedback Report Addendum.
e. Obtain signatures on the JPAS Feedback Report and/or Addendum from the
educator and the principal/designee or immediate supervisor. The educator’s
signature indicates receipt of the report, but does not necessarily signify
agreement with its contents.
f. Copies of the JPAS Feedback Report and Addendum, if any, shall be given to the
educator and principal/designee or immediate supervisor.
g. The original JPAS Feedback Report, Data Collection Sheets, and Addendum, if
any, shall be placed in the educator’s personnel file located at the District’s Human
Resource Department.
h. Within ten (10) working days of the Professional Development meeting, the
educator will submit their IPLP to their supervisor to review in Google Classroom.
i. Within ten (10) days of receiving the educator’s IPLP, the evaluator will review, add
comments as necessary, mark the plan as complete, and return it to the educator.
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1. Educators who disagree with any portion of the JPAS Feedback Report or comprehensive evaluation report may attach a written statement to the JPAS
Feedback Report stating their concerns.
2. Educators have fifteen (15) calendar days following the completion of the evaluation
process (receipt of the JPAS Feedback Report) to request, in writing to the
Superintendent/designee, a review of the evaluation findings.
3. The Superintendent/designee will have the discretion to assign another administrator
to conduct a second (2nd) evaluation. The most recent evaluation will be reported as
the official evaluation.
4. Educators have the right to appeal decisions or implementations based on evaluations
under Policy #4112 Uniform Grievance.
For educators who receive evaluations in the “Not Effective” range and where remediation
would be an appropriate course of action, the following shall apply:
1. In addition to a mentor, additional personnel resources may be used to assist the
2. Certified employees shall be given access to Professional Development resources to
help improve performance.
3. For all educators whose JPAS Feedback Report total score is in the "Not Effective"
range, additional evaluations shall be scheduled at least twenty (20) working days
following the professional development meeting.
4. Subsequent evaluation(s) may be conducted by the building administrator or, at the
request of the administrator or educator, may be conducted by another JPAS certified
administrator assigned by the Superintendent/designee.
5. A request for an outside evaluator must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent/designee no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the initial professional development meeting.
6. Certified educators whose total score improves to at least the "Minimally Effective"
range on the second (2nd) evaluation will have met the evaluation requirements.
7. Certified professional educators whose total score remains in the "Not Effective" range
on the second (2nd) evaluation should be recommended to the Board of Trustees to be placed on probation pursuant to procedure #5140BP1 Probation of Continuing
Contract Personnel Procedures.
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8. Certified educators, who score “Not Effective” or “Minimally Effective” as an overall
score or who score “Not Effective” or “Minimally Effective” in two (2) of the five (5) domains for two (2) consecutive years, should be recommended for probation
pursuant to procedure #5140BP1.
Monitoring and Evaluating the Jordan Performance Appraisal System (JPAS)
1. At the conclusion of each school year, the District Leadership Team (DLT) will review disaggregated data from the JPAS evaluation system. The DLT may invite teachers, parents, and a consultant to participate in the review of the results. The DLT will use
the results from the evaluations and informal classroom observations to identify areas
of strength as well as areas in need of improvement as a district and to review policy
and procedure as necessary.
Professional Development and Training
1. The primary responsibility for monitoring the accurate implementation of the JPAS and
for providing on-going training to employees (both instructional and administrative) lies
with the superintendent/designee.
2. Administrators:
a. All new administrators to the District will receive JPAS training and must certify prior to evaluating certified staff.
b. All continuing administrators in the District will recertify on the JPAS every three (3)
c. Administrators will be randomly monitored by persons certified in JPAS procedures
on a regular basis for the purpose of maintaining a valid and reliable instrument.
3. Educators:
a. District professional development for the ensuing school year will be informed by
data collected and target identified areas of weakness.
b. The District will encourage teachers to participate in state sponsored training and
professional development, as appropriate.
Ongoing training and professional development for educators and administrators may be
funded through Title II or other funds specifically set aside for that purpose.
Data Collection
1. The Department of Human Resources will have evaluation data disaggregated at the end of each school year.
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2. The evaluation summary data will be shared with administrators, Board of Trustees,
and the Professional Development Committee annually.
3. Data shall be considered as part of the District and individual school needs
assessment in determining professional development offerings.