HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-19 KLaDuke, Inc.r BONNEVILLE SCHOOLDISTRICT #93 Coinract uaf Agreement with KlaDuke Inc. THIS AGREEM~NTcmlered in lo on June 27, 2016 between Bonneville School Distrkt #93, her1>by kooWll as l he District, having a prinr.lp:il place of business at 3497 N. l\mmon Ro<1tl, Idaho fulls, ldnho, and KU.Duke Inc., hereby known as the Contractm, ls for the school year 2018-19. The following service\s) 1equ esled: Speech and language1'herepy Dates of service: begil'lning Au31lst 20, 2018·tflrough June 30, 2019 Hours ofservice: Speech pathology at the maximum of 8 hours per week at$ 65.00 per hour. Travel at lS. hOurfy rate. Cci11tractor tequireme!lts attadled hereto are made a part of this contract. Tha parties agree that the Contractor Is solely reS()Onsihle for all costs and expense.$ Incurred h• tonnectlon with the performa!lce of those services described in this agreenlerrt unless noted above. 1. The Contractor agrees to pro\/lde speech/language pathology and related servkes In accordance with the rules and regulations established by the Idaho State Board Qf Education as provided in Section 33·J003, Idaho Code, as amended for exception•! students livenlng In thisdistrict. 2. The Contractor ai;rees to provide education and/or related seJVices for idenllfied •tudent(s) lncludin&: a, Th" oppropriata staff and owrsight to implement IEPs for each student as determiMd by the schoo1 IEP team; b. Services to the students acwrdfng to the school district's :W16·19 school calendar (attached), excluding emergency school ciosures or when studentis absent. 3. The Contractor further agrees to provide the f)istrict the. following: a. Services as authorized in the student's lfP/504; b. Other services slldi as conS\Jltations and meetings; c. Assurance that all work will be perforrned lo acc<>r:danre with the highest professional standards; d. A copy of the service provid•r's StaffQualifications showios prpfossional credeoti~ls for the district's files; e. Verll!catioo all employees whooome Into contact with the student have been subject to a crimin~I background ch0ck as required by fdsho Code 31\-130 and have been d<!terminecl to not have a criminal hlstoiy Inconsistentwith working with children. f. Oally completion of the Dl•trlct's report as a mc~ns of written docvmet'lt~tlon for service d.lys, th11cs 11nd results of services provided for each stude nt, as per the IEP. Bonneville )l. School l)islrlct -Service Prnviclcr Agreement P~ge l --------·---· ···---·· -------------------------··------·-----------· ------- g. Submission ofbllllng to Si>etlal Servl~s forservlw provide provided withi1l 30 cfays of thedateofthe service provided. Additlonal hours will be compensated atthes ame rate, provided thatth e addltlonal hours, ewerand above those stated, have received prior written opprovol of the Director ofSpecial Services. All invoices should be numbered and dated showing the dates and hours of service provided for eoch student. h. Ce1tlficate of Liablllt'{ ln:>\lrance. I. Proof of Worker's Com pensation coverage. 4. If the student is no longer receiving services from theContractor for any reason, the Contractor shall inform the District, and the obligation of the District to pay for service~ will cease as of the "1st day of seivlce provided. 5. The Contractor and the District agree to comply with :tll pertinent. statues ofthe State of fdaho and <ur.h ~ul~s andregulations ~s the State Board of Education may legally prescribe, which .are by reference incorporated in and made a partof this Contract as though set forth herein. 6. 1he District assures thathealth-related services or program placementwill beginafter h~ving ~onducted ~n IEP team meeting to develop an IEP. The Contractor, at the District's discretion, may requestor attend subsequent IEP team meetln&s to revise the student's IOP, buta District representative must participate in all such meetings. 7, llle District will pay the Contractor based on submission of an invoicewith documentation as desaibed In ~.g. 8. The·District will provide documentation ne<:essary for the C•.mtractor to carry out the portion of the IEP thatfalls under Contractor responslblllty. 9. lllc District m;iy terminate this AgreementImmediately if the District determines that Contractor has willfully violated any statutoryrequirementorgovernment regulation or the ser1ices relatedto this Agreem~nt ate modified or terminated for a student. Either party may terminate this Agreementwithoutcause upon providing 30days written notice to the other party. 10. Contractor shall be solely liable for any losses ordamages resulting from performance ofany of the services covered bythisAgreement. Contractor shall Indemnify and ho!J harmless the Districtfrom any liability, including, but not limited to, cost, expenses, and attorneyfe~s. resulting from Contractor's performanceoftl1e services provided under thisAgreemcmt. Proof of li3bnlty lnsur~nce with Bonneville Scllool l)lstr!ct mn listed as an ''.acldltlonal in~ured" shall be ~ubmitted to the Oi•trlct within ten (10) days of the date of this Agreement. KWIOu~e Inc. agrees thatas an independentwntnelor It is not eligible for dlst1·d benefits of~ny kiotl. Kl.aDuke Inc. also agrees to malnt;iln llabillly lt\sm-ance In the minimum amountof$1,000,000.00 and worker'5 compensation coverage for It• ~p!oyees. II Kt.al>uke Inc. does not have worke r's compe nsation, l(LaOuke Inc. will pay$ .5Sforeverv $10() bllled. This witl be deducted in the Invoice. 1Jcm11eville JI. School Dis11'icl -Ser vice {'1·ovirlcr Agree me nt IN WITNESS WHER~OF, tlw parties h e1eto have caused this instrument to be e xe;;uted In their names by their proper official< pursuant to approval of their respective boards on this Ztft-(.Jav of{P< . 2018. C<1ntrador SWnature :po ~_.[f_f_I___ D/'~jS f'b Add~ss 13onnelfille Jl. School District-Sewicc Provider Agree111e111: