HomeMy WebLinkAboutPresence Learning 2015-16_4\ ^i - ;, Ptesence r- e.l t rr I n.\, Plelglqeleamlnr ConsuElnt Service! Agreel!e!! This Consulting Services Agreement ("Atreement") alonB with its accompanying Exhibits, issued on July 15, 2015 ("lssue Date"), is entered into as of July l, 2015 {the "Effective Date") by and between presencelearning, lnc., a Delaware corporation ("PresenceLearninS") and Bonneville loint School Dlstiict 93 with its principal place of operation in ldaho falls, lD (totether with its aSents, employees, and affiliates, "partner"). PresenceLearning and Partner are referred to herein individually as a "Party'' or collectively as the "Parties." 1, Services. presenceLearning will make available to Partner qualified clinicians and teachers, including but not limited to special education teachers, speech-lan8ua8e pathologists, psychologists, social workers, counselors, and occupational therapists (each, a "clinician") to provide supplemental educational services in accordance with the terms and conditions of Exhibits A and B, herein incorporated by reference, remotely or via the web, to Partner clients with identified or suspected specialneeds, including, but not limited to: a. lnstruction and instructional services; consultation and collaboration with teachers, parents and partner; initial and triennial assessments; adminlstrative and billint work; pre- and post.assessments and intervention services; maintenance of regular documentation of services provided, recommended service plan, services provided, and responsiveness to services as well as participation in Partner meetings, including, but not limited to, individualized education planninS meetin8s, as mutually aBreed by Partner and PresenceLearnins. CollectivelY, (the "Services"). 2. Schedule and Location of Services. Services will be provided exclusively via computer or telepractice, unless otherwise a8reed. 3. Service Levels and Terms. Parties aSree that services are to be provided as follows: a. Services for 250 clients "Client(s)") per month durin8 the term of this Agreement' b. Hourly rate of $75.(x) per hour ("Hourly Services Rate")' c. lnstallation tee of $51.50 per Client per year ("Technology Setup Fee")' 4. Fees. ln exchange for the Services, Partner agrees to pay PresenceLearning according to the following schedule: Monthly Payment Partner agrees to pay for Services at an Hourly Services Rate of 975.00 per hour. EfFect市 e for anv Servに es being provlded,om珀藤耐潮",町 thdmL●● PrcsencrL.rn$ng intokc $all rcprcscnt r flr ior Sll.{es b.aad oi hlxar dr*t ,25 ol.nts ('Mlnlmum OLntG)'l. P.rtncr rn y lhct to rducr tlb lltrrhxlm Ohflt numbcr by provulnt wrtttan rctkc to Prtsancctaarnltf drbllhg s9cdfr" amad Ol.nt3 th.t hev. rhhcr (il lchlar.d thclr IEP to.b .nd no lol|lr rrqlha San lcrr undlr thclr IEP or (lll tru no lorqcr cnrollcd ln Partncr's schoo{r}, lf tlt! tool aumbcr of Ohnts dro03 b.low th. numbcr of Mlnlmum OLnts ln arry dum gdr, EIEl.frt[! s to ,nrk . tot.l mlnlmum pryrnGnt of $42,1t :s0 (!$nl ts tlEldhssat clhffiI Hdlrly San krs R.tc t 2.5 hours) pGr mottth to Pfr6sreL@,.€ihtf ffinfr nottt L tted. Partner agrees to pay 951.5{l per Client per ycar who receivcs Servlces for an inttial tota!of S12,875.00. onllnc lnlthl md rrt nnLt a$rssrr.nts rh.ll blullql dttr ttrt*t'r-i*fff. fL Partner mv●Lo em torequest卜 persoo o…h崚 __由 “ | Minimum Cllents Set-Up Fee Assessments www..prc!e!qqle{!t!&!Q!! O preSenceLOarttni Cancellation Policy Equipment Kits a OT Manip●:abies smart Start 10ptiOnaり PresenceLearninS, but not cancelled with at least 24 hours adv'nce notice' PresenceLearnin8 commits in tood falth to make best efforts to use the tlmc for 'ny session cancelled with less than 24 hour notice for session make-ups, documentation or plannint work that would have been necessary re8ardless' Partner will onv b' iouromcm xrii. prcgFL.rtnitf ctell prwldc Prrtlrcr o 3l{S ol cul* mb .lr*I.s -,4 ttelas.tl ftcc of dr6c. Addklon l $t3 can br grrdtrr.d * $s pr rct, or, lndhdduel hctro of lqubmart mfy b: pudles:d lndlvHu$y rs