HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT TransportationDocuSign Envelope ID: 2C9AA538-E4 83-41D9-8032-146425194EDE BONNEVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT #93 Contractual Agreement with CT Transportation THI S AGREE MENT entered int o on August 13, 2020 between Bo nneville School District #93, he reby kno w n as t he Distri ct , ha v in g a p rinc ipa l place of business at 3497 N. Am m on Ro ad , Id aho Falls, Idaho, and CT Transportation, hereby kn ow n as t he Co ntractor, is for the school ye a r 2020-21. Th e foll owin g se rv ic e(s ) requ es t ed: Transportati on for 18-21 year o ld Transition Program Dat es of service: beg in n ing August 26, 2020 through June 30, 2021 Rat es: $2,834.00 per trimester* *closures due to reaching phase 4 of opening will result in the trimester paym ent be i ng reduced by 47$ per day the program is closed to stude nts and transportation is unable to be provi ded . Field trips -$4.20 for first mile and $1 .50 per mile traveled after t hat. Co ntrac t or req ui re ments at tached he r eto are made a part o f t h is cont r act. Th e parti es agree that the Cont rac t or is sol ely respons ibl e for all co st s and expenses incurred in co nn ec tio n w ith the perfo rmance of th ose serv ices desc r ibed in this agreemen t un less noted above. 1. The Co ntractor agrees to provide Transportati on in accordance w ith the rules and regu lations esta bl ished by t he Ida ho St at e Board of Education as provi ded in Section 33-3003, Id aho Code, as ame nd ed for exce ptiona l students living in this district . 2. Th e Co ntractor furth er agrees to provide the District t he foll owi ng: a. Ass urance th at all work will be performed in acc o rda nce with the highest profess ional st anda r ds; b. Verification all employees who come into con t act with the students have been subject to a crimina l backgro u nd check as required by Id aho Code 33-130 and have been d et ermi ned to not have a cri minal history inco nsis tent with working with children . c. Submission of billing to Special Services for services provided within 30 days of the date of the service provi ded . All i nvoices should be numbered and dated showing the dates and hours of service. d. Cert ifica t e of Li ab ility Ins u rance. e. Proof of Worker's Com pe nsation coverage. 3. Th e Con t ract or and t he Dist ri ct agree to comp ly with all pe rtinent statues of the St at e of Idaho and such ru les and reg u lations as t he State Board of Educa t io n may legally prescribe, which are by r ef erence in co rpora t ed in and made a part of this Con t ract as t hough set forth herein. 4. The District wi ll pay the Con t ractor based on submission of an i nvoice with d ocumentation as descri bed in 2.c. 5. Th e Dist r ict ma y t e rm inate this Agreement immediate ly if t he District determines that the Contractor h as w illfu lly vio lated any statutory requ i rement or government regulation or the serv ices related t o th is Agreement are m odi fie d or t er mina ted for a student. Ei t her party may Bonnevill e Jt. School Di strict -Service Provider AgreementPage 1 DocuSign Envelope ID : 2C9AA538-E483-4109-8032-1 46425194 EDE terminate this Agreement without cau se upon providing 30 days written not ice to the other party. 6. Cont r actor shall be so lely li a bl e for any losses or damages re sulting from performance of an y of the services covered by this Agreement . Cont r actor sha ll indemnify and hold ha r mless the Di strict from any liability, incl uding, but not limited to, cost, expen ses, and attorney fees , r esu lti ng fro m Contractor's pe rfo r mance of t he services provided unde r this Agre ement. Proof of liabil ity in suran ce w it h Bo nn eville Sc hool Dist ri ct #93 listed as an "addi t ional in sured" shall be submitted t o t he Di strict within ten (10) days of t he da t e of this Agreement . The contractor agrees t hat as an independent contractor it is not el ig ible for district ben efits of any kind . The contractor also agrees to maintain liability insurance in the minimu m amount of $1,0 00,000.00 and wo rker's compen sation co v erage for its emp loyees. If The contractor does not have wo rk er's compensation, the contractor w ill pay$ .SS for every$ 100 billed. Thi s will be d edu cte d in the in voice. IN W ITNESS W HEREOF, the parties hereto ha ve ca use d t hi s inst r u ment to be executed in their name s by thei r proper officials pursuant to approval of their respecti ve board s on th is 13 th day of au gust , 2020. rauSigned by: ~~~ Booo"HI ' Jc. S<hool Oi.icict 1193 ~ f/b,i~ Pm ·om:uSigfktdc~? cw H~_chad Harri g­-feld -­ ont ra ~z;J~~ff7g1 4A4ES ... Age ncy Name CT Tra nspo rt at ion 65 79 eas t 1 1 3 no r t h Idaho Fa l ls Idaho 83401 Address Bo nne vill e Jt. Sch ool Di s tric t - Se rvi ce P rovid er Ag reem e ntPage 2