HomeMy WebLinkAboutMoreton & CompanyBonneville Joint School District #93 2020 Renewal Annual Premium: $315,611 . All coverage will be provided b y ICRMP . ICRMP uses a co mposite rating model that does n ot accommodate d etailed premium breakdowns. For purposes of your Tort Levy, 50°/o of the premium is allocated to liability. Thank yo u for your continuing membership of the ISBA Insurance Plan. Please authorize us to issue the July 1, 2020 policies by signing/dating this form and returning it to us via email vicki@moreton.com Date 5 // 5 /-afJ I ISBA Insurance Plan Coverage Summary July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021 PROPERTY Section Vlimit of indemnification is $500,000,000 per occurrence and this limit is for all property coverages and all limits of indemnification combined for all public d b II . Ie ucat1on mem ers co ect1ve1v. I LIMITOFINSURING AGREEMENTS COVERAGE BASIS DEDUCTIBLEi INDEMNIFICATION 1. Buildings, Structures &Property, Mobile Equipment and Automobile Physical Damage: Sublimits: Claim Preparation Fees &Expenses $100,000 Per covered occurrence. The first $2,500 per occurrence is applicable to Section V, Insuring $2,500,000 or 25% of loss, Agreements 1and 2, exceptingDebris Removal Per covered occurrence.whichever greater flood and earth movement losses. Per covered occurrence and/or in the Annual Aggregate all Public Earthquake:The first $25,000 perEarthquake $62,500,000 Education members combined in this policy year. occurence. EmployeeNolunteer Property $50,000 Per accident. Per covered occurrence and/or in the aggregate for multiple Fine Arts $1,000,000 occurrences in this policy year. *Flood Type 1: The first $500,000Per Covered occurrence and/or in the Annual Aggregate all PublicFlood Type 1* $12,500,000 per building and first $500,000 perEducation members claims combined in this policy year. contents per covered occurrence. Per Covered occurrence and/or in the Annual Aggregate all Public **Flood Type 2: The first $25,000Flood Type 2** $62 ,500,000 Education members claims combined in this policy year. per occurrence. Per covered occurrence and/or in the aggregate for multiple$2,500,000Inadvertently Omitted Items occurrences in this policy year. Increased Cost of Construction $10,000,000 Per covered occurrence. Landscape Items Per covered occurrence. Newly Acquired Property $25,000 Per covered occurrence. Operational Disruption Expense $10,000,000/120 days $5,000,000 Per covered occurrence and includes sublimits as listed under heading. . Data Restoration $250,000 Per covered occurrence and included in $4,000,000 limit $1,000,000 Per covered occurrence and included in $4,000,000 limit• Extra Expense $500,000 Per covered occurrence and included in $4,000,000 limit . Leasehold Interest • Expediting Expense $1,000,000 Per covered occurrence and included in $4,000,000 limit Professional Fees $1 ,000,000 Per covered occurrence. Property in Course of Construction $5,000,000 Per covered occurrence. Property In Transit Per covered occurrence. Protection &Preservation of Property $1,000,000 Pe rcovered occurrence. Service Animals $250,000 Pe rcovered occurrence. Unmanned Aircraft (Drones) $25,000 Pe r covered occurrence. Valuable Papers and Records $50,000 Per covered occurrence.$1,000,000 Per covered occurrence and/or in the aggregate for multiple• Data Restoration Related to $250,000 occurrences in this policy year. Per item per covered occurrence and no more than $10,000,000 in Valuable Papers and Records $1,000,000Automobiles &Mobile Equipment annual aggregate for multiple items per occurrence while not in use. Water/Sewer Backup Per covered occurrence.$1,000,000 1 , (R iME INSURANCE Section VI limit of indemnification per occurrence is listed below. INSURING AGREEMENTS LIM IT OF INDEMNIFICATION COVERAGE BASIS DEDUCTIBLE 1. Employee Dishonesty 2. Loss Inside Premises 3. Loss Outside Premises $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 Per covered occurrence and in the aggregate for all claims annually Per covered occurrence and in the aggregate for all claims annually Per covered occurrence and in the aggregate for all claims annually The first $2,500 of any loss in this section. OCCURRENCE LIABILITY INSURING AGREEMENTS INDEMNIFICATION LIMIT FOR COVERED CLAIMS DEFENSE COST LIMIT FOR COVERED CLAIMS I I COVERAGE BASIS AUTO LIABILITY-SECTION VIII 1. Automobile Liability $3 ,000,000 $3 ,000,000 Per covered occurrence. 2. Automobile Medical Payments $5,000 $100,000 Not Applicable Each person . Each accident. 