HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchoolmessenger Aug 2015-July 18SchoolMessenger Order Authorization with Preview
Oistrict Name: Bonneville Joint School District
$23,656 ($2 per studenu regularly
Annual Rate: $3.10)
Totai Due: $23,656
Prevrew start Date: MaY 20' 2015
Service Start Date: August 15,2015
Reference Ouote # 68497
Renance cOmmunica」ons.LLC d/b′a SchoolMessenger(・ P「。Vider)w∥l prOvide lhe district named above(・ Chent・ )面 th the
on∥ne communicatlons app“catiOns further descnbed in the Reference ouote sublecttO ne fOnclwing terrns and(っ ndinons:
Order A山 o∥2at10n Terrns
The terrns and oonditions avallable at―schoolmessenger commebterrns Ⅷ∥apply to this Order authonzation、 unless
the parties have entered intO a separate mutua∥y executed agreement or Client is purchasing under a cooperative
purchasing agreement The terrns of this order輛 ∥ govem any connid 面th the above‐mentioned terrns, and C∥ent's
issuance of a purchase order for anソ or a∥of ule items descnbed in the Reference Ouote wi!l consthute acよ ncⅣИedgement
and acceptance of such terrns No additionaltenlls in Customers purchase order vⅥ∥apply
Tenll and To77nlnauOn
This Agreement wl∥∞mmence on the Service Start Date and∞nunue For 36 rrlonths(the¬nnia Terrn・ ),and ulen wi∥
lutomatica∥y renew for successiv●one year pedods unless either pa1ly prc vides written notice ofits desire notto renew at
least 30 days priorto the end ofthe then‐currentterm lfthe ln tial Term extends beyond one year,the C∥ent may tenninate
this agreement for convenience on the one year anniversary of the Service Stan Date, and each one year anniversary
thereaner by prOviding w“tten notice to Provider atleast 30 days priorto the end Ofthe then‐curentterm
Limited Wamnty and Limitauon of Liabi“ty
Addendum to School essenger llUeb-Based Products and Services
Terms And Conditions
Notwithstanding the standard terms and conditions, School Messenger, hereinafter refened to as
"Provider'and Bonneville Joint Unilied District 93, hereinafler referred to as 'Client" agree to these
additional terms and conditions required by the ldaho Student Oata Accessibility, Transparency, and
Accountability Act of 2014, ldaho Code Title 33, Section 133.
Provider agrees to comply with all applicable ldaho state and federal laws;
Provider guarantees to have in place Administrative Security, Physical Security, and Logical
Security controls to protect from a Data Breach or Unauthorized Data Disclosure;
Provider agrees to notify Client within 24-hours of a data breach or unauthorized data disclosure;
Provider will restict acc€ss to personally identifiable information, as defined below, to the
authorized staff of the Provider who require such access to perform their assigned duties;
Providor is prohibited from any secondary use of personally identifiable information, as defined
below, including sales, marketing or advertising;
Provider will destroy all data and records containing personally identifiable information within 24-
months of terminatlon of web-based products and services and notify the Client of date and
manner of the destruction of recordsl
Provider agrees to accept the following penalties for non-compliance wiih these provisions:
a. lmmediate termination of web-based products and servic€s. Provider will refund to the
Client all fees paid in the current flscal year, less the amount pro-rated for months of use
prior to the breach of terms;
b. Provider will indemnify and hold harmless Client and its employees from any and all
third-party claims arising therefrom ln the event the Provider breaches these terms.
Defined Terms
Administrative Socurity consists of policies, procedures, and personnel controls including security policies.
training, and audits, technical training, supervision, separation of duties, rotation of duties, recruiting and
termination procedures, user access control, background checks, performance evaluations, and disaster
recovery, contingency, and emergency plans. These measures ensure that authorized users know and
understand how to properly use the system in order to maintain security ol data.
Data Breach is the unauthorized acquisition of Pll.
Logical Securlty consists of softlvare safeguards for an organization's systems, including user identification
and password access, authenticating, access rights and authority levels. These measures ensure that only
authorized users are able to perform actions or access information in a network or a workstation.
Pe6onally ldentifiablc lnformation (Pll) includes. a student's name, the name of a student's family: the
student's address; the students' social security number; a student education unique identification number or
biometric record; or other rndirect identifiers such as a student's date of birth, place of birth or mother's
maiden name; and other information that alone or in combination is
linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community who
does not have personal knourledge of the relevant circumstances, to identity the student.
Physical Securlty describes security measures designed to deny unauthorized access to facilities or
Student Data means data collected at the student level and included in a student's educational records.
Unauthorizod Oala Dlsclosure is the intentional or unintentional release of Pll to an unauthorized person or
untrusted environment.