HomeMy WebLinkAboutDevelopment Workshop 2015-16Developrnent Workshop, Inc. District-To-Agency Contract For Special Education Students Whercas, pursuant to P.L. I 0l -476, the lndividuals wirh Disabilities Education Act ([DEA), local school districts are responsible for providing a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to children who are eligible for special education and related services, and Whereas, Idaho Code i3-2004 sers fonh provisions whereby school districts may provide FAPE to special education studcnts through a contract with an agency approved by the State Depanment of Education. Therefore, Derelopment llorkshop, 1nc., located in Bonneville County. hereinafter relerred to as tho Agency, and School Districl No.93 hereinafter referred to as the Districf agree to the following for the 201 5-2016 school years. l. The agency agrees to provide special education services in accordance with the following state and federal lau's and regulations: Idaho Code; ldaho State Board of Education Regulations penaining to special education; the Individuals wirh Disabilities Education Actl Part 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 300.300-300.349 and 300.400- 300.576; Section 504 of the Rehabilitarion Act. Parr 104 of the Code of Federal Regulations. and the Famill. Educational Rights aad Privacy Act. These Regulations include, but are not limired to, provisions relating to: FAPE Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Personnel that Meet Appropriate Standards lndividualized Education Program ( IEP) Parent Participation Procedural Safeguards Protection in Evaluation Procedures Confi dentiality ol Information Nondiscrimination ofthe Basis of Disabitity 2. The Agency agrees to provide the follorving education and./or training programs fbr specia[ education students: Sciool-To-ll/ork trtm.sitional scnices including but not limiled to pre-cmploynent training, career expk ration, sk l det'elopment thruugh poid and unpaid work etperience. Scope ol service vill be set out i the indbiduol student's IEP and agency progrunt plan. 3. The agencv funher agrees ro provide the District rhe following:a, The daily attendance of each student at times requested by rhe District bur not less frequently than quaflerly: b. Other ongoing progress reports that the Agency uses to monitor each student,s progress toward IEP goals and objeclives; andc. Verification that the Aqency personnel responsible for providing special education and rerated services meet the highest enrry revel statt sandards fbr the appropriate occupation category.d. Verification rhat the agency is an SDE Special Education approved school/facility. 4. Ifthe child is no longer receiving services ofthe Agency for any reason, the Agency shallso inform the Districr- and the obligation of the District ro pay for ihe child,s education/training program shall be affected as follows: To he billedlor hours atteruled. 5. The Agency and the District agree to comply and abide by all pertinent statutes of the state of Idaho, and such rures and regulations as the State Board of Education mav legally prescribe, which are, by reference, incorporated in and made a pan of this Contract as though set fonh herein. Summary Page District-To-Agency Contract For Special Education Students School District: School District Director of Special Education ContractingAgency: Delelopment Workshop, lnc. 555 West 25'n Srreer Idaho Falls, lD 83401 Agency Contact Person:Lori Centillon, Vice-President of Rehabi litation District Contact Person: Karen Johnson District to Agency Contract Page 3 of3