HomeMy WebLinkAboutMatthew ThomasDo cuSign Enve lope ID : 88E7 1 CCE-CCFA-41 B4-80C8-70E4A2481 CFO BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT #93 Contractual Agreement with Matthew Thomas THIS AG REEM ENT e nte r ed into on June 25, 2020 between Bonneville Sc hool Di strict #93, here by known as the Di strict , h aving a prin cipal pla ce of busi ness at 3497 N . Ammon Road, Id aho Fall s, Id aho, and Matthew Thomas, he reby known as the Co ntractor, is for the sc hoo l year 2020-21. The following se rvice(s) r eq uested: Americ an Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter Date s of se rvice : beginning August 20, 2020 through June 1, 2021 De live r of service : Sign Language Interpret ing Services at a minimum of seven hours per day and a maximum of 40 hours per week at the rate of $47,004.00 annually to be paid in 12 monthly installments of $3,917.00 starting July 2020 -June 2021. Time she ets: To be submitted during the months that school is in session. Cont ract or requirements attached hereto are made a part of this co ntract . The parties agree th at th e Co ntractor is so l ely r espons ibl e for all costs and ex penses incurred in connection w ith the performance of those services described in this agreement unless noted above. 1. Th e Co ntractor ag r ees to provid e speec h/langua ge pathology and related services in accordance with the rule s a nd reg ul ations es t ab lished by the Idaho St ate Board of Educat ion as provided in Section 33-3 00 3, Ida ho Co de, as amended for exceptiona l st ud e nts living in this district . 2. Th e Contractor agrees to provid e edu ca tion and/or re lated services for identified student(s ) incl ud i ng: a. The app ropriate staff and oversight to imp lemen t IEP s for eac h student as determined by th e sc ho o l IEP team; b. Servi ces to th e st ud ents according to the sc hool dist rict's 2020-21 sc hool ca lend ar (attached), excludi ng emerge n cy sc hoo l clo sures or w hen a student is absent. 3. Th e Con tracto r further agrees to provid e the Di strict the foll owing: a. Se rvice s as aut horized in t he student's IEP /504; b. Other serv ices such as co nsu ltations and meetings; c. Ass urance that a ll work wi ll be performed in accordance with the h ig hes t professio nal sta ndards; d . A copy of th e servi ce provider's St aff Qualifications showin g professiona l cr edentials for the district's file s; e. Ve rifi cat ion all employee s who co m e into co ntact w ith the student have bee n subj ect to a cr iminal background check as required by Id aho Code 33 -130 and have been determined to not ha ve a cr imin al hi story incon sist ent with worki ng with children . Bonneville ]t. Schoo l Di strict -Service Prov id er Ag r eementPage 1 DocuSig n Envelope ID: 88E7 1CCE-CCFA-41 B4-80C8-70E4 A248 1C FO f . Daily completion of the District's report as a means of written documentation for service days, times and results of services provided for each student, as per the IEP. g. Submission of billing to Special Services for services provided within 30 days of the date of the service provided. Additional hours will be compensated at the same rate, provided that the additional hours, over and above those stated, have received prior written approval of the Director of Special Services. All invoices should be numbered and dated showing the dates and hours of service provided for each student. h. Certificate of Liability In surance. i. Proof of Worker's Compen sation coverage . 4. If the student is no longer receiving services from the Contra ctor for any rea son, the Contractor shall inform the Di strict, and the obligation of the District to pay for service s will cea se as of the la st day of service provided . S. The Contractor and the District agree to comply with all pertinent statues of the State of Idaho and such rules and regulation s as the State Board of Education may legally prescribe , which are by reference incorporated in and made a part of this Contract as though set forth herein . 6. The Di strict assures that health-related servi ces or program placement will begin after having conducted an IEP team meeting to develop an IEP . The Contractor, at the Di strict's discretion, may request or attend subsequent IEP team m eetings to revi se the student's IDP, but a Di strict representative must participate in all such meetings. 7. The Di strict will pay the Contractor based on submis sion of an invoice with documentation as described in 3.g. 8. The Di strict will provide documentation nece ss ary for the Contractor to carry out the portion of the IEP that falls under Contractor re sponsibility. 9. Th e Di strict may terminate this Agreement immed iately if the Di strict determines that th e Contractor has willfully violated any statutory requirement or governme nt regulation or the services related to this Agreement are modified or terminated for a student. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon providing 30 days written notice to the other party. 10. Contra ctor shall be solely liable for any los ses or damages re sulting from performance of any of the se rvice s covered by this Agreement. Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless th e Di strict from any liability, including, but not limited to, co st , expenses , and attorney fe es, re sulting from Contractor's performance of the services provided under this Agreement. Proof of liability in surance with Bonneville School Di strict #93 listed as an "additional insured" shall be submitted to the Di stri ct within ten (10) days of the date of this Agreem e nt. Matthew Thomas agrees that as an independent co ntractor it is not eligible for district benefits of any ki nd . Matthew Thomas also agrees to m ai ntain liability insurance in th e minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 and worker's compen satio n coverage for its employees. If Matthew Thomas does not have worker's compensation, Matthew Thomas will pay$ .SS for every$ 100 billed. This will be deducted in the invoice. Bonn eville Jt. Sc h ool District -Service Provider Agr ee m entPage 2 DocuSign Envelope ID: 88E71CCE-CCFA-41B4-80C8-70E4A2481CFO I N WITNESS WHEREOF , the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed in t heir names by 25th June their proper officia ls pursuant to approval of their respective boards on this day of ____, 2020. Matthew Cornell Thomas Agency Name DocuSigned by: Matthew Cornell Thomas 117 east main st #A Rigby Idaho 83442 Address Bonnevi ll e Jt. School District -Service Provider AgreementPage 3