HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpeech and Language Clinic 2015-16BONNEVTU."E SG}IOOt DISTRICT fl93 contractual Agreement whh Speech and LansuaEe Clinlc Rehabllltation center THtS AGREEMENT entered into between Bonneville School Distrlct f93, hereby known as the Distrlct, havin8 a principal place of business at 3497 N. Ammon Road, ldaho Falls, ldaho, and 9pe99h 3Ed Lansuaae Clinic Rehabllltation Center. hereby known as the Contractor. The following service(s) requested: Soeech and Lansuase Dates of service: beginning luly 1, 2015 throuth June 30, 2016 Hou6 of service: at the rate of s 65 per hour for speech pathologi3ts/ s 28 Per hour for speech paraprofessionals. Case load: not to exceed 42.5 students per therapist/paraprofessional Daily billing hours: not to exceed 7 hours per day Contiacted fee not to exceed S 100,000 annually Contractor requirements attached hereto are made a part of this contract' The partles agree that the Contractor is solely responsible for all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the performance of those services described in this agreement unless noted above. 1. The Contractor agrees to provide special education and/or related services in accordance with the followin8 state and federal laws and re8ulations: ldaho code; ldaho State Board of Education Regulations pertaining to special education; ldaho special Education Manual; the tndividuals with Disabilities Education Act; Part 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations Sections 3OO.300-300.349 and 3OO.4OG3OO.56; Section 504 ofthe Rehabllltation Act; Part 104 ofthe Code of Federal Regulations; and the Family Educational Rights and Prlvacl Act These regulations include, but are not llmited to, provisions relatinB to: A, FAPE b. Least Restrictive Environment (LREI c. Personnelwho meet appropriate standards d. lndividualized Education Programs (lEPs) e. ParentParticiPation f. Proceduralsafeguards 8. Protection in evaluation procedures h. confidentiality of information i. Nondiscrimination on the basis ofhandicap 2. The Contractor agrees to provide education and/or related services for identified student(s) includinE: Bonneville Jt School District - Service Provider Agreement Page 1 a. The appropriate staff and oversight to implement lEPs for each student as determined by the school IEP team; b. Services to th€ students according to the school district's current school calendar (attached), excluding emergency school closures or when nudent is absent. The Contractor further agrees to provide the District the following: Services as authorized in the student's IEP/5o4; Other seNices as approved by the District such as consultations, RTI meetings, injurles, meetings with families and/or teachers and evaluations for students not on lEPs; Assurance that all work will be performed in accordance with the hiShest professional standards; A copy ofthe sewice provider/s Staff Qualilications showing professional credentials for the district's files; Verification all employees who come into contact with the student have been subject to a criminal background check as required by ldaho Code 33-130 and have been determined to not have a crimlnal history inconsistent with working with children. Daily completion of the District's report as a means of written documentation for service days, times and results of services provided for each student, as per the lEP. Submission of billing to Director of Federal Programs for services provide provided within 30 days of the date of the service provided' Additional hours will be compensated at the same rate, provided that the additional hours, over and above those stated, have received prior written approval of the Director of Federal Programs' All invoices should be numbered and dated showing the dates and hours of sewice provided for each student' h. Certificate of Liability lnsurance. i. Proof of Worke/s compensation covera8e. j. Ongoing progress reports used to monitor each student's progress toward IEP goals and ob,ectives. k. Verification the contractor personnel responsible for providing special education and related services meet the highest entry-level state standards for the appropriate occuPation category. lf the student is no longer recelvin8 services from the Contractor for any reason, the Conractor shall inform the District, and the obliSation of the District to pay for services will cease as of the last day of service provided, The Contractor and the District agree to comply with all pertinent statues of the State of ldaho and such rules and regulatlons as the state Board of Education may legally prescribe, which are by reference incorporated in and made a part of this Contract as thouBh set forth herein' The District assures that health-related servlces or program placement will beSin after havint conducted an IEP team meeting to develop an lEP. The Contractor, at the District's discretlon, may request or attend subsequent IEP team meetings to revise the student's lDP, but a District representative must participate in all such meetings. The District will pay the Contractor based on submlssion ofan invoice with documentatlon as described in 3.g. and pay the invoice within 30 days of its receipt' a. b. c. d. e. 8. The District will provide documentation necessary for the Contractor to carry out the portlon of the IEP that falls under Contractot responsibility. 9. The District may terminate this Atreement immediately if the District determines that Contractor has willfully violated any statutory requirement or government regulation or the services related to this ABreement are modified or terminated for a student. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon providing 60 days written notice to the other party. 10. Supply and testing materials will not exceed S10,000. Copies of invoices for purchased items will be provided by the Contractor to the District. Both parties agree that any material purchased with these funds will be stored at District 93 special Services and in the event of contract termination shall remain the property of District 93. 11. Contractor shall be solely liable for any losses or damages resulting from performance of any of the services covered by this Agreement. Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the District from any liability, includin& but not limited to, cost, expenses, and attorney fees, resulting from Contracto/s performance of the services provided under this Agreement. Proof of liability insurance with Bonneville School District fl93 listed as an "additional insured" shall be submitted to the District withln ten (10) days of the date of this Agreement. 12. The Contractor'and District agree that they will meet and review this contract annually. The contractor, agrees that as an independent contractor it is not eli8ible for district beneflts of any kind. The contractor, also agrees to maintain liability insurance in the minimum amount of S1,000,000.00 and worker's compensatlon coverage for its employees. lN wtTNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed In their names by their proper officials pursuant to approval of their respective boards on this ai6 day ot iair' . Zoi{ . Board of Trustees BonnevilleJr. School Dlstrict 93 に Agency Name Superintendent/DeslSnee Sig Bonneville Jr.School DIstnct“93 Bonneville Jt. School District - Service Provider Agreement Page 3 /// 一 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 員E栞 出E話 器 l遭 ちふ記品屁恣壷珊面轄覇昭肝卿謳聯熙i珊 襲:F鶏 瘍 Client#065353 薇而罵雨面孫薦面勇as a mattcr oF and confers no riShts upon the holder' does not imend, extend or alter afForded by the C“ncate l、ted beloW. Imurance Underwriters Inc LЮ ∝口町 血tthe cemimに ヽ “ d bdOW",P∝n lsSud m thel“ured "W“IШ y u“l ulc―lu“温i,電 温葛‐島籠i編 ~oF石 ny conmct Or other d∝ument Whh respect to WhiChmthstanding any requireme 『Ⅷ肥 結ぶ朧 艦 埋訛 t「棚 藉 W棚 鵬 網 躙服 癬 切ecttOl Sl,Ollll,l100 S3,000,000 Occurrence Annual Aggr€gate 01ノ 08/201601/113/2015AHY‐522719004ProFsional Liability 閻 Memorandum Holder ls added as an Additionai Insued but only as rqiPects to. claims arising out of the sole iiiiriii".. "ftt i "-ed lnsured subject to the terms and provisions of the policy' therbove describc Certificate be the expiration date thereol, the issuing endeavor to mail 30 days written noticc to Holder named to the left, but failure such notice shall impose no obligation or any kind upon the company, its agents Bonneviue Joint school Disdct#93 3497 No血 Ammond Road ldaho Falls]D83401 銀己Aい 出端