HomeMy WebLinkAboutVocational Rehab 2 year 2019-2020I COOPERATIVE AGREEI'vIENT IIE'l'W1•:11:1\' THE IDAHO DIVfSION OF VOCATIOKAL REHABILITATION AND BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DlSTRlCT #93 ~WY2019 through ~WY2020 I. PURPOSE The Idaho Oivi~ion of Vocational Rehabilitation (lf)VR) and Bonneville School Dist1·ic1 No. 93 enter into this agreement solely to facilitate lhe transition of students with disabilities from K-12 pol:>lic l~dncation into adull lilC. This transition fO adult lifo rnay involve any or ~11 of the following goal oriented activities: post-secondal'y education, training and joh placement, dircel. pl<tcemenl into uppropriate employment (lo indutlc supported employment if required), advocacy and any othcf activities thal al'c relevant lo the mident. Md within the scope of IDVR's mission and role. Additionally, IDVR will collaborate with the District to provide or arrange for lhc provision of pre-employment transition services for students with disabilities who are in need af these sc1·viccs. Pre-employment transirion sc1·viccs· include: job exploration counseling; work-bas&! leaming experiences that are provided in a competitive integrated environment, to the maximum e.><t.ent possibh;; counsdiug on opportunities for eurollnK~nt in comprehensive transition or po~t~econdary edltcational programs at institutions of highel' edncation: workplace readiness trnining to develop social skills <mtl im.lependent living; <u1d instruction in self-advocacy. These prc-l~mployrncn1. u-imsi1ion sc1·viccs may be provided t.o students who <UC cligibk~ for or rcu:iving section ~04 services, in addition to students eligible for or receiving sel'vices nndcl' on TEP. Stutlcnts willi <lisal>ilitics who arc not on a sect.ion 504 or who ;m: not on an IEP are also eligible for Pre-employment transition services. IDVR will not provide pl'e-employmcnt transition servit·es that the school customarily provides under Illbl\. Transition planning and services are a required com1>onent of Individual nducation Plans under the lndividtrnls with Disubililies Etlucalion J\ct <IDEA). To this end the parties to this agreement will work together to: A. Assist the stnclcnt with disabilities to make informed choices rcgar1ting their adult living goals. The student's parents or guardians will he includetl in this planning proces,_ n. Ensure compliance with the relevant tran.,ition 1>lanning and provi~ion of Sl~rviccs processes as required by !he J..ntlivitluals with Disabilities J::dueation Act (IDEA), P.L. 105-17. C. Ensure Lliat all lmosilioning studc.ols witl1 disal>ililics c.og11ge in <10 <tssessment of their ability to bcrmftt from vocational l'chahilitation services M allowed for by th~' Rehabililation Acl of 1973, as mnended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity /\cl (WIOI\), PL 113-128. . Revised Apl'il I 8, 2018 D. Use the provisions of IJ)f\A and Workforce Innovation <tnd Opportunity Act (WTOA) to benefit individual students with disabilities; hy develotling a coopl~flttivc, team <tpproach to l.Nlnsition that is seamless ralher than fragmented. II. PROG.RA!\11 Al'ID SCOPE OF SERVICES A. IDVR and Bonneville School Oist1·ict :\o. 93 Agr<~l~: ·1. This agreement recognizes thac the part.it's are entering into a relationship which em1lhasizes a multi.<.fisciplinary team apprnach to trnnsicion and Vocational Rch<tbilitaliou . .'I. mulli-1.li~ciplinary team indude.s the VR Counselor, sw<l.,nt, parent or guardian, and school &infl. ·n1is will allow for flexibility yet will also recognize that those services which are distinctive t.o the Cf1'.dcntials of a specific staff will be pl~ffonncd by that staff. 2. That those obligations specifically assigned to the parties to this 11grtx~men1 by law. fcgol111.ioo or nile will not be violated in the discharge of thi~ coopcrativt~ agreetnent. '.l. That they will collaborate in the dcvdopruent of the transitioning student's Jndividual Education Plan (IEP) and the rlcvclop111enl of any relevant Individualiv..:d Plan for Empluymenl (U'I:::). Approval of the 111P is vested. with 8onneville School Di,trict No. <.n. the &lodcr\l. Md hi6/fler p;crent~ or guardian. Approval of the ll'E is vested soldy with !DVH, the student, and his/her parents ol' {\Un1·di11n. 4. That the dclcrmiuation of the •tutlent's eligibility for Vocational Rehabilitation seo·viccs rests cxclnsivcly with IDVR. 5. Thal they will share studcnl infommtion as necessmy. (See Section IV regarding confidentiality ofstudent information). 