nrrcgrr' occuortlonel Thcrary Manlouhbhs. PEsGnc.E.mkf, crn puddc Paulr dEt !!tGl of s.rttrlh occupation.l thct Py manlpuhtrbs rt $33 Pcr $t, plt8 $bPl{ cEG, rl services from a staff member including some or all of the followint servlces client selection, school site selection, technical set-up, paraProfessional traininS, client scheduling, administrator orientation, school principal orientation, lT department training, school clinician traininE, parent orlentation(s), and sPEDinsBht traininS for t an additional fee dependent on implementation requirements' nccdcd. Smart Start presenceLearning mav provide t″o davs of onste implementat10n support ca鰤"島 hOteL and meaL“腱 “"rylin addluon to a""腱 mm綸 岬J●an 3 1上 製 」菫J聖 生 」堕ギ 具 」理型 寧 聖 豊 二 二 Partner agrees to pav preSenceLearning for Servlces that are scheduled wth bil:ed once fOr this time. ISignatures appear on the followinB pagel WWW 2rese∝J哩 コ|■ `Om -ar -i- -v Presence: r'Jirili)(jE, tN W|TNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this ASreement alonE with its Exhibits to be Natl9i -4 1,q_/A p fDr F€/ Tit:e:Co‐CEO 堕じグ勿/タ ダ Tlt:c ヵ ′fに つた 蹴α遷/4//5 Approved by the SiBnature:D試 o多 %イ ,-.] Pr"r"n."i r'.r rn I I)!i Erhi!!! !\: Terms and Condhions *rvkaa. Preiencelearnint will provde conqJltin8 servicer to Panner relatin8 to the proviiion of supplemental educational i€rvices as mandated by State and Federal law to Partne/s Clients (the "SeNic.s'l. The Services will be provided accordrnS the terms s€t forth in lhis ASre€ment and lts Erhibits. Pa^ner shall provide PresenceLearning with the environment, equipment and supeNision necesgary lorthe provision ol Servi(es as Jet fonh in Erhibit S' Fe6 and Payrnrnt Tarms ln consideration lor the seftices, Panner aSrees to paY PresenceLearnin8 in accordance with the fee rhedule ret lorth in this atreement All tees dua hereunder are non- refundable and are not continSent on any additional s€rvices to be provided. Partner lhall pay all amounts due withrn thiny (30)daYs of Prer€nael,earninE's invoice date Pa(ner v,ill promptly notifY PrerenceLearnint of anY disputed amounts and the reason for tuch dispute, but in no even later than 20 daYs from recerpt ol invoice Unle$ Presencelearning receives notice of anY such displ/te, within 20 days of receipr of such invoice, such invoice shall be considered undisputed and shall b€ due and Payabl€ no later than 30 days ol the dale of such rnvoi(e' outstandint balances shall accrue interest at a rate equal to the lesser of one and one halt p€rc€nt (1 596) per month or the maxrmum rate permitted bv applrcable law, hom due dale unlil paid, plus Prescncetearnint'5 reasonable costs ol colleclion' kBcncataarnlnt Mat.,l.la. Presencelearnint retains all ri8ht, title, and interest to any malerials and intellectual property that rt develops or provides a5 pan of Seruices. Partner a8ree5lo maintain (and nol supplement, remova, or modilY)allaopYriSht, trademark, or other proprietarY notices on such material5 Provided Pa'tner is not in breach of any term ol this ASreement, PreienceLearninS Srants Partner a non-erclusive, lamited license, which license 5hall terminate uDon erpiratron or termination of this A8reement, to reproduce and distribute the Materiall solely to assist in ihe provision of Seruices in accordance with the termt herein lndamnlfraatloi. Pa(ner shall indemnrlY and hold PresencetearninS harmles5 a8ainst any and all claims, demands, damates, liabilities and cosrs (includinS attorney'5 fees) incurred by PresenceLe.rning whrch directly or indirectlY result from, or arase in connection tvith, any netlitent act or omi5sion or willful misaonduct of Pa(ner, its at€nt5, or employees, Pe(aining to its activitiel and oblitations under this aSreement. PresenceLea.nins shall rndemnifY and hold Panner, harmless aSarn3t any and allclaims, dehandJ, damaSes, liebrlities and cortr lincludint anorney's feei) rncurred by Panner which direttly or indirectly result from, or arite in connection wilh, any neSlitent act or omitsion or willtul misaonduct ot Pres€ncelearninS, ili