HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNVC 2019-2020AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT SERVICES This Agreement to Provide Profess ional Services ("Agreemen t"), entered into March 10, 2020 , betwee n BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT #93, hereinafter r eferred to as "Ow ne r" and UNVC, LLC, hereinafter referred to a s "Consultant." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Owner is duly authorized to employ the Consultant to provide and perform t he professional services required for the co n struction documents for the following h e r einafter referred to as the "Project": Black Canyo n Middle S ch ool, approximate construction cos t of $26,000,000, approximate square footage of 135 ,000. WHEREAS, the Co n s ulta nt warrants that he/s he is licensed, as r e quir ed by the State of Idaho, to practice his/h er profession in the State of Idaho and not paid or agreed to pay t o a ny Owner's employee a ny co mpensation, contingent or otherw ise , either direc tl y o r indirectly, in the so licitation, procurem ent or execution of this Agreement. THEREFORE, in consid eration of the mutual cove nants and co ndition s herein provide d , th e Owner doe s here by e mploy the Consultant to perform the professional servic es and wo rk required to satis factorily comple te the Project and the Consultant agrees to expeditiously perform such r e quir·ed services and work. Further, the Parties covenant and agree as follow s : ARTICLE 1: OWNERSHIP AND USE OF DOCUMENTS Any drawings , reports, studies, photographs, negatives or other documents pre pared by the Co n s ultant in the performance of this Agre ement shall be the exclusive property of the Owne r and a ll s u ch material s h all be remitted to the Owner by the Consultant upon completion, t ermination or cancellation of this Agreement. The Consultant s h all no t s u e , willingly allow or cause to have s uch ma terials u se d for any purpose other t han in the performance of th e Cons ulta nt's obligations under this Agreement, without prior writ t e n co nse nt of the Owner. ARTICLE 2: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Owner and Consultant agree t hat this Ag r eem e nt s hall be binding up on the Owner and up on the Consul tant, his/h er partne r s and s uccessor s . The Consul tant shall not assign, t r ansfe r nor de legat e any rights , obligation s, monies or duties under this Agreement without prior written consent of the Owner. ARTICLE 3: NOTICES Owne r and Co ns ulta nt agree th a t any written notice s hall b e co n sidere d served when se n t to either party via e m a il, or r egiste red/ce r t ified mail to the follo wi ng respective P a r ties: OWNER CONSULTANT Bonneville School District #93 Utah New Vision Construction, LLC Pmchasing D ep artment 113 50 E 18625 S. #118, Mt. Pleasant , UT 84647 Attn: Address: Phone: (435) 85 1-4162 Phone : Email: jburningham@unvc.net Email: Page 1 of 5 ARTICLE 4: MODIFICATIONS AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT This Agreement may be amended or terminated by mutual written consent of t h e Parties h ereto. The Owner specifically reserves to itself the r ig h t at any time to terminate t his Agree ment seve n (7) cale ndar days after having ser ved the Consultant with a writte n not ice of termination. A breach of any of the warranted provis ions concerning professio n al lice nses, nondiscrimination or payment to Ow ner's officer s or employees by Consultant as set fo rth in this Agreement s hall g ive the Owner the right to terminate this Agreement w itho ut fur t her compen sation or paym ent to the Consultant. Upon termination, for other than a brea ch of a warr anted provision, t he Owner s h a ll make payments to the Consultant of a ll fees du e . b ut unpaid for ser vices or work comp leted to the dissatisfaction of the Owne r . The makin g o f s u c h pay me nts by the Owner s hall co n stitute a complete release of a ll r esponsibiliti es of the Owner t o the Consultant under the terms of this Agree me nt. ARTICLE 5: FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES Under the terms of this Agreement, t he Consultant warrants that he/s he s h all not discriminate nor allow discriminat i on against any e mployee nor application for employ m e nt based on race, color, religion , ancestry, sex, or natio na l origin. The Cons ultant shall pe rmit the Owner access to his/her records of emp loy m ent, emp loyment advertisement, and othe r pertine nt data r elative to t his provis io n for a period of seven (7) years after terminatio n of this Agreement. ARTICLE 6: TIME Time s h all be of t h e essence under this Agreement and the Consultant agr ees to satisfactorily comp lete a ll profess ional services and work by May 31, 2022. Failure to comply wi t h th e time schedule set forth in this Agreeme nt may be determined to cause for termination of this Agreement. The Owner will give co n s ideration to requests for time e xtensions for d e lays b eyo nd the Consultant's co ntrol. ARTICLE 7: CLAIMS Shoul d any claim be brought, or action brought, either directly or indirectly rel a ti ng t o the Co n s ulta nt's professional ser vic es under this Agreement, the Consultant s h a ll render to the Owner, without compensation, any proper a nd necessary assistance which the Owner may require, provided however, that ifthe claim is the res ult of action or neglige nc e by the Owner , the Cons ultant s hall be reimbursed by t h e Ow ner for a ny assis tance he/s he may be required to provid e. ARTICLE 8: INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The P arties agree that the Consultant is a n independent co n tractor. ARTICLE 9: OWNER APPROVAL Approval by the Owner o f a ny documents, services , or work provided by the Consultant u n de r t h e terms of this Agreement s hall not r elieve t he Consultant of responsibility for p e rformi ng professional services in accordance with the reason ab le a nd ordinary standards of care. ARTICLE 10: OWNER APPROVAL Approval by the Owner of a n y documents, services, or work provi ded by the Consultant und e r the terms of this Agreement s hall n ot relieve t h e Consul tant of responsi bility for perform i ng professional services in accordance with t he reasonable and ordinary standards of car e . o review by the Owner or any e ntity/u ser, or payment for any of the servic es required und e r this Agreement s hall be construed t o operate as a waiver by the Owner of any r ight und er this Ag r ee me nt or of any ca u se of action aris ing out of the performance or nonperformance of Page 2 o f 5 this Agreeme n t , a nd the Co n s ultant shall be and remain li able to the Owne r in a ccordance w ith applica bl e law for a ll damages to t h e Owner caused by the Cons ultan t's a ct s, error s a nd/or omissions . ARTICLE 11: CERTI FICATES OF INSURANCE LIABILITY Prior to proceeding with the professiona l servi ces covered by t h is Agreeme n t , t he Co nsultant s hall, at the Co n s ulta nt's so le expe nse, procure, mainta in a nd keep in force insuran ce co nforming to the following limits ; a nd s hall provide t he Owner wi t h a c urrent a nd va lid Certificate of Ins ura n ce Liability ("Ce rtificate"): • General Li ability ins ura n ce in the a m ount of $1,000 ,000 per occurre nc e with an Aggregate of no less than $3 ,000 ,000 ; • Automobile Liability in t h e amount of $1 ,000 ,000 for each occ urre n ce (n o aggr e gate limits s ha ll app ly to Automobile Liability); • Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions) in the amount of $1,000 ,000 ; • Workers' Co m pensation ins ura n ce in t h e amount of$1,000,000 including all s t a tutory r equirem e n ts of t he State of Idaho. • All lia bility coverage s h a ll cover the period of desi gn a nd co n s t ruction of the proj ec t a n d for a p eriod of thre e (1) year s following the clo se of t h e Project. The Ce rt ificate must be s igne d by a person a u t h orized to bind coverage on the be h alf of the Con s ultan t. The Ce r t ificate must n a m e t he Owner as t h e Ce rtificate Holder as follow s : Bonneville School Dis trict (address) F or t h e purpose of s ub s tantia ting the r e quire me n t of the Owner to be name d as an "Additional I nsured ' t h e Certificate's "Description of Operation s /LocationsNe hicles" sectio n s h all stat e t he following: The Bonne ville S chool District #93, its officers, ernployees and voluntee r s are to be named as a n Additional Insured on the Consultant's Ge neral Liability. The cove rages shall con ta in no special limita ti ons on the scope of protecti on afforded t o th e Bonneville SD, its officers, employees, agents or vo l unt eers. The Certificate s hould state that a ny of the d escribed po li ci es be cancelled be fore the exp irat ion d a t e ther eo f, n otice w ill be delivered in accordance with t h e policy provis ions. Furthe rmor e, each ins ura n ce policy s ha ll not be s u spended, vo ided , cancel ed or non-re ne \\"ed by either the Cons ulta nt or t h e a uthorized Ins urer without a r ep lace ment Cert ifi cate being provided t o Owner. The Owner is not liable for the p aym ent of a ny premiums, d edu ctibles or any asse ssm e nts on a n y insurance policies purchased by the Co n s ultant. ARTICLE 12 : AGREEMENT