HomeMy WebLinkAboutGail KislingDocu Sign Envelope ID : 4893CF55-8D72-4045-8D03-AF9FDF9129FC BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT #93 Contractual Agreement with Gail A. Kisling. THIS AGREEMENT entered into on August 4, 2020 between Bonneville School District #93, hereby known as the District, having a principal place of bu sines s at 3497 N. Ammon Road , Idaho Falls , Idaho, and Gail Kisling, hereby known as the Contractor, is for the school year 2020-21 . Th e following service(s) requested: Speech and Language Therapy Date s of service: beginning August 20, 20209 through June 30, 2021 Rates for service : $62 .00 per hour Contractor requirements attached hereto are made a part of this contract. Th e parties agree that the Contractor is solely responsible for all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the performance of those servi ces described in this agreement unless noted above . 1. The Contractor agrees to provide speech/language pathology and related services in accordance with the rules and regulations establi shed by the Idaho State Board of Education as provided in Section 33 -3003 , Idaho Code , as amended for exceptional students living in this district. 2. The Contractor agrees to provide education and/or related service s for identified student(s) including: a. The appropriate staff and oversight to implement IEPs for ea ch student as determined by the school IEP team ; b. Services to the stud ents ac cording to the school district's 2020-21 school calendar, excluding emergen cy sch o ol clo sures or when a student is absent. 3. The Contractor further agree s to provide the District the following : a. Services as authorized in the student's IEP / 504; b. Other service s such as co nsultations and meeti ng s; c. Assurance that all work w ill be performed in accordance with the highest professional standards ; d . A copy of the servi ce prov id er's Staff Qu alifications showing professional credentials for the d istrict's files; e. Verification all employee s who com e into contact with the student have been subject to a criminal bac kground ch ec k as required by Idaho Code 33-130 and have been determined to not ha ve a criminal history inconsistent with working with children. f . Daily compl etion of the Di strict's report as a means of written documentation for service days, times and re sults of serv ice s provided for each student, as per the IEP . g. Submission of billing to Special Services for services provided within 30 days of the date of the service provided. Additional hours will be compensated at the same rate, provided that the additional hours, over and above those stated, have received prior Bo nn evill e Jt. Sch ool Di st r i ct -Se rvice Provider Ag reementPage 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4893CF55-8D72-4045-8D03-AF9FDF9129FC written approval of the Director of Special Services. All invoices should be numbered and dated showing the dates and hours of service provided for each student. h. Certificate of Liability Insurance. i. Proof of Worker's Compen sation coverage . 4. If the student is no longer receiving services from the Contractor for any reason , the Contractor shall inform the Distri ct , and the obligation of the Di st rict to pay fo r se rvices will cease as of the last day of se rvice provided . S. The Contractor and the Di strict agree to comply with all pertinent statues of the State of Idah o and such rul es and regulation s as the State Board of Education ma y legally pre scribe, which are by reference incorporated in and made a part of this Contract as though se t forth he r ein . 6. The District assures that health-related se rvices or program pla ce m ent will begin after having conducted an IEP team mee ting to develop an IEP. The Contractor, at the Di st rict 's discretion, ma y req uest or attend subsequent IEP team meetings to revise the student's IDP , but a District repre sentative mu st participate in all such meetings. 7. The Di strict will pay the Contractor ba se d on submission of an invoice with docum en tation as described in 3.g. 8. The Di stri ct will provide documentation necess ary for the Contractor to carry out the portion of the IEP that falls under Contractor re sp onsibility. 9. The District may terminate this Agreem ent immediately if the District determines that the Contractor has willfully violated any statutory r equirement or government r egulation or the services related to this Agreement are modified or terminated for a st udent. Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon providing 30 days written notice to the other party. 10. Contractor shall be so lely liable for any losses or damages resulting from performance of any of the se rvices covered by this Agreement . Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the District from any liability, including, but not limited to, cost, expen ses, and attorney fees, re sulting from Contractor's performance of the services provided unde r this Agreement. Proof of liability insurance with Bonne ville School Di strict #93 listed as an "additional in sured" shall be submitted to the District within ten (10) day s of the date of this Agreement. The co ntractor agrees that as an i ndependent contractor they are not eligible for d is trict benefits of any kind. The contractor al so agree s to maintain liability in surance in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 and wo rker's compensation cov erage for its employees . If the contractor does not have worker's co mpensation, the con tractor wi ll pay$ .SS for every$ 100 billed . Thi s will be deducted i n the in voice. IN W ITNE SS WHEREOF, the parties hereto ha ve caused this in strument to be executed in thei r nam es by their proper officials pursuant to approval of their re spect ive board s on this 4th da y of august 2020. l~uSigned by: ~~ Bonneville jt. School Di s trict -Service Prov id er AgreementPage 2 DocuSign Envelope 10 : 4893CF55-8072-4045-8003-AF9FDF9129FC Superintendent/Designee Signature Bonneville Jr. School District #93 J&!.t.,Ii-~ D_,CDUSi~pu1idrt0Yt9 3 ~l ksLl!A.1 ~35i~~.IX078E6445 ... Gail Kisling Agency Name Gail M. Kisling M.S.,CCC-SLP 3378 Leroy Dr. Idaho Falls, Id 83406 Address Bonneville Jt. School District -Se rvice Provider AgreementPage 3