aSants, or employees, perlarninS to its activtiet and obli6alion5 under this ASreement. The roreSoinS obligations are condilioned upon: (a) prompt wntren notice by the andemnified partY to the indemnitYrng pariy of any claim, action or demand lor which indemnirY is claimed; (b) complete control of the defenre and ienlement thereof by the indemnityint pany, p.ovided lhat no settlement ol an indemnified clarm shall be made wathout the consent of the indemnifred party, such cons€nt not to be unreasonably wrthheld or delayed; .nd (c) reasonable cooperation by the indemnified party rn the alefense as the indemnifyinS pany may request. The indemnified party shali have the ri8ht to participate in the defense a8ainst the indemnifred clarms with counselot rts Ehoice at its own expente, Umlt tlon ot U.bllhly. ln no event will Presencelearnins be liable for any rocidental damagei, cont€quential damaget or any lost profilt .nsing from or relatint to this Agreement or to the Services, whether in contract or to.t or othaavise, even if PreSenceLearnint knew or 5hould have lnown of the possibilitY of tuch damages Prer!nceLearning's crrmulative IabilltV relalinB to thit Atreement will not exceed the actual feet paid by Panner to Pres€naeLeaminS durinB the school yea. for three (3) months immediately preaedinS the date on which a claim is made; provided that iuch amouni shall under no circumstancei exce€d S10,000. Panner acknowledSe! that the ASreement reflects an adequate and acceptable allocatlon of isk anc, that rn the absence ol the loretoin8 limitatront Contactor would not enter into the atre€ment. Other than with resp€ct to (i) infrinSement or mtseppropriation of PresenceLearnind5 intellectual p.operty raShts pursuant to seation 3 hereof, (ii) the parties' indemniflcition obtrtations pursuant to e<tion 4 hereof, (iii) Panne/s oblitalion to pay fe€s when theY become due an accordance with section 2 hereof, and (iv) breach of confidentialitY bv Partner pursuant to section 10, Partne/s cumulative liability relerinB to thi3 ASreement wrll not erceed rhe actual lees paid bY Partner to PresenceLearnins durlnS the tahool year for three 13) months immediately preaeding the date on whiah a claim is made; provided that such amount lhallunder no circumstance3 erceed S10.O0O 'on-solldtrtlon. Panner shall not, durinS the term of the ASreement and for one (1) Year thereaher, directlY or indnedly solicit, induce, or attempt to rnduce any PresenaeLealninS emplovee or contractor without Pres€ncetearninS's prior written consent. Ta.m.nd Ta.min tlon. This Agre€ment shall be in eltect.s of the Effective oate and shall continue unlil lune 30,2016 lthe "lniliel rerm-). upon the exprrction or termination ol lhrs Agreement for eny reason, all amounts owed to PresenceLearning under this Agreement, which aacrued b€fore such termination, or erpa.atlon Y'ill be immediately due and payable. ln addition to the post_termination obligalions in ihis Section 7, Se.tion5 3 throu8h 14 Yrill survive anY expiratron ol (ehination of thi5 Atre€ment. ln cese of early termination priof to the end of the lnitirl Term other then lor breach by Presencetearnint, Partner shall paY a cancelation tee of 5750 per Clent, multiplied by the greater of either' (a) the minimum number ol Clients or (b) the br8est number of Clients Served in anY tiven month dunnt any term hereof. DBcl.ini.r ol Wrrrantiaa. Subject to the warrantiet and reprer€ntatlons ret out in sectaon 13 hereol, the seNicet are provided -as k' without any warrantY and Presence[earnint exprerlly disalaim5 any and all wa(anties, exprelt, implied, or statulory, including wafianties ol title, nonintrintement, fierchantabrlity, and ,itness lor a panicular purpose. Udltad Guaraate of Tha.apbt lvallablllty. l, this ASreement is nol elned by Partner wrlhin thiny (30) calendar days of the lssue oate, PreJenceLearnins does not 8uarante€ sutficlent clinician availabiliw to provide required S€rvices. ( thi5 agreement is sitned by Pa(ner within 30 days of the lsiue oate, PresenceLearning do€s guaGntee suff icient clinacrans provrde required Services- Conid.nlLlity. Panner undersbnds that i! may receive confidential end propaetary rnformat,on relating io PresenceLearning'3 business. Partner aSrees that the PresenceLearnint proprietary information is confrdential and il ihe sole, erclusive and extremelv valuable prop€rty of PresenceLearnin!. lt is understood and agreed that money damates woutd not be a sufficient remedy for any panne/s 6. 