HomeMy WebLinkAboutInk International 2014-15Ink TURN THE PAGEWRITE NOW. ilJl,i';::l :t:llit ::::i1t"-:tJ:: and other legal expenses, occurring directly or indirectly as a result ol or in connection with this Agreemenl. 7. DISPUTES This Speaker Contraci and any proceedings conducted hereunder shall be governed and enlorced under the laws of the State ol Georgia. All disputes shall be submitted in writing to lnk lnternational lnc at PO. Box ,164868, Lawrenceville, GA 30042. Disputes regarding the terms of the Speaker Agreement or claims arising oul of its execulion or perlormance may be resolved in any Georgia court with compelent jurisdiction. 8. CANCELLATIONS Either party may cancel this Speaker Agreement without obligation to the other il cancellation notice is received in written lorm at least 60 days belore appearance date. Deposit is non rerundable lor organization cancellations within 60 days ol event. Speaker agrees to lurnish payment to your Organization lor actual appearance preparalion costs in lhe event ol a late cancellation, lale appearance, or non-appearance within 60 days atter billing. lf, due to illness, accident, or other causes legally known as Acts of God, Speaker is lorced to cancel a Speaker Agreement, neither party, nor any representative shall be liable lor any payment. 9. RECORDING PROHIBITED The sPeaker's presentation cannot be recorded by any means, including wilhout limitation, on audio lape, video tape or film, nor may it be broadcast or streamed on the lnternet, in whole or in part, without prior wrinen permission ol lnk lnternational. All materials provided by the speaker are protected by Copyright Laws ol the USA. 10. MISCELLANEOUS ln connection with the perrormance o, work under this Speaker proposal, the Speaker and your organization agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant ,or employment because of age, race, religion, color, handicaP, sex, physical condition, disability, sexual orientation, or natural origin. The scheduled times specitied in the speaker Proposal, subjecl to minor modifications because ot unanticipated occunences, are of the essence and hence, Speaker is required to be at place ol performance a sutficient period ol time prior to schedule time ot commencement so as to permit timely presentalions. 10. ENTIRE AGREEMENT AND NoIcE This speaker Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties. This Agreement may not be modiried or amended unless made in wrili-ng and signed by authorized signatories ot the Speaker and your Organization. 1 1. SIGNATURES The parties have agreed lo and executed this speaker contract as ol the dates indicated below: Association/Organization Representative :Speaker/Speaker Bepresentative/Agent: Alice Scott. Manager 5/4/15Signature/'litle Oate nk nloη alond nc Po Box 464860 LawrenceⅥlo OA 3X●