HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeadwaters GMP#1 Black Canyon Middle School 04-24-2019I Al.A Document A133"' -2009 Exhibit A Guaranteed Maximun1 Price Amendment for !he following PROJECT: Black Canyon Middle School for Ilonneville School District No. 93 4928 R. lxl Sirccl, Idaho FnUs, ID 8.34-01 THE OWNER: Bonneville Joinl School District No. 93 3497 :-l. Amrnon Jloacl Idaho l'•ll~, 11) 8340 I THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Headwate!'s Constl"Uction Compa11y 639 W. 9500 S., Ste I Viclor, JV 83455 ARTICLEA.1 § A.1.1 Guaranteea Maximum Price Pursnaut oo Section 2.2.6 of the Ab"':cmcnL, the Owner and CunslnJclicm M•nagcr ltcrchy amend the Agreement to cstablixh a Ouarantecd MllXimum Price. As "!.""Ced hy the Owner aud Collstluctiol' :\·fan:igcr, the (iuarantccd lvlaximtnn Price is an amount that the (~onlract Sum ohall nof exceect The (;ontract Sun1 conxi:<L~ ofthe (~onstruclion Manag\."T"'s Fee plus the Cost of the \>fork,""' that u,,,n ix definc<I in Article 6 orlhix Agrc<-"nml. § A.1.1.1 The Conna<.,i Sum is !."WlrantccJ by the CunxlrucLion M•nng<.-r nol to exceed twenty-six million twenty thuu.<and throe !1undn:d Jtny-cight dollars and no ce11ls (S 26,020,358.00), suhjcct to au<.litions and dcduetiu11x by Clcange Order as provided in the Contract Oocum;;nts. § A.1.1.2 lteniized Statement oflhe Guaranteed Maximum Price. Provided below is M itemized state1nent of the <ruan1ntccd rv1~ximum Price org;.tni~c<l by trade categoric~. a.llo\vances, cont;ngcnclt-s, alk..-matc:<, the (:onstruclion rv1~n1:1.gcr's Fee, aud other iten1s that comprise the Guaranteed Maxirnurn !'rice. (Provide be.low"" >V!fe,.encl! an attachment.) Attached hereto as "Alack Canyon Middle School" (iMI' l'm11osal l'ackcl dated April 16, 2019 -Section I. (iuanmlccd Maximum Price l'ropus.1! § A.1.1.3 The C'TUarantec<I Maximum J>1iec is basccl on the following altem•Les, i rany. \Vhich a.re described in the ( ;ontracl Document:< and arc hereby acccplc<l by the ()v.·11t.'1": (Swte the 1111111be.1:s orotlw>· idi!ntificalim1 "facceple1! olteniaf<".<. Ifthe Co11trael Docun1ents pern1il the ()1~uel'fn ar.r:c1>t nthr.r alternates ,,·uhsequent ta the e.-.:e~utiou ofthis A1ne1,dment, altncl1 (;t .sr:hedu/e f?f'such ntlu~1· alten1ates shnlviug tlte a11uJuntjhr each an,/ the date H'iu~n rhe a1nount expire..".) Attoched herelo as "Black Canyon Middle School" ( iMP Proposal l'ackcl <lilLccl April 16, 2019 -Section 2. Basis of F.~timatc §A.1.1.4 Allownnces included in the G1"1r.mtccd 11-faximum Price, if any: (fde11tify 11l/uwa11ce ruut stare P.J<c/u.<iom, ifrmy,ji-om lhP. f1lif>wa11c• 1>rir:e.) ADDITIONS ANO DELETIONS: The author of this doC\Jnlant has added infornlation tlaeded IOt ils compl~1loo. Th& aulhor ma)' also have revised lhe text of the original AIA standard tom1. An Add;tions and Oel<>~onsR&pott th.i •1oles added if\ronnalion ~s weU as revisions to the standard form text is available from lhc author and should b4 ravla\VOO. A v~ftlc;.')t linA in lh& lafl n.argin of this document indicates 'Hhere the autllor has 3dded necessary infornlation and \\ift&r& th& author h~s added lo <.}r deleted (rQ1n tt1e original /:YA text. This doa.in-.ont has in1porrant lagal 0011s&'ltl&M.es. Consultation with an attorney is. encouraged with respect to its completion or modification. AIA f)ocurnentA201 11~-2001, General Conditions of tile Contract for Construction, Is adopt9d In th!