3. Uninsured I Under Insured Motorists $100,000 $30 0,000 Included in above Each person. Each accident. GENERAL LIABILITY-SECTION IX 1. General Liability $2 ,000,000 $3,000,000 Per covered occurrence. CLAIMS MADE LIABILITY INDEMNIFICATION LIMIT DEFENSE COST LIMITSECTION & INSURING AGREEMENTS COVERAGE BASISFOR COVERED CLAIMS FOR COVERED CLAIMS ERRORS &OMISSIONS LIABILITY -SECTION IX CLAIMS MADE COVERAGE $2,000 ,000 $3,000 ,0001. Errors and Omissions Per covered claim . EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LIABILITY -SECTION X CLAIMS MADE COVERAGE $2,000,000 $3,000,0001. Employee Benefits Liability Per covered claim . EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES LIABILITY -SECTION XI CLAIMS MADE COVERAGE $2,000 ,000 $3,000 ,000 Per covered claim . SEXUAL MOLESTATION/ABUSE LIABILITY-SECTION XII CLAIMS MADE COVERAGE 1. Employment Practices Liability $2 ,000,000 $3,000,000 Per covered claim . EDUCATOR'S LIABILITY -SECTION XIII CLAIMS MADE COVERAGE 1. Sexual Molestation/Abuse Liability $2,000 ,000 $3,000 ,000 Per covered claim . CHEMICAL SPRAYING ACTIVITIES LIABILITY -SECTION XIV CLAIMS MADE COVERAGE 1. Educator's Liability Per covered claim and/or in the aggregate $500,000 $500,000 for multiple claims.1. Chemical Spraying Activities Liability Annual Aggregate Indemnification Limit For Policy Period Listed For Sections Vii ,Viii, Ix, X, Xi, Xii, Xiii, Xiv And Applicable Insuring Agreements Within Section Xv Combined Is $10,000,000. Annual Aggregate Defense Cost Limit For Policy Period Listed For Sect ins Vii, Viii, Ix, X,Xi, Xii, Xiii, Xiv And Applicable Insuring Agreements Within Section Xv Combined Is $10,000,000. 2 I INSURING AGREEMENTS LIMITOF IN DEMNIFICATION DEFENSE COST LIMIT COVERAGE BASIS and/or AGGREGATE I DEDUCTIBLE 1. Accidental Discharge of Pollutants Amendatory Endorsement $100 ,000 Not applicable Per covered occurrence and/or in the aggregate for multiple claims. The first $2,500 of any loss for Endorsement #1. 2. Nuclear, Chemical or Biological Amendatory Endorsement $500,000 $500,000 Per covered occurrence and subject to annual aggregate. 3. Injunctive Relief Amendatory Endorsement CLAIMS MADE COVERAGE Retroactive Date: July 1, 2002 $0 $50,000 $100 ,000 Per covered claim. In the aggregate for multiple claims and subject to annual aggregate . 4. Attorney Consultation Reimbursement Amendatory Endorsement $1,500 $50,000 Not applicable Per claim . In the annual aggregate for all claims combined and subject to annual aggregate .. S. Cyber &Technology liability Amendatory Endorsement CLAIMS MADE COVERAGE Retroactive Date: July 1, 2015 Third Party Coverages 1.Media $1,000 ,000 2. Privacy &Cyber Security $1,000,000 3. Privacy Regulatory Defense, Awards &Fines $1,000 ,000 4.PCIDSS $500 ,000 Per Covered Claim and $4,000,000 First Party Coverages 1. Business Income 2. Extra Expense $1,000 ,000 $1,000 ,000 Included in limit of indemnification in the aggregate annually for all ICRMP Members Collectively insured by this Policy for multiple The first $2 ,500 of any loss for Endorsement #5 . 3. Data Recovery $1,000,000 claims . 4. Cyber-Extortion &Ransomware $1 ,000 ,000 S. Data Breach Response &Crisis Management $1 ,000,000 6. Dependent Business Interruption-System Failure $500 ,000 7. System Failure Loss of Business Income $500 ,000 8. System Failure Extra Expense $500 ,000 9. Social Engineering Financial Fraud $100,000 6. Students in Practicum Program Endorsement Included in Per covered occurrence and $1 ,000,000 limit of $2,000,000 in the aggregate for indemnification multiple occurrences. 7. ISBA Participating Provision Endorsement $0 Not applicable Per policy period. 8. Terrorism Liability Amendatory Endorsement Per covered occurrence and/or in $500 ,000 $500,000 the aggregate for multiple claims subject to annual aggregate. 9. Asbestos Remediation Amendatory Endorsement Included in Building Value as listed in Schedule ofValues Not applicable Pe r covered occurrence The first $2,500 of any loss for Endorsement# 9. 10. Active Assailant Amendatory Endorsement $250,000 Not appl icable Per covered occurrence and/or in the aggregate for multiple occurrences. 11 . Equipment Breakdown Endorsement 1.Spoilage $500,000 Per covered occurrence for each 2. Service Interruption $2,500,000 limit and sublimit as listed .This 3. Business Interruption $5 ,000,000 endorsement 's limit of ind em­ 4. Extra Expense 5. Expediting Expense 6. Hazardous Substance $1,000,000 $500,000 $1 ,000,000 Not applicable for endorsement nification is $100 ,000,000 per occurrence for all machinery breakdown coverages and all limits The first $2 ,500 of any loss fo r Endorsement #11. 7. Ammonia Contamination $500 ,000 of indemnification combined for 8. Electronic Data and Media $1 ,000,000 all public education members 9. CFC Refrigerants $100 ,000 collectively. 10. Computer Equipment $5,000,000 This is a coverage summary, not a legal contract. This summary is provided to help you understand your insurance program. It provides only a general description of insurance coverages and is not an insurance contract . Please refer to the actu al policies for specific te rms ,cond itions, limitations, and exclusions that will govern in the event of a loss. Specimen copies of all policies are available for review prior to the building of coverage. 3