7, wryyv..p1e1q4_q q-144q19. com ○PTesenceLea rn tnt; breach of confidentlalatY and that Prrsencel'earnint shall be entilled to specific per{ormance, includrnS, wtthout hmitation, iniunctive relief, as a remedY lor anY auch breach bY lhe Panner in anY coun ol competent iurisdidion. Such remedY shall nor be deemed to b€ lhe erclusive remedy lor breach of confidentialalY but shall b€ in addition to all other .emedies availeble at law or equity. PresenceLearninS acknowledSes its obliSation to complv wrth alt federal and state laws reSardint privacy includin& but not limited lo, the family Educational Rrthts and PrivacY Act (FERPA) and the ldaho Student Oata Accestibility, Transparency, and Accounlability Act of 2014 (ldaho Oata AacountabilltY Act) PresenceLearnins a8rees that all information r€tardinS rervices provrded puriuant lo thr3 Agreement, includin& but nol limitcd !o, a 3tudenfi identity, shall b€ confidential. Prelence[earnrnS ic prohibited from disalotnS anY inlormation obtained as a relult of rendering Servic$ purtuant to this Agreement to anY individual not authorired and dire<ted by the School Oittrict, or witholrt the consent ot the parent/guardian or the student, il 18years ol age or older. STUOENT OATA PRIVACY AND SECURITY: PTE5€NCELEAINiNS acknowled8es rts obliSation to complY with the ldaho oata AccountabilitY Act, ldaho Code Sect,on 33_133- Pres€ncetearnrng covenants and repreients as tollowi: (i) PresenceLearnins agrees that alr informatbn regardinB Services provaded pursuan! to this Agreement, InaludinS, but not lihited to, the sludcnt's identity and the nature of services rendered, shall be confideotral and cooplY with all lederal and state lavrs; (ri) Pres€nceLearning represents and \rarrants tha! it has in place Administrative Security, Physical Securiry, and Lo6tcal SecurrtY controls lo protect lrom a Dara 8r€ech or unauthorired dala drsclogurei (iiil PresenceLearninS attees to re5trict access to PersonallY ldentifiable lnformation (Pll) to onlY authorired ttaff who requlre guch access to perform their assiSned duties; (iv) PresenceLearning shall not use Student Data and Pll for sacondary uses includinS, but not limlted to, sales' marketinS' or adve(ising rn any manner other than in an anonYmized and ag8regate formau (v) PresenceLearnins a8rees to indemnity and hold harmless the S.hool Oistrict from any liability arisrnt out of noncompliance wrth state and federal law reSardinS Student oata Privacy and Securiryj and (vi) PresenceLearnint rlpresents and warrants that it hat an appropriate recordg retention sahedule and/or policy tor the destruction ot dala PENALTIES FOR PRTSENC€LIARNING'S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH STUOENT DATA PRIVACY ANO SECURITY Penalties in (ase non compliance by PresencetearninS with state and federal law or its covenants and repret€ntations retardinS Student Data Privacy and Security, as set forth in this agre€ment, will be assessed at the reasonable drsaretion of School District's goard of Trustees and may include, but are not limited to: (i) lmmediete termination of any contracts with the khool oistrict without cause and lor convenience, without recorJrse by PresenceLearnins; (tr) a two-year ban on PreenceLearnrns's abilrty to contract and provide services to the School Districti and {iii) any other sanction the School Distric(i Eoard of Trrrstees deems proper and eppropriate under the circum5tance5. DEFINITIONS 'Adminastrative SecuriV' consists of policies, procedures, and perionnel controls inaludinS security policieg, trainrng, and audits, technrcal rrainrng,,upeNisron, reparation of duties, rotation of duties, recruitinS and termination procedures, user access control, baclground checks, performance evaluationt, and disaster recovery, continSency, and emergenay ptanJ. These measures entura that aulhorized user3 know and unde6tand how to propertY us€ the system in orderto maintain te<urily of data.' "Data Breach" is the unauthorired acquisition of PII 'Lo8i6l Security" conists of toftware 5.fe8uard5 for an orSanrration's systlms, includinS u*r identificetion and palsword access, authenticatin& acce3s ri8hts and authoritY levels. These measurel ensure tha! onlY authoriled u5ers are able !o perform aclions or acce33 information in a network or a workstation "Perionally ldent'fiable lnlormation (Pll)" includes: a student's namei the name of a 5tudent's familY;the student's address; the studcnts' so<ial se(urity number; a student educatron unique identificalion number or biom€tric record; o. other indked ident iers such as a st'rdehfr date of birth, place of birlh or mothe/t marden name; and other rnformation that alone or in combination is linked or linkable to a specific sludent that would allow a reaionable p€rion in the school community who do€s noi have p€r$nal knowled8e of the relevant circumstances, to identify the 3tudent. 'Physical Security- describes tecuritY meesuret desitned to deny unauthori2ed access to facilrtres or equiPment, "Student oa!a" meanl data collected at the student level and included an a $udenf s ed uaataona I records. "unauthorired Oata Dis(losure- is the intentional or unintentional release of Pllto an unauthorired p€rson or untrusted environment Mlt alLan.oll3. This Agreement will b€ Soverned by the laws of the State of ldaho (wilhout tivinS eftect to any conflic of lawg prin€iple5 that p.ovide for the appricition of the law of another iurisdiction). The waiver of a breach of any lerm hereof will in no way be construed as a waNer ol any other term or breach hereof. lf anY provi$on of thrs ASreement i5 held by a coun ot compatent iurisdiction to be unenforceable, the remarnint provisioos ol this A8reemeni w'll rehain in lull force and effeat. lhe headinSs rn this Agreement do not affect {s interpretation. Thrs ASreement mav only b€ amended by the mutual consent of the Pa(ies in writinS. This Agreement constitutes the entire aSreement between ihe Parties retardinS the services, and supert€det all prior or conlemporaneous a8reements and understandinSt between the Paftiei relaonS to the SeNices, Partna, Lpltt.ntatlonr. Panner hereby represents and warrants to Pres€nceLearnint as followt: (l) Partner has the ritht, power, and authority to enter rnto and p€rlorm its oblitations under thiS Atreement, lii) Panner has obtained all necessary consents in accordance with its op€rations to erecute and dellver this &reement and perfo.m its obligations under thii aSreement, (iii) the undersign€d has the riSh!, power and aulhor(Y to enler into this agreement on behall of Panner, (iv) this ASreement conltitutes the lelal, valid and bindint obliSation ol Panner, enlorceable atainst Panncr in acco.dance with its terms, iubject only to the et ect, it any, of (A)applicable bankruptcy and orher similar laws affectinS the n8hts ol creditors tenerally and (g) rules ot law 8overnint tpecifia performance, injunctive relief and other equitable remadies, and (v) the execution, delivery, performance of and comptance with thir ASreement vrill not, rxith )r withoiit the pasiate of time, resuk in any violarion or be in conllict with or connituta a delauk under any contract to whiah Panner is a perty or any terms or provistons thereol. Prasrncataarnlnt Rrprtaantatbna. Presencelearning hereby repreJants and warrants to Panner as follows: (i) Pre*ncelearnrng ha3 the ri8ht, power, and autho.ity to enter into and p€rform its obligationt under this Atreement, (ii) Pres€nceLearning has obtained all nccassary coni€nt5 in aacordanae with i$ opeaations to erecute and deliver rhis ASreament and p€dorm its obligations under this 11, www=plesencelearq!19.994