$ dowm&1\l by ~f~ref\eij, IX> not use \Vith other general oonditions unless this document is rnodifiod. AtA Docun\ent A133'N -2009 Exhibit A. Copvright© 1991. 2003 end 2009 by The Arnarican ln$lituW uf A1ci1ilec.:l.s. All rights re:s.erv11d. WARNING: Thi5 AJA.,::,lnlt. 00'1.lnl<:nt b protected by U.S. Copyright Law end lnternsfionaf Treaties. lln11u1.horiz:ed raproduction or distribution of this. AJA'6 Document, or any pottion of k, m.:\y r~$\.lll In $C:V~tt ck.ill and erlmlna1 pe:nulttee., and wf\I ~proseooted to the maximum e:ctent pos5ibl:e under the law. nv,. doo.iment 11.ias p:oducecl by AJA K1!lv1i>1~ e>l t6:3~:01 eron 04/t 7/2019 lll\dCf <XdlX No.Oti6U80:$0$g whi(h expires on 0312612020, and is not for re$ale. User Note-s: (13S9t49364) 1 Item Price ($0.00) WcalhL.·r ( ;,,nditionx Alhnvancc $245,000 § A.1.1.5 A.sun1plions, i I'any, on which Lite (htltrnntood Ma~imum !'rice i$ bMctl: i\Uachcd hcrcfo as ''Ulack C~uyon Middle Seh0<)11' GMP Proposal Packet dated April 16, 201 \>-Scclion 2. B""i~ of F.:-ctimatc Thdlllllmutced Ma1<inouro l't'icc is based on $1,931,317 of value engineered cosr 1·eductiuns. As such, 1hc Owner agrees lo work with the Atchitect ru1d Cons1ruclion Manager lo achieve all value engineering, includi11g additional value c11gi11ccring should such be l'equired. Should the actual savings in value engineering come in less than the anticipated savings listed al>ove, I.he Owoe1· and C1>nslruction Manager agree to execute a Change Order for the diCTt'TCllCO. § A.1.1.6 The G11nrru11ced Maximum ['rice is based upou the following Snpplemeulary and other Condilions of the Contract: Document THkl Date Pages NIA § A.1.1.7 The Guarallleed Maximum l'rice is based upon the following Specificarions: (Jiither list lhe StJ11cifiwliuns here, ur rofor W M exMbit mracl1ed W this Agreeme111.) All•ched hereto as "t.llack Canyon Middle School" GMP Proposal Packet dated April 16, 2019-Section 3. l::numcration ofUocuments Section TIU& Date Pages § A.1.1.8 The Guaranteed Maximum hice is based upon the following 0rdwing$: (Eitlier lisr th" Drawi11gs here.. or refer to nn exlti/>it rxtttu:hed In thfa Agre"m•nr.j Atlnched hereto M "Black Cariyon Middle Sch(l(>I" GMP PTOposal racket darod April 16. 2019 -Sectiou 3. Enumeration of Documents Number Title Date § A.1.1.9 The G11ara111l:ed Maximum Price is h:JScd upon the following other <locumcnts and infonnatiou: (List any orhe» documents or i11fo»matio11 here, orrifer In an exliiMr nlfadi.d In thi.< A1veement.j Attached hereto as "Black Canyon Middle School" OMP Proposal Packet dated Ap1il 16, 2019 Section 4. Schedule ARTICLEA.2 §A.2.1 The anticipated date ofSubstmtfal Completion cstohlishc<I hy this AmL'1111mcnt: Co11tmctor shall achieve Substantial Completion for the Rlack Canyon Middle School by May G, 2021. _fa11l Jenkins -Di~1ric..t9.3 School Board Chairman Smntoo Marshall -President (Printed name and title) (f'rinl<:d nwno and litle) AIA Oocomanl A133'11 -2009 Ediil:lit A. Ct.li>)•ri:-jht© 1991. 2000 .llld 20~I>)• 'fhc Mlc1lcan Institute ofArchltcc~.AU righl$ rer>esved. WARNING: Thi& AJA~!nit. Document iii; prot&eled by U.S. Copyfight Lan ~ndfnto."ni111:!on.t1 Tr•atlos. UMulhorl:atd r•produc:lion tx <fi&tfibulion of this AIAt> Oacument, or any PQrtlon of II, may result in se~erecivil end criminal pena•ie:g, anCI will be prog.ecut&d te>the m;o:imum eldent por:;Gtbte under the law. Thb document YI& r>1odu~ed ':'J'j .i\I/\ soflw~re~113:3?.;01 F.T on 04/1712019 under Order No.OOG0803089 whidl e:<?ire'i' on 0312612020, and Is not for<esalc. User No-to$: (1389149364) 2