MODIFICATIONS The Parties h ereto agree to the follow ing modifications to this Agreeme nt a nd r e lated inco rporated do c ume nts: [NONE APPLICABLE] ARTICLE 13: FEE P a ge 3 of 5 The Owner agrees to pay the Co n s ultant, as full comp en sati on, for the fu ll and fa i t hful performance of a ll professional services and work r equired b y this Agreement in the amount of Sixty Eigh t Thousa nd F our Hundred Dollars ($68,400). Comp e nsation s hall be p a id by monthly progress payments based on comp leted work p e rce n tage. Completed work percentage s hall be ve rifi ed a nd approved by Owner's repr esentative. No additional m o nies , fees or compensation s hall be paid by the Owner without an approved written modifi catio n to t his Agreement. Upon accepta nce by the Co n sul ta nt of the final fee payme nt unde r t h e terms of this Agreement, as it may be modified by endorseme nt(s), t he Co n s ultant w a ives a ny and a ll claims for a ny additional fe es under this Agree m ent . ARTICLE 14: PAYMENT REQUESTS Progress paym e n t requ ests (invoices), Exhihtt B. mus t reference t h e Owne r 's Purchase Order number relevant to t his Agreeme nt and are to be s u bmitted with o ne (1) origi nal and one (l) copy of t h e invoice to: B onneville School District (address) A R T I CLE 15: S C OPE OF WORK T hi s . \g ree me nt includes the pro\·i s ions of the General T erms and Co ndition:-. of the Request for Qualificatio ns, 12.:3 .20 19 , B uil d ing S ystems Co mmission in g, dated D eccmbn :3. :201 9. a nd all of w h ic h a r e he r eby inco r porated by refere nce a s part of this Agreement ,l., il' fully :o;el fort h he rein ..\ddi ti o na lly. the C o nsultant'~ ~en·ices ::,hall include a l1 "Jrk de:-cr ihcd in the attached Cons ultant's proposal dated :2.2i>.20:20 (l•~nh an ced :-;cope).\\ hH·h 1.., attached hereto a s Exhibi t··"\ .. and incorpo rated a s part of thi s :\g re e ment . In case of' co n£1ict. the fo llO\Yi ng doc uments s u persede e a ch oth e r in accordance with the f()llu\\ 111:., hi erarc h: co d es and applicable Ia\\'. the body of this .\~Tee m ent. a nd Ex hi bit".\". Cons ul tant exp en ses for t ravel. lodgi n g. and meals. related directly to the scope of st'I'\'J<'t·:­ proposed in Exh i bit ''A " are th e responsibility of the co nsul t a nt a n d to he in cluch·d 111 1h· .\gre em e nt Fee . Additional expe nses for r nwe l. lodgin g. and mea b a~soci<:l tPcl w1 t h '! l<11 :-.co pe of work no t i nc lucled i n Exhibit ..A·' m u;;r be included in the add innnal It·•· agr ,.n ' ARTI CLE 15.1: C HA NGES I N SCOPE OF WORK .\ny changc!-i in the ;;cope of th e se n·ices to be perform0d unde r this .\grecnH nr ,;;hal' 1 · the form of a wr itten modification t o this :\greem ent. mutually agreed ro and "I:..n ed 1 \ a u t ho rize d rep r esentat ives of both parties. s pec ifying any s u cl1 changes. fcc. ad.Jtt:-lm•·nt, r es ulti ng t herefr om , a ny a dj ustme n t in ti me of perfo r ma nce . or any other s ignificant fu e l 1 ~ a ri s ing· fr o m t he c hanges in the scope of se n · ices . ARTICLE 16: GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This Agree ment s h a ll be constru e d and interpre t ed according to t h e laws of the Stat e of Idah o. ARTICLE 17: INDEMNIFI CATION Ow ner r equires the Co n s ultant to indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, a nd the e mployees, officer s and age n ts of t he public body from a n y li abilities, damage s, lo s s es, claims, actions or proceedings , including, without limitation, r e aso nable attorneys' fees and cos t s, t o t h e exten t t h at s u ch liabilities, d a mages, losses, claims , actions or procee dings ar e caus ed by t h e negligen ce , errors, omissions, recklessn ess or intentional misco nduct of the Cons ultant or t he employees or age nts of the Consultant in t h e pe rformance of t h e contract. The Owner r e quir es the Co n s ultant to d efend t he Owne r and employees, offi cers a nd age n ts of the p u b lic Pa ~e 4 o f 5 body with respect to t he liabilities, damages, losses, claims, action s or proceedings ca used by the neglige nce , e rrors, omiss ions , r ec klessness or intention al misconduct of the design profess iona l or the employees or age nts of the d es ign professional which are n ot based up o n or aris ing out of the professional service s of the Cons ultant. ARTICLE 18: ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agree ment co nstitutes the entire agreement between the Owner and Co nsultant a nd may be modifi ed only by a w ritten endorseme nt s i gned by both Parties. Nothing in t his Agreement shall be construed to give Consultant any contractual right to p erform furth e r desi gn servic es for the Project, or a ny portion thereof, beyond those services set forth above and in any incorporated d ocuments. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties h e reto have ca used this Agr eement to be signed and intend to be legally bound thereby. OWNER BONNEVILLE #93 SCHOOL DISTRICT Print Name: ftfhy Land-ers Reoo mmendmgA?: J_.-'•~ S1gnature: --=(.... "--------nru-IJl...L.>(.L14"-<-~-fi--F~~=-"""" Title: /3tJa0d Clta1v I I !JUrd &2tJDate: CONSULTANT UTAH NEW VISION CONSTRUCTION, LLC Print Name: J ohn Burningham Re co mmending Authority Signature: Title: Date: Fede ral Tax ID #: Page 5 o f 5 UNVC | SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING TIERED SERVICES PROPOSAL PAGE | 0 Bonneville School District #93 Systems Commissioning Services Tiered Services Proposal Black Canyon Middle School John Burningham 801.641.7270 jburningham@unvc.net Greg Cummings 435.851.4162 gcummings@unvc.net UNVC | SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING TIERED SERVICES PROPOSAL PAGE | 1 % SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING TIERED APPROACH Buildings differ in size, purpose, importance, budget, and performance level. The commissioning approach must align with them. Per our discussion with John Pymm we have provided a tiered proposal for your consideration. As discussed the basic approach is along the lines of a witnessing of contractor performed testing on a sampling of the equipment and systems. The enhanced approach is a full checkout of all systems and equipment led and performed by UNVC’s testing team. Additionally, UNVC will be onsite more frequently during the installation as a resource and to identify issues early. SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING ACTIVITIES BY SERVICE TIER Activity Systems Commissioning Activity Description Enhanced 100% Basic 20% Notes CONSTRUCTION PHASE ACTIVITIES Cx Kick Off Meeting UNVC to facilitate an in-person meeting for the project team with a review of the Cx process including roles, responsibilities, deliverables, schedule, OPR, and milestones. X X Given the schedule the SOO/controls meeting to follow the kickoff meeting same day. Sequence of Operations/Controls Integration Coordination Meetings UNVC to facilitate a (second) review of proposed controls strategies. Ensure participation of the MEP engineering team, building operators, subcontractors, and related vendors. Review to occur after submittals have been approved. X X Given the schedule the SOO/controls meeting to follow the kickoff meeting same day. Test and Balance Coordination Meeting Review the Test and Balance requirements with the project team to ensure the requirements are met as needed for commissioning and substantial completion. X Commissioning Meetings UNVC to facilitate with the project team periodic coordination meetings to review the X This approach provides and Site Inspections – commissioning effort. Issues to be reviewed typically include sequencing, constructability, 100% review of all systems. Enhanced Option testing, schedule, field issues, and resolutions. It is suggested that the building operators attend whenever possible. Site inspection of current MEP efforts also included. Frequency as follows: • Early Construction -Cx Kick Off meeting only • Construction/MEP Install -Onsite every third week • Testing/Substantial Completion -Onsite weekly/100% checkout Commissioning Meetings UNVC to facilitate with the project team periodic coordination meetings to review the X This approach provides just and Site Inspections – commissioning effort. Issues to be reviewed typically include sequencing, constructability, 20% review of all systems. Basic Option testing, schedule, field issues, and resolutions. It is suggested that the building operators attend whenever possible. Site inspection of current MEP efforts also included. Frequency as follows: • Early Construction -Cx Kick Off meeting only • Construction/MEP Install -Onsite monthly • Testing/Substantial Completion -Onsite weekly/20% checkout Site Observation Report Response General Contractor to document the efforts to remediate issues presented in the Cx site observation report. UNVC to document in issues log. X X UNVC | SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING TIERED SERVICES PROPOSAL PAGE | 2 % Activity Systems Commissioning Activity Description Enhanced 100% Basic 20% Notes Cx Process Tracking General Contractor to update the owner at each Owner/Architect/Contractor meeting. OAC meeting minutes to track the following: • Number of open Cx issues • Number of resolved issues • Date of last site observation/site