6. That tbcy do not illegal!y discriminate in employment, eligihility for services or type of service rrovision hased solely upon con;;idcrntions of race, color, creed, age, sex, or disabling condition. They further agree that they do nol contract or otherwise do husincss with othc1· partil~S or cnlitics that do. 7. TI1at e11ch party will individ11ally keep s1K:h records as required hy law. l'Cgulation or rule. Said t'ecords will he open to ol'l'icial audits nx1uired by State or rederal Luw. B. Bo))neville School District No. 9'.l Agree&: ·1. To transfo1· to IJ)VR cc11itlablc non-Federal moni~s in the. amount of $6..879.60 for SPY I?, mid .$7,22'.l.5!! in Sl'Y 20, ha~ecl upon the '~st.imated mmual cnrollmcut ant.I upon receipt of appropriate hilling, of ceotifiablc non-l(~l=l monies which IDVR will use to match available federal monie.~ aprrorriated under the Hehabilitation Act. These monies will he uscrt expressly for allowable cosrs inc111·1-cd by IDVR in lhl~ forlheraucc of this cooperative agreement. (Please see attachment #l incorporated by reference for clafificat.io11 of breakdown of rnooics per school or s<.:hool tlislrk't.) Written verification will accompany 2 I payment. indic111ing Lhal no portion of the. payment is from federal funds and has not been used to match any 01he1· federal grnms. 2. When applicable, provide access lo confidential office space, office furniture, and telephone service suitahle for staff assigrmd by IDVR at no additional cost to IDVR. :;. That ifthe school district desires t.o n.~locat.c the Vocational Rehahilirntion Office. lite dislricl agrees lo pay associated moving and conncctivi1.y Cl\pcnses. IUVR requires a rninitll\llll of 90-day advance notice for re.location: in or out of the cumm! physical location. The xclmul disrric1. must provide the appropriate level or lcchnic;1I :>upport r.o acco1nmodate the in.ove requireincnts: lo n~ coorclinatcd with TT>VR 1cchnic;1I pen;onne1, 4. To refer tl'ansitioning smdents with di&abililies to IOVR at age J(j (or younger, if appropriate) so that IOVR may hecome involved wthe Individual Education Plan (ffiP) team, 1!1c dctcnninalion of the required transition services, 11ssistanc.:e in the IRP development. assessment. of cligibilily for Vocational Rehahilitalion services, and Lhe development of the lndividuali7.cd Plan for Employment (IPJ::). School pel'sonnel will work collaboratively with the VR Counselor to ensure that. students connect with VR. 5. To invite the VR connsclol' to pin·ticipatc in lhe !El' development team for all refened students. 6. To provide training to the assigned VR Coun.selor regarding the school's responsibilities under IDEA. 7. To provide services mandateli by IDEA and other enabling legislation, n~gulations or mks without impacting Jl)V R case service dollars (i.e. tl1e District will act as the fil's1. rnso\lrcc: for services required by law and pel'tinenf. rules and/or regulations governing .Special l':ciucarion 11.nd 01her cduc<0lion services for K-12 students with disabilities) lo provide a free and appropriate cduc11tion (l'APH). R. To the maximum ext.cot. possible, provide the IDVR Counselol' with existing information used lly educaJion officials (n~fol'CllCl~: 34 CPR 361.42 (d) (I) (i)) which may include medical, psychological, educational and social history records that the district may have fort.he swdcm wilb a di.sability, in order to a.<sist the V!{ Counselor to make an appropriate determination of pl'ograrn digibility and to de1.crmine appropriate Vocational Rehabilitation services to Ile provided witl1in the requirements of the Family Educa1ion Rights an Privacy A.cl (t'J::RPA). C. IDVR Agrees: I. To u.se District-donated funds mid Stale Gene..al Account monies to match Fedeml Vocational Rehabili.u11.ion fu!lds sufficient to serve the population addre~.stod by Lhis coopemtive agreement. Revised April 18, 2018 3 2. To provide a VR Counselor and a Vocational Rch<1bilitation A~sistant to serve student~ with disabilities referred by Bonneville School Oistrict. No. 93. '.\. That the YR Counselor will consult with educacors concerning possible referral of slm.fenls, including when sLUdents should he referl'ed lo lf)VR. School P•~fsom1cl will WOfk collaboratively wilh the VR Counselor to ensure ihnt. stndents connect with YR. Additionally, the YR Coiinsclof will provide written rccouuncndat.io11s. if requested, for us" in developing the. lbP. 4. That the YR Counselor may attend IEP team meetings and activities for each rcfom'-CI studcm upo111imely invitation by the appropriate school personnel. 