HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-19 Speech and Language Clinic Rehabilitation CenterBONNEVllle SCHOOLDISTRICT #93 Contractual Agreement with Speech and language Clinic Rehabillt~tlon Center JHIS.AGRE'EMENTe11lered into between Bonneville> Schoel District #S3, hereby known as the District, haviog a pr.fnclpol place of business at 31197 N. Ammon Ro8d, ldaho fdlls, Idaho, and Speech and lani:uai:;e ginlc~!li!ll!!l!!!!!9Jt£~~!:. hereby known as the Contractor. The following service(s) requested: ~eech and L<ittguage Oates ofservice: beginning August 20, 2018 thtough June 30, 201B Hours of service: at the rate of$ 65 perhour for speech pathologtsts/ $ 28 perhour for speech paraprofessionals. C<se load: not to exceed 42.S students per therapistjparaprofessional Daily. billing hours: not to e~ceed 7 ho111s per day Contractor !'<iquirements attached hereto a re made a part of th!s contract. The parties agrP.e that the Contractor is solely re~ponsible for all costs and expenses Incurred in connection with the performance of those services described in this agreement unle~s noted above. 1. The Contractor agrees to provide special education and/or related serv;ces in accordance with the following state and federal laws and regulations: IdahoCode; Idaho St'ate Board of F.ducation Regulations pertaining to special education; Idaho Special Education Manual; the lndivlduols with Disabilities Education Act; Part 34 of the Code of Fed~ral Regulations Sections 300.300·300.349 and 300.40l>-300.S6; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act; Part 104 of the Code of Federal Regulations; and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. These regulations include, but are not limited to, provisions relati11g to: a. FAPE b. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) c. Personnel who meet appropriate standards cl. Individualized Education Progr<>ms (IEPs) e. Parent participation f. Procedural safeguards g. Protection i11 evaluation procedures II. Confidentiality ofinform•tinn i. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap 2. The <.:ontractor agrees to provide education and/ot ralated services for Identified student(s) including: a. The appropri~te staff and oversight to Implement l~Ps for each student as determined by the school IEP team; BonnevilleJt. School n1s111ct -Se1v:ice ProviderARreemenr Page J. b. Services to the students according to the school district's C\lrTAnt school calendar (attached}, eKclu<ling emergency school d0$Ures or when student is absent. 3. The Contractor further agrlles to provide the District the following: a. Services as authorized rn the student's l~P/504; b. Oth~r scrvi~s as approved by the District such as conc.ultations, RTI meetings, lnjuri..s, meetings \Nftf\ families an~/or tead1ars and evaluations fur studehts not on IEPs; c. Assurance that <ill work will be J)€rforme d in accordance with the highest profo~ional st.Jndnrlls; d. A copy of the service provider's Staff Qualifications ~howlng professional credP.ntlals for the district's files; e. Verification all employe~s·who come into contPCt wirh the student have been subject to a LT!mlnal background checkas required by Idaho Code 33-130 and h;,w been determined to not have a criminal history lr>consistent with working with children. f. Daily completion of the District's report as a means of writt1m documentation for service days, limes and results ofservices provided for ~ach student. as per th~ IF.:P. g. Submission of blUing to Director of Feder~! Programs for soflllces ·provide provided within 30 days ofthe date ofthe service 'provided. Additional hoors wrn be compensated at the same rate, providP.d that the additioMI hours, over and above those stated, have received prior written approval of the Director of Federal Programs. All invoices should be numbered and dated showing the dates and hours ofservice provided for each student. h. Certificate of Uablllty Insurance. -i. Proof ofWorker's Compensation coverase. j. Ongoir¥g progress reports used to mo11itor each student's progress toward lf;P goals and objectives. k. Veriffcation the contractor personnel responsiblafor pr1>vldlng special education and related services meet the highest entry-le)lef stab! standards for the appropriate occupatiot1 category. 4. If the st.,dent is no longer receiving services from the Contractor for any reason, the Contractor shall Inform the District, and the obligation of the Dlst<kl to pay for services will cease as of the last day ofservice provided. 5. The Contractor and the DistrH:t agree to comply with all pertinent statues of the State of Idaho and such rules and regulations as the State Board of Education rr.ay legally prescrllie, which are by reference Incorporated in and made a part of this Contract as tho~h set forth herein. G. The District assur&~ that·health·l'Cl~tccl services or PfOgr::im plaoemont will begin after h•ving conducted an IEP team meeting to develop an l~P. The Contractor, at the District's discretion, may request or attend subsequent IEPteam meetings to revise the stOdent's IOP, but a District representative must particlp;itein all such mccUn8$. 7, The District will pay the Contrsctor basert Qn ~ubmission of an Invoice with docurnentation as described in 3.g. and pa;t the invoica within 30 days of ilS receipt. 8. The QIstrict will provide documentation necessary for the Contractor to carry out thP. portion of• the IEP-that falls under ContraQlor resporn;ibility. -· . Rnnneviile ft School District-Service Provider Agreement Page2 -- 9. The Olstrlct·may terminate this Agr~P.ln~l'lt immediately if the District determines that Contl'actor has wlllllllly violated any statutory rnqulrement orgov~rnrnent re(1\.11ation or the se1·vices rele«fd to this.Agreement are modlflnd or terminated for a student. Either party rnay terminate this Agreement Without cause upon providing 60 days written notice to the other party. 10. Contractor sh~ll be solely liable for any losses or damages resultlng from performance of any of the services·covered by this Agreement Contractor shall indernnlf\' and hold harmless the District from.any liability, induding, but not limi~rl to, cost, E!)(J)enses, and ~ttomey fees, rcsultfng from Contractor's performance of the servil:es provided under this Agreement. Proot of linbllity insurance with Bonneville School Olstrltt 1193 listed as ~n "additional Insured" shall ilr. subrnilled to the ()fstr.ict within ten (10) days of the date of thl~ Agreement. 11. The Contractor and District agre~thatth<>.y will meet and r"view this contract a11nually. The contractor, agrees that as an independent contractor ItIs not eliglble for district bel\elits of any kind. The contractor, also agreas to maintain liability insurance in the minim11m amount Qf $1,000,000.00 and worker's compensation coverage for its employees. IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, the 1>3rlles hereto ha"" caused th~ Instrument to be executed mdlelr names by thP.lr proper offlclals pursuant to approval of their respective boards on this 27th day of August, 2018 . ..Su.perifltend~nt/Oc.signee Si~naLttro Ronne'Jillc Jr. Scl1ocl lllsl1:ict193 1 taa.s ~-lh.ikliW .t>r_..... ".(..1-rUoo fa 1.b.,'IC 8~4oI Alldrt>ss Donucvill" jl. School f1Jstrict -Service Prnvldec /igreemant Page 3 ·-··· .....-..----­