test • Date of next site observation/site test • Major issues X X PFAT ACTIVITIES First Install Reviews UNVC to review first one to two installations of equipment to ensure proper installation per the construction documents, industry standards and manufacture's recommendations. This prevents errors from being repeated prior to PFAT. The following at a minimum are required: • Piping, including piping supports, underground, overhead • Duct, including sealing • Terminal equipment • Fan coil units • Piping insulation • Duct insulation • Overhead rack electrical distribution • Electrical voltage drops • Occupancy and daylighting sensor X First install review ensures subsequent installs are correct. Pre-Functional Acceptance Testing (PFAT) – UNVC Performed UNVC will create and fill out the PFAT forms for ALL pieces of equipment. UNVC to then visually review each piece of equipment at 100% to ensure proper installation of all the systems. • Mechanical equipment -100% • Lighting -100% • Panelboards -100% • Emergency electrical backup -100% • Plumbing fixtures -100% • Mixing valves -100% • Security access controls -100% • Electrical outlets -(2 per circuit) X UNVC (not the contractor) to visually verify 100%. Pre-Functional Acceptance Testing (PFAT) – Contractor Performed Contractor to fill PFAT forms as provided by UNVC. UNVC to check the forms, not the equipment, to verify proper installation. X UNVC reviews (contractor completed) forms only, no visual checkout. Static Testing – Contractor Performed Contractor to perform static testing and complete forms. UNVC to check the forms, not witness the testing, to verify static measurements. X X Contractor to ensure proper static testing. UNVC | SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING TIERED SERVICES PROPOSAL PAGE | 3 % Activity Systems Commissioning Activity Description Enhanced 100% Basic 20% Notes Start Up Testing – Contractor to perform start up testing per manufactures recommendations. UNVC provides X X Manufacture and No UNVC Witnessing no on-site witnessing, only reviews completed forms. UNVC to ensure that startup forms are completed by manufactures representative using manufactures recommended forms. • AHU • Boilers • Chillers • Pumps with VFDs • ERVS • Packaged RTUs • Dx condenser units (over 5 tonnes) • VRF units • Heat pumps (over 5 tonnes) • Generators • UPS systems contractor to ensure proper start up. FAT ACTIVITIES Test and Balance UNVC to review the T&B report and verify 10% of what is being reported. UNVC to ensure proper flows. X X Functional Acceptance UNVC will create Functional Acceptance Testing (FAT) forms. UNVC will perform all the X UNVC has a full testing Testing – UNVC Performed testing (not the contractor). All forms will be completed by UNVC (not the contractor). A team and all the industry 100% Option 100% confirmation of all commissioned systems will be required as noted below. • Mechanical equipment -100% • Lighting -100% • Panelboards -100% • Emergency electrical backup -100% • Plumbing fixtures -100% • Mixing valves -100% • Security access controls -100% • Electrical outlets -2 per circuit • Controls Point to Point -100% equipment to provide a more accurate and thorough commissioning effort. Operations and maintenance manuals and startup reports are delivered to UNVC prior to FAT. • Controls Sequence of Operations -100% • Test & Balance -100% Functional Acceptance UNVC will create Functional Acceptance Testing (FAT) forms. UNVC to witness the testing X Testing – Contractor performed by the contractor). All forms will be completed by the contractor. A 20% Performed confirmation of all systems will be required including main equipment, terminal equipment, 20% Option controls points, lighting controls, plumbing fixtures and equipment. UNVC to ensure Operations and Maintenance manuals and startup reports are delivered to UNVC prior to FAT. Point to Point Testing – 100% Option UNVC to provide point to point testing of the following systems at 100%. Record offsets needed for calibration. Proper Building Management Systems (BMS) integration to be verified. Analog outputs, analog inputs, digital outputs, and digital inputs will be tested. X UNVC | SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING TIERED SERVICES PROPOSAL PAGE | 4 % Activity Systems Commissioning Activity Description Enhanced 100% Basic 20% Notes Point to Point Testing – 20% Option UNVC to provide point to point testing of the following systems at 20%. Record offsets needed for calibration. Proper Building Management Systems (BMS) integration to be verified. Analog outputs, analog inputs, digital outputs, and digital inputs will be tested. X Sequence