HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-27-2018 Minutes Community MeetingsDr. Charles J. Shackett, Superintendent Marjean McConnell, Deputy Superintendent Scott Woolstenhulme, Assistant Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401 (208) 525-4400 Fax (208) 529-0104 www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees Paul Jenkins Amy Landers Chad Dance Greg Calder Scott Lynch Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Community Meetings February 27, 2018 6:00-7:00 p.m. Sandcreek Middle School Cafeteria 2955 E. Owen St, Ammon, ID 8:00-9:00 p.m. Rocky Mountain Middle School Auditorium 3443 N. Ammon Rd, Idaho Falls, ID I. Call to Order Chairman Paul Jenkins called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Amy Landers present Chad Dance present Greg Calder present Scott Lynch present Paul Jenkins present III. Welcome Sandcreek Middle School Visitors and Delegations Those in attendance were Superintendent Dr. Charles Shackett, Deputy Superintendent Marjean McConnell, Assistant Superintendent Scott Woolstenhulme, Chief Financial/Operations Officer Guy Wangsgard, Director of Instruction & Learning Jason Lords, Director of Maintenance & Operations John Pymm, Director of Safe Schools & Technology Gordon Howard, Director of Secondary Special Education and Federal Programs Julian Duffey, Community Relations and Communications Phil Campbell, D93News Samantha Williams, Sandcreek Principal Yvonne Thurber, Sandcreek Assistant Principal Kent Sawyer, NBW Architects, VCBO Architects, Headwaters Project Director Eric Albaugh, Bonneville HS Assistant Principal Trent Dabell, Advocates for Education Committee Chairman James Williams, Reed Williams, Jodie Huber, Cooper Messick, Ken Lembron, Jennifer Roth, Alex Chatelain, and Board Clerk Mary Hansen. IV. Overview: Bond Election for March 13, 2018 Chairman Jenkins turned the time over to Dr. Shackett for the Bond presentation. He thanked the patrons in attendance. The $35, 319, 840 bond projects include a new middle school for 7-8th graders with a 1,000 student core; a new roof at Iona Elementary, constructing safety improvements for Falls Valley Elementary, land acquisition for future school sites, and design work for upgrades at Bonneville and Hillcrest high schools. Currently Idaho is the fastest growing state in the nation and the Idaho Falls area is the fastest growing area in Idaho and Bonneville Joint School District 93 is the fastest growing district with over 10,000 students, averaging 400 student increase every year over the last ten years. This new middle school will be the feeder school for the Thunder Ridge HS and will be built adjacent to the new high school. Bonding for one school at a time is not asking too much of the community and tax levy rates will not increase with the passing of this bond; this is made possible due to the rise in the market growth value spurred by new property owners. It is hopeful the district will bond for a new elementary school later in 2018. Bonds must pass with a supermajority of the vote or with 2/3+ of “in favor of” votes. John Pymm, Director of Facilities and Operations presented the proposed designs concepts and ideas that are possibilities in the new middle school. NBW Architects from Idaho Falls partnered with the education design consultants, VCBO Architects from Salt Lake City, Utah will lead the design of this building. New design ideas include more collaborative classroom space, i.e., pods, better science labs, sewing and food labs, vocational classrooms, art, music, common areas, media center, and expandability for growth. Kevin Bodily of NBW Architects emphasized the safety and security for students and the flexible use of space. Collaboration classrooms are becoming more popular allowing for better use of classroom space, team teaching, and providing a safer area for students. Each learning suite can be locked down during an emergency and also has an outside exit. Color schemes and fabric choices will be chosen to brighten a student’s day. V. Q & A Public Input questions and concerns related to: Building an elementary school supporting special education students; Concerns about traffic flow near Crowley and 1st Street; Inclusion of special education students is most important; Pod designs work well for special education students; Concerns about bussing and the balance between building new and updating old buildings in the district. Support of the bond, the pod design and all future expansion as needed. District Response: Board and Administration chose to build a middle school now, strategically to avoid opposition of building both; Elementary school will be built on next bond; Discovery, Summit Hills, and Mountain Valley elementary schools house special education programs; Thunder Ridge HS and new middle school will have special education classrooms; Busses for all schools could use same traffic flow patterns; Bonneville County improvements are coming for the intersection at Crowley and 1st Street; For the middle school and possible new elementary school, there will be no access to 55th E. VI. Recess to travel to Rocky Mountain Middle School Chairman Jenkins recessed the meeting at 6:49 p.m. to allow travel to Rocky Mountain Middle School. The meeting reconvened at 8:00 p.m. VII. Welcome Rocky Mountain Middle School Visitors and Delegations Those in attendance were Superintendent Dr. Charles Shackett, Deputy Superintendent Marjean McConnell, Assistant Superintendent Scott Woolstenhulme, Chief Financial/Operations Officer Guy Wangsgard, Director of Instruction & Learning Jason Lords, Director of Maintenance & Operations John Pymm, Energy Specialist Don Trauntvein, Director of Safe Schools & Technology Gordon Howard, Director of Secondary Special Education and Federal Programs Julian Duffey, Community Relations and Communications Phil Campbell, D93News Samantha Williams, Rocky Mountain Principal Thomas Kennedy, Technology Supervisor Creighton Harris, System Administrator Jeffery Barnes, NBW Architects, VCBO Architects, Headwaters Project Director Eric Albaugh, Advocates for Education Committee Chairman James Williams, Clay Kappas, Jesse Goodman, Mr. Gardner, Justin DeCova, Roselle Baum, Robert Esplin, Ryan Norman, Cheryl Lynch, Brian George, and Board Clerk Mary Hansen. VIII. Overview: Bond Election for March 13, 2018 Chairman Jenkins turned the time over to Dr. Shackett for the Bond presentation. He thanked the patrons in attendance. Presentation was as presented at Sandcreek Middle School earlier in the evening (see above). John Pymm added more information. The middle school is needed to accommodate the growth in the middle school population, which has increased due to the growth in the area. The new middle school will be approximately 120,000 square feet, similar to the size of Sandcreek MS. When a new elementary school is built, it will be next to the new middle school site; both schools would share the parent drop-off area and bus lanes. Being in the proximity of the Thunder Ridge HS, the schools could share the sports fields, track, and auditorium. The budget determines the classroom designs, office areas, and security measures in the school. Other design features include an inside track, a dance floor, gymnasium. All new schools will have a single point entry through double doors and into the main office of the school. Early voting is now available at the election office and mail-in ballots are due on March 2, 2018. General Election will be held Tuesday, March 13, 2018 from 8:00am-8:00pm in neighborhood precincts. IX. Q & A Public Input questions and concerns related to: Traffic flow Compliment on community effort, development of vocational school and increase interest in 4H and FAA; School security and its expense; Hiring for new schools; Questions on upgrades to Bonneville and Hillcrest HS. District Response: Bonneville County has required a traffic study and District is required to add acceleration and deceleration lanes; County will widen the Crowley and 1st Street intersection; District has budget for an intersection light, if necessary; When the enrollment drops for Rocky Mountain MS, will open up classroom space for Technical Careers HS; Supplemental levy monies are available for all schools; Improvements planned for all schools with a single point entry system through double doors that lead to the main office; School Resource Officers (SRO) are paid 50/50 between Bonneville County and District 93; Certified staff will not increase hiring since most teachers are transferred from existing schools; Classified staff will be increased, for custodial, kitchen and office personnel; Students are encouraged to stay in school after graduation requirements are met and take advantage of state paid advance opportunity classes; students could earn an Associate’s Degree certificate while still in high school; District 93 students earned over 6,000 dual or college credits this year; Designs for upgrades to Bonneville and Hillcrest high schools have not been discussed yet; Hallway traffic flow, BHS Theater, security, and science labs need addressed. Community meeting concluded at 8:49 p.m. X. Executive Session A. Chairman Jenkins stated that the Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code Section Idaho Code Section 74-206(1)(b)To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or to hear complaints or charges brought against, a public officer, employee, staff member or individual agent, or public school student. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to enter into executive session for the reason stated. Amy Landers seconded. The roll call vote was: XI. Roll Call Vote Amy Landers yes Chad Dance yes Greg Calder yes Scott Lynch yes Paul Jenkins yes There was a15 minute break. The Board reconvened at 9:10 p.m. in Executive Session. XII. Superintendent Evaluation XIII. Move Back Into Open Meeting Chairman Jenkins asked for a motion to move back into open meeting. MOTION: Amy Landers moved to move back into open session. Chad Dance seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Motion carried. XIV. Adjournment Chairman Jenkins adjourned the meeting at 11:00 p.m. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to adjourn. Amy Landers seconded. The vote was 5 in favor with 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Motion carried. APPROVED: ____________________________________ ATTESTED: ______________________________________ Chairman Clerk Date: ____________________________________________