HomeMy WebLinkAboutMOU Purposity, LLLPMemorandum of Understanding
This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered inlo as of ilu: dale of the later signature
below, by and betwee11 the Ronnevillc School District 93, a political subdivision of the State of
Idaho under the management und control ofthe Ronnevillo School District 93 Board of Education,
imd Purposily, I .I ,I ,I', a for-profit company organized and existing under the laws of the Stale or:
Georgia. ("Company") (oolleclively , the "l'aitics", and singly, a "Party'') to confirm the present
intent and understanding of the Pm·ties lo cooperate in certain collaboration activities related to
providing students and families with wrap-around services and ~uppor(s.
Section 1. Purpose
I. I The purpose of this MOU is to memorialize the Parties' intenl to coopernle m the
collaboration a1,,'tivities as described in Exhibit/\.
I.2 With the sole exception ofSection 2 below, neither Bonneville School District 93 Schools
nor Purposity, LLLP represent or create any legally binding or enforceable rights or
obligations for either Party. If and when the Parties wish lo enter into " legally binding
relationship relating to the collaborntio11 activities, the Parties will enter into delinitive
written agreements setting forth in detail their respective rights imd obligations.
Section 2. Terms and Conditions
2.1 Relationship of the Parties. Neither this MOlJ, nnr any activities described herein, shall
be conslrucd as creating a partnership, joinl venture, franchise, agency, or other such
relationship. Neilher Party shall have the right, power, or iuithority to obligate or bind the
other Party in any manner whatsoever, without the other Pany's prior written consent.
2.2 Non-l!:xclusivity. The relationship between the Parties is non-cl<'clusivc. Neither Party will
be precluded from entering into simifor relationships with other entilies or indivi<lw1ls.
Nothing in this MOl J, including the exhibits, requires either Pmty to refrain from oflering,
acquiring, selling, licensing, promoting, or developing other services, pllrtforms, or
products that compete with the services, platforms,, or products that arc the sul:iicct of the
relationship contemplated by thi~ MOI J.
2.3 Expense~. Ronneville School District 93 and Purposity, LLLP agree that each Paity shall
pay its own fees, cos!s, and cxpcn~s. and those of its agents, independent contractors, and
consulUlnts, in connection with this MOU, including without Jin1itation any legal foes,
except as expressly specified herein or otherwise agreed upon in writing by both Parties.
2.4 Indemnification. Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless 13owicvillc School
Dis!rict 93, its agents, and employees from any claim, demand, liability, loss, charges,
expeiises (including attorneys' foes) or causes ofaction ol' wha(ever kind lrr nature arising
out of any neglibrence or misconduct of Company, its agents, and employees for which
Honncvillc School District 93 is alleged to be liable.
2.5 Notices. Unless otherwise provided in this MOU, all notices, including, but not limited to,
any nnlicc of termination of this MOU, will be i'n wriling and will he personally delivered,
sent by regular mail, overnight delivery service or ~ent by certi lied mail, return receipt
reques(e<~ postage prepaid. Notices will be deemed given (<1) on the date delivered if'
delivered personally, (h) on the first business day following the date ofdispatch ifdelivered
by overnight deli very service, or ( c) on the earlier ofconfirmed receipt or the fifth business
day foUowing the <late of mailing if sent by certified mail. Notices must be sent to the
respective address set forlh below or su.ch other address that a Party spocifics in a notice
delivered pursuant to this Section.
2.5.1 To Bonneville School District 93:
Rex Miller
Rom1eville School District 9.1
3497 N. Ammo11 R<l
Idaho Falls, JD 8340 I
·1 ·o Company: Purposity, LLLP
~lake Canterbury, C.EO
2674 Derby Walk l'iE
Brookhaven, GA 30319
2.6 Student Rccol'dS.
2.6.1 Purposily, I.I.LP shall comply with l'cdcral and State laws and regulations
reb'llrding confidentiality of" stm.lent recol'C.b. Speciliclllly, Company sh.all comply
and shall assist 13onneville School Dbtrict 93 in compliance, in all material
respects, with applicable laws imd regulations, including with the 11amily Education
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, and the Protection of Pupil
Rights Amendment (PPRA), 20 U.S.C. § I 232h, and all applicable privacy laws.
2.6.2 To the extent Purposity, LI ,J ,p or ils s11bconlrnclor~ comes into contact with any
student <law or information, Purposity, LLLP or its subcontractors will not disclose
such information without eligible student/parent/guardian permission. Personally
idenliliahle student information and education records, as defined pursuant lo
O.C.G.A. Tille 20 an<l FER PA, will be, and will be deemed lo have been, received
in confidence and will be used only for purposes of the services contemplated iu
this Agreement.
2.7 Governing Law and Venue. This MOlJ shall be governed in all respects hy the laws of
the State of G~orgill, without regard lo its conOict or laws. The excl1L~ive vemre for any
action arising out ofor related to thi~ MOU ~hllll be in lhe federal, superior, or suite courts
of Fulton County, Georgiil
2.& Termination. F.ither Party may lerminatc this MOlJ without cause upon thirty (.10) <lay~'
prior written notice. F.ither Party may tenninate this MOIJ i111111e<liately in the event of a
breach ofany provision of" thi~ Section 2 by the nlher Party.
2.9 Entire Aerccmcnt. This MOU, including any exhibits, constitutes lhe entire a&rreemeol
between the Parties with respect to its subject muller and merges all prior and
contemporancml~commuoicatious, both written and oral. This MOU shall not be modified
except by a wrillen agreement signed hy both Parties.
2.10 Countmarts. This MOU maybe executed incounterparts, each ofwhich shall bedeemed
an original.
BoiinevUle School Distriet 93 Purposity, LLLP
Date: flt u~I
Blake Cante1bury, CEO
Date: ____4""'"/--'4/2_01_s____ _
F:xhihit A
MOU Collaboration Activities
Section 1. Slmtegic Goals and Objectives
1.1 Bonneville Schonl l>istrict 93
Designate personnel responsible for regularly posting need.s to the Purpos.ity platform and
communicate any changes in staff to PUl·posity in m1 effort to maintain an updated list of
tl~cr access privileges. These individuals will be responsible for the posting of needs on a
weekly ha-c;is, corresponding with Purposity staff, and assuring the items posted to the
platforn1 are delivered to the intended recipients. Staff will confirm receipt of the item ror
donors via the site's thank you feature.
1.2 Corupanv
Purposity, r.J .T .r will provide access to the Purposity platform, initial training, and ongoing
suppon to DoWJeville School District 93 <1ud will <1ssisl designated Bonneville School
District 93 staff in posting needs to the platfo1m~
This joint initiative will help support students and families in improving access to critical
items. Both parties will collaborate together in initial and ongoing conummications efforts
related lo building a donor base. llornicville School District 93 will announce the launch
or Iheir district initiative via social media and other district outlets, as deemed appropri<ite
by the di~ltil.:l, both initially a11d annually in an effort lo grow the donor base em.:h year.
The initial user luum:h goal will be 500 user~ wilh a large( of 250 additional users each
Section 2. Schedule
2. I Needs for items will be posted lo the plal l(mn on an ongoing basis imd alerts to co1wntmity
supporters will be sent out to Purposity members. Items will be delivered to the school staff
for <lis11ihution lo the intended recipient to assmc no personally identifying information is