of Operations UNVC to review and test 100% of SOOs for all mechanical, plumbing, and electrical X (SOO) Testing – equipment. All main systems and pieces of equipment plus at least two terminal pieces of 100% Option each system must be tested. The controls contractor must be present. Verify and provide documentation (screen shots) that SOOs meet the intent of the OPR. Sequence of Operations UNVC to review and test 20% of SOOs for all mechanical, plumbing, and electrical equipment. X (SOO) Testing – All main systems and pieces of equipment plus at least two terminal pieces of each system 20% Option must be tested. The controls contractor must be present. Verify and provide documentation (screen shots) that SOOs meet the intent of the OPR. Retesting of Equipment and Systems UNVC to coordinate with contracting team retesting efforts. In the event of a failure, all parties to support the effort to investigate and provide a remediation path to be taken by the contracting team. Excessive retesting to be performed at the expense of the General Contactor via the Owner. X X Issues Resolution UNVC to provide timely assistance the project team members to aid in the resolution of deficiency, omissions, and non-conformance issues. UNVC will request relevant contractors to be present for site inspections. X X CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES Operations and Maintenance Manual Review UNVC to review the O&M manuals to ensure all systems and equipment have the proper manuals, submittals, and shop drawings, per the contract documents. • Construction documents (drawings & specifications) • Approved submittals of commissioned systems • As-Built drawings • As-Built sequence of operations • Design setpoints for all commissioned systems • Actual setpoints for all commissioned systems • Sensor recalibration maintenance schedule X X UNVC | SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING TIERED SERVICES PROPOSAL PAGE | 5 % Activity Systems Commissioning Activity Description Enhanced 100% Basic 20% Notes Training UNVC will review training agendas submitted and ensure that the training is sufficient, relevant, comprehensive, inclusive of connected systems. The training should include the following: • Emergency instruction and procedures • Operational instruction and procedures • Review of the related systems manuals • Purpose of equipment • Overview of related systems • Explanation of how equipment is controlled • Design requirements • Troubleshooting procedures • Indicators that the equipment is functioning correctly • Indicators that the equipment is not functioning correctly • Maintenance and inspections procedures • Repair procedures • Overview of related maintenance record logs X X Training Evaluation UNVC to administer a training evaluation based upon ASHRAE 0-2013 Appendix P. Results reported to the owner. Retraining costs may be borne by the contractor including compensation for professional wages lost as a result. X Systems Trending -4 Weeks UNVC to trend each system and major piece of equipment until a minimum of four weeks of clean, error free, issue free operations are demonstrated to verify proper operation. The following must be trended: • All main systems • Minimum of 10 terminal units • Minimum of 10 FCUs X Six Month Post Occupancy Review UNVC to facilitate a review of the commissioned systems with the design team, vendors, contracting team, building operators to review new issues, warranty issues, unresolved issues, etc. prior to the expiration of the warranty period. X X UNVC | SYSTEMS COMMISSIONING TIERED SERVICES PROPOSAL %PAGE | 6 % Activity Systems Commissioning Activity Description Enhanced 100% Basic 20% Notes Final Cx Report Material Final report to include the following. All drawing reviews, final Cx plan, Cx specifications, all site reports, all testing reports. • Executive summary • Unresolved issues • PFAT results • FAT results • Issues log • Cx meeting minutes • NETA Electrical Systems Testing Reports • Start Up reports • SOO & Point to Point reports • Static test forms • Trending reports • Owner training documents (agenda, forms, evaluation forms) • Cx design reviews • Cx submittal reviews • Final Cx plan X X Commissioning Completion UNVC to review the commissioning effort with the Owner, Building Operator, and Facilities Manager to ensure proper commissioning per the MEP commissioning contract. Owner must verify commissioning scope has been completed prior to final payment to Cx provider. X X 11 Month Warranty Review UNVC to attend if outstanding commissioning items remain. X Fee Proposal Enhanced Basic Notes Total Services Fee: $68,400 $48,800 Deduct for not