HomeMy WebLinkAboutReading and Writing Project Network 2015-16August 20, 2015 Michaelena Hix Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 3497 N Ammon Road ldaho Falls, ID 83401 Dear Michaelena, This letter describes the 2015 contractual relationship between the Reading and Writing Project Network and Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 for professional development services to be rendered by the Network to the district. The specific :urangements outlined here were developed over the past weeks through conversations between Reading & Writing Project Network staff and district personnel. Your district has agreed to purchase services totaling $23,500. These services include: Units of Studv in Opinion. Information. and Narrative Writine Conference # Cost Subtotal October lst and 2nd, 2015 I . Professional Development and Site based coacbing as detailed: . 2 On site days with a K-2 presenter 2 $5,000 $10,000o 2 On site days with a 3-5 presenter 2 $5,000 S10,000o I On site day with a 6-8 presenter | $3,500 $3,500 TOTAL $23,500**Additional Charges will be incurrcd if the number of participants exceeds the number agreed upon.**(Up to 65 Participants K-2 and 3-5, up to 40 / 6.8) **All participanls must have the books on hand for lhe presentation Payment We send our billing statements on a monthly basis, and will expect payment within 6 weeks of being invoiced. After 8 weeks, a l0% late fee will be added to your invoice. Audio and Video Recordins Making recordings ofany portion ofthis conference is unlawfirl and violates the rights of RWPN and the presenters. RWPN reserves all rights to bring legal action against any individuals believed to have engaged in unlawful recording, copying, sharing, or posting and/or any other violation of law, including without limitations copyright and privacy laws. Callcellatiolls Once yOu sign this contract we Wili rcscⅣe time to wOrk with you lt at a latcr date,budgetary or othcr constraints makc it necesstt fOr you to rescind on this agreemcnt then; ● You wi∥bc charged fOr any non―refundable expcnscs O We w∥I work tOgcther to reschcdulc thc visit iflt is at all possiblc ● Ifa rcscheduled visit is not possible,there will bc a 10%chargc On any datcs fOr、vhich we havc more than onc month's noticc and a 30%chargc for any canccllations with lcss than onc rnonth's noticc o lfthe canccllatiOn occurs aner thc stafFdcvclopment cOnsultant has departcd for the schcdulcd visl duc to a“forcc maJcurc"(Such as,but not limitcd to a public emcrgcncy or calalnity ic: snowstollll,b∥77nrd,war,stjkc,flrc),thCrc will be a 50%fee fOr the schcdulcd宙 sit to compcnsatc the stafFdcvclopmcnt consultant fOr thc 10ss ofwOrk Wc assume that you sharc Our commitmentto making this、vork prOductivc sO that it rnakcs a difference in yOur schooヽ Ifwe deterlnlnc thc constrJnts are such that we arc unable to provldc a high Lvd Of tcacher educa●on,we rescrvc thc right to cancel mrthcr work in your schoOls ln such casc,wc wi∥be availablc for discussion;however,thc situation will have tO bc remcdicd to our inutual satisfaction in ordcr fbr us tO cOntinue the wOrk lfthe infomatiOll ill this letter is correct,Plense sign tLis letter and returllit lo Kathy Neville. If thcrc is a discrcpancy bc●vccn the speciflc dctails in this letter and your understanding of our agrccment pleasc cmail Kathlccn Ne宙 nc at kath〕【≧cadi襲 姿ndwritingprttct cOm To hclp you preparc accuratc purchase orders,please llote that payment should be IIlade to: The Reading and W」ting PrOJect NetworL LLC 18 Pelbam Lane RIdgerleld,Collllecticut 06877 (EIN 3卜 lll117231) We look forward tO working together this ycar Sincerely, ご 、,r_ Lucy McCormick Calkins Founding Director Copy to Kathy Neville Readinq and Writinq Project Network Contract @ Ara Ut| av and between Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 and the Readins and Writine Proi'ect Network. The parties hereby agree to the terms,hs and conditions ofthis agreement as stated: Signed by Datc 午 Request fbr Taxpaver ]dentncatiOn Number and Certi■catlon Nemは ,LLC OIYt Fomr to lh. ru(tlcrtaf. oo lFt lcnd to r. n8. 10pt Ona) Ersrytbni (.e tubEtqE)l Erdnpt pr!/.. 6rd6 (t ,n9 ErdYlplbn tsn F TC r#.tiB codo trf any) nant and… Fcrm W‐