HomeMy WebLinkAboutMoore Smith Buxton & Turcke 2015-16S0 W. BANNoo( SrREEr, Surrl 52& BoIsE ID 8ir02 TELEPHoNE (208) 331-1E{x} FacsnflLE (261 311-xrul u,wwJt{ltBTli{w.coM STEEANIE J. DOT.NEF SAr I{ K ERowN Sr,sAN E. BuxroN' PAL'r, J. Drra Itr L S, Hor..hlxA EII.NE f. BBflArrxr-MAxI CEB.ESE D. McLatr I LYNDON P. NqJYETI ANTEONY M, PAhrIn^,IV FraNcEs n- STlfN PAUL A TUBOd ,oEr J. MCFADDB,T, qf Corrrse, MIolAE C. Moorx,l qrcoarcrl BRUCE ir- Sr,sfiL olco8ersl ' Alto adnttted itr OItSoa o Al.o a&rttH Ltr Sodh DaLota n AIro .d[ittcd in Uialt tAlEo admitted in Washingtoa Jrme 5,2015 Charles Shacket! Superintendent BONNEVILLE JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT 3497 N Amsron Rd. Idaho Falls, ID 83401-1301 Dear Dr. ShackeG As you may know, on March 16,2015, the firm of Eberharter-Maki & Tappeq PA merged with Moore Smith Buxton & Turcke, cht4 an estabtished law fimr that represents a variety of political zubdivisions, including cities, counties, water districts, fire disricts, etc. This merger has allowed us to provide Idaho school disercts and charter schools with an even greater range of legal services. While our philosophy has remained the same - helping our clients avoid cosfly fidgation by practicing preventive law - tle greater range of legal services include experienced litigators and appellste attomeys, as well expertise in personnel matters and bonds. In addition to working with Idaho school disticts in the areas of special education, student discipline and personnel matters, we are also available to support you in all administative and civil law issues, including, but not limited to, contsact review and negotiations, constitutional issues, district consolidafion, constuction, real estate matters and board of trustee matters such as policy developmen! public records and open meeting law requirements to nme just a fewof tni fegal issues surr,orurding public education. We are available by phone or email and typically respond to your request for assistance the same day it is received. We are also available for board meetings, hearings, or other events as needed. I am enclosing for your review and signatu€ an updated t egal Services Agreement (LSA). You will note that the annual retainer conlinues to be only $51 0, and the hourly attorney rate has not changed. However, the hourly rate for legal assistant time has decreased. Additionally, the LSA no tonger witt be sigred on a yearly basis. Rathcr, the terms of the agreement will continue from year to year, with the option for either party to rcnegotiate the terms of the agreement, ol io111i*i" tn" uge€ment. This is intended to insue continued legal services and better match the MSBT I u::lilll.ill,li;:.,ll),,*,l.\,*' KI c rI) June 5, 2015 Page 2 LSAs currently existing with other taxing subdivisions. The LSA also allows for representation in specific projects, including litigation, which can b€ handled as an individual billing matter. If you have a current balance in your 2014-201 5 retainer, it will rollover and be applied to the 2015-2016 retainer, with this siped Legal service Agreemenl ln past years, if the retainer was not firlly used by June 306, the law firm retained any remaining funds' we look forward to providing you and your School District with the legal services necessary to address all of the issues you rray be encountering. Please do not hesitate to oontact me if you have any questions regarding the changes to the enclosed LSA. Sincerely, f9; tl,J,,,l"-t$rL Elaine Eberharter-Maki Attomey at Law Enclosure LEGAL SERViCES AGREEMENT 価s Agreclnent tt bemem ん′″″/ Sぬ 。d眺 血tNo夕 mereina.er“Schd D面 ぱ)and血″″ 」u120/2015 3104113 PMYV`. lノ ,`VIン ′.`un171 Moore Smtth Buxton a Turcke 2083311202 いOfリ ンコ RU,り ′ソ l.aratr{ llr5rt-c,'ffil f. nrDrltr.daldffirfb,lrll.@Db-r&EdDHcrftrurdffi dE&nln-rqlrdtsSoholDklCrhu$s*fr Fd{.l' dluA.rGri EotnlDBtrlE{ltooe-r rih Ar@ryr quddrilr r @ot*ormllrllr crdruoorGqrrrydbgifit ootrd DOtfrlrea. C&dtur$ fdelDhhroffiartuAgtrryrnpE&bbEft.lddrlE. Arbnrtcon[ub l&olDhbf Arcryrsiltltrr4,adrdmi[ crymtrilHrrydE odiErrfrbnrof r cmsda ur mol cdirr dlrloD rle Er drllidoi b thoou6ftqrsdl*ll[rrG,lbtrdrtt soGrlBhtd.WrtdbrEtulFaltrFffi Pr lobolDElr, sd.ol Dd03E44 EllEBt oob drdrruslorrabb io ilrhnilfrilryltbutd{ptqdq hfo *focirp rlalchrthrycr:raFdtrGrErdE,dtfl..t IIEIG:dc.r{ardEdf6 d$rtaivo fi to fu im dcc -r.o drbjqftFtl ldFd!.rAtctr sllibl4yr&borllffiClc$ d{lrbnrdr[rrodfllEb#liffi d\blrtr 4hfoditgrdmtorlpdrhrutrltI[EFdeoQt $bllldffiod &ans. f:rttr &DllydyEb'rtiejlacrrrythr tsrSq!!, AluryrrlEullru}&tr.-n r'o(!fftgbdrys,rtilrfr[f 6!. dgd!rffifrll(S) dja bftit iloutDloc! rFtCbr!',E-tdo.hb rcr&Mbr ac tcll!cfdr& E*bdD&tdrd&o@ttrLltmlqrtlgffirpEElsrr*if ccff Cbr* SdoolD&tittrrqfi.mr|&odhrrulvltdrml rrcry&luurdglt&dtcclorfu r rrp fqryf otc po&al affitfha clio' M$ ry rdryatahry ql[c ntrn trF.o. Lhol lrE c ![l0. rF& ilE Er rug c dpfr 6tn6 codi: UI F.trdr tt @nf rffio I Aqr offi noErl dUrlo @ !!r[iElbAp!!rr. lt dpt dodddl rd fitrb eAvlad ffi ltr hlDLlirt ff. egrxfrr-.Eyd'EleG,:rpdr:l=fzr*iiAf:cr ! ]rprd,Etbitrrro.rcrbditlbdtubry6dBFDadb fibG.ory, i6, AEtkbrnbfr mlntrlEiil!!odEpcr ryprryr@r erir.ntrhrco[r CtE:lFqFfdcdr" 颯-1