HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-13-2020 Minutes Board Retreat-Regular Meeting-Executive SessionDr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Superintendent 3497 North Ammon Road, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 83401  (208) 525-4400  Fax (208) 557-6800  www.d93schools.org Board of Trustees  Amy Landers  Chad Dance  Greg Calder  Paul Jenkins  Scott Lynch Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 is an Equal Opportunity Employer Board Retreat/Regular Meeting/Executive Session July 13, 2020 3:00 PM/8:00PM/After Regular Meeting Thunder Ridge High School 4941 E 1st Street Idaho Falls, ID 83401 I. Board Retreat A. Welcome Chairman Amy Landers welcomed administration to the meeting. B. Call to Order Chairman Landers called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. C. Roll Call Chad Dance present GregCalder present Paul Jenkins present Scott Lynch present Amy Landers present Others in attendance were Superintendent Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme, Executive Director Jason Lords, Executive Director Heath Jackson, Chief Financial Officer/Operations Guy Wangsgard, D93 News Samantha Williams and Board Clerk Mary Hansen. D. Action Items 1. Approve/Amend Agenda Chairman Amy Landers stated pursuant to Idaho Code 74-204(4)(a) by amending the agenda to add Reopening Planning under Straegic Planning. The item was received this afternoon and is time sensitive. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to amend the agenda as presented. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. E. D93 Strategic Planning Chairman Landers invited Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme to introduce meeting topics 1. Improvement Plan Dr. Woolstenhulme reviewed the mission and vision statements with the Board: designing success for every student by building confidence and increasing literacy, creating a foundation for students to feel safe, connected and cared for at school, and providing a clean and fun environment where core practices and beliefs are respected and taught. The district’s key goals which matter most is that all students can read and graduate from high school and readiness benchmarks are reached for math and ELA as students move from elementary to middle school to high school. The 2019-2020 goals were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with data missing. For the past year the focus has been what are the right things for the district and staying consistant of purpose, policy, and practice. The four cournerstones – integrity, positivity, learning and literacy, and teamwork – align with core beliefs, fosters a culture of collaboration, and focuses on essentials. Team goals for 2020-2021 will grow from these cornerstones: building professional capacity; align policies, practices and resouces; continue to foster culture built on key cornerstones, and continue frequent and clear communication and visibility to staff, students and community. Discussion items included new expectations required for certified staff to instruct both in the classroom and online; understanding the importance of students earning college credits in high school and on-hands training for at risk students; and providing parent refresher resouces for helping students learn online, at home and have successful homework, etc. 2 a. High School Graduation Requirements The State requires 48 hgih school credits to earn a high school diploma; Bonneville Joint School District 93 requires 60 high school credits to earn a high school diploma. To reach the goal of all students graduating from high school, discussion included offering two diplomas: first, a diploma for students reaching the state requirements of 48 credits; and second, a diploma for students who earn 60 credits as required by the district. Trimester scheduling can affect how credits are earned and having two options would help transfer students. b. Repoening Planning for 2020-2021 (added with amended agenda) Dr. Woolstenhulme stated the district plan correlates with the guidance from Eastern Idaho Public Helath (EIPH) which are pleased with the district’s plan moving forward. This reopening plan was drafted by district administration, school principals, transportation, maintenance and food service supervisors, BEA leadership, and following EIPH and CDC guidelines. The reopening plan includes four phases relating to the level of risk - Minimal, Moderate, High and Critical: Phase 1: Schools Reopen for all Students with Additional Precuations Phase 2: Schools Reopen with Alternating Day Schedule Phase 3: Schools Reopen with Students Attending One Day a Week Phase 4: Soft Closure with Online Learning for all Students All phases include organization and scheduling, family resposnsibilities, staff responsibilities, classroom instruction and learning, school transportation, cafeteria and school lunches, and non-essential school activites. Other discussion topics were: • Quarentine procedures for staff and students • Attendance policy revisions • Mondays for instructional planning • Instruction and learning for ill students • How to calculate instructional hours • Social distancing on busses and in cafeterias • Work hours and responsibilities for classified employees • Availability of electronic devices for students • Who mandates wearing masks in classrooms? • Daily and continued sanitation • IHSAA sponsored activities • Substitute teachers • Emergency leave; paid time off • School club planning for protective measures • Public input and surveys 2. Facility & Levy Planning a. 12-Year Facilities Plan Homebuilding continues to develop within district boundaries. Once again, the challenge is raised between building for growth vs. ongoing cost for maintaining current asset management for facilities. In relation to the plant and facility levy, how would we evaluate our buildings for the upcoming levy election? b. Levy Rate Planning Chairman Landers invited Guy Wangsgard to present info on levy rate. Mr. Wangsgard stated that the prelimnary market growth value is at 17%, with 3% for new construciton and 14% inflation. Our current levy rate exceeds the statutory rate for bond money and the district cannot not maintain the current rate in the future unless a defeasement fund is created to hold money in escrow for future bond payments. The district is required to certify taxes with the county in September. Due to growth rates and decrease in state funding, discussion focused on the $1.5M emergency levy for this next year. Both the supplemental levy ($2.6M) and the plant & facility levy ($2.8M) are up for election this next year. Many districts are reviewing and considering lowering their levy rates. In all future levy or bond elections, statutory language will include the tax levy amounts projected for the voters. March 2021 election could include new elementary school bond, and the supplemental and plant and facility levies. 3 c. Committees – moved to a future meeting 1) Facility Committee 2) Financial Committee Chairman Landers recessed the meeting at 7.55 p.m to prepare to enter Regular meeting. II. Regular Meeting - 8:00 p.m. A. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Amy Landers. B. Prayer was offerend by Heath Jackson. C. Call to Order Chairman Landers called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. D. Roll Call Chad Dance present Greg Calder present Paul Jenkins present Scott Lynch present Amy Landers present Chairman Landers stated that patrons can access public input via the district webpage through written comment. She stated that due to their sensitive nature, complaints about personnel or an individual student must be submitted in accordance to Board Policy 4112 Uniform Grievance. Grievance forms (4112F1) are found on the District’s home webpage www.d93schools.org under School Board tab – Board Policies. E. Action Items 1. Approve/Amend Agenda MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve the Agenda. Paul Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. 2. Consent Calendar Chairman Landers asked if any Board Member would like to remove any item from the Consent Calendar to the Regular Agenda. Hearing none, she asked if any Board Member had any questions with regard to the Consent Calendar and asked for a motion to approve the Consent Calendar. MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Greg Calder seconded. Motion carried. a. Minutes of Previous Meetings 1) Executive Session 06-10-2020 2) Budget & Fee Hearing/REgular Meeting 06-10-2020 3) Work Session 06-17-2020 b. Financial 1) Accounts Payable $8,204,618.95 2) Capital Construction Projects Report 3) Surplus Items 4) Contracts a) Panorama Green Contractual Agreement 20-21 b) Riverside Service Group Contractual Agreement 20-21 c) Matthew Thomas (ASL) Contractual Agreement 20-21 d) Michelle Anderson (Speech Pathology) Contractual Agreement 20-21 e) The Learning Center Contractual Agreement 20-21 c. Employees 1) Conditional Employment 2) Category 1 Rehires 4 3) Retiree Contracts 4) Certified Personnel Contracts FY20-21 a) FY21 Administrator Contracts b) FY21 Category 2 Certified Contracts c) FY21 Category 2, $1,000 Certified Contracts d) FY21 Category 3 Certified Contracts e) FY21 Category 3, $700 Certified Contracts f) FY21 Category 3, $1,000 Certified Contracts g) FY21 Continuing Certified Contracts h) FY21 Continuing, $700 Certified Contracts i) FY21 Continuing, $1,000 Certified Contracts j) FY21 Retired Certified Contracts 5) Alternative Authorizations 6) Resignations and Terminations 7) Retirements 8) Transfers 9) Stipends d. Students 1) Trip Requests a) HHS Tournament Travel Requests 2020-2021 b) HHS - Yearbook - Boise, ID from 07-23-2020 to 07-25-2020 c) HHS - Football - Driggs, ID from 07-29-2020 to 07-30-2020 F. Public Input Chairman Landers stated, pursuant to Board Policy #4105 Public Participation in Board Meetings Public Input shall be held to a maximum of 1 hour and will provide an opportunity for any Board Member, administrator, staff member, student, or patron to raise issues of interest. The Board will receive such input without comment, except to ask germane questions of those speaking. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. The Board will take no action relative to any items during the meeting, but may direct the Superintendent to consider such an item at a subsequent meeting. Online submissions read aloud by Board Clerk: Toni Mann – submitted comment re: reopening planning for students and teachers. Chris Del Grande – submitted comment re: effects of COVID-19 on faculty, students, and community G. Administrative Reports/Informational Items 1. Proposed Policy for Initial Consideration a. 3050 Attendance Policy Chairman Landers invited Jason Lords to present policy for initial consideration. In compliance with COVID-19 health department guidelines, policy 3050 Attendance needs revisions in relation to instruction in the classroom and/or remote learning, both of which count twoards instructional time. 3050P Attendance Procedures will also be revised to correlate with the policy revisions. 2. Policy Notifications Chairman Landers invited Jason Lords to present updates to policy references. He informed the Board that the cross references were udated per ISBA recommendation.. H. Action Items 1. Proposed Policy for 30-day Review (first reading) a. 2540 Selection and Adoption of Curricular Materials Chairman Landers invited Jason Lords to present policy for 30 day review. Mr. Lords stated this polciy needs to be approved prior to the start of school. It is on course to be finalized in August 2020. He stated new veribage was added relating to dual credit courses and procedures for purchasing curriculum. 5 MOTION: Greg Calder moved to post policy 2540 Selection and Adoption of Curricular Materials for 30-day review. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. 2. Ridge View Div 2: Lots 1 & 2 Chairman Landers invited John Pymm to present information regarding sale of Ridge View Div 2 lots. Mr. Pymm stated that after a price was negotiated for Ridge View Division 2 Lots 1 & 2, Bonneville County planning and zoning and the Iona Bonneville Sewer District required sewer hookups in undeveloped areas. With this added cost to the purchaser/landowner, the sale price was renegotiated and reduced the cost $5K per lot. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to accept addendum reducing purchase price for Ridge View Div. 2 Lots 1 & 2 sale. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. 3. Director of Facilities Recommendation Chairman Landers invited Heath Jackson to present recommendation for Director of Facilities. Mr. Jackson stated there was many interested in this position and held six interviews. He recommended to offer the position to John Pymm on a retired adminstrative contract. John’s experience with capital projects was key in the reccomendation. MOTION: Paul Jenkins moved to approve recommendation to hire John Pymm as the Director of Facilities. Chad Dance seconded. Mr. Jackson explained a retired certified contract. Motion carried. 4. School Reopening Plan Chairman Landers invited Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme to present Reopening Plan for 2020-2021 school year. The right thing to do is to open schools this fall. Dr. Woolstenhulme stated the district’s main responsibility is to provide an educational experience for all public school studnts. There is not a perfect plan; however, the district has followed the Eastern Idaho Public Health (EIPH) and the CDC guidleines in the reopening draft. This plan includes four Phases, all of which are determined by the number of active cases of COVID-19 in Bonneville County. The district could move from phase to phase as the number of cases flucuates. If a student is tested positive for the virus, then all students in close contact will also be quartenined for 14 days. If a teacher is tested positive, the class will have a substitute for 14 days. Quarentined students will continue in their studies remotely. In genreal, Mondays will be a remote learning day for all levels and prep time for teachers. All phases have specific family and staff responsibilities and precautions will be made on busses and in the cafeteria. Masks and personal water bottles are encouraged; students will need backpacks to keep personal items in one place. For any illnesses, a student or staff member are required to stay home for at least 72 hours. Seating arrangments and disinfection are top proirty in classrooms. School dances, after school music programs, and field trips will be cancelled until after winter break at minimum. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to tentatively approval Reopening Plan for 20-21 for as presented for public input. Paul Jenkins seconded. Motion carried. 5. ISBA Resolution Chairman Landers invited Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme to present ISBA Resolution. Idaho Code §33-205 requires school boards to expel all students who bring a weapon on school ground regardless of age, understanding or intent. The resolution would revise this statute that school boards should have local autonomy to determine whether to expel a student due to age, maturity, cognitive levelo or intent. Other school districts in Idaho agree with this revision. MOTION: Greg Calder moved to approve resolution to be submitted to ISBA. Chad Dance seconded. Motion carried. 6. Hard-to-Fill Positions Chairman Landers invited Heath Jackson to present info on Hard-to-fill positions. Mr. Jackson stated there are no hard-to-fill positions to take action on at this meeting. I. Call for Agenda Items for Upcoming Meetings Special Meeting to be held July 29, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the TRHS PAC to hear public input on the reopening plan, levy planning, and faciliy and finacial committees 1. Board Retreat - Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - PLC Building - 3:00 p.m. 2. Regular Meeting - Wednesday, August 12, 2020 - Thunder Ridge HS - 7:00 p.m. 3. Work Session - Wednesday, August 26, 2020 - Thunder Ridge HS - 11:30 a.m. 4. Regular Meeting - Wednesday, September 9, 2020 - Thunder Ridge HS - 7:00 p.m. 6 III. Executive Session - Following Regular Meeting A. Action Items 1. Executive Session a. Chairman Amy Landers stated that tThe Board will enter into Executive Session pursuant to Idaho Code 74-206(b) To consider the evaluation, dismissal or disciplining of, or hear complaints or charges brought against an employee or staff member. The Executive Session will be closed to the public as permitted by law. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to enter into executive session for the reason stated. Greg Calder seconded. The roll call vote was: b. Roll Call Vote Chad Dance yes Greg Calder yes Paul Jenkins yes Scott Lynch yes Amy Landers yes The Board entered Executive Session at 10:00 pm. B. Discussion Items 1. Employee N2020 Dr. Scott Woolstenhulme updated the Board on Employee N2020. IV. Action Items A. Adjourment Chairman Landers adjourned the meeting at 10:03 p.m. MOTION: Chad Dance moved to adjourn. Scott Lynch seconded. Motion carried. APPROVED: ______________________________________ Chairman ATTESTED: _______________________________________ Clerk DATE: ___________________________________