HomeMy WebLinkAboutWhite Pine Charter (Food Service Contract) 2015-161 - NEV口 LLEJ01NT SCHロロL DISTRICT NO.93 ・L``′":"8 7o8`=L′′ A`h io,1●8 Ex``::r"``・ 3497 North Ammon Road′ldaho Fa∥s,Idaho′83401 (208)5254400 Fax(208)529-0104 www d93schoo s org Dr char es, Shackett Super ntendent Mariean`ИCConne∥′Deputv super ntendent FOOD SERVICE CONTRACT Bonneville ioint School District No. 93 and White Pine Charter School SchoolYear 2015-2016 This agreement is made and entered into between Bonneville Joint School District #93 (District 93) and White Pine Charter School (WPCS). WHEREASthe District *t93 agreesto supplY mealsforthe rates herein listed: Student Paid Lunch Student Reduced Price Lunch Adult Meals Additional Milk S270 S40 5350 S35 It is further agreed that District 93 will follow the regulations and coordinate with WPCS the implementation of the provisions of the NSLP Food Service Program. WPCSwill ensurethat NSLP training will be available to one WPCS food service employee, at a minimum. FREE AND REDUCED APPLICATIONS: WPCSwill receive the Freeand Reduced Applications, verifythatthe applications are filled outcorrectlyand pre-approve each application accordingto the USDAguidelines. District93will then receivethe applications and finalize the approval process for the Free and Reduce Applications and mail letters to the households. District 93 will be entitled to utilize this information to request federal funding and reimbursement. STUDENT DATA: WPCS will send a student data file in . csv format weekly to District 93. This information will beusedforstate reporting and to keep student information current and accurate. WPCS will notify District 93 immediately of any students transferring from District 93 to WPCS to prevent duplicate students in the POS database. LUNCH MONEY: WPCS will collect the lunch money received from students and keep a record ofthe student accounts. Upon receipt of invoice from District 93, wPCS will pay the invoice within 15 days. MEAL COUNT/ MENU CHOICES: WPCS will call in lunch counts daily to Tiebreaker Elementary School (TES) by 9:10 a.m. (Laurie Wyatt, Manager 227-9836). lt is important that the meal count reflects what is actually ordered that day. ln the event that meals are ordered and not served, WPCS will be charged $3.50 for each meal returned, as determined by the production records. All leftover food must be returned toTES atthe end ofeach day. Menuchoiceswill be coordinated bywPCS Kitchen manager and TES Kitchen manager. Preference will be Biven to items that are pre-portioned and easily counted when served. TRANSPORTATION: TES staff will preparethefood and placethefood in transport containers provided byWPCS. Mealswill be picked up by L0:30 am by WPCS. Attheendoftheday,TESstaffwill return empty pansand leftover food to Tiebreaker Elementary. Kip Nelson . Amy Landers Enan McBrlde . leff B rdBoaad of Trustees -' Annette Winchester pRODUCftON RECORDS: Production records will be provided by District 93 and must be accurately completed each day by WPCSstaffand returned toTES. At the end of each day, all leftover food will be documented on the production records. production Records, leftover food and empty pans will be returned totheTiebreaker kitchen by 1:15. No food is to be taken off site, except to return leftovers to TES. SIAEE: Districtg3will hire one additional kitchen staff m ember dedicated to WPCS meal service and accountability. Thecost of this additional staff member will be absorbed by WPCS. This staff member will take the POS meal count daily on site at WpCS. Theywill also mon itor the serving a nd end of day prod uction cou nt processes to ensu re that the USDA guidelines a re being followed. Themeal countmust be taken attheend of the serving line. District93will usetheirown laptopto record mealsonsite. No paper rosters will beused. Attheendof each day a list will be sent to WPCS for their u se in collecting mea I payments. WpCS will provide staff to transport and serve lunches; and a custodian to clean up the lunch room and kitchen floors. U\Eq&MEA!': Oistrict 93 agrees to provide 3 meals daily at no charge for adult labor meals. A/ meals will be recorded on the daily production records by wPCs. A!A!AEIEM!![: All a la carte milk sold will be accounted for daily at the POS terminal and billed to WPCS at the end of each month. ALTERNATE MEALS: Alternate meals will be provided at the expense of WPCS for students who are not included in the morning lunch count, due to tardiness etc. These alternate meals will not be included for reimbursement. SCHOOL CALENDAR: District 93 agrees to provide lunches on the days that are in session and serving lunches to students withintheschool district. Daysthat District 93 is not in session or not providing lunches, WPCSwill be responsible for providing its own lunch program. WPCS is not required to purchase lunches on days it is not serving lunch. WPCS will provide District 93 with a school calendar for fiscal year 2015-2016. ADMtNtSTRAT|VE COSTS: At the end of the school year WPCS will be billed S1,500 for Administrative Costs which include but are not limited to POS licensing, Daily Reporting, and Monthly Claim Entry. It is understood that District 93 cannot operate this contract at a financial loss. For this reason the ongoing revenues and expenditures will be examined to determine the financial feasibility of continuing to provide food service to WPCS. Should there be financial losses incurred by District 93; WPCS will be given an opportunity to supplement the current revenues to the extent that the costs of the program are paid. Should WPCS decide not to subsidize current revenue; District 93 will cancelthe lunch program immediately upon written notice. This agreement shall be effective 8/31/f5- Ol2/16 and may be terminated with 30 days' notice by either party in writing. コクう Bonneville Joint Schoo