HomeMy WebLinkAbout2175 Digital Citizenship and Safety EducationINSTRUCTION 2175 Page 1 of 3 Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP AND SAFETY EDUCATION Technology is integral to the Bonneville Joint School District’s educational and assessment systems. The foundation for students to work comfortably in an increasingly technological society must be laid through instruction regarding how to participate safely and appropriately. Teaching students to be critical consumers and creators of online material will help them to be ready to achieve college and career success. Therefore, all District students who are provided access to the Internet using District owned electronic devices and network systems shall be required to participate in an Internet safety, network etiquette, and online behavior education program that is appropriate to their educational and developmental needs. Guidelines Professional Development Teachers, administrators, and other staff members responsible for supervising students’ internet use will have training resources available to them in the following areas: 1. Monitoring of student online activities; 2. Instructing students on proper network etiquette; 3. Instructing students on discerning among online information sources and appropriate materials; 4. Instructing students regarding awareness of and response to bullying and cyberbullying, pursuant to policy #3295 Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Menacing; 5. Instructing students regarding appropriate interaction on social networking platforms; and 6. Encouraging students to report electronic network violations. Staff Responsibility 1. Share responsibility for modeling appropriate behavior and creating an online environment where mutual respect, tolerance, civility, and acceptance among students and staff are promoted. 2. Monitor online learning platforms used in instructional activities. 3. Monitor and follow-up to ensure that any inappropriate online behavior has stopped. INSTRUCTION 2175 Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 (12/19) Digital Citizenship and Safety Education Material Available for Instructional Purposes 1. Teachers and staff may use the Idaho Attorney General’s online safety program, titled Protecteens, during classroom discussions about any of the following topics: a. Digital citizenship, b. Responsible online behavior, c. Online safety, d. Cyberbullying, and e. Possible consequences for misuse. 2. Other materials on digital citizenship such as those found at CommonSenseMedia.org may also be used. Methods of Instruction The following methods may be used when providing instruction regarding appropriate online behavior and cyberbullying awareness: 1. Incorporation of instruction into course objectives or daily lessons of planned instruction, as appropriate; 2. Instruction given in class assemblies; 3. Instruction given in the school library or media center; 4. Special technology courses that are required for students at various grade levels; 5. Online tutorial programs required of students prior to use of a District network account; and DEFINITIONS: Digital Citizenship: is the practice of critical engagement and respectful behavior online, which is demonstrated through the digital content a student posts. Adopted 04-11-2018 Reviewed Revised Cross Reference: Computer Use Agreement #3270 Wireless Internet Access #3275 INSTRUCTION 2175 Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 (12/19) Digital Citizenship and Safety Education Internet Publishing #3279 Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Menacing #3295 District Student Code of Conduct Legal Reference: Idaho Code § 18-917A Student Harassment – Intimidation – Bullying P.L. 110-385 Broadband Data Services Improvement Act 47 U.S.C. § 254(h)(5)(B)-(C), 254(l) Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) 20 U.S.C. § 6777 Internet Safety 47 C.F.R. § 54.520(c)(1)(i) Children’s Internet Protection Act Certifications Required