5. That the YR Counselor will accert referral~, dercrminc cligibilily and, colfaborntivcly with the ~rudcnt's IEP team, 1kovelop approrriate IPl::ls for those students determined eligihle for YR ~ervice~. Vocat.iomd Rchabililalion digibilily determination is vesLetl solely with IDYR. The scope of Vocational Rehahiliration services will he determined with the members of the interdiscirlinary team. 6. To pmvide IDVR services to eligihlc 11·ansitioning sl\Jd<~nls. D)Vl{ requires a search for compamble benefits (e.g. Medicaid, SSI) ancl the compklion of a C11sron1cr l'inancial Participation A&scssnK~nt for customer fimtncial participation priol' to expenditure of l[)V R funds. If one or more lf)VR services is also itlentifietl by Lhc slu<foul's IEP team a~ necessary for the student to receive fl. free apprnpriate pulllic education (f'APE), lf)VR i.s rc!cascu from ih<> pursuit of parental/customer financial participation, in acc<llrdance wirh ID!\A. 7. To in~truct the IDYH staff to work clnscly wirh I.he st1ufoo1·~ classroom leacl1e1(s) lo en.sure appropriate <:oon.linalion between the claw'Oom acrivit.y aod the Vocational RehabilitJllion scrvic•~& being provi<lctl. In this process the YR Counselor will provide in-service trnining to relevant District pc~o1u1cl on all aspcct.s of !he Vocal ioual Rchabililation Program. 8. All state plan requirement•, induding a state's Order of .Selection. will apply lo all sc1·viccs pl'ovided under this cooperat.ivc agrcemc11L. llf. l)JSl'CJ'ff( lU~"'OLUTION: The pai1ies agree to resolve disputes that arise in the. rrovision of YocaJ.ional Rehabilitation S<~rvic,~s to stu<knts, and lo ensure that SCfviccs <Ire 1101 disrupted by using the following process to rc.5olvc such intcragcncy disputes. • All ancmpts should be made to resolve disputes n.~gardi11g 11·1111&ilio11 servkeo and fiscal issues at the lowest level possible (closest to the .stutlent). • When the disp11te is bet.ween agencies, the officer or individual in ch<trgc of Spedal Education and lDVl{ l{egionat Manager will meet anti re.solve the issue. Re»ised lip,il 18. Wl8 4 r : + If th<~ issue cannot be n~solvw as st~tcu above, then the dispute will he referred to the Administrntive offices of the School Di~trict and the IDVR field Services Chief for final resolution. 5 t IV. CONFIDENTIALITY OF STUDENT TNl•'Ol~MATl.O~/RECORDS Because the Bonneville School District No. 93 and the IDVR staff will he joindy working with the slutfenl to tfevelop appropriate trnnsition plans. 1hey may be re<1uired to exchange srndcnt information on regular bll-5is. This ;igrccmcnl will allow for the exchange of infonnalion in the best interest ofcoordinated transition services. All studl;11ls will be informed of the rclalio11ships of the parties to this agreement at the time of referral. The ~tudem and/or lheir parent or guardian will he asked to sign a release of information form al thal time. Signing of the form wiU ullow IDVR ;md the Bonneville School District No. <)3 to exchange information. bach rmty to the agreement may not share info1ma1ion socuretl under the terms of this agreement with other non-parties of this agreement unles~ ~pecitically rcquiretl by law or under scpamtc written relcll-~C by the stu<l•~nt or his/her parent or guartlian. V. DURATION OF AGREEMl•:N'I' The terms of this agreement arc in elfcc1. July I, 2018 ;mtl will continne fo1· 1.wo sla!C fisc.:ul yems, ending June 30'" of 2020. The agreement may he terminated at any lime due to faihuc of eitl1er the Tdaho Srnrc Lcgislalun~ or the U11i100 States Congress to appropl'ill.LC such funds required to successfully dischai·ge the tern1s of I.his agreement. If tennination of the agrcerncnl is needed, a 30-dav. noli<.>e is re<1uireu, regardless of which 1>arty initiates 1crmi1111lion.. Date Dale Supe1·in1cnrlcnt, l$onneville School Oistrict #93 6 Allachment #I IDVR & School Districts #93, #91, #59, #251, #252, and #60 Cooperative Agrcentent Matching Funds SFY Distiibution SPY 19: -·-·-·· SCHOOL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL PERCENTAGE OF I COST TO IHS'l'R /CT U:VNOJ,f,Ml?N'/' PUNDS (grades 9"-121•) Bounevillc School Oist. 93 3724 39 .. ~(1,879.(~) Idaho !'alls School Oist. 91 3087 J2 $5,644.80 ... l'irlh School Dist. 59 24J 2 $352.80.... ····­Jefferson Joint T>isr. 251 1611 17 $2, 9')8. 80 .... .. ..·-··-··-··-····-·--·--Ririe School Dist. 252 258 3 $52~.20 Shelley Sc~ool Oisl. 60 645 7 $1,234.80 ·-···-·---·-·-·-··· .. ... . -­··-··· ---·· ··-­------· ··­T<YfALS 9,568 100 $17.640.. .. Sl'Y 20: I ..... SCllOOI, OIS'l'RIC1' 111(711 .~(;//()()/, PHllCP.NTt\GP. OF COST TO l>JS1'RJC1' ENROLLMENT FUNOS frrade.< 9'1'-1211'1 llonncvillc S£l!!>_ol Dist. 93 3724 J9 $7,223.58...-·---·-·-··-.. .. Id11ho Palls School Dist. 91 3087 32 $5,9p.04 ,,_ 1-'irth School Dist. 59 243 2 $370.44 Jefferson .lo int Oist. 25 I I<i I I 17 $3,148.74 ---. ... Ririe School Dist. 252 258 3 $555.66 . ···--SheJ!ev School l>isl. 60 645 ! 7 _Sl,296.54 .... -· . . .. . ··-· ···­... .. . ...... ..··-··-.. . ... TOTALS 9,568 100 .$ 18,522 ... ···­7