commissioning electrical and plumbing. -$6,000 -$ 3,000 • UNVC to provide all testing equipment as it relates to the commission scope. Any test that UNVC is to witness the expectation is that the contractor will provide their own testing equipment. • UNVC to provide all testing equipment except for breaker testing, megger, hi-pot, continuity, mandrel. • UNVC will conduct visual inspections of installed electrical systems per NETA Acceptance Testing Specifications. • UNVC to provide 3 days advanced notice, 7 when possible, for all site visits. John Burningham 801.641.7270 jburningham@unvc.net Ohio Security Insurance Company Ohio Security Insurance Company Gregory Folino 05/15/2019 Utah New Vision Construction LLC 11350 E 18625 N Mount Pleasant, UT, 84647 Ohio Casualty Insurance Company Hiscox Insurance Company Inc. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CoverWallet, Inc. 100 Ave. of the Americas, Floor 16 New York, NY. 10013 NAME: CONTACT (A/C, No, Ext): PHONE (646) 844-9933 (A/C, No): FAX E-MAIL ADDRESS: customer.service@coverwallet.com INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER A : 24082 INSURED INSURER B : 24082 INSURER C : 10200 INSURER D : 24074 INSURER E : INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. OTHER: (Per accident) (Ea accident) $ $ N / A SUBR WVD ADDL INSD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. $ $ $ $PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY (Per accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOS ONLY AUTOSAUTOS ONLY NON-OWNED SCHEDULEDOWNED ANY AUTO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y / N WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below If yes, describe under ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ $ $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT ER OTH­STATUTE PER LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY) POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY) POLICY EFF POLICY NUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCELTR INSR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) EXCESS LIAB UMBRELLA LIAB $EACH OCCURRENCE $AGGREGATE $ OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ $PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $GENERAL AGGREGATE $PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $MED EXP (Any one person) $EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO­JECT LOC CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CERTIFICATE HOLDER HIRED AUTOS ONLY B ESO58801000 04/06/2019 15,000 2,000,000 X 300,000 A BLS58801000 1,000,000 D X 1,000,000 Liability (Each claim): $3,000,000 Liability (Aggregate): $3,000,000 X 05/01/2020 X 05/01/2019 1,000,000 2,000,000 UDC-2223204-EO-19Professional Liability X BAS58801000 2,000,000 X 05/01/2020 C 05/01/2020X 04/06/2020 05/01/2019 05/01/2019 2,000,000 © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD DATE(MM/DD/YYYY)CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 02/14/2019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER PAYCHEX INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 150 SAWGRASS DRIVE ROCHESTER, NY 14620 INSURED UTAH NEW VISION CONSTRUCTION LLC 11350 E 18625 S MOUNT PLEASANT, UT 84647 CONTACT Paychex Insurance Agency IncNAME: PHONE FAX877-266-6850 585-389-7426(A/C, NO. EXT): (A/C, No): E-MAIL Certs@paychex.comADDRESS: INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER A: OHIO SECURITY INSURANCE COMPANY 24082 INSURER B: INSURER C: INSURER D: INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF POLICY EXP LIMITS INSR WVD (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PROJECT LOC AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS AUTOS NON-OWNED HIRED AUTOS AUTOS UMBRELLA LIAB OCCUR EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITYA ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? Y/N (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES (Ea occurrence) MED EXP (Any one person) PERSONAL & ADV INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) BODILY INJURY (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE (Per accident) EACH OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE WC STATU­ TORY LIMITS OTH­ ER E.L. EACH ACCIDENT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 04/01/2019 04/01/2020XWS59526025 N N/A X 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, if more space is required) Project#W9128F-18-C-0011 Air Support Operations Center ASOC CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE HHI and Us Army Corps of Engineers 736 W Harrisville Road Ogden, UT 84404 ACORD 25 (2016/03